Nahobeeho is a demon in the series.
Nahobeeho is a Nahobino-inspired variation of Jack Frost in the same vein as other protagonist-imitators such as Raiho, Ai-ho or Demonee-Ho. Its name is derived from a portmanteau of "Nahobino" and the Jack Frost family's signature vocal tic, "hee ho."
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance[]
"A Jack Frost who looks like a certain Nahobino. Not content with being a mere demon, he pushes himself to his limits.
His blue hair and costume are homemade, and he's said to be proud of his divine craftsmanship.
He likes snowy mornings, and by his own words, aims to create a world of silver."
Nahobeeho is introduced in the Taito region of Da'at, and is the main character of the Quest "Wanabee-ho Nahobino," where they meet with the real Nahobino in the Kuramae region, in the ruined building close to a Fafnir. Nahobeeho then tries to make himself like the Nahobino and tries to recruit demons to his side, but he ends up getting rebuked or ignored at every turn. Despondent at the failures, they returned to the Nahobino, but the Nahobino then decides to say they are Nahobeeho's friend, completing the Quest.
Upon completing the Quest, not only does this unlock Nahobeeho for special fusion, but as a possible demon navigator. When not in current use, they can be found near the Umayabashi leyline fount.
The demons required to fuse Nahobeeho include Jack Frost, King Frost, Black Frost and Silky.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance[]