Megami Tensei Wiki
Megami Tensei Wiki

Orichalch is an item in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment.


Orichalcum is a yellow metal, prized in ancient times, and mentioned in stories like Atlantis; it may have been a noble metal such as platinum, as it was supposed to be mined, or one type of bronze or brass or possibly some other, similar metal alloy.

In 2015, metal ingots were found in an ancient shipwreck in Gela (Sicily), which were made of an alloy primarily consisting of copper, zinc and small percentages of nickel, lead and iron.



Persona 2: Eternal Punishment[]

Orichalch is an item used to create custom equipment at the Padparcha jewelry shop. It can be found inside a treasure chest inside the Laboratory and the Undersea Ruins, as well as by returning Arthur in the Velvet Room at max rank.

Orichalch is used to create the Luna Hand, Orichalch Coin and Musou Ken weapons for Ulala, Baofu and Nate/Tatsuya, respectively.
