Megami Tensei Wiki

Police stations (警察署, Keisatsusho)? are reccuring locations in the Persona series.



Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

Brown obtains his Persona here, and can optionally join the party.

Persona 3 / FES / Portable[]

The police station is staffed by Officer Kurosawa in Paulownia Mall who sells equipment to SEES members. Treasure can be sold there, as well as items, weapons, equipment, etc. to the police station. The police station returns in The Answer and Persona 3 Portable, this time selling equipment for both Metis and the female protagonist.

In Persona 3 Portable, the protagonist can rescue people from Tartarus and the police station will post outside on the board requests to save them. Successfully saving someone will reward the protagonist with unique items such as healing items and Skill Cards.



Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Gladius 39 92 - 3,400 Level 2
Silver Saber 111 92 +3 Magic 3,400 Level 26
Tizona 136 92 +1 Strength 36,100 Level 32
Sin Blade 195 92 - 111,200 Level 47
Ascalon 271 92 - 176,000 Level 60
Gimlet 335 92 - 312,000 Level 75

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Tsukushi Naginata 39 96 - 3,400 4/22
Meijian Dao 55 92 - 8,800 4/25
Composite Stick 85 92 - 11,900 7/3
Chun Qiu Da Dao 111 92 - 18,000 8/5
Fangtian Huaji 136 92 +2 Strength 36,100 8/26
Japan Stick 167 92 +Crit rate up (med) 57,600 9/23
Sonobe's Naginata 195 92 +Crit rate up (low) 111,200 11/12
Victory Stick 235 90 +Crit rate up (low) 140,000 11/30
Ame-no-Nuboko 271 92 +30 SP 176,000 Level 60
Atlus Stick 295 92 +5 Magic 228,000 1/3
Kanemitsu 335 92 +3 Strength 312,000

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Short Bow 38 88 - 3,200 4/22
Siren's Song 55 88 +Panic (low odds) 8,000 4/25
Shigetou-yumi 83 88 - 13,200 7/3
Uta 111 88 - 21,000 8/5
Kamatha 135 88 - 34,400 8/26
Higo-yumi 167 88 - 60,500 9/23
Composite Bow 190 88 - 95,200 11/2
Great Bow 245 88 - 141,600 11/30
Hero's Bow 269 88 - 160,000 Level 60
Lightning Bow 281 88 +3 Agility 240,000 1/3
Yoichi's Bow 318 88 +3 Magic 311,200

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Kishido Blade 40 90 - 3,000 4/22
Bastard Sword 57 90 - 9,200 Level 9
Great Sword 57 90 - 9,200 4/25
Raikou 86 90 - 19,000 7/3
Two-Handed Sword 116 90 - 34,400 8/5
Dark Slayer 141 90 +Rage (med odds) 32,700 Level 32
Zanbatou 141 90 - 32,700 8/26
Tsubaki-maru 174 90 - 54,400 9/23
Claymore 204 90 - 98,400 11/2
Deathbringer 246 90 - 136,000 11/30
Zweihander 284 90 - 176,000 Level 60
Caladbolg 284 90 +2 Strength 176,000
Tobi-botaru 309 90 - 244,000 1/2
Galahad's Sword 351 90 - 304,000 Level 70
Elixir Sword 351 90 +3 Magic 304,000 1/2

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Brass Knuckles 51 97 - 3,000 5/23
Sonic Fist 77 97 - 13,900 7/3
Beast Fangs 102 97 +1 Agility 18,000 4/25
Kaiser Knuckles 124 97 - 36,000 8/26
Fists of Fury 153 97 +Crit rate up (low) 51,900 9/23
Wicked Cestus 178 97 +Crit rate up (high) 88,000 11/2
Titanic Knuckles 214 97 - 144,000 11/30
Crusher Fists 246 97 - 192,000 Level 60
Supreme Gloves 268 97 - 236,000 Level 65
Wings of Vanth 304 97 +2 Agility 288,000 1/3

