Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Skills/DSRKKA/doc
local skills = {
['Combo'] = {
cost = '6 MAG',
effect = 'Light multi-hit Phys dmg +Dizzy(Low)',
['Mighty Blow'] = {
cost = '26 MAG',
effect = "Heavy Phys dmg to an enemy +Dizzy(Med)",
['Frenzy'] = {
cost = '22 MAG',
effect = 'Light Phys dmg to an area +Dizzy(Low)',
['Venomstrike'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = "Light Phys dmg to an enemy +Poison(Med)",
['Winged Fury'] = {
cost = '20 MAG',
effect = 'Medium Phys dmg, arc attack +Dizzy(Low)',
['Rush'] = {
cost = '24 MAG',
effect = "Light Phys dmg, dash attack +Dizzy(Low)",
['Mad Rush'] = {
cost = '28 MAG',
effect = 'Medium Phys dmg, dash attack +Dizzy(Low)',
['Roundhouse'] = {
cost = '25 MAG',
effect = "Light multi-hit Phys dmg +Dizzy(Low)",
['Melee'] = {
cost = '32 MAG',
effect = 'Light linear multi-hit Phys dmg +Panic(Med)',
['Spinning Death'] = {
cost = '22 MAG',
effect = "Medium Phys dmg to an enemy +Mute(High)",
['Headcrush'] = {
cost = '32 MAG',
effect = 'Medium Phys dmg to all +Dizzy(High)',
['Cross Slash'] = {
cost = '90 MAG',
effect = "Heavy Phys dmg to all enemies +Dizzy(Low)",
['Raging Blast'] = {
cost = '120 MAG',
effect = 'Severe Phys dmg to all enemies +Dizzy(Med)',
['Rapidfire'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = 'Medium linear multi-hit Gun dmg +Panic(Low)',
['Shoot'] = {
cost = '36 MAG',
effect = "Heavy Gun dmg to an enemy",
['Barrage'] = {
cost = '48 MAG',
effect = 'Area multi-hit Heavy Gun dmg',
['Agi'] = {
cost = '8 MAG',
effect = "Light Fire dmg to an enemy. Stun:Short",
['Agidyne'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Splash Fire dmg. Stun: Long',
['Maragi'] = {
cost = '12 MAG',
effect = "Medium Fire dmg to an area. Stun: Med",
['Maragidyne'] = {
cost = '28 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Fire dmg to an area. Stun: Long',
['Agirati'] = {
cost = '15 MAG',
effect = "Light Fire dmg, 3-way spread. Stun: Med",
['Fire Breath'] = {
cost = '34 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Piercing multi-hit Fire dmg. Stun: Med',
['Hellfire'] = {
cost = '38 MAG',
effect = "Severe Piercing Fire dmg. Stun: Extreme",
['Fire Slash'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Fire dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade',
['Scorch Slash'] = {
cost = '70 MAG',
effect = "Mega Fire dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade",
['Flare Slash'] = {
cost = '110 MAG',
effect = 'Ultra Fire dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade',
['Bufu'] = {
cost = '8 MAG',
effect = "Light Ice dmg to an enemy. Stun:Short",
['Bufudyne'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Splash Ice dmg. Stun: Long',
['Mabufu'] = {
cost = '12 MAG',
effect = "Medium Ice dmg to an area. Stun: Med",
['Mabufudyne'] = {
cost = '28 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Ice dmg to an area. Stun: Long',
['Bufurati'] = {
cost = '15 MAG',
effect = "Light Ice dmg, 3-way spread. Stun: Med",
['Glacial Blast'] = {
cost = '34 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Piercing multi-hit Ice dmg. Stun: Med',
['Cocytus'] = {
cost = '38 MAG',
effect = "Severe Piercing Ice dmg. Stun: Extreme",
['Ice Slash'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Ice dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade',
['Freeze Slash'] = {
cost = '70 MAG',
effect = "Mega Ice dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade",
['Blizzard Slash'] = {
cost = '110 MAG',
effect = 'Ultra Ice dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade',
['Zio'] = {
cost = '8 MAG',
effect = "Light Elec dmg to an enemy. Stun:Short",
['Ziodyne'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Splash Elec dmg. Stun: Long',
['Mazio'] = {
cost = '12 MAG',
effect = "Medium Elec dmg to an area. Stun: Med",
['Maziodyne'] = {
cost = '28 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Elec dmg to an area. Stun: Long',
['Ziorati'] = {
cost = '15 MAG',
effect = "Light Elec dmg, 3-way spread. Stun: Med",
['Shock Wave'] = {
cost = '34 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Piercing multi-hit Elec dmg. Stun: Med',
['Thunderbolt'] = {
cost = '38 MAG',
effect = "Severe Piercing Elec dmg. Stun: Extreme",
['Bolt Slash'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Elec dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade',
['Electric Slash'] = {
cost = '70 MAG',
effect = "Mega Elec dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade",
