Sitri, also known as Bitru or Sytry, is the twelfth demonic spirit listed in the Ars Goetia, according to the writings in The Lesser Key of Solomon.
He is a Great Prince of Hell with sixty legions of demons under his command. He is depicted as a humanoid with the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin, but at the request of the conjurer can take the form of a very handsome man. He can force men and women to love one another and make them appear naked if the conjurer desires. He can also reveal the secrets of women, often mocking them.
He may be connected with the Egyptian god Set along with many other deities.
"Origin: Israel. One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. He appears as a leopard with eagle wings. He has the ability to control matters of love and sexuality. He can grant sexual wishes and conjure anyone of the summoner's liking."