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Ahlspiess 39 92 - 3,400 6/12
Flamberge 55 92 +Charm (low odds) 8,800
Elegant Fleuret 85 92 - 11,900 7/3
Serpent Sword 111 92 +Poison (low odds) 18,000 8/5
Malice Marry 136 92 +Poison (med odds) 36,100 8/26
Skrep 167 92 +Panic (med odds) 57,600 9/23
Israel Spear 195 92 +2 Magic 111,200 Level 47
Main Gauche 235 90 +Distress (high odds) 140,000 11/30
Illuminati 271 92 +30 SP 176,000 Level 60
Damascus Rapier 295 92 - 228,000 Level 65
Brionac 335 92 +3 Magic 312,000 Level 75

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Grenade Launcher 141 92 - 37,900 7/24
Orgone Rifle 174 92 - 64,000 9/23
Medusa 204 92 - 108,000 11/2
Railgun 246 92 - 145,600 11/30
Kiss of Athena 260 92 +2 Luck 184,000 Level 60
Maxima Sniper 309 92 - 256,000 Level 65
Pandemonium 331 92 +3 Luck 328,000 Level 70

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Blitz Kunai 160 95 - 60,500 8/8
Silver Moon 186 95 - 88,000 11/2
Sword Breaker 224 95 - 150,400 11/30
Pesh Kabz 258 95 +2 Magic 176,000 Level 60
Shadowrend 272 95 +3 Agility 224,000 Level 65
Athame 304 95 - 296,000 Level 70

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Cross Spear 129 95 - 34,400 8/26
Sexy Lance 160 95 +Charm (med odds) 58,800 9/23
Lance of Death 186 95 +2 Magic 104,000 11/2
Ranseur 224 95 - 140,800 11/30
Ouka Jumonji 259 95 - 172,000 Level 60
Ningen Mukotsu 259 95 +3 Strength 296,000
Voulge 281 95 - 224,000 Level 65
Yanyue Dao 319 95 - 320,000 Level 70
Romulus' Spear 319 95 - 320,000
Friuli Spear 110 96 - - Only found in The Answer

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Heavy Axe 147 88 - 33,600 9/2
Ogre Hammer 182 88 - 52,000 9/23
Megaton Rod 213 88 - 119,100 Level 47
Guillotine Axe 257 88 - 143,200 Level 55
Colossus 297 88 - 174,400 Level 60

Weapon Attack Hit Effect Price (¥) Condition
Crescent Rod 120 88 - - -
Heavy Axe 147 88 - 33,600 9/2
Ogre Hammer 182 88 - 52,000 9/23
Megaton Rod 213 88 - 119,100 Level 47
Guillotine Axe 257 88 - 143,200 Level 55
Colossus 297 88 - 174,400 Level 60
Gaea's Grace 319 88 - 232,000 Level 65
Celtis 368 88 - 326,400 Level 70


Armor For Defense Effect Price (¥) Condition
Rash Guard All 40 - 3,500 4/22
Camo Shirt All 44 - 3,700
Amenity Suit All 46 - 9,600 4/25
Bulletproof Shirt All 48 - 10,000
Metal Protector All 50 - 14,600 7/3
Junpei Tuxedo Junpei 50 - 100,000 5/10
Akihiko Tuxedo Akihiko 50 - 5/23
Koromaru Tuxedo Koromaru 50 - 8/8
Ken Tuxedo Ken 50 - 8/26
Shinjiro Tuxedo Shinjiro 50 - 9/2
Master’s Garment All 58 - 15,600 7/3
Amigo Poncho All 64 - 22,000 8/5
Bulletproof Vest All 66 - 24,000
Tetra Jammer All 74 +1 Endurance 37,900 8/26
Robe of Salvation All 76 +2 Magic 40,000
Ribbon Bikini Female protagonist 80 - 300,000 7/24
Pink Bikini Yukari 80 -
Red Shorts Junpei 80 -
Elegant Bikini Mitsuru 80 -
Blue Swimwear Akihiko 80 -
Sky Sundress Aigis 80 -
Mantle of Wind All 82 +2 Agility 63,400 9/23
Robe of Warding All 84 +2 Magic 65,600
Defender Cloak All 92 - 108,000 11/2
Gigantic Armor All 94 - 116,800
Santa Suit (Y) * Yukari 100 - 500,000 11/29
Santa Suit (M) * Mitsuru 100 -
Kukai’s Vestment All 106 - 155,000 11/30
Kaiser Armor All 108 - 169,000
Phantom Robe All 112 +2 Luck 242,000 Level 60
Final Armor All 118 +1 to all stats 320,000 Level 65
Demon’s Mail All 120 - 330,000
Silver Plate All 124 - 347,000 Level 70
Papal Robe All 128 - 360,000

