Megami Tensei Wiki
SMT5 Minato Shiba

Shiba in Shin Megami Tensei V.

Shiba (芝) is a location in the series.


Shiba is a district of the Minato ward in Tokyo. The place is where Tokyo Tower is located.



Megami Tensei II[]

Shiba is where Tokyo Tower is located. The tower cannot be entered at first unless Orthrus is in the active party. A Terminal, Cathedral of Shadows, and a Healer are also located here.

Shin Megami Tensei V[]

SMT5 Minato Shiba3

Shiba (via Akabanebashi.)

Shiba is one of the locations the protagonist may explore while in Da'at. There are two divided regions of Shiba, the first of which can be accessed via Mita, with the second one only being accessible via Akabanebashi.


Shin Megami Tensei V[]

Upper region[]


Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei[]

Megami Tensei II[]

Demon Race Level Drop Area(s)
Kimaris Brute 8 Scimitar Overworld
Maneater Foul 9 Nunchaku
Metal Madman Metal Card
Bugbear Jaki 10 Scimitar
Pegasus Beast -
Highway Star Madman 11 Metal Card
Kelpie Fairy Quarterstaff
Wyrm Wilder 13 -

Shin Megami Tensei V[]

Level Race Demon HP Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark Res Skills Drop
1 Foul Slime 47 - Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk - Res:Poison Lunge Life Stone, Slime's Essence
2 Fairy Pixie 55 - - - - Res - Wk Wk:Confusion Dia Life Stone, Amrita Soda, Pixie's Essence
3 Haunt Preta 57 - Wk - - Wk Wk Res - Bestial Bite Life Stone, Spirit Drain Gem, Preta's Essence
4 Raptor Onmoraki 60 - Res Wk - Wk - - Wk:Mirage Agi Life Stone, Fire Shard, Onmoraki's Essence
6 Yoma Mandrake 66 - Wk - Res - - - Wk:Mirage Zio Life Stone, Elec Shard, Mandrake's Essence
6 Jirae Kodama 68 - Wk Wk - Res - - - Zan Life Stone, Force Shard, Kodama's Essence

Upper region[]

Level Race Demon HP Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark Res Skills Drop
3 Haunt Preta 57 - Wk - - Wk Wk Res - Bestial Bite Life Stone, Spirit Drain Gem, Preta's Essence
6 Jirae Kodama 68 - Wk Wk - Res - - - Zan Life Stone, Force Shard, Kodama's Essence
7 Beast Cait Sith 93 - - - Res Wk - - - Dia Life Stone, Chakra Drop, Cait Sith's Essence
7 Brute Daemon 78 - Res - Wk - Wk Nul - Hellish Slash Life Stone, Fire Shard, Daemon's Essence
8 Night Sandman 81 - - - Wk Res - - Nul:Sleep Dream Needle Life Stone, Ice Shard, Sandman's Essence
10 Yoma Agathion 80 - - Wk Nul - - Wk - Zio Life Stone, Elec Shard, Agathion's Essence
11 Jaki Turdak 140 - - - - Wk - Res - Gram Slice Life Stone, Soda, Turdak's Essence
14 Raptor Zhen 109 - Wk - - - - Res Res:Mirage/Poison Needle Spray, Toxic Sting Life Stone, Elec Shard, Zhen's Essence


Kyūyaku Megami Tensei
Playable Protagonist - Partner - Friend - Orthrus - Atlas - Naga - Cerberus - Sword Knight - Baal - Lucifer - Ahura Mazda
Non-Playable Pazuzu - Hiroko - Mora - Mr. Suzuki - Bael - Masakado - Asmodeus - Izanagi - Belial - Izanami - Moloch - Belphegor - Mitra - Astaroth - Beelzebub - YHVH
Devil Busters Micon - Tower of Daedalus
Tokyo Keihin Shelter No. 3 - Haneda - Shinagawa - Ariake - Shiba - Tokyo Tower - Roppongi - Shibuya - Ginza - Ginza Underpass - Korakuen - Ikebukuro - Ueno - Shinjuku - Nakano - Intelligence Building - Adachi - Island of Dreams - Zaratan - Bael's Castle - Ground Zero - Suzuki Company Ltd.
Expanse Valley of Despair - Fields of Lunacy - Lands of Rage - Forest of Confusion - Mountain of Horror - Remote Island - Lucifer's Temple - Lucifer's Castle
Other River Styx - Hades - Garbage Mountain
Terminology Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Deva Cult - Devil Busters - Demon Summoning Program (COMP / Magnetite) - Cathedral of Shadows (Fusion / Three-demon fusion) - Terminal - Rag's Jewelry - Code Breaker - Sabbath - Seven Pillars of Solomon
Archives Demons - Bosses - Items - Skills
Shin Megami Tensei V - Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Main Characters Nahobino - Aogami - Tao Isonokami - Yuzuru Atsuta - Ichiro Dazai - Yoko Hiromine
Supporting Characters Sophia - Gustave - Goko - Amanozako - Fionn mac Cumhaill - Miyazu Atsuta - Hayao Koshimizu - Sahori Itsukishima - Shohei Yakumo - Nuwa - Mastema - Demi-fiend - Artemis - Cleopatra - Mephisto
Antagonists Bethel: Abdiel - Khonsu - Vasuki - Zeus - Odin - Shiva
Qadištu: Lilith - Naamah - Eisheth - Agrat
Others: Lahmu - Tiamat - Mastema - Tehom - Lucifer
Tokyo Jouin High School - Shinagawa Station - Takanawa Tunnel - Jozoji
Da'at Minato - Shinagawa - Chiyoda - Taito - Demon King's Castle - Temple of Eternity - Empyrean - Tree of Knowledge
Albums Original Soundtrack - Premium Edition Soundtrack
Songs N/A
Terminology Nahobino - Bethel - Knowledge - Magatsuhi - Qadištu - Shekinah Glory - Demon Summoning Program - Conception - Armageddon
Mechanics Demon - Press Turn - Moon Phase System - Alignment‎ - Negotiation (Dialogue) - Encounters - Fusion - Race and species - Difficulty
Skill Potential - Magatsuhi Skills - Essence - Glory - Miracles - Menorah
World of Shadows - Cadaver's Hollow - Miman - Treasure Boxes - Vending Machines - Demon Statues - Abscess - Magatsuhi Crystals - Leyline Fount - Terminal - Gifts - Search Points
Lists Bosses - Skills - Items - Status Changes - Quests - Demons (Vengeance)
Other Script - Updates - Trophies - Steam Profile Items
Other Media
Promotion Daily Demon (Vengeance) - News
TGS 2021
Other Demon Colosseum - Merchandise