Moh Shuvuu, also known as Muu Shuwuu, is a Siberian demoness; her name means "Evil Bird" in Buryatian. She is the spirit of a young girl who died before knowing love. Moh Shuvuu takes on the form of a beautiful woman and lures men to an isolated spot. She then reverts to her true form of a bird and attacks.
Moh Shuvuu appears in the Nakano Boundless Domain instance and is the only demon to learn Vinyl Strike, a suicide skill with an extremely high damage modifier. She is the main NPC in the 2014 Valentine's Day event where she takes players to a special Valentine-themed version of Shibuya's Quartz instance.
Moh Shuvuu appears as the focus of one of Anthony's EX Missions, "To see her again..." where he has fallen in love with her.
Shin Megami Tensei IV[]
Moh Shuvuu can be found in Ikebukuro. She can teach Flynn the Mazan, Dia and Tarukaja skills through her Demon Whisper.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]
"Meaning "evil bird," it's the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat lore. She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak."
—Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse compendium
Moh Shuvuu is a resident of the Fairy Forest and may be found throughout its initial southern areas. She can teach the Dia, Zan, Makakaja and Mazan skills during Demon Whisper. Moh Shuvuu receives a decent bonus to Force skills and a small bonus to ailment and healing skills inherited through fusion.
Shin Megami Tensei V[]
"Meaning "evil bird," it is the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore. She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak."
"Meaning "evil bird," it is the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore. She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak."
—Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance lore
Muu Shuwuu is a demon of the Raptor race. She can be found in Da'at: Shinjuku in the Canon of Vengeance. Muu Shuwuu has received a unique skill, Maiden's Morsel, an Almighty skill which allows her to drain HP and MP from a target with amplified effects if the target has been charmed.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers[]
Moh Shuvuu is first seen at the Amami Airport. They are fairly dangerous due to their ability to use Last Resort, which could easily devastate the party if they opt to self-destruct.
In the 3DS remake, a variant Moh Shuvuu is available from Nemechi, after it evolves into the snake form. She costs 100 D-Souls and uses her alternate palette swap from the first Devil Summoner installment. This version is stronger and can use Loyal Electricity to rain lightning on opponents.
Furthermore, a Moh Shuvuu appears on the team of Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV if the party challenges him in his optional boss fight. This Moh Shuvuu is much stronger than all other incarnations of the demon, being level 80 with matching stats and thousands of HP, a huge list of resistances, no weaknesses and several near-unique skills.
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]
"Meaning "evil bird," it's the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore. She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak."
—Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army devil chart
Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]
"Meaning "evil bird," it's the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore. She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak."
—Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon details
Moh Shuvuu is a demon of the Wind Order and can be found at the Tento Springs and the Tento Woods.
Soul Hackers 2[]
"Meaning "evil bird," it is the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore. She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak."
Moh Shuvuu is a demon that begins appearing once the party reaches the SEBEC Building. They can potentially cause a large amount of damage or wipe out the party due to their Binal Strike ability.
Although she is completely optional as a demon in the games in which he stars, a Moh Shuvuu seems to be a core component of Raidou Kuzunoha's "canon" demon team; in every single appearance Raidou has made outside of his own games where he summons demons (that is, Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, The Lone Marebito and the "Chronicles" edition of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne), she is present and a heavily-used summon.
This particular Moh Shuvuu is also often shown having powers that would be difficult, at best, for a playable one to have, such as Frolic or her Dekunda-esque ability in Nocturne. She also has "impressive" stats (to say the least) when targetable in Soul Hackers.
The only other demon to appear so consistently like this is Raidou's Mokoi.
Moh Shuvuu is the only demon from Indigenous North Asian mythology, which includes Turkic, Mongolian, Siberian and other branches, to make frequent appearances in the franchise.
The clothes of Moh Shuvuu closely resembles that of the Buryati traditional female attires.
In a Megami Tensei demon popularity poll in 2017 in Japan, Moh Shuvuu received the 9th highest voter turnout.[1]