Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children Card Game (真・女神転生デビルチルドレン カードゲーム) is a card game series based on Devil Children that was released by MediaFactory. They also released the Shin Megami Tensei D Children (真・女神転生Dチルドレン カードゲーム) series of cards based on the two animes.
Seven sets were released over the years.
- 1st Bullet: 205 cards
- 2nd Bullet: 103 cards
- 3rd Bullet: 133 cards
- 4th Bullet: 161 cards
- 5th Bullet: 126 cards
- D Children set 1: 145 cards. Released on November 22, 2002.
- D Children set 2: 97
- The front of the Angel Side and Devil Side Booster Box create one image when put next to each other