Megami Tensei Wiki

Zap is a demon in the series.


Zap's name derives from the colloquial meaning of the word "Zap," which is "kill" and "attack."



Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

"An original demon appearing in "Ibunroku," it's a zombie who looks like a construction site worker. Its name derives from the colloquial meaning of the word "Zap," which is "kill" and "attack." As its name implies, Zap walks around the city armed with an axe attacking humans."
—Persona World

Zap is the second highest-leveled Grave demon in the game, behind only Zombie Painter. It has no inheritable skills. Despite wielding an axe, its drop item is the Kenkonseki weapon, which is a spear.


Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

Zap Persona
Order Type Subtype Level HP SP Drops
Grave Force Curse 35 350 190 Kenkonseki
MAtk MDef
Strength 26
Vitality 25
Dexterity 27
Agility 27
Luck 15
71 49
Traits Foolish, Snappish
1h 2h Sp Ax Wp Th Ar Fs HG MG SG Ri Te Ru
14 14 14 14 14 14 Nu Nu Nu Nu 14 14
Fi Ic Wi Er El Nc Bl Gr Ex Mi De Cu Nr ???
2.5× 2.5× Nu Nu Nu -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Virus Bite Light Rush damage+Sick (1 foe)
Poison Breath Medium Nerve damage+Poison (area)
Destruction Smash Heavy Axe damage (1 foe)

Night Jahi - Tlazolteotl - Succubus - Incubus - Hi No Enma - Pairika - Lilim - Nightmare - Nacht Kobold - Hypnos
Yoma Ganesha - Xiuhtecuhtli - Tengu - Cupid - Jinn - Haokah - Gandharva - Agathion
Fairy Oberon - Titania - Sumizome - Polisun - Dark Elf - Rusalka - Pyro Jack - Jack Frost - Pixie
Divine Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Adramelech - Paimon - Barbatos - Berith - Alastor - Eligor - Malphas - Nisroc - Ukobach
Snake Ouroboros - Culebre - Otohime - Mizuchi - Naga - Nozuchi - Yato no Kami
Drake Fafnir - Crom Cruach - Mushus - Kiyohime - Phunbaba - Wyvern - Cockatrice
Flight Rukh - Aello - Celaeno - Ocypete - Tuofei - Ba
Raptor Hresvelgr - Alecto - Tisiphone - Megaera - Moh Shuvuu
Beast Gdon - Selket - Orthrus - Genkurou - Nekomata - Cu Sith - Cait Sith
Wilder Fenrir - Mangadhai - Catoblepas - Scylla - Tesso - Black Widow - Cath Palug - Nue - Afanc
Femme Rangda - Dakini - Salome - Arachne - Nemesis - Iwate - Siren - Yomotsu-Shikome
Brute Yaksa - Purski - Yaksini - Picollus - Tokebi - Hannya - Ihika
Jirae Ubelluris - Kwancha - Duergar - Kobold - Leprechaun - Knocker
Jaki Hecatonchires - Girimehkala - Rakshasa - Ocelot - Yog Sothoth Jr - Sarashina-hime - Ogre - Gremlin
Haunt Miyasudokoro - Vetala - Druj - Yaka - Carrie - Enku - Fuji Musume - Preta
Spirit Legion - Kuchisake-Onna - Hanako - Bukimi - Dribbler - Ghost - Quicksilver - Poltergeist
Grave Zombie Painter - Zap - Teketeke - Zombie Cop - Zombie Nurse - Zombie Boy - Zombie Girl - Mr. Zombie
Foul Grimies - Shadow - Mr. Bear - Doppelgänger - Anatomy - Kokkuri - Yakuza - Hoodlum - Slime
Karma Lady Masquerade - Pride - Sloth - Wrath - Envy - Greed - Lust
Meta Kandori - M.I.B. - Harem Queen - Takeda - Agent - Secret Police
Fiend Alice - God Kandori
Lady / Reaper Hariti - Thanatos
Deity / Tyrant Queen Ashura - Pandora - Lady Snow - Saurva - Thanatos