Morax, also known as Marax, Foraii and Farax, is the 21st demonic spirit of the Ars Goetia. He is a great Earl and a President (and sometimes a great count) and appears as a great bull with a man's face. But he is capable of taking the shape of a woman dressed in the style of traditional ancient Egyptian nobility. Some believe this demon to be the Egyptian goddess Ma'at or the monster Minotaur.
His office is to make man knowledgeable in astronomy and all other liberal sciences. He can bestow wise familiars and knows the virtues of herbs and precious stones. He governs 36 legions of spirits. According to the Grand Grimoire, he is a direct subordinate of Sargatanas.
"Morax" may be derived from the Latin word mora ("duration of time, delay").
"One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. He appears as a man with a bull's head. He has knowledge of magical gems and plants, and teaches astronomy and astrology. He also sometimes gives his summoner a familiar."
—Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey compendium
Morax first appears in Sector Antlia as a boss in the B2F of the sector. He has a desire to destroy humanity because of the violence they've caused. He asks the protagonist whether he thinks that the demons are the real heroes for doing this. The protagonist's answer affects his alignment. After the dialogue, the protagonist proceeds to fight Morax. When Morax is defeated, he drops the Rosetta for Antlia and a rare forma that unlocks new Sub Apps in the lab. He is also unlocked as a Special fusion, and can be created by fusing Itsumade, Oni and Melchom.
Morax appears once more in Sector Fornax, proclaiming his vengeance against the protagonist for defeating him. He appears in his new form as the Tyrant Moloch.
Morax appears as a foe in the Challenge QuestFour Wings, Four Heads. He is found in the Nakano area of Shinjuku. His head is then taken by the Messenger Angel to become the head of a bull.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]
Morax can teach Nanashi the Oni-Kagura and Maragi skills through his Demon Whisper. He benefits from learning Fire and Physical skills.
Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku[]
Morax is fought in Shibuya's third floor. Upon being slain, Gabriel appears and allows the hero to ask him up to three questions.