['Electric Crush'] = {
cost = '70 MAG',
effect = "Mega Elec dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Axe",
['Thunder Stab'] = {
cost = '110 MAG',
effect = 'Ultra Elec dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Spear',
['Zan'] = {
cost = '8 MAG',
effect = "Light Force dmg to an enemy. Stun:Short",
['Zandyne'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Splash Force dmg. Stun: Long',
['Mazan'] = {
cost = '12 MAG',
effect = "Medium Force dmg to an area. Stun: Med",
['Mazandyne'] = {
cost = '28 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Force dmg to an area. Stun: Long',
['Zanrati'] = {
cost = '15 MAG',
effect = "Light Force dmg, 3-way spread. Stun: Med",
['Wind Cutter'] = {
cost = '34 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Piercing multi-hit Force dmg. Stun: Med',
['Tempest'] = {
cost = '38 MAG',
effect = "Severe Piercing Force dmg. Stun: Extreme",
['Gale Stab'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Force dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Spear',
['Cyclone Stab'] = {
cost = '70 MAG',
effect = "Mega Force dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Spear",
['Cyclone Stab 2'] = {
name = 'Cyclone Stab',
cost = '110 MAG',
effect = 'Ultra Force dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Spear',
['Mudo'] = {
cost = '13 MAG',
effect = "Single target Death attack, halves HP. Stun: Med",
['Mamudo'] = {
cost = '25 MAG',
effect = 'Area Death attack, halves HP. Stun: Med',
['Mamudoon'] = {
cost = '38 MAG',
effect = "Area Death attack. Instantly lethal",
['Heretic Crush'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Death dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Axe',
['Agnostic Crush'] = {
cost = '70 MAG',
effect = "Mega Death dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Axe",
['Skeptic Crush'] = {
cost = '110 MAG',
effect = 'Ultra Death dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Axe',
['Streaming Death'] = {
cost = '54 MAG',
effect = "Light linear multi-hit Death dmg +Poison(High).",
['Pulinpa'] = {
cost = '16 MAG',
effect = 'Light Mind dmg to an area +Panic(Med)',
['Marin Karin'] = {
cost = '16 MAG',
effect = 'Light Mind dmg to an area +Charm(Med)',
['Makajam'] = {
cost = '16 MAG',
effect = 'Light Mind dmg to an area +Mute(Med)',
['Petra'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = 'Light Mind dmg to an area +Stone(Med)',
['Dormina'] = {
cost = '16 MAG',
effect = 'Light Mind dmg to an area +Sleep(Med)',
['Eternal Rest'] = {
cost = '120 MAG',
effect = "High chance of Instant death to all sleeping foes.",
['Doubt Beam'] = {
cost = '54 MAG',
effect = 'Medium multi-hit Mind dmg +Panic/dizzy(High)',
['Cursed Bolt'] = {
cost = '60 MAG',
effect = "Heavy Mind dmg, 5-way spread +Charm(High)",
['Megido'] = {
cost = '80 MAG',
effect = 'Heavy Almighty dmg to an area',
['Megidolaon'] = {
cost = '180 MAG',
effect = "Severe Almighty dmg to all foes. Combination Attack.",
['Lay Waste'] = {
cost = '120 MAG',
effect = "Mega Almighty dmg to all poisoned foes",
['Cursed Emission'] = {
cost = '22 MAG',
effect = 'Medium Almighty dmg to an enemy +Dizzy(High)',
['Dia'] = {
cost = '10 MAG',
effect = "Slightly restores HP. 1 Ally",
['Media'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = 'Slightly restores HP. All allies',
['Diarama'] = {
cost = '22 MAG',
effect = "Moderately restores HP. 1 Ally",
['Mediarama'] = {
cost = '34 MAG',
effect = 'Moderately restores HP. All allies',
['Diarahan'] = {
cost = '36 MAG',
effect = "Fully restores HP. 1 Ally",
['Dia Aura'] = {
cost = '12 MAG',
effect = 'Gradually slightly restores HP 1 Ally',
['State of Bliss'] = {
cost = '20 MAG',
effect = "Gradually moderately restores HP. 1 Ally",
['Patra'] = {
cost = '8 MAG',
effect = 'Cures Sleep, Panic, Charm, and Dizzy. 1 Ally',
['Recarm'] = {
cost = '26 MAG',
effect = "Revives target with some HP. 1 Ally",
['Samarecarm'] = {
cost = '42 MAG',
effect = 'Revives target with full HP. 1 Ally',
['Justification'] = {
cost = '14 MAG',
effect = "Moderately restores HP of the caster.",
['Tarukaja'] = {
cost = '14 MAG',
effect = 'Raises Phys attack until battle ends. All allies',
['Tarukajaon'] = {
cost = '32 MAG',
effect = "Raises Phys attack until battle ends. All allies",
['Makakaja'] = {
cost = '14 MAG',
effect = 'Raises Magic attack until battle ends. All allies',
['Makakajaon'] = {
cost = '32 MAG',
effect = "Raises Magic attack until battle ends. All allies",
['Rakukaja'] = {