Armor Evasion Effect Price (¥) Condition
Rubber Sole 10 - 2,400 4/22
High-tech Sandals 12 - 2,800
Leather Boots 20 - 6,200 4/25
Inline Skates 22 +1 Agility 6,400
Mechanical Geta 28 +Reduce Stumble (low) 9,300 7/3
Combat Boots 30 - 10,100
Crimson Greaves 36 - 14,000 8/5
Magic Sandals 38 +3 Magic 15,200
Cyber Shoes 46 - 24,000 8/26
Silent Sandals 48 +2 Agility 28,000
Needle Shoes 56 +2 Strength 40,000 9/23
Jet Boots 58 +4 Agility 45,600
Greaves of Dawn 64 - 68,800 11/2
Assassin's Shoes 66 - 75,200
Killer Cleats 72 +3 Strength 112,000 11/30
Lion Sandals 74 - 120,000
Mirage Sandals 80 +Evade Magic (low) 192,000 Level 60
Shoes of Bane 82 - 200,000
Idaten's Sandals 88 +Evade Ice (med) 200,000 1/3
War God's Boots 90 +Evade Fire (med) 216,000 Level 65
Holy Shoes 96 +Evade Elec (med) * 224,000 Level 70
Hanzo's Sandals 98 - 235,000

Accessory Effect Price (¥) Condition
Platinum Watch - 16,000 8/5
(must first complete Elizabeth's Request #27)
Power Band St +1 1,000 4/22
Mega Power Band St +2 3,000 8/5
Giga Power Band St +3 10,000 9/23
Guard Band En +1 1,000 4/22
Mega Guard Band En +2 3,000 8/5
Giga Guard Band En +3 7,000 9/23
Magic Band Ma +1 1,000 4/22
Mega Magic Band Ma +2 3,000 8/5
Giga Magic Band Ma +3 7,000 9/23
Speed Band Ag +1 1,000 4/22
Mega Speed Band Ag +2 3,000 8/5
Giga Speed Band Ag +3 7,000 9/23
Luck Band Lu +1 1,000 4/22
Mega Luck Band Lu +2 3,000 8/5
Giga Luck Band Lu +3 7,000 9/23
Slash Ward Dodge Slash 7,000 Level 17
Strike Ward Dodge Strike 7,000 7/3
Pierce Ward Dodge Pierce 7,000
Flame Charm Dodge Fire 7,000
Ice Charm Dodge Ice 7,000
Thunder Charm Dodge Elec 7,000
Wind Charm Dodge Wind 7,000
Fire Bracers Fire Boost 7,000 4/25
Agni Bracers Fire Amp 72,000 11/2
Ice Bracers Ice Boost 7,000 4/25
Varuna Bracers Ice Amp 72,000 11/2
Thunder Bracers Elec Boost 7,000 4/25
Indra Bracers Elec Amp 72,000 11/2
Wind Bracers Wind Boost 7,000 4/25
Vayu Bracers Wind Amp 72,000 11/2
Life Ring +10% MAX HP 3,000 4/22
Energy Ring +20% MAX HP 30,000 8/5
Vitality Ring +30% MAX HP 100,000
Spirit Ring +10% MAX SP 3,000 4/22
Spell Ring +20% MAX SP 30,000 8/5
Magic Ring +30% MAX SP 100,000
Power Enhancer Auto-Tarukaja 32,000 8/26
Guard Enhancer Auto-Rakukaja
Speed Enhancer Auto-Sukukaja
Prayer Beads Survive Dark 16,000 4/25
Rosary Survive Light
Felt Doll Invigorate 1 - Rescue Maiko before 11/3


  • Jail Key (Key Item)


