Megami Tensei Wiki

Nergal is a demon in the series.


Nergal, also known as Erra or Meslamtaea, was the god most frequently described as the ruler of the the Mesopotamian underworld, referred as either Kur or Irkalla, as well as a god of war and disease, sometimes described simply as a god of inflicted death.[1] His main cult center was the city of Kutha, though he was popular all over ancient Mesopotamia. While many myths portray him as an unruly, chaotic deity with little respect for most of the other gods, he was frequently invoked in apotropaic rituals meant to ward off misfortune. He was also described as a punisher of evildoers.[2] In at least one text he was referred to as the "sunset king" because of the belief that at night the sun traveled through the underworld.[3] Some scholars therefore identified Nergal himself as a solar deity in the past.[4] However, modern research generally only views the planet Mars as Nergal's astral aspect.[5]

Nergal's main myths are the Epic of Erra, detailing his exploits in war, and Nergal and Ereshkigal, explaining the origin of his marriage to Ereshkigal, who was also a goddess of the underworld herself. It's possible the second myth was meant to reconcile two conflicting views on the underworld by making the central deities featured in them husband and wife. Unlike the ever popular Nergal, Ereshkigal only had a limited cult, and in fact one of the few known temples dedicated to her was located in Nergal's city, Kutha.[6] Other goddesses, for example Inanna's vizier Ninshubur, were also sometimes viewed as Nergal's wives.[7] His parents were Enlil and Ninil.

Nergal, like Ares and Mars, was sometimes associated with the planet Mars, which to the Mesopotamians was an ill omen associated with war and other calamities. His other symbols were the bull, the lion and a lion-headed mace.

Due to Nergal's fearsome nature he is known as a demon in popular culture, sometimes being identified with Satan. Colin DePlancy cites him as a spy in service of Beelzebub and chief of Hell's secret police.[8]



Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]

Nergal can teach Nanashi the Hades Blast and Berserker God skills through his Demon Whisper. He benefits from learning ailment, Physical and Darkness skills.

DemiKids Light & Dark[]

"A demon protected by dark armor that can extinguish flames."

Known as Nergul.

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

Nergal is the second boss fought in the Ice Book bonus dungeon the Deep Hole. Upon defeat he joins the party.

Devil Survivor 2[]

"The god of the netherworld in Sumerian lore. Originally, he was the god of pestilence and war who lived in the heavens.
While there, he refused to kneel to the messenger of Ereshkigal, goddess of the underworld. He was summoned there with 14 demons given to him by his father Ea. He intended to kill Ereshkigal with his sword, but she promised to become his wife and give him the netherworld's throne, so he spared her."
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 compendium


Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP
Strength 50
Magic 47
Vitality 43
Agility 50
Luck 48
Reaper Dark-Neutral 76 610
Attack Type Physical Gun Fire Ice Electricity Wind Expel Curse Almighty
Single Foe/1/Physical/None - - Strong Weak - - Null Null -
Poison Paralyze Stone Strain Sleep Charm Mute Fear Bomb Rage
Null Null - - - - - - - -
Natural Skills
Mudoon Hamaon Heaven's Bow
D-Source Skills
Recarm Mahamaon Mamudoon

Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 88
Dexterity 88
Magic 88
Agility 88
Luck 88
Reaper 82 644 288
Physical Phys Gun Gun Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- - Resist Weak - - Null Null
Ailment Resistance -
Normal Attack Phys x1, 1 enemy
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Hamaon 10 MP 55% instantly kills one foe. Light-type. Innate
Heaven's Bow 26 MP Heavy gun damage to all foes. Innate
Mudoon 10 MP 55% instantly kills one foe. Dark-type. 83

