Megami Tensei Wiki

The Obelisk in Shibuya, from Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE

An Obelisk is a recurring symbol within the Shin Megami Tensei games, commonly of unknown origin.


An obelisk, also known as a tekhenu, is a tall, narrow, four-sided, tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top. Ancient obelisks were often monolithic whereas most modern obelisks are made of individual stones, and can even have interior spaces. The term stele is generally used for other monumental standing inscribed sculpted stones.

Because of the Enlightenment-era association of Egypt with mortuary arts, (and generally with great antiquity), obelisks became associated with timelessness. There are many smaller obelisks or similar forms to be found in European and American cemeteries.


Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]

The Obelisk is the Assembly of Nihilo's second base, the 150-floor home of the Nightmare System superweapon. It is guarded by the Moirae Sisters, who also hold the Djed Magatama. Across the immense tower, the sisters set a series of traps designed to deter the advance of possible invaders, depending on the position of Kagutsuchi in the sky.

It is also located near the grave of Masakado, and later it gets driven into the ground by the Tower of Kagutsuchi. Other obelisks are located in the vicinity of Nihilo bases, possibly as territorial markers.

The Obelisk itself is accessed from the secondary entrance of the Assembly of Nihilo, and the Assembly of Nihilo: Marunouchi Terminal.

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

The three Obelisks appeared after the construction of Shinjuku Babel, and vastly altered the appearance of the regions they appeared in. They are located in Nakano, Ichigaya, and Shibuya.

Each of the Obelisks has an Innocent assigned to learning more about it. However, according to Yamamoto the Steel-Willed, the Obelisks have been causing these Innocents to act outside the boundaries of their programming.

The Obelisks take a much more important role later on in the Quest "Lord Of The Flies" where the demon Beelzebub takes the power from them in order to become the lord of the new world. After this his fate in unknown, though it is assumed that the Shadow Chaser has defeated him.


Level Race Demon HP MP Weak Strong Null Drain Repel Skills
19 Yoma Koppa 156 87 Curse - Force - - Tarukaja, Wing Buffet, Shibaboo, Zanma, Gathering (Koppa), Kamikaze
23 Yoma Dis 198 111 - - - Fire - Makajam, Agilao, Stone Gaze
25 Night Incubus 198 117 Force - Curse/Mind - - Sexy Gaze, Evil Gaze, Life Drain
28 Yoma Karasu 234 117 Curse - - - Force Agilao
29 Fallen Eligor 288 114 Elec Phys Death - - Rakukaja, Berserk, Mudo, Dragon Eye, Beast Eye
30 Vile Arahabaki 294 120 Fire/Elec/Force/Curse/Mind/Nerve - Phys/Expel/Death - Ice Mabufula, Stone Gaze, Dragon Eye, Beast Eye
33 Vile Baphomet 320 150 Expel - - - Death Evil Gaze, Maragion, Makakaja
37 Yoma Onkot 288 138 Curse/Nerve Phys - - - Brutal Slash, Tarukaja, Sukukaja, Tetrakarn
37 Night Succubus 296 159 Expel - Mind - - Dormina, Sexy Gaze, Eternal Rest
37 Fallen Berith 324 141 Ice Phys Death Fire - Heat Wave, Hellfire
42 Foul Phantom 336 177 Force/Expel Phys Death - - Last Resort, Mana Drain, Kamikaze, Tarunda, Dekaja, Mazionga, Ziodyne
45 Vile Pazuzu 432 192 Ice - Death - - Hell Gaze, Tentarafoo, Arid Needle, Wet Wind, Mediarama

Level Race Demon HP MP Weak Strong Null Drain Repel Skills
23 Beast Badb Catha 186 87 Phys Elec - - - Needle Rush, Wing Buffet
28 Divine Principality 222 120 Death/Mind - - Expel - Diarama, Hamaon, Heat Wave
33 Divine Power 320 126 Death/Nerve - - Expel - Tarukaja, Guillotine, Hamaon


Ichigaya Obelisk
Ichigaya's Obelisk in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE
Nakano Obelisk
Nakano's Obelisk in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE
Maniax - Maniax Chronicle Edition - HD Remaster - Nocturne Konton - Novel
Playable Demi-fiend - Dante - Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV
Non-Playable Yuko Takao - Chiaki Hayasaka - Isamu Nitta - Hikawa - Jyoji Hijiri - Futomimi - Sakahagi - Heeho - Lady in Black - Lucifer - Kagutsuchi - Gouto-Douji
Vortex World Shinjuku Medical Center - Shibuya - Cathedral of Shadows - Amala Network - Ginza - Harumi Warehouse - Great Underpass of Ginza - Ikebukuro - Mantra's Headquarters - Labyrinth of Amala - Kabukicho Prison - Ikebukuro Tunnel - Asakusa - Asakusa Tunnel - Mifunashiro - Assembly of Nihilo: Marunouchi - Obelisk - Yoyogi Park - Amala Temple - Yurakucho Tunnel - Northern Temple - Diet Building - Bandou Shrine - Tower of Kagutsuchi
Soundtracks Original Soundtrack - Maniax Soundtrack - Deluxe Pack Incence Disc - OST (US)
Themes Boss Battle - Normal Battle - Normal Battle ~Large Map~ - Normal Battle ~Town~
Terminology Candelabrum - Conception - Kagutsuchi - Macca - Magatama - Magatsuhi - Manikin - Reason - Yahirono Himorogi - Order of Messiah - Cult of Gaia - Demonic Sponsor - Shadow Vortex - Nightmare System - Terminal - Great Will
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items (Vending Machines) - Merchandise - Translations - Trophies - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Other Best of Demons
Other Media
Events Shin Megami Tensei Online Live 2021: Reason of Music
Characters Protagonist - Azura - DB Mikanagi - DB Kano - DB Kuroe - DB Yamaguchi - Kuzaka The Wise - Lord Judah - Madam Justice - Lord Doukan - Ogami - Setsu - Snakeman - Yamamoto the Steel-Willed - Louis Cyphre
Locations Arcadia - Cathedral of Shadows - Ichigaya - Ikebukuro - Nakano - Protopia - Second Home - Shibuya - Shinagawa - Shinjuku - Shinjuku Babel - Souhonzan - Suginami - Third Home - Ueno
Dungeons Suginami Tunnels - Basilica
Music "Amatsuchi" - "Haru Megido"
Terminology Cult of Gaia - Demon Buster - Great Cataclysm - Innocent - Millennium Kingdom - Obelisk - Order of Messiah - Seven Philosophers - Yagi - Chain of Curse
Archives Demons - Skills (Features)