UIY-XXXX is a shadow in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth.
- Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth: Mid-Boss
UIY-XXXX are shadows taking the form of small black worker robots with pincer arms, stubby legs, with two large yellow eyes and an antenna on top of its head. Near the end of the game, instead of being black, UIY-XXXX's bodies turn into vibrant colors, the ones we see are orange, blue and pink.
They are robots devoid of any personality that consist the majority of A.I.G.I.S' population and speak in the same voice as the Overseer. They are programmed to laugh at the Overseer's puns which are unfunny to any outsider and anyone with a personality. Sometimes, a robot can grow a personality like Ribbon, which more often than not results in the robot being punished by undergoing initialization and scrapped in the Central Server.
After the Mother Computer behind the robots were defeated, all of these robots had obtained a personality, with the ones used to overwrite the negative projectors in the Theater District displaying different colors.
They are weak to electric and can be easily binded, but are resistant to psychic. They do not do anything other than attacking with regular attacks. As multiple of these robots can be on the battlefield at the same time, it is advised to bind them to cripple them in order to prevent the party from being overhwlemed.