The Shin-Sekai Soda Joint is a location in the the Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha series, where Raidou can exchange demons for magnetite, order soda that will temporarily boost stats, talk with patrons, or read the latest Capital Daily newspaper.
- Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
- Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon
Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]
The Shin-Sekai Soda Joint serves as a hub for summoners and a place to collect information. Tae Asakura also frequents the establishment. Raidou can buy sodas with various effects or exhange demons for more MAG. Ordering a soda will grant Raidou temporary bonuses that last until the next New Moon. Raidou will gain access to better sodas the more he ranks up at the establishment by purchasing sodas and will also receive a higher amount of MAG for exhanging demons.
While Raidou is free to purchase sodas as he pleases, only one soda effect will be active at a time. Sodas that provide a stat bonus cannot override the hardcap of 40 in each stat.
Soda | Price | Effect | Rank |
Valhalla Soda | 800 | St +3 | - |
Magical Soda | 800 | Ma +3 | - |
Muscle Soda | 800 | Vi +3 | - |
Miracle Soda | 800 | Lu +3 | - |
Doctor Soda | 800 | Recovers HP | - |
Dragon Soda | 1,000 | St +3, Vi +3 | Rank 1 |
Mandra Soda | 1,000 | Ma +3, Lu +3 | Rank 1 |
Miracle Nectar | 1,500 | Lu +5 | Rank 2 |
Muscle Nectar | 1,500 | Vi +5 | Rank 4 |
Valhalla Nectar | 2,000 | St +5 | Rank 5 |
Magical Nectar | 2,000 | Ma +5 | Rank 5 |
Elixir Pop | 1,500 | Recovers full HP | Rank 7 |
Midas Pop | 3,000 | Chance of finding money increases | Rank 7 |
Harvest Pop | 3,000 | Chance of finding items increases | Rank 8 |
Deus Pop | 3,000 | All stats increase by 5 | Rank 9 |
Characters | Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV - Gouto - Kaya Daidouji - Shouhei Narumi - Tae Asakura - Dr. Victor - General Munakata - Rasputin - Nakamura - Kiyoshi Daidouji - Dr. Tsukumo - Raido Kuzunoha the XIV - Goto-Douji - Satake Kenzou - Owner of Konnou-Ya - Owner of Ryugu - Sadakichi - Herald of Yatagarasu - Shizu Iida - Denpachi Iida - Detective Kazama |
Locations | The Capital - Tsukudo-Cho (Narumi Detective Agency - Konnou-Ya - Gouma-Den) - Daidouji Residence - Ginza-Cho (Shin-Sekai Soda Joint) - Fukagawa-Cho - Daidouji Factory - Harumi-Cho - Kasumidai - Shipbuilding Facility - Sakuradayama (Waden One) - Kasuminomori - Akarana Corridor - Nameless Shrine Shinoda (Training Hall) - Dark Realm |
Soundtracks | Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou vs The Soulless Army Complete Music Works |
Demon Orders | Pyro - Frost - Volt - Wind - Fury - Pagan - Skill - Undead |
Archives | Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Statuses - Confinement |