Demon Order Lvl HP Weak Resist Void Absorb Reflect Item
Ghost Spirit 8 80 Sword, Fire, Expel - Gun, Tech, Rush - - Magical Guard
Hoodlum Foul 8 88 Element, Force - - - - Revival Bead
Ukobach Fallen 9 90 Ice - - 100% Fire, Death - Turtle Candy
Afanc Wilder 9 74 Whip, Gun - Tech, Rush - - Dis-Para
Ba Flight 10 60 Gun - Wind - - Metal Card
Agathion Yoma 10 70 Force - - - 50% Fire Medicine
Leprechaun Jirae 11 110 Wind, Blast - - 100% Earth - Mamagna Stone

Megami Ibunroku Persona - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
Playable Protagonist - Maki Sonomura - Masao Inaba - Kei Nanjo - Yukino Mayuzumi - Hidehiko Uesugi - Eriko Kirishima - Yuka Ayase - Reiji Kido
Non-Playable Philemon - Igor - Takahisa Kandori - Saeko Takami - Takashi Hanya - Principal Ooishi - Tadashi Satomi - Tamaki Uchida - Kenta Yokouchi - Tsutomu Kurouri - Chisato Kasai - Yosuke Naito - Yamaoka - Setsuko Sonomura - Takeda - Mai - Aki - Pandora - Kumi Hirose - Michiko Matsudaira - Yuriko Yamamoto - Tomomi Fujimori - Night Queen - Trish - Natsumi Yoshino - Yuko Himeno - Katsue Kaneda - Doctor Nicholai - Kazuya Toudou - Nishida - Mariko Yabe - Maria
General Mikage-cho - St. Hermelin High School - Mikage Hospital - Sennen Mannen-Do - Judgement 1999
SEBEC Route Police Station - SEBEC - Subway - Black Market - Lost Forest - Mana Castle - Haunted Mansion - Deva Yuga - Alaya Cavern - Avidya World - Mikage Ruins
Snow Queen Quest Ice Castle - Hypnos Tower - Nemesis Tower - Thanatos Tower - Devil's Peak
Albums Original Soundtrack & Arrange Album (Complete Recording Edition) - Original Soundtrack (PSP) - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album
Songs "Dream of Butterfly" - "Voice" - "Satomi Tadashi Drugstore Song" - "School Days" - "Let the Butterflies Spread Until the Dawn" - "A Lone Prayer" - "Bloody Destiny" - "Deva Yuga (Arranged Version)"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Ultimate) - Persona user - Velvet Room - Agastya Tree - Moon Phase System - Sea of Souls - Type/Subtype - Affinity - Rank - Totem - Unknown Power - Mystic Change - Contact - Personality - DEVA System - Nanjo Group - Demon Mirror - Snow Queen Mask - Code Breaker - Fusion (Fusion Theory) - Ideal Self - Growth Rate
Lists Arcana - Personas - Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Status Changes
Other Media
Productions Digital Collection - Ikū no Tō Hen
Publications Manga - Messiah Project - Shadow Maze - Kandori no Yabo - 1996 Comic Anthology: Super Comic Gekijou / Short Comic Heaven / Agastya Hen / Rakuen no Tobira / Ikai-ka Toshi / Kokoro no Umi Yori Dedeshi Mono / Yakusoku no Jinite / FACES / Anthology Comic (Broccoli) - 2009 Comic Anthology: Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) / Anthology Comic (Bros Comics EX) / Yuki no Juu Hen / Kochu no Kioku / The BEST Masterpiece Selection
Playable Male protagonist - Female protagonist - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki - Metis
Social Link Kenji Tomochika - Hidetoshi Odagiri - Bunkichi and Mitsuko - Kazushi Miyamoto - Chihiro Fushimi - Isako Toriumi - Keisuke Hiraga - Yuko Nishiwaki - Maiko Oohashi - Pharos - Bebe - President Tanaka - Mutatsu - Mamoru Hayase - Nozomi Suemitsu - Akinari Kamiki - Rio Iwasaki - Saori Hasegawa - Ryoji Mochizuki
Major Igor - Elizabeth - Theodore - Shuji Ikutsuki - Officer Kurosawa - Takaya Sakaki - Jin Shirato - Chidori Yoshino - Takeharu Kirijo - Kouetsu Kirijo - Eiichiro Takeba - Natsuki Moriyama - Nyx - Erebus - Margaret
Minor Maki - Kiyoshi Sakuma - Mr. Edogawa - Mr. Ekoda - Mr. Miyahara - Ms. Ounishi - Mrs. Terauchi - Kikuno Saikawa - Yuu Kimijima - Souta Aizawa - Kyouka Sayama