cost = '14 MAG',
effect = 'Raises Defense until battle ends. All allies',
['Rakukajaon'] = {
cost = '32 MAG',
effect = "Raises Defense until battle ends. All allies",
['War Cry'] = {
cost = '10 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly boosts Phys attack. All allies.',
['Dekaja'] = {
cost = '18 MAG',
effect = "Void stat boosts on all foes",
['Shot Bullet'] = {
cost = '50 MAG',
effect = 'Gun attacks will hit a wider area',
['Metal Bullet'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = "Increases gun attack dmg. Duration: Short",
['Mag Bullet'] = {
cost = '60 MAG',
effect = 'Greatly increases gun attack dmg. Duration: Short',
['Fire Bullet'] = {
cost = '30 MAG',
effect = "Adds Fire dmg to gun attacks. Duration: Short",
['Ice Bullet'] = {
cost = '30 MAG',
effect = "Adds Ice dmg to gun attacks. Duration: Short",
['Elec Bullet'] = {
cost = '30 MAG',
effect = "Adds Elec dmg to gun attacks. Duration: Short",
['Force Bullet'] = {
cost = '30 MAG',
effect = "Adds Force dmg to gun attacks. Duration: Short",
['Death Bullet'] = {
cost = '30 MAG',
effect = "Adds Death dmg to gun attacks. Duration: Short",
['Megido Fire'] = {
name = '[[Megido Fire]]',
cost = '90 MAG',
effect = 'Adds Heavy Almighty dmg to gun attacks',
['Pyro Blade'] = {
cost = '35 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Fire. Duration: Short",
['Pyro Killer'] = {
cost = '60 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Fire. Duration: Long",
['Frost Sword'] = {
cost = '35 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Ice. Duration: Short",
['Frost Killer'] = {
cost = '60 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Ice. Duration: Long",
['Volt Sword'] = {
cost = '35 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Elec. Duration: Short",
['Volt Killer'] = {
cost = '60 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Elec. Duration: Long",
['Wind Sword'] = {
cost = '35 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Force. Duration: Short",
['Wind Killer'] = {
cost = '60 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Force. Duration: Long",
['Pagan Sword'] = {
cost = '35 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Death. Duration: Short",
['Pagan Killer'] = {
cost = '60 MAG',
effect = "Imbue Raidou's sword with Death. Duration: Long",
['Null Phys'] = {
cost = '80 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly nullify Phys dmg. All allies',
['Phys Drain'] = {
cost = '120 MAG',
effect = "Briefly drain Phys dmg. All allies",
['Null Fire'] = {
cost = '45 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly nullify Fire dmg. All allies',
['Fire Drain'] = {
cost = '80 MAG',
effect = "Briefly drain Fire dmg. All allies.",
['Null Ice'] = {
cost = '45 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly nullify Ice dmg. All allies',
['Ice Drain'] = {
cost = '80 MAG',
effect = "Briefly drain Ice dmg. All allies.",
['Null Elec'] = {
cost = '45 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly nullify Elec dmg. All allies',
['Elec Drain'] = {
cost = '80 MAG',
effect = "Briefly drain Elec dmg. All allies.",
['Null Force'] = {
cost = '45 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly nullify Force dmg. All allies',
['Force Drain'] = {
cost = '80 MAG',
effect = "Briefly drain Force dmg. All allies.",
['Null Death'] = {
cost = '45 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly nullify Death dmg. All allies',
['Death Drain'] = {
cost = '80 MAG',
effect = "Briefly drain Death dmg. All allies.",
['Null Mind'] = {
cost = '45 MAG',
effect = 'Briefly nullify Mind dmg. All allies',
['Tetrakarn'] = {
cost = '40 MAG',
effect = "Reflect Phys attacks for a short time. All allies",
['Life Bonus'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raises MAX HP by 10%',
['Life Gain'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raises MAX HP by 20%',
['Life Surge'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raises MAX HP by 30%',
['Fire Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Increase Fire attack dmg',
['Ice Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Increase Ice attack dmg',
['Elec Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Increase Elec attack dmg',
['Force Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Increase Force attack dmg',
['Heal Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Increase healing ability',
['Mind Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Increase chance of Mind ailment attack',
['Fire Resist'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Halves Fire dmg taken. Can void weakness',
['Ice Resist'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Halves Ice dmg taken. Can void weakness',
['Elec Resist'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Halves Elec dmg taken. Can void weakness',
['Force Resist'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Halves Force dmg taken. Can void weakness',
['Phys Resist'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Halves Phys dmg taken. Can void weakness',
['Halve Death'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Death dmg -50%, negates Death stun',
['Halve Mind'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Halves susceptibility to ailments',
['Halve Mortal'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Halves chance of instant death',
['Null Mortal'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevents instant death',
['Power Chakra'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts Strength by 3',
['Magic Chakra'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts Magic by 3',
['Stamina Chakra'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts Vitality by 3',
['Luck Chakra'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts Luck by 3',
["Agni's Blessing"] = {
name = "[[Agni]]'s Blessing",
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts all stats by 3',
["Demon's Blessing"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boost all stats',
['Drain'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'MAG absorption rate increases',
['Magic Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Reduce MAG usage for skills',
['Skill Extension'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Extends duration of skills',
['Sink or Swim'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts critical rate and accuracy',
['Lucky Strike'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise critical chances on normal attacks',
['Moonlight Rage'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts strength during [[Moon Phase System|Full Moon]]',
['Endure'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Revive with 1 HP (once per battle)',
['Vengeance Seal'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Revive with 50% HP on death (once per battle)',
['Retribution'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Chance of heavy Almighty area dmg upon death',
['Fast Escape'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Escape quicker if skill holder is present',
['EXP Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Small increase to EXP earned after battle',
['Growth'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Obtain Exp when not summoned',
['First Aid'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Recover some HP (self) after battle',
['Whimsy Aid'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Recover own HP after battle depending on Luck.',
['Money-Getter'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Find money while walking',
['Finders Keepers'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Find items while walking',
['Desperate Power'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raises Fiend encounter rate',
['Unreachable Soul'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Drops Fiend encounter rate',
['Orienteering'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = "Possessor won't get lost",
["Capital's Fury"] = {
name = "[[Tokyo|Capital]]'s Fury",
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'High chance of countering all dmg taken',
['Lucky Capote'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Nullify the dmg dealt, depending on Luck',
["Hero's Might"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Chance of increasing Phys attack dmg',
["Mage's Craft"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Chance of increasing Magic attack dmg',
['Destructive Joy'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Boosts the power of all attacks',
-- Investigation Skills
['Use Force'] = { -- Fury Order
name = '<abbr title="Use brute strength to crush the target.">Use Force</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Ignite'] = { -- Pyro Order
name = '<abbr title="Ignite the Target.">Ignite</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Cool Down'] = { -- Frost Order
name = '<abbr title="Cool down the target.">Cool Down</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Light Up'] = { -- Volt Order
name = '<abbr title="Illuminate an area with lightning.">Light Up</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Inspect'] = { -- Volt Order
name = '<abbr title="Illuminate Hidden Locations.">Inspect</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Kamikaze'] = { -- Wind Order
name = '<abbr title="Use the wind to fly somewhere.">Kamikaze</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Scout'] = { -- Wind Order
name = '<abbr title="Check for treasure and demons in the area.">Scout</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Read Mind'] = { -- Pagan Order
name = '<abbr title="Read the targets mind.">Read Mind</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Transform'] = { -- Skill Order
name = '<abbr title="Transform into something else.">Transform</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Demonstrate'] = { -- Skill Order
name = '<abbr title="Use craftsmen skill while moving.">Demonstrate</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Provoke'] = {
name = '<abbr title="Increase encounter rate until new moon.">Provoke</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
['Intimidate'] = {
name = '<abbr title="Decrease encounter rate until new moon.">Intimidate</abbr>',
cost = '',
effect = '',
-- Boss Skills
['Maragidyne (Boss)'] = {
name = 'Maragidyne',
cost = '',
effect = 'Heavy Fire dmg to all. Stun: Long',
['Mudoon'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Area Death attack. Instantly lethal",
['Mamudoon (Boss)'] = {
name = 'Mamudoon',
cost = '',
effect = "Whole-field Death attack. Instantly lethal",
['Inferno'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Fire dmg to all',
['Jiraiya'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Elec dmg to all foes',
['Disturbance'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-hit Phys dmg around user + Dizzy',
['Sneak Attack'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Phys dmg to one target + Dizzy',
['Terror Blizzard'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Ice dmg to all',
['Thunderbolt (Boss)'] = {
name = 'Thunderbolt',
cost = '',
effect = 'Elec dmg to all',
['Evil Hurricane'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Force dmg to all',
['Called for Reinforcements'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Summons two [[Lamia]].',
['99 Needles'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-Hit Gun dmg around target + Dizzy.',
['Piercing Cry'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Linear piercing attack.',
['Accursed Word'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Death spell chases target. Deal death dmg.',
['Tackle'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Charge target to deal dmg + Dizzy',
['Hopper Kick'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Disappear and return to unleash phys dmg',
['Scratch'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Deal phys dmg to one target.',
['Overdrive'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-Hit charge dealing dmg + Dizzy',
['Sonic Wave'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Deal phys dmg to all enemies.',
['Samurai Frost'] = { -- Raiho
cost = '',
effect = 'Summons a Samurai Frost to charge at the enemy.',
['Summon'] = { -- Raiho
cost = '',
effect = 'Calls for Reinforcements.',
['Grudge Sword'] = { -- Masakado
cost = '',
effect = 'Massive dmg, drains [[Magnetite|MAG]] on contact',
['Flying Head'] = { -- Masakado
cost = '',
effect = 'Chases target, inflicts random ailments + stun (8 sec)',
['Judgement'] = { -- Yakubyou-gami
cost = '',
effect = 'Almighty dmg to all enemies',
['Money Rain'] = { -- Binbou-gami
cost = '',
effect = 'Money rains from the sky.',
['Soul Balance'] = { -- Black Rider
cost = '',
effect = 'Whole-field Death attack, instantly lethal.',
['Begin Starvation'] = { -- Black Rider
cost = '',
effect = 'Heavy dmg, drains [[Magnetite|MAG]].',
['Victory of Fire'] = { -- White Rider
cost = '',
effect = 'Fire dmg to all',
['Summon Undead'] = { -- Red Rider
cost = '',
effect = 'Summons a Death element spirit which chases the target.',
['Civil War'] = { -- Red Rider
cost = '',
effect = 'Damages all',
['Summon Phantom'] = { -- Predecessor Geirin
cost = '',
effect = 'Summon a phantom',
-- Doppelganger
['Slice and Dice'] = { -- Predecessor Geirin
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-hit Phys dmg',
