Toubyou, also known as Tonbe or Tonbo, is a body-possessing spirit in the form of a small snake with a golden ring wrapped around its neck. that comes from the western region of Japan.
They are kept in earthen bottles and are given the same food as people. If one sends it to someone they have a grudge against, it will make them suffer, but if treated badly it will attack its owner. Because snakes are thought to bring good luck, it's said that taking care of a Toubyou will bring prosperity to one's family.
"A possessive spirit in the form of a small snake, spoken of in the Shikoku and San-in regions. A golden ring is wrapped around its neck. It is also called Tonbe or Tonbo and can possess humans. They are kept in earthen bottles and are given the same food as people. If you send it to one you have a grudge against, it will make them suffer, but if treated badly it will attack its owner. Because snakes are thought to bring good luck, it's said that taking care of a Toubyou will bring prosperity to one's family."
Toubyou appears within Kanda-no-yashiro. It can teach the Zionga and Pandemic Bomb skills through Demon Whisper. Toubyou benefits from learning ailment and Electricity skills. As Zionga does more damage than a maxed Zio skill, Toubyou can provide Nanashi with a decent advantage against the main boss of the area. However, Toubyou itself is weak to their attacks.
Devil Survivor 2[]
"A possessive spirit in the form of a small snake, spoken of in the Shikoku and San-in regions. A golden ring is wrapped around its neck. It is also called Tonbe or Tonbo and can possess humans. They are kept in earthen bottles and are given the same food as people. If you send it to one you have a grudge against, it will make them suffer, but if treated badly it will attack its owner. Because snakes are thought to bring good luck, it's said that taking care of a Toubyou will bring prosperity to one`s family."