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 123
Dexterity 83
Magic 51
Agility 76
Luck 97
Reaper 81 786 246
Physical Phys Gun Gun Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- - Resist Weak - Null Resist Repel
Ailment Resistance None
Normal Attack Phys x1, 1 enemy
Skill Affinities Ailment Ailment +5 · Physical Physical +4 · Dark Dark +3 · Support Support -2 · Ice Ice -3
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Pandemic Bomb 15 MP 70% sick to all foes. Innate
Hades Blast 42 MP Heavy physical damage to all foes. Innate
Berserker God 13 MP Heavy physical damage to one foe. 83
Null Light Auto Nullifies light damage. 84

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[]

Nergal Devil Summoner
Race Level HP MP St In Ma Vi Ag Lu
Tyrant 73 723 458 21 19 21 17 20 13
90 2-3 Calm 188 137 180 136 51 69
List of Skills
Mudoon Hamaon Mabufula

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers[]

Nergal DSSH
Race Level HP MP St In Ma En Ag Lu
Tyrant 73 728 306 21 19 21 17 20 13
30 2327 Calm 188 116 196 115 191 58
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - - Phys Magic
List of Skills
Mudoon Hamaon Paral Web

DemiKids Light & Dark[]

Class Element Type Level HP MP Exp
King Dark Boss 36 371 165 539
35 30 28 34 33 30
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Shockburst Thunder 10 MP Medium dmg. 1 Foe
Hex Bind Dark 35 MP Hit +Paralyze. 1 Foe
Heal All Light 12 MP Minor HP recovery. Party
Shockdeus Thunder 8 MP Small dmg. 2 Foes
Silence Dark 6 MP Mute. 1 Foe
Healmax Light 20 MP Full HP recovery. 1 Ally

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Fire Boss 53 580 255 1752
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
52 50 54 52 50 49
List of Skills
Maragidyne Exploding Claw Samarecarm
Diarahan Marvelous Dance Countdown

Devil Survivor 2[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 26
Magic 28
Vitality 20
Agility 23
Tyrant 81 616
Racial / Auto Skill Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Curse Curse
Blood Treaty Reflect Resist * Resist * Resist * Resist * Null
Passive Skills
I am the Tyrant Nergal. The sword that conquered the underworld is thine.
...Very well. Thou shall see for thyself the alteration of mine power.

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Dx2 Nergal Icon
Race Rarity Grade HP
6★ Stats
Strength 223
Magic 78
Vitality 117
Agility 164
Luck 169
Reaper ★★★★★ 82 919
Phys ATK Phys DEF Mag ATK Mag DEF See Also
798 570 493 497 [1]
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- Resist Weak - - Resist Repel
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Archetype
Berserker God 6 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 160 power on a Single Enemy. Innate
Meslamtaea Auto +20% to Phys hit rate.

When an enemy is Poisoned: Puts all party members into a state of Might.

Plague of Babylon 5 MP 100% chance to inflict Weak and Poison on all enemies after removing Barriers from all enemies. Innate
Strength Amp III Auto +15 to Strength. Common
Hades Blast 5 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 120 power on All Enemies. Aragami
Savage Glee Auto +25% to Critical hit rate. Aragami
Toxic Sting 5 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 120 power on a Single Enemy with 40% chance to inflict Poison. Protector
Auto-Sukuka Auto Casts Sukukaja at the beginning of the 1st turn. Protector
Auto-Taruka Auto Casts Tarukaja at the beginning of the 1st turn Psychic
Strength Amp III Auto +15 to Strength. Psychic
Null Light Auto Adds Light Null. Elementalist
Resist Ice Auto Adds Ice Resist. Elementalist


