Persona x Detective Naoto is a manga adaptation of the novel by the same name. For many years it has been marked as Lost Media [1], but it has recently been recovered thanks to users Juanjoxp07, Yurizia and Montblanc[2]. It is comprised of 20 chapters.
- Despite the manga completing serialization and having a third volume slated for release in Spring of 2015 [3], it has not seen a release for unknown reasons.
- It was discovered that a 20th chapter exists. Nobody seemingly knew or was aware of that.
- ↑ Persona x Detective Naoto Wayback Machine page for Persona x Detective Naoto Lost Media Wiki
- ↑ The Lost Persona Manga Has Been FOUND (Persona x Detective Naoto) YouTube link (Fither, June 16, 2022)
- ↑ Manga of Persona 4's Naoto Ends on Saturday Anime News Network (Karen Ressler, December 27, 2014)