Secret Police is an enemy in the series.
Also known as Political Police, the Secret Police are a type of government agency that works in the shadows and is above the law. They protect the power of political leaders by imprisoning or assassinating those who show dissent.
Their Japanese name, Secret Service, is a federal law enforcement agency within the United States Department of Homeland Security, charged with conducting criminal investigations and protecting the nation's leaders. Unlike Political Police, Secret Service members are not above the law.
The Secret Police in Megami Ibunroku Persona are likely employees of SEBEC, as they only appear in the company's headquarters, cannot use magic, and will not negotiate with the party. As they are hostile to the party, it is likely that their purpose is to protect Takahisa Kandori, the president of their branch and the mastermind of the DEVA System.
- Megami Ibunroku Persona: Meta Order, as S.S in Revelations: Persona
Megami Ibunroku Persona[]
"A secret investigation agency belonging to the United States Department of the Treasury. As the name suggests they investigate matters secretly and are also responsible for escorting the president and preventing assassinations."
Megami Ibunroku Persona[]