Herald Victor - Israfel - Kazfiel - Azrael - Sraosha - Armaiti - Aniel - Mastema - Sandalphon - Metatron - Seraph
Megami Hathor - Fortuna - Parvati - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Norn - Lakshmi - Maria - Amaterasu - Demeter
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Thunderbird - Feng Huang - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Tree Daphne - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Flight Tangata Manu - Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Caladrius - Tuofei - Rukh - Da Peng
Yoma Koppa Tengu - Vodyanik - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha - Shaytan
Nymph Apsaras - Ame-no-Uzume - Anahita - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Samael - Mada - Seth - Demiurge
Raptor Onmoraki - Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Zhen - Camazotz - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Wood Shan Xiao - Mandrake - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Ometeotl - Zeus - Odin - Hachiman - Vishnu
Avatar Shiisa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Qing Niuguai - Airavata - Baihu - Sleipnir - Sphinx
Genma Nadja - Tam Lin - Frost Ace - Kurama Tengu - Tlaloc - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Hanuman - Heimdall
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Prime Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Fairy Pixie - Goblin - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - High Pixie - Silky - Lorelei - Spriggan - Vivian - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Beast Kaso - Katakirauwa - Inugami - Nekomata - Hsing-Hsing - Orthrus - Gryphon - Ammut - Cerberus
Jirae Knocker - Hua Po - Sudama - Dwarf - Bagaboo - Bogaboo - Bugaboo - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Yurlungur - Vouivre - Gui Xian - Ouroboros - Orochi - Ananta - Vritra
UMA Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Thanatos - Nergal - Ixtab - Mot
Wilder Jueyuan - Raiju - Nue - Pellaidh - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Fenrir
Jaki Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Wendigo - Black Frost - Rakshasa - Grendel - Girimekhala - Hecatoncheir
Vermin Okiku-Mushi - Ubu - Myrmecolion - Mothman - Arachne
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca - Masakado
Fiend David - Matador - Alice - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Zaou-Gongen - Susano-o - Shiva
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Black Maria - Isis - Skadi - Cybele - Xi Wangmu
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Long - Zhu Yin - Quetzalcoatl - Huang Long
Kishin Takeminakata - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Thor
Geist Anat - Alilat
Fallen Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Orias - Dantalian - Ose - Decarabia - Mithra - Forneus - Gemori - Nebiros
Brute Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Acheri - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Dakini - Rangda - Volvo - Kali
Night Sandman - Lilim - Fomorian - Incubus - Hypnos - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Lilith - Maya
Tyrant Morax - Mithras - Horkos - King Frost - Asura - Balor - Moloch - Loki - Abaddon - Tzitzimitl - Surt - Amon - Mara - Beelzebub - Belial - Lucifuge
Drake Zhu Tun She - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Nidhoggr - Fafnir - Vasuki
Spirit Dybbuk - Poltergeist - Macabre - Inferno - Pisaca - Formless - Legion
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Doppelgänger- Night Stalker - Mad Gasser
Haunt Preta - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Ghoul - Strigoii - Kudlak - Vetala
Fake Demonica-L - Demonica-N - Demonica-C
Human Soldier - Captain Jack - Norris - McClane
Zelenin: Judge - Pillar
Commander Gore: Ubergestalt
Jimenez: Human (With Demonica) - Awake - Soil
Other Mem Aleph
Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Odin - Mahamayuri - Baal - Apsu - Hachiman - Vishnu
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu - Omoikane
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Izanami - Norn - Lakshmi
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Godly Ancient of Days
Chaos Sanat
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Masakado - Kartikeya - Masakado's S - Susano-o - Shiva
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Zhong Kui - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Yaso Magatsuhi - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Aeshma - Morax - Mithras - Horkos - Samyaza - King Frost - Balor - Astaroth - Asmodeus - Belial - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Beelzebub - Tzitzimitl - Surt - Chi You - Lucifuge - Mara
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Frost Ace - Tlaloc - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Napaea - Pixie - Spriggan - Oread - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Goblin - High Pixie - Setanta - Kelpie - Silky - Nadja - Lorelei - Vivian - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Mokoi - Fomorian - Sandman - Kikimora - Incubus - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Lilith - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Kazfiel - Azrael - Sraosha - Aniel - Uriel - Mastema - Raphael - Metatron - Gabriel - Seraph - Michael
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Orias - Dantalion - Ose - Nebiros - Decarabia - Mitra - Gemori - Murmur - Shax - Barbatos - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Feng Huang - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Tangata Manu - Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Caladrius - Tuofei - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Camazotz - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Dwarf - Knocker - Hua Po - Sudama - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Kuebiko - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Medusa - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Lham Dearg - Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Wendigo - Black Frost - Rakshasa - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Long - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Quetzalcoatl - Koga Saburo - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Gui Xian - Ouroboros - Orochi - Pendragon - Ananta
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Fafnir - Python - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Baihu - Sleipnir - Sphinx
Food Onmoraki - Katakirauwa - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Gryphon - Stonka - Kaso - Kabuso - Inugami - Asterius - Hairy Jack - Minotaur - Nekomata - Hsing-Hsing - Dormarth - Orthrus - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Chagrin - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Peallaidh - Porewit - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Shan Xiao - Mandrake - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Dullahan - Vetala
Spirit Dybbuk - Wicker Man - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Macabre - Inferno - Pisaca - Legion - Garrote
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Myrmecolion - Mothman - Ubu - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Plasma - Chemtrail - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Lanling Wang - Jeanne D'Arc - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Michizane - Huang Di - Yamato Takeru
Enemy Only
Cyber Pluto Soldier
Human Gaea Man - Ashura Man - Ashura Woman - Gaea Woman
Undead Samurai Zombie ♂ - Samurai Zombie ♀ - Zombie
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Mahamayuri - Hachiman - Baal - Apsu - Maitreya - Odin - Krishna
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Norn - Lakshmi - Izanami - Cleopatra
