Tokisada (時貞), also known as Amakusa Shirō (天草四郎), fully known as Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, his baptismal name was "Geronimo," though it became "Francisco" during the time of the rebellion, was the teenage leader of the Shimabara Rebellion, though it is said that the mastermind of the rebellion was someone else and that Shiro was set up as the leader. He lived a mere 16 years.
After successfully defeating the Shogunate army several times, the rebels were finally besieged as Shiro led the defense of Hara Castle and died when it fell. Executed in the aftermath of the fall, his head was displayed on a pike in Nagasaki for a very long time afterward as a warning to any other potential Christian rebels. His death poem was: "Ima roujou shiteiru mono wa, raise made tomo to naru." ("Now, those who accompany me in being besieged in this castle, will be my friends unto the next world.") According to some sources, Shiro may have been the illegitimate son of Toyotomi Hideyori, the son of the general who first united all of Japan.
Tokisada appears as a boss when a player gives an Ultimate Summon Orb to the White-Haired Young Man NPC in front of the entrance to the B108F boss room. This boss room can be found in Old Ichigaya Camp's basement floors. By clearing his boss room players have a chance to acquire his iconic ghostly followers.
He also appears as one of the neutral alignment bosses in the Invoke System. Thus, when the neutral alignment has collected the most emblems from demons, he will appear on Nakano field once every hour from the last time he was defeated. When beaten, he has a rare chance of dropping his plug-in item.
Shin Megami Tensei IV[]
"Fully known as Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, his baptismal name was "Geronimo", though it became "Francisco" during the time of the rebellion. He was the leader of the Kan-ei 14 (1637) rebellion of Shimabara, though it is said that the mastermind of the rebellion was someone else and that Shiro was set up as the leader. After successfully defeating the Shogunate army several times, the rebels were finally besieged at Hara Castle and killed. His head was put on public display. He lived a mere 16 years."
—Shin Megami Tensei IV compendium
Tokisada appears as a foe in the Challenge QuestFour Wings, Four Heads as Flynn seeks four heads (an eagle head, an ox one, a lion one and a human one) to summon Seraph. Found in the Shiba area of Roppongi, he wonders what is going on as Flynn attacks him. As he is defeated, he realizes he will once again be sacrificed to God, dying afterwards. His head is then taken by the Messenger Angel to be used in the ritual.
After completing the quest, Tokisada can be fused, but as a Famed demon, he can only be obtained by getting a Fusion accident.
While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Light damage. Recovers 2 MP when clearing a wave.
Amakusa Uprising
6 MP
Inflicts Light (Physical) damage (Power: 150) with Light Pierce effect on a single enemy. The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Mag ATK. When attack is successful, increases own party's ATK and EV/AC by 20%. (2 turn)
7 MP
Inflicts Light (Magic) damage with 120 power on All Enemies.
Aragami (Awaken)
Merciless Blow
+20% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Aragami (Gacha)
8 MP
Reduces ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of All Enemies by 20% for 3 turns.
Protector (Awaken)
At beginning of 1st turn: Self enters a state of Might. The next Phys attack will have a Critical effect.
Protector (Gacha)
Light Amp
+25% to Light damage
Psychic (Awaken)
Life Aid
Heals 30% HP when clearing a wave.
Psychic (Gacha)
Repel Light
Adds Light Repel.
Elementalist (Awaken)
Light Enhancement
+15% to Light damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point
Elementalist (Gacha)
Tokisada's artwork as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
Tokisada's updated model as it appears in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE