Megami Tensei Wiki
This article is about the Hindu version of Maya in the Megami Tensei series. For the Mayan or other versions, see Maya (demon, Mayan) or Maya.

Maya is a demon appearing in the series.


In the Hindu religion, Maya is a principality goddess centered around the concept of "illusion" and has multiple meanings. In fact, Maya's very name is "illusion" in Sanskrit. She manifests, perpetuates and governs all forms of illusion as well as the dream of duality in the universe and the mystic arts. By extension, it later came to mean the powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real.

She brings to mankind the ignorance and enlightenment of the individualism, the concept of ownership and the awareness of otherworldly phenomena. For the Nondualists, Maya is thus that cosmic force that presents the infinite Brahman (the supreme being) as the finite phenomenal world. Maya is reflected on the individual level by human ignorance (Ajnana) of the real nature of the self, which is mistaken for the empirical ego but which is in reality identical with Brahman.

It is believed by some schools of thought that the Burmese mother goddess Maya also holds some connection to the Hindu goddess of illusion. She has also been known as an epithet for goddess, and the name of a manifestation of Lakshmi, the goddess of "wealth, prosperity and love," or the mother of Gautama Buddha. She was also known as Mother Maya, Mother of Illusions and Maya of the Night.

Her interpretation in the Shin Megami Tensei series, particularly in Strange Journey, is a combination of all of the aforementioned interpretations.



This version of Maya should not be confused with the Mayan demon of the same name.

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey[]

"The Hindu personification of Illusion. It is said to have the power to make humans aware and become enlightened about "phenomena" caused by things on earth. A Maya of Burmese lore was a mother goddess and may have some relation to the goddess of illusion."
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey compendium

Maya serves as the Sector Boss of Sector Grus. It was her power that twisted Grus' landscape to its warped form; she also threatens Zelenin and the protagonist with her vicious illusions until the protagonist encounters Commander Gore and makes him awaken to the true power of the Ubergestalt. As a result, the two muster enough strength to cast them away.

Upon breach of her sanctum, a twisted blend of the first four sectors, she appears, sarcastically asking whether the protagonist's repeated defeat of the Mothers was some form of entertainment, and if the protagonist had enjoyed the act of "matricide" so much she was next in line.

Upon defeat, she claims that she is too a child of Mem Aleph and then drops her Exotic Matter. Maya can then be produced from a special fusion of Hariti, Succubus, Incubus and Airavata.


The battle against her can be dangerous for a party specialized in spellcasting, as her own special skills allow her to negate any form of offensive magic and instantly kill the offender. However, she is weak to Gun damage. Befitting the goddess of illusions, she can cast Illusion Ritual, buffing her evasion stats. Remove this if possible, as increased evasion rates are extremely dangerous and can potentially cause loss of valuable turns.

Other than that, she knows strong elemental magic (-dyne spells, Gate spells) and Ultraviolence, an exceedingly strong Physical attack that will hit the entire party, and Evil Vortex, a damaging attack that can inflict Stone status. Dekunda is also in her repertoire.

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]

Maya can be rarely found in the Cosmic Egg, on Fifth. She can teach Nanashi the Megidolaon, Makarakarn and Sexy Dance skills through her Demon Whisper. She benefits from learning ailment, Almighty and support skills.


Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP
Strength 48
Magic 48
Vitality 42
Agility 45
Luck 46
Night Neutral-Chaos 63 6000
Attack Type Physical Gun Fire Ice Electricity Wind Expel Curse Almighty
Single Foe/1/Physical/None - Weak - - - - Null Null -
Poison Paralyze Stone Strain Sleep Charm Mute Fear Bomb Rage
Resist Resist Null - Null Resist Null Resist - -
List of Skills
Illusory Ritual Ultraviolence Evil Vortex
Agidyne Bufudyne Ziodyne
Garudyne Dekaja Dekunda
Silent Prayer Agi Gate Bufu Gate
Zio Gate Garu Gate

Race Alignment Level HP MP
Strength 44
Magic 50
Vitality 40
Agility 45
Luck 46
Night Neutral-Chaos 70 565
Attack Type Physical Gun Fire Ice Electricity Wind Expel Curse Almighty
Single Foe/1/Physical/None - Weak - - - - Strong Strong -
Poison Paralyze Stone Strain Sleep Charm Mute Fear Bomb Rage
- - - - - - - - - -
Natural Skills
Megidola Concentrate
D-Source Skills
Megidolaon Concentrate Void Mind

Race Alignment Level HP MP
Strength 44
Magic 50
Vitality 40
Agility 45
Luck 46
Night Neutral-Chaos 70 565
Attack Type Physical Gun Fire Ice Electricity Wind Expel Curse Almighty
Single Foe/1/Physical/None - Weak - - - - Strong Strong -
Poison Paralyze Stone Strain Sleep Charm Mute Fear Bomb Rage
- - - - - - - - - -
Natural Skills
Evil Vortex Illusory Ritual Concentrate
D-Source Skills
Megidolaon Concentrate Void Mind

Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 83
Dexterity 83
Magic 83
Agility 83
Luck 83
Night 77 609 274
Physical Phys Gun Gun Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- Weak - - - - Resist Resist
Ailment Resistance -
Normal Attack Phys x1, 1 enemy
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Megidola 40 MP Medium almighty damage to all foes. Innate
Concentrate 11 MP Multiplies user's next magical damage by 2.5. Innate
Null Mind Auto Immunity against sleep and panic. 78
Mana Surge Auto Increases max MP by 30%. 79

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 51
Dexterity 67
Magic 115
Agility 75
Luck 91
Night 77 722 398
Physical Phys Gun Gun Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- Weak - - Null - - Resist
Ailment Resistance Null: Sleep/Charm
Normal Attack Phys x1, 1 enemy
Skill Affinities Ailment Ailment +5 · Almighty Almighty +3 · Support Support +1 · Gun Gun -4 · Physical Physical -5
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Megidolaon 70 MP Heavy almighty damage to all foes. Innate
Makarakarn 50 MP Bestows magic-repelling shields for one turn to all allies. Innate
Sexy Dance 20 MP 45% charm to all foes. 78
Mana Surge Auto Increases max MP by 30%. 79
Null Mind Auto Immunity against sleep, panic, charm and mute. 80

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Dx2 Maya Icon
Race Rarity Grade HP
6★ Stats
Strength 90
Magic 193
Vitality 159
Agility 145
Luck 181
Night ★★★★★ 86 1117
Phys ATK Phys DEF Mag ATK Mag DEF See Also
519 549 735 601 [1]
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
- - - Null - - Resist
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Archetype
Null Charm Auto Adds Null Charm Innate
Illusionary World Auto +15% chance to inflict status ailments.

When a party member is Muted: Cures all party members of Mute, then inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage (Power: 100) on all enemies.

Glamorous Allure Auto The effect of normal Attacks will be changed to the following: Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage (Power: 80) on all enemies with 30% chance to inflict Charm on hit enemies. Innate
Megidolaon 8 MP Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage with 120 power on All Enemies. Aragami
Butcher Auto +20% damage to skills that target all or random enemies. Aragami
Luster Candy 8 MP Increases ATK, DEF, EV/AC of All Party Members by 20% for 3 turns. Protector
Insanity Auto +20% chance to inflict status ailments. Protector
Null Bind Auto Adds Null Bind. Psychic
Rattle 9 MP Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage with 100 power on All Enemies and reduces all enemy EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns. Psychic
Drain Dark Auto Adds Dark Drain. Elementalist
Null Curse Auto Adds Null Curse Elementalist


