Xiuhtecuhtli, also known as Ixcozauhqui and Cuezaltzin, is a deity from Aztec lore. Believed to be the personification of light in the darkness, food during famine, life after death and warmth in the cold, he is the Lord of Turquoise, time and the year, creator of all life and was both mother and father of the gods. Married to Chalchiuhtlicue, Xiuthecuhtli is said to have a female counterpart named Chantico. He is sometimes considered to be the same as Huehueteotl and Ometeotl. The nagual (spirit form) that represents him is the fire serpent known as Xiuhcoatl.
"The god of fire in Aztec lore, often depicted as a pillar of fire. All the fires in stoves were thanks to him. Every day, bread and liquor were offered to him. The festival of Xiuhtecuhtli was quite gruesome, as victims of the human sacrifice were thrown into the fire while alive."
Xiuhtecuhtli can be found in Minami Sunamachi. He can teach Nanashi the Agidyne and Grand Tack skills through his Demon Whisper. He benefits from learning Fire and Gun skills.