Megami Tensei Wiki

Starhair is a demon in the series.


Star Hair in Japanese translates into "Hoshigami," which then translates into "Star God." Like Jashin, Starhair is not based on an actual mythical figure.



Devil Children Black Book & Red Book[]

"Although she may look like a seven-years-old little girl, she's the goddess who created the Earth. The planet's life is her own."
—Devil Database

The creator of the Devil Children universe and the possible final boss of the game. In seven days she created the universe, angels, demons and humans. On the final day she rested, and has been sleeping ever since in the Organ Room. Michael and his son Nagahisa Kai want to use Hoshigami in order to initate Armageddon in order to purge both the Earth and the Expanse in cleasing flames, while Lucifer and his children Setsuna Kai and Mirai Kaname attempt to get the world reborn for a new era of possibilities via Ragnarok. After beating Nagahisa and Michael the path to Hoshigami is opened. Upon awakening from her slumber with the Norn Keys, Setsuna or Mirai is given the choice to become a god or cause the rebirth of the world. If they choose to become a god they will take Hoshigami's place as God of the Stars after beating her, while choosing rebirth causes the worlds to be reborn.

Devil Children White Book[]

Hoshigami is the god who defeated the evil god Jashin before she created the universe. During the battle she had almost lost until she awakened to the power of angels, demons and humanity, giving her the edge in the battle. After defeating Jashin, she would seal her away in Eden rather than destroy her counterpart.

Later in the game she will be awakened in order to deal with Raguel and his plan of reviving Jashin. She will absorb Takaharu Ougi and his partner Rei if Masaki Kuzuha chooses to have him help him stop Raguel from reviving Jashin. She will then join the party to face him. After Jashin's defeat she will release Takaharu and Rei from herself.

DemiKids: Light & Dark[]

"Few can resist the unharnessed energy of love wielded by this goddess of creation."
DemiKids Demonary

Starhair is a hidden demon inside an empty room in the Deep Hole. Going to the end of the room on B4 and pressing the A button when next to the wall at the end will make her appear. Enter the password Tensei and she join the party.

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

The ultimate Battle Net opponent in the game at Level 99. She gives a Urd, Skuld, Verdandi and herself upon being defeated once.


Devil Children Black/Red/White Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Sun Boss 50 2,750 1,230 -
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
- - - - - -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Bufula Heavy damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze.
Light Spear Heavy damage to one foe. Hits twice.
Judgement Thunder Medium damage to all foes. Inflicts Stun.

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Sun Boss 50 550 246 1,880
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
50 48 51 48 47 48
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Bufula Water 10 MP Heavy damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze.
Light Spear Sun 60 HP Heavy damage to one foe. Hits twice.
Judgement Thunder Metal 35 HP Medium damage to all foes. Inflicts Stun.
Intense Freeze Water 35 HP Heavy damage to one foe. Inflicts Mute.
Mediarahan Sun 30 MP Large HP recovery for all allies.
Samarecarm Sun 25 MP Revives one ally with full HP.

DemiKids: Light & Dark[]

Class Element Type Level HP MP Exp
King Light Boss 50 550 246 1,880
50 48 51 48 47 48
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Resurrect Light 25 MP Revive +Max HP. 1 Ally
Countdown Dark 28 HP Stat Up +Paralyze. 1 Foe
Healmax All Light 30 MP Max HP recovery. Party
Alpha Wave Light 55 HP Large dmg +Sleep. 1 Foe
Reset Light 22 HP Stat Reset. All
Star Wind Light 0 HP Faint=Recovery +Cure. Party

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Light Boss 50 550 246 1,880
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
50 48 51 48 47 48
List of Skills
Samarecarm Countdown Mediarahan
Delta Force Initialize Star Wind



  • Intentionally or not, "kami/gami" in Japanese can either mean "god" (神) or "hair" (髪), even though "god" should be the intended meaning for this entity.
  • It is likely that Starhair is the Devil Children's counterpart of YHVH.