Megami Tensei Wiki
Megami Tensei Wiki
Juani CygnusParty

This article compiles strategies and information on Junah in combat.


Junah first joins the party on August 13th, and awakens to the Masked Dancer Archetype equipped with the Seeker's Mask, on Level 34 and Rank 5.

Junah is statted with a heavy emphasis on Magic, with some Agility and Luck, and very poor Strength and Endurance. Her focus on magic attacks over physical ones allows her to stay in the back formation, boosting her defense with no penalty to her offense. Junah's base statistics and growth are most similar to Eupha's, who she overshadows in sheer Magic and MP growth, with similar Agility and Luck. While both are competent mages, Junah finds an easier niche in raw damage output rather than as party support due to her fragility, for the simple reason she cannot maintain the party if she is unconscious.

Archetype Chemistry[]

Lineage Info
Masked Dancer Junah's default archetype, and thus the one which most complements her stats. While the mechanic of Masks isn't intensive on MAG or experience, the Masked Dancer's diversity is dependent on occupying the Accessory slot, and her skill selection without Masks is wanting.
Mage Another Archetype that complements Junah's stats well. Mage's skillset lacks the dependency on outside skills that the Masked Dancer does.

As the Archetype's Elite forms are dependent on Gallica's automatically-progressing Bond, Junah cannot make use of the Warlock or Elemental Master Archetypes until late into the game.

Summoner Another high-power magical Archetype. While it does have diverse magical skills, Junah can't make full use of its abilities.

Summoning monsters and demons are mutually exclusive for Junah, as they are for all party members who aren't Eupha.

Healer While able to perform strong Light spells and provide support from the back row, Junah isn't the most reliable support party member due to her lower Endurance.
Seeker The Seeker lineage has access to powerful magical attacks and supportive skills, but Junah isn't able to make good use of its physical Synthesis skills.
Commander The Commander has access to strong magical attacks and support skills.

Junah isn't able to bring out the full extent of the Archetype's abilities, as she performs poorly with physical attacks and the front row. The Origin Archetype is more difficult for her to benefit from than the Archetype's other levels.

Faker Junah's lack of reliable support ability doesn't mesh well with the supportive Faker, and the random effects on some of its skills mesh poorly with Junah, who requires consistency and offensive pressure. Note that all of the Faker's damaging skills are physical.
Gunner While Junah's frailty and magical specialization make her most at home in the back row, the Gunner's physically-oriented skillset meshes poorly with Junah's low Strength.
Thief The Thief's Dark magic and use of Agility and Luck complement Junah's statistics well. As the other forms of the Thief specialize more into physical attack, they
Merchant As the Merchant deals in physical attacks, it meshes poorly with Junah's low Strength.
Knight Intercepting attacks and performing physical attacks is not at all Junah's strong suit.
Warrior The simplicity of front-row physical engagement clashes entirely with Junah's more complex demands as a party member.
Brawler With her lack of Strength or Endurance, the Brawler's HP-depleting physical attacks offer no boon to Junah whatsoever.
Berserker The only Origin Archetype with a barrier to entry. Given that the prerequisites to Berserker are Knight, Warrior, and Brawler, even studying the Berserker with Junah requires that some investment in entirely contrary Archetypes is undertaken.

Ignoring resistances and bypassing weaknesses is already something Junah does with her magical attacks, so investing in this Archetype only results in a slight stat boost.
