Moros is a Persona in the series.
Moros is the personification and god of doom in Greek mythology. He is the son of Nyx; brother to Hypnos, Nemesis, and Thanatos; elder brother and leader of the Moirae Sisters. Moros manifests as a shapeless spirit that bears the responsibility of revealing the day of one's impending demise. Because of this, he also came to be known as a spirit of depression, for the souls whose deaths he revealed are ridden with sadness and anguish.
Moros' name is also the origin for the word "morose", meaning sullen, ill-humored or gloomy.
Moros is Jin Shirato's artificially summoned Persona, born from the experiments performed by the Kirijo Group. Moros appears as a pendulum-shaped bipedal robot with one arm and glowing inscriptions hovering above his head, signifying his summoner's proficiency in information technology. Like his myth's namesake, Moros delivers the message of doom by exploiting the elemental weaknesses of an enemy. Because he was not awakened naturally, Moros is not stable and is liable to attempt to kill Jin, forcing Jin to take Persona Suppressors to keep him under control.
- Because Jin is left handed, Moros' only hand is a left hand.
- It is possible to hack Moros for the protagonist to use, but unlike party member Personas, he has no voice clip for Moros, instead a different Persona's clip, i.e. "Rangda!" will play instead. As the Persona has no default stats, level or other data (all of which come from Jin's enemy data himself), even Arcana, without any further codes to change their stats and abilities, the game will crash when using it. There is a picture of Moros among the rest of the Personas.