Cameo Yukiko Amagi - Noriko Kashiwagi - Man Drinking Alone
Port Island Gekkoukan High School - Paulownia Mall - Iwatodai Station - Port Island Station - Naganaki Shrine - Dorm - Moonlight Bridge - Velvet Room
Tartarus Blocks: Thebel - Arqa - Yabbashah - Tziah - Harabah - Adamah - Monad Depths
Abyss of Time Malebolge - Cocytus - Caina - Antenora - Ptolomea - Judecca - Empyrean
Other Kyoto - Great Seal
Albums Original Soundtrack (JP / US / FES / Portable) - Bonus CD - Burn My Dread -Reincarnation- - Spring of Birth OST - Midsummer Knight's Dream OST - Falling Down OST - Winter Of Rebirth OST - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 3 Reload Original Soundtrack - Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Original Soundtrack
Songs "Burn My Dread" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Want To Be Close" - "When the Moon Reaches for the Stars" - "Iwatodai Dorm" - "Mass Destruction" - "Color Your Night" - "Deep Breath Deep Breath" - "The Meaning of Armbands" - "Deep Mentality" - "It's Going Down Now" - "Changing Seasons" - "Current Net Price Tanaka" - "Battle Hymn of the Soul" - "Kimi no Kioku" - "P3 FES" - "Disconnected" - "Mass Destruction -P3fes version-" - "Don't" - "Heartful Cry" - "Brand New Days" - "Soul Phrase" - "A Way of Life" - "Time" - "Wiping All Out" - "More Than One Heart" - "Fate is In Our Hands" - "One Single Word" - "One Hand, One Heartbeat" - "One Determination" - "Sound of the Beast" - "Storm for a Butterfly" - "Light in Starless Sky" - "My Testimony" - "Self Redemption" - "Full Moon Full Life"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Prime / Ultimate) - Persona user - Shadow - Wild Card - Evoker - Attack Properties - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Dark Hour - Moon Phase System - Full Moon Operations - SEES - Kirijo Group - Nanjo Group - Strega - Artificial Persona user - Suppressants - Apathy Syndrome - The Fall - Death - Who's Who - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R - Plume of Dusk
P3RE: Shift - Theurgy - Combat Characteristics
Lists Arcana - Personas (P3 - FES - P - R) - Shadows - Bosses (P3 - FES) - Skills - Items (Heart Items / Vending Machines) - Status Effects - Elizabeth's Requests - Activities - Calendar - Trophies (Portable / Reload) - Steam Profile Items - Patches and Updates
School Life Daily Life - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Movie Theater - Bed - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - School Club - Cooking - Walking Koromaru - Linked Episode - Computer - Refrigerator - Gardening - Books - DVDs - Studying - Fortune Telling
Other Media
Games FES - Portable - Reload - Dancing in Moonlight
Productions The Movie - The Movie: Escape from the Dark Hour - the Weird Masquerade: -Ao no Kakusei- / -Gunjou no Meikyuu- / -Souen no Kesshou- / -Ai no Seiyaku- / -Hekikuu no Kanata e- - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best-
Drama CDs A Certain Day of Summer - Daylight / Moonlight - Character Drama CD Vol. 1 / Vol. 2 / Vol. 3 / Vol. 4 / Vol. 5 - New Moon / Full Moon - Portable Vol. 1 / Vol. 2
Publications Manga - Shadow Cry - Memento Mori - Owari no Kakera - Alternative Heart - Velvet Blue - Persona Magazine - Dear Girls Comic Anthology - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Tartarus Theater - Persona VS - Persona 3 Reload: Beginnings
Mobile Games The Night Before - Persona Ain Soph - Social - Escape - Illust Puzzle - Broken Shadow - Aegis: The First Mission - Qix - Chaining Soul - Em
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019- 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise