Weredogs, also known as Cynanthropy, are therianthropic humans that appear mostly in fictional materials from around the world. The weredog is thought to be the latest take on the wide range of were-creatures seen though recent history. They are closely related to the original werewolves in their ability to take the form of a canine, however, it is generally that of a domestic dog.
Unlike most other shapeshifters such as the werecat, the weredog is not seen very often in folklore and has less of a variation in appearance, although weredogs are considered to be the least violent of were-animals.
"Origin: Tokyo. Beastmen created by an alteration operation. Other demons that take a dog's form include Anubis and Orthrus. Perhaps by association, many Weredogs are given the duties of guards as well."
—Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary
The Dictionary reference to an alteration operation suggests that Weredogs are the attempts at super-soldiers that Orias is creating from his captives in the hospital.