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Primal Satan
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Shiva - Mitra-Buddha
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Sukuna-Hikona - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zhong Kui - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu - Inanna
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Morax - Mithras - Horkos - King Frost - Balor - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Belial - Lucifuge - Tzitzimitl - Samyaza - Beelzebub - Surt - Chi You - Mara - Lucifer - Mephisto
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Tlaloc - Frost Ace - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Goblin - Nadja - Pixie - Napaea - Spriggan - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - High Pixie - Kelpie - Setanta - Silky - Vivian - Lorelei - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Fomorian - Sandman - Mokoi - Incubus - Kikimora - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Azrael - Kazfiel - Sraosha - Aniel - Mastema - Seraph - Metatron - Merkabah
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub - Angel
Fallen Decarabia - Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Ose - Orias - Nebiros - Dantalion - Gemori - Murmur - Adramelech - Barbatos - Shax - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Yatagarasu - Feng Huang - Garuda
Flight Caladrius - Gu Huo Niao - Tangata Manu - Tuofei - Harpy - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Camazotz - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Sudama - Dwarf - Hua Po - Knocker - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Mermaid - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Clotho - Medusa - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Lham Dearg - Wendigo - Rakshasa - Black Frost - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Long - Quetzalcoatl - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Ouroboros - Orochi - Gui Xian - Pendragon
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Python - Fafnir - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Chironnupu - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Sleipnir - Baihu - Sphinx
Food Katakirauwa - Onmoraki - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Kabuso - Kaso - Inugami - Stonka - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Gryphon - Hsing-Hsing - Orthrus - Dormarth - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Porewit - Chagrin - Peallaidh - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Mandrake - Shan Xiao - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Vetala
Spirit Legion - Garrote - Dybbuk - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Inferno - Wicker Man - Macabre - Pisaca
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Mothman - Ubu - Myrmecolion - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Jeanne D'Arc - Lanling Wang - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Huang Di
Deity Vishnu - Amon-Ra - Odin - Hachiman - Prometheus - Inti
Megami Anat - Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Brigid - Eruzuli - Scathach - Nakisawame
Enigma Kama - Yarilo - Neko Shogun - Kanbari
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Kartikeya - Seiten Taisei - Triglav - Ogun
Lady Kali - Cybele - Black Maria - Sedna - Hariti - Sekhmet - Kikuri-Hime
Kishin Marici - Bishamonten - Thor - Take-Mikazuchi - Zhong Kui - Tyr - Nagasunehiko - Otogo-Douji
Vile Pales - Tao Tie - Kanaloa - Chemosh - Pachachamac
Reaper Mot - Guedhe - Chernobog - Thanatos - Ixtab
Genma Heimdal - Hanuman - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn -Maui - Jambavan - Ictinike - Khons
Yoma Ganesha - Peri - Xiuhtecuhtli - Tengu - Maruts - Shaytan - Agathion
Fairy Oberon - Titania - Spriggan - Lorelei - Domovoi - Jack Lantern - Jack Frost - Kijimunaa - Pixie
Night Hypnos - Succubus - Incubus - Hinoenma - Sandman - Kikimora - Nacht Kobold
Tyrant Chi You - Nergal - Rahu - Loki - Balor
Herald Metatron - Sraosha - Sandalphon - Azrael - Lailah - Victor
Divine Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Abraxas - Botis - Barbatos - Purson - Bifrons - Nisroc - Melchom - Stolas
Dragon Zhu Yin - Ananta - Illuyankas - Patrimpas - Quetzalcoatl
Snake Ouroboros - Yamata no Orochi - Yurlungur - Cuelebre - Naga - Vouivre - Yato no Kami
Drake Vasuki - Mushussu - Python - Basilisk - Uwabami - Asp - Toubyou
Avian Garuda - Yatagarasu - Vidofnir - Phoenix - Hamsa
Flight Roc - Da Peng - Holawaka - Caladrius - Tuofei - Yamachichi - Ba
Raptor Kau - Anzu - Zhen - Stymphalides - Itsumade - Mo Shobow - Bi Fang
Avatar Barong - Ukano Mitama - Chimera - Anubis - Kamapua'a
Holy Sleipnir - Pabilsag - Airavata - Yatsufusa - Apis - Kaichi - Shisa
Beast Cerberus - Ammut - Dawon - Shoujou - Nekomata - Katakirauwa - Hairy Jack - Kabuso
UMA Hare of Inaba - Aerophant - Mamedanuki - Oliver-kun
Wilder Taowu - Catoblepas - Porewit - Nue - Suiko -Afanc - Waira
Jirae Gogmagog - Titan - Oumitsunu - Kwanca - Dwarf - Ribhu - Koropokkuru - Knocker
Brute Yaksha - Berserk - Purski - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Tokepi -Yamawaro- Bogle
Femme Rangda - Dakini - Amazon - Yuki Jyorou - Todomeki - Leanan Sidhe - Yomotsu-Shikome
Jaki Grendel - Girimehkala - Gashadokuro - Ocelot - Asinaga - Tenaga - Ogre
Tree Haoma - Kukunochi - Daphne - Oshira-sama
Wood Es - Zaccoum - Alraune - Mandrake - Jubokko
Element Salamander - Undine - Sylph - Gnome
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Evil Spirits
Haunt Vetala - Kudlak - Dzolob - Enku - Ghoul - Obariyon - Gaki
Undead Patriot - Zombie Cop - Agony - Rastaman - Waxwork - Scare Claw
Spirit Macabre - Legion - Inferno - Torso - Quicksilver - Poltergeist
Foul Doppelgänger - Tattooed Man - Killer Chopper - Hooligan - Slime
Vermin Mothman - Myrmecolion - Okiku-Mushi - Yowie - Ubu
Hero Rama - Guan Di Sheng Gong- Fariedone - Yoshitsune - Jeanne d'Arc
Enemy/Bosses only
Spirit Pisaca
Femme Fuguruma - Strix
Haunt Yakou - Strigoii - Kumbhanda - Tendou
Onryō Platoon Soldier - Inui - Kashiyama - Julia - Speedy - Mikiya
Zōma P Gargantua - Gargantua - Gargantua Q - Gargantua X - Gargantua 8 - Ou-Magatsuhi - Yaso-Magatsuhi - Enoch - David - Leviathan - Skoll
Fiend Sid
Jaki Shiki-Ouji
Foul Orgone Ghost
Tyrant Demiurge
Koki Inaruna
Deity Vishnu - Baal - Odin - Osiris - Lugh - Mahamayuri
Megami Izanami - Anat - Norn - Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Scathach - Fortuna
Enigma Kangiten - Kinmamon - Futotama - Billiken
Entity Alilat - Hachiman - Albion - Ometeotl - Black Maria
Zealot Dionysus - Attis - Aramisaki - Ogun
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Zaou Gongen - Yama - Kartikeya - Seiten Taisei - Tonatiuh
Lady Xi Wangmu - Kali - Cybele - Diana - Hariti - Kushinada - Dzelarhons - Pele
Kishin Marici - Bishamonten - Thor - Futsunushi - Zhong Kui - Tyr - Kotoshironushi - Hitokotonushi
Vile Mada - Pales - Saturnus - Tezcatlipoca - Kanaloa - Pachacamac - Mishaguji
Reaper Mot - Cernunnos - Guedhe - DB Busters - Chernobog - Persephone
Genma Heimdall - Hanuman - Tlaloc - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn -Nata Taishi - Ba Da Wang - Bes
Yoma Valkyrie - Peri - Roitschaggata - Rolwoy - Shiwanna - Maruts - Apsaras - Vodyanik
Fairy Oberon - Titania - Troll - Setanta - Vivian - Leprechaun - Silky - Pyro Jack - Jack Frost - Goblin - Penanggal - Pixie
Night Nyx - Kaiwan - Succubus - Incubus - Black Frost - Wild Hunt - Sand Man - Kikimora - Mokoi
Tyrant Mitra - Nergal - Surt - Loki - Tzitzimitl - Balor - Moloch
Herald Lucifrost - Metatron - Sraosha - Sandalphon - Armaiti - Azrael - Israfel - Melchizedek
Divine Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Murmur - Paimon - Botis - Halphas - Bifrons - Forneus - Nisroc - Shax - Seere
Dragon Vritra - Gucumatz - Illuyankas - Seiryu - Makara
Snake Ouroboros - Orochi - Hoyau Kamui - Mizuchi - Vouivre - Nozuchi - Yato no Kami
Drake Ym - Fafnir - Mushussu - Python - Tuna Roa - Bai Suzhen - Zhu Tun She
Avian Garuda - Suzaku - Yatagarasu - Thunderbird - Phoenix
Flight Da Peng - Rukh - Tangata Manu - Tuofei - Gu Huo Niao - Harpy
Raptor Hresvelgr - Anzu - Camazotz - Gurr - Moh Shuvuu - Onmoraki
Avatar Barong - Kaiming Shou - Anubis - Genbu - Kamapua'a
Holy Sleipnir - Qing Niuguai - Byakko - Airavata - Buraq - Shiisaa - Heqet
Beast Cerberus - Ammut - Orthrus - Kaso - Dormarth - Nekomata - Katakirauwa - Cunhur - Gally Trot
UMA Hare of Inaba - Chupacabra - Kuda - Oliver Zero - Oliver
Wilder Fenrir - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Pellaidh - Jersey Devil -Jueyuan - Chagrin - Hellhound
Jirae Muspell - Gogmagog - Tlaltecuhtli - Duergar - Tenong Cut - Puts - Koropokkuru - Knocker
Brute Yaksa - Shiki-Ouji - Berserker - Nyalmot - Ikusa - Galley Beggar - Dokkaebi - Bilwis - Azumi
Femme Rangda - Volvo - Amazon - Jahi - La Llorona - Leanan Sidhe - Acheri
Jaki Grendel - Girimehkala - Rakshasa - Gashadokuro - Lham Dearg - Wendigo - Ippon-Datara - Gremlin
Element Salamander - Undine - Sylph - Gnome
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Ara Mitama
Evil Spirits
Haunt Vetala - Kudlak - Greyman - Yaka - Churel - Obariyon - Preta
Spirit Wicker Man - Dybbuk - Garrote - Quicksilver - Poltergeist
Undead Cosmo Zombie - Headless Rider - Padlock - Drag Queen - Facebind
Rumor Purple Mirror - Red Cape - Reiko Kashima - Turbo-Granny - Kamiotoko
Tree Haoma - Kukunochi - Mayahuel - Narcissus - Oshira-sama
Wood Erlkonig - Alraune - Skogsra - Shan Xiao - Jubokko
Foul Shadow - Urban Terror - Douman - Mad Gasser - Night Stalker - Slime
Hero Huang Di - Rama - Saladin - Siegfried - Jeanne d'Arc
General Masakado - Longinus - Yoshitsune - Hagen - Lanling Wang
Ranger Frost Five - Milky Frost - Strawberry Frost - Lemon Frost - Melon Frost - B. Hawaii Frost
* Italic - Demon has alternate for the 3DS release.
Omega Tonatiuh - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Beiji-Weng - Shiva
Megami Sarasvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hathor - Brigid - Scathach - Lakshmi - Isis- Parvati - Norn - Pallas Athena - Amaterasu
Deity Mahakala - Thor - Arahabaki - Odin - Yama - Inti - Mithra - Osiris - Lugh - Alilat - Baal - Lord Nan Dou - Asura
Vile Orcus - Baphomet - Pazuzu - Abaddon - Arioch - Tao Tie - Tezcatlipoca - Nyarlathotep
Snake Makara - Nozuchi - Pendragon - Gui Xian - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Gucumatz - Orochi - Ananta - Hoyau Kamui
Dragon Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Asp - Ym - Python - Culebre - Vritra - Vasuki
Divine Angel - Power - Lailah - Aniel - Kazfiel - Remiel - Metatron
Avian Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Hamsa - Suparna - Vidofnir - Badb Catha - Anzu - Feng Huang - Garuda - Da Peng
Fallen Gagyson - Abraxas - Flauros - Barbatos - Botis - Nisroc - Bifrons - Orobas - Decarabia - Murmur - Agares - Nebiros - Satan
Avatar Heqet - Apis - Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Baihu - Airavata - Ukano Mitama - Barong - Anubis
Beast Kabuso - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nue - Myrmecoleon - Cerberus - Fenrir
Wilder Hare of Inaba - Waira - Garm - Afanc - Xiezhai - Mothman - Taown - Sleipnir - Behemoth - Ammut
Genma Tam Lin - Jambavan - Ictinike - Tlaloc - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Kama - Kresnik - Kangiten - Ganesha - Jarilo - Heimdall
Fairy Pixie - Knocker - Kijimunaa - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Lorelei - Silky - Vivian - Titania - Oberon
Tyrant King Frost - Moloch - Balor - Hecate - Tzitzimitl - Loki - Mot - Astaroth - Nergal - Belial - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Kishin Ubelluris - Nalagiri - Hitokotonusi - Take-Mikazuchi - Zouchou - Jikokuten - Koumokuten - Bishamonten - Ometeotl - Zaou-Gongen
Touki Kobold - Bilwis - Gozuki - Mezuki - Ikusa - Berserker - Lham Dearg - Yaksa - Nata Taishi - Oumitsunu
Jaki Obariyon - Ogre - Mokoi - Ogun - Wendigo - Legion - Girimekhala - Rakshasa - Grendel - Black Frost
Femme Kikimora - Lilim - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Peri - Ixtab - Hariti - Dzelarhons - Rangda - Anat - Kali - Lilith
Ghost Poltergeist - Agathion - Tenong Cut - Kumbhanda - Loa - Pisaca - Kudlak - Purple Mirror
Fiend Ghost Q - Sage of Time - Billiken - Trumpeter - Alice
Hero Neko Shogun - Hagen - Jeanne d'Arc - Yoshitsune - Guan Yu - Masakado
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Omega Dionysus - Tonatiuh - Aramisaki - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Beiji-Weng - Shiva
Megami Sarasvati - Ishtar - Kikuri-Hime - Hathor - Brigid - Scathach - Lakshmi - Isis- Parvati - Norn - Pallas Athena - Amaterasu
Deity Mahakala - Thor - Arahabaki - Odin - Yama - Inti - Mithra - Osiris - Lugh - Alilat - Baal - Lord Nan Dou - Asura
Vile Orcus - Baphomet - Pazuzu - Abaddon - Arioch - Tao Tie - Tezcatlipoca - Seth - Nyarlathotep
Snake Makara - Nozuchi - Pendragon - Gui Xian - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Gucumatz - Orochi - Ananta - Yurlungur - Hoyau Kamui - Kohryu
Dragon Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Asp - Ym - Python - Culebre - Vritra - Fafnir - Vasuki
Divine Angel - Power - Lailah - Dominion - Aniel - Kazfiel - Sandalphon - Remiel - Sraosha - Metatron
Avian Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Hamsa - Suparna - Vidofnir - Badb Catha - Rukh - Anzu - Kau - Feng Huang - Garuda - Da Peng
Fallen Gagyson - Abraxas - Dantalian - Flauros - Barbatos - Botis - Nisroc - Bifrons - Orobas - Decarabia - Murmur - Agares - Nebiros - Satan
Avatar Heqet - Apis - Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Baihu - Airavata - Ukano Mitama - Barong - Anubis
Beast Kabuso - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nue - Myrmecoleon - Cerberus - Fenrir - Cabracan
Wilder Hare of Inaba - Waira - Garm - Afanc - Xiezhai - Mothman - Taown - Catoblepas - Sleipnir - Behemoth - Ammut
Genma Tam Lin - Jambavan - Roitschaggata - Ictinike - Tlaloc - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Kama - Kresnik - Kangiten - Ganesha - Jarilo - Heimdall
Fairy Pixie - Knocker - Kijimunaa - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Lorelei - Silky - Troll - Vivian - Spriggan - Titania - Oberon
Tyrant King Frost - Moloch - Lucifuge - Balor - Hecate - Tzitzimitl - Loki - Mot - Lucifer Frost - Astaroth - Nergal - Belial - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Kishin Ubelluris - Nalagiri - Hitokotonusi - Take-Mikazuchi - Zouchou - Jikokuten - Koumokuten - Bishamonten - Ometeotl - Okuninushi - Zaou-Gongen
Touki Kobold - Bilwis - Dokkaebi - Gozuki - Mezuki - Ikusa - Berserker - Lham Dearg - Momunofu - Yaksa - Nata Taishi - Oumitsunu - Titan - Ongyo-Ki
Jaki Obariyon - Ogre - Mokoi - Ogun - Wendigo - Legion - Girimekhala - Shiki-Ouji - Rakshasa - Grendel - Macabre - Black Frost - Shikigami
Femme Kikimora - Lilim - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Peri - Ixtab - Hariti - Dzelarhons - Rangda - Anat - Jahi - Kali - Xi Wangmu - Lilith
Ghost Poltergeist - Agathion - Tenong Cut - Kumbhanda - Loa - Pisaca - Kudlak - Purple Mirror
Fiend Ghost Q - Sage of Time - Billiken - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot - Alice
Hero Neko Shogun - Hagen - Jeanne d'Arc - Yoshitsune - Guan Yu - Frost Five - Masakado
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Foreigner Izaya Orihara - Shizuo Heiwajima - Celty Sturluson