After the alignment lock, Flynn can visit Minami Sunamachi. The demons here are ones commonly found in Naraku, with an NPC Napaea revealing that they were the inhabitants of Naraku until the angels appeared and started to kill them, forcing them to flee and reside in Minami Sunamachi. The Pale Rider can be found here. His location is hinted by a certain Hunter who tells Flynn if he is hunting the "demon." Should Flynn confirm this, the Hunter will confirm his suspicions about a Fiend sighting.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]
Nanashi is tasked with retrieving a shopping flyer from Minami Sunamachi by Nakadachi through a Hunter Association challenge quest. The area is rife with poison and is almost entirely abandoned, save for Saint Germain in the southwest building and the Spirit of the Spring in the northeast corner. A Terminal along the north side of the area will save the party a long trek in the world map to return to the Association.
Another Challenge Quest has Nanashi return to the area in search of Ongyo-Ki, a demon with an expert ability at hiding, after no other hunter returned from there. Although the quest info originally says that the demon is hiding in one of the buildings, Ongyo-Ki is actually able to hide in plain site, and will not appear outside until after the buildings have already been searched.