Shin Megami Tensei IV DEMONIC GENE (真・女神転生IV DEMONIC GENE) is a Shin Megami Tensei IV-based manga that was released as a web-original manga serialized by V-Jump. It was written by Ikumi Fukuda and supervised by Kazuyuki Yamai. Kazuma Kaneko is also credited for the scenario and original series demon designs. Serialization ended with the fifteenth chapter.
- Japan: June 2013 (Serialization Begins)
- Japan: January 4, 2014 (Volume 1)
- Japan: November 4, 2014 (Volume 2)
The manga follows Walter and another Samurai named Gina as the Black Samurai spreads books through the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. Flynn appears to not exist/not be chosen as a Samurai, but Walter has dreams of him. After being attacked by Amaimon in his Domain and bitten as he slays the demon, Walter begins to change.
- Walter: The protagonist.
- Gina: Childhood friend of Walter.
- Stan
- Isabeau
- Jonathan
- Navarre
- Hugo
- Gabby
- Hope
- K
- Mysterious Shadow