Shan Xiao, also known as Sanshou, originates from Chinese lore. The Shan Xiao appear as tree spirits or demons that can be found living high in the mountain woodlands. A Shan Xiao has a pale, tall body, a face that's the color of the gourd, and a large mouth lined with sharp teeth. Some describe it as having only one leg, but is still able to move easily through its woodland home. The creature is very violent and is known to attack travelers that dare to pass through its land. It is extremely strong and is easily able to crush bones or smash its way through the doors of the shacks and huts built in the woodlands.
"A tree spirit living in the mountains of China. They are also believed to be demons that attack humans. It is very tall and has a face the color of a gourd, with large teeth growing out of a giant mouth. Some legends say it is one-legged. It is also said to be powerful, with a grip that can punch holes in doors."
—Strange Journey compendium
Shin Megami Tensei IV[]
"A tree spirit living in the mountains of China. They are also believed to be demons that attack humans. It is very tall and has a face the color of a gourd, with large teeth growing out of a giant mouth. Some legends say it is one-legged. It is also said to be powerful, with a grip that can punch holes in doors."
Shan Xiao appears in the Shinobazu Pond area of Ueno. It attacks with the medium strength Binding Claw skill, which can paralyze party members. It can teach this skil,l along with Bouncing Claw and Poison Claw, during Demon Whisper.