['Headcrush (Boss)'] = {
name = 'Headcrush',
cost = '',
effect = 'Phys dmg to all +Dizzy(High)',
['Storm Stab'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-hit Force dmg',
['Dragon Fang'] = { -- Predecessor Geirin
cost = '',
effect = 'Lunging Spear attack',
['Diamond Crush'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "''Unknown Effect''",
['Dismiss Demon'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Mind dmg +Charm(Med)',
-- Amatsu-Mikaboshi Skills
["Star's Funeral"] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Creates 3 large, persistent dmg zones on the field. Unblockable.',
['Mute Beam'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Seals a demon for the rest of the battle, damages the summoner.',
['Demonic Star'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Almighty dmg to all',
-- Geirin Kuzunoha the XVII Skills
['Summon Phantom'] = { -- Predecessor Geirin
cost = '',
effect = 'Summons lingering phantoms.',
['Summon Demon'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Summon a demon',
['Tombstone'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Linear Phys dmg',
['Rawhide'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-hit Phys dmg to an area',
['Bite the Bullet'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-hit Gun dmg',
['Wild Bunch'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-hit linear Phys dmg',
['Quick & Dead'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "''Unknown Effect''",
-- Apollyon skills
['Stone Needle'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Multi-hit dmg to an area. +Stone',
['Death Cutter'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "User chases target to inflict dmg",
['Acid'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Poison rains down from the sky several times.",
['Death Shot'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Phys attack unleashed after Acid.",
['Take Down'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Phys attack hits all. Deals damage to user.",
['Wing Flap'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Hits foes around user + Knockback.",
['Psycho Crush'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "User chases target to inflict dmg.",
['Venom Tear'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Poison rains down from the sky several times.",
['Hiding'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Teleports around the field.",
['Psycho Smash'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Kick attack sometimes unleashed after Hiding.",
-- Dahn's Skills
['Coercion'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Phys dmg to an enemy, Knockback + Dizzy',
['Megidola'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Mega Almighty dmg to an area',
['Poison Punch'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Phys dmg to an enemy + Poison',
['Demon Hunt'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Multi-hit dmg to target.",
['Burning Resolve'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Fire dmg to all enemies',
['Poison Smash'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Deal dmg around user + Poison',
-- Lucifer's Skills
["King's Yell"] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Almighty dmg + Panic. Lingering.',
['Evil Gleam'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Dmg to all + Charm',
['Roughouse'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Almighty dmg + Dizzy; appears in Raidou's location. Unblockable.",
-- Shinado's Skills
['Bloody Inferno'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Fire dmg to all',
['Bullet Rain'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Ice dmg to all',
['Divine Thunder'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Elec dmg to all',
['Super Hurricane'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Force dmg to all',
['Prominence'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Almighty dmg to all. Unblockable.',
["Plasma"] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Chases target, inflicts dmg + Dizzy',
['Corona Pillars'] = {
cost = '',
effect = 'Creates 3 pillars of Almighty dmg which move across the field',
['Judging Eye'] = {
cost = '',
effect = "Chases target, inflicts dmg + Dizzy",
local aliases = {
[""] = "",
return {
skills = skills,
aliases = aliases,
--[[Category:Skills modules|D]]
--[[Category:Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon|~]]