Herald Victor - Israfel - Kazfiel - Azrael - Sraosha - Armaiti - Aniel - Mastema - Sandalphon - Metatron - Seraph
Megami Hathor - Fortuna - Parvati - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Norn - Lakshmi - Maria - Amaterasu - Demeter
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Thunderbird - Feng Huang - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Tree Daphne - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Flight Tangata Manu - Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Caladrius - Tuofei - Rukh - Da Peng
Yoma Koppa Tengu - Vodyanik - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha - Shaytan
Nymph Apsaras - Ame-no-Uzume - Anahita - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Samael - Mada - Seth - Demiurge
Raptor Onmoraki - Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Zhen - Camazotz - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Wood Shan Xiao - Mandrake - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Ometeotl - Zeus - Odin - Hachiman - Vishnu
Avatar Shiisa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Qing Niuguai - Airavata - Baihu - Sleipnir - Sphinx
Genma Nadja - Tam Lin - Frost Ace - Kurama Tengu - Tlaloc - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Hanuman - Heimdall
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Prime Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Fairy Pixie - Goblin - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - High Pixie - Silky - Lorelei - Spriggan - Vivian - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Beast Kaso - Katakirauwa - Inugami - Nekomata - Hsing-Hsing - Orthrus - Gryphon - Ammut - Cerberus
Jirae Knocker - Hua Po - Sudama - Dwarf - Bagaboo - Bogaboo - Bugaboo - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Yurlungur - Vouivre - Gui Xian - Ouroboros - Orochi - Ananta - Vritra
UMA Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Thanatos - Nergal - Ixtab - Mot
Wilder Jueyuan - Raiju - Nue - Pellaidh - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Fenrir
Jaki Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Wendigo - Black Frost - Rakshasa - Grendel - Girimekhala - Hecatoncheir
Vermin Okiku-Mushi - Ubu - Myrmecolion - Mothman - Arachne
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca - Masakado
Fiend David - Matador - Alice - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Zaou-Gongen - Susano-o - Shiva
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Black Maria - Isis - Skadi - Cybele - Xi Wangmu
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Long - Zhu Yin - Quetzalcoatl - Huang Long
Kishin Takeminakata - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Thor
Geist Anat - Alilat
Fallen Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Orias - Dantalian - Ose - Decarabia - Mithra - Forneus - Gemori - Nebiros
Brute Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Acheri - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Dakini - Rangda - Volvo - Kali
Night Sandman - Lilim - Fomorian - Incubus - Hypnos - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Lilith - Maya
Tyrant Morax - Mithras - Horkos - King Frost - Asura - Balor - Moloch - Loki - Abaddon - Tzitzimitl - Surt - Amon - Mara - Beelzebub - Belial - Lucifuge
Drake Zhu Tun She - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Nidhoggr - Fafnir - Vasuki
Spirit Dybbuk - Poltergeist - Macabre - Inferno - Pisaca - Formless - Legion
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Doppelgänger- Night Stalker - Mad Gasser
Haunt Preta - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Ghoul - Strigoii - Kudlak - Vetala
Fake Demonica-L - Demonica-N - Demonica-C
Human Soldier - Captain Jack - Norris - McClane
Zelenin: Judge - Pillar
Commander Gore: Ubergestalt
Jimenez: Human (With Demonica) - Awake - Soil
Other Mem Aleph
Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Odin - Mahamayuri - Baal - Apsu - Hachiman - Vishnu
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu - Omoikane
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Izanami - Norn - Lakshmi
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Godly Ancient of Days
Chaos Sanat
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Masakado - Kartikeya - Masakado's S - Susano-o - Shiva
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Zhong Kui - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Yaso Magatsuhi - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Aeshma - Morax - Mithras - Horkos - Samyaza - King Frost - Balor - Astaroth - Asmodeus - Belial - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Beelzebub - Tzitzimitl - Surt - Chi You - Lucifuge - Mara
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Frost Ace - Tlaloc - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Napaea - Pixie - Spriggan - Oread - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Goblin - High Pixie - Setanta - Kelpie - Silky - Nadja - Lorelei - Vivian - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Mokoi - Fomorian - Sandman - Kikimora - Incubus - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Lilith - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Kazfiel - Azrael - Sraosha - Aniel - Uriel - Mastema - Raphael - Metatron - Gabriel - Seraph - Michael
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Orias - Dantalion - Ose - Nebiros - Decarabia - Mitra - Gemori - Murmur - Shax - Barbatos - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Feng Huang - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Tangata Manu - Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Caladrius - Tuofei - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Camazotz - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Dwarf - Knocker - Hua Po - Sudama - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Kuebiko - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Medusa - Clotho - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Lham Dearg - Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Wendigo - Black Frost - Rakshasa - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Long - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Quetzalcoatl - Koga Saburo - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Gui Xian - Ouroboros - Orochi - Pendragon - Ananta
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Fafnir - Python - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Baihu - Sleipnir - Sphinx
Food Onmoraki - Katakirauwa - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Gryphon - Stonka - Kaso - Kabuso - Inugami - Asterius - Hairy Jack - Minotaur - Nekomata - Hsing-Hsing - Dormarth - Orthrus - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Chagrin - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Peallaidh - Porewit - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Shan Xiao - Mandrake - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Dullahan - Vetala
Spirit Dybbuk - Wicker Man - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Macabre - Inferno - Pisaca - Legion - Garrote
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Myrmecolion - Mothman - Ubu - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Plasma - Chemtrail - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Lanling Wang - Jeanne D'Arc - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Michizane - Huang Di - Yamato Takeru
Enemy Only
Cyber Pluto Soldier
Human Gaea Man - Ashura Man - Ashura Woman - Gaea Woman
Undead Samurai Zombie ♂ - Samurai Zombie ♀ - Zombie
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Deity Thoth - Inti - Prometheus - Lord Nandou - Osiris - Ometeotl - Mahamayuri - Hachiman - Baal - Apsu - Maitreya - Odin - Krishna
Amatsu Ame no Uzume - Take-Mikazuchi - Amaterasu
Megami Fortuna - Hathor - Parvati - Brigid - Scathach - Ishtar - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Anat - Norn - Lakshmi - Izanami - Cleopatra
Nymph Apsaras - Senri - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati - Peri
Enigma Kanbari - Futotama - Kinmamon - Kama - Kangiten
Entity Alilat
Primal Satan
Fury Ares - Tonatiuh - Asura - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Beiji-Weng - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Shiva - Mitra-Buddha
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Okuninushi - Sukuna-Hikona - Kushinada-Hime - Hitokoto-Nushi - Arahabaki - Oumitsunu
Kishin Zhong Kui - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Marici - Thor
Zealot Ogun - Dionysus - Aramisaki - Attis - Tezcatlipoca
Lady Pele - Dzelarhons - Sedna - Hariti - Diana - Asherah - Isis - Black Maria - Skadi - Xi Wangmu - Inanna
Reaper Hel - Orcus - Persephone - Guedhe - Cernunnos - Ixtab - Nergal - Mot
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Pachacamac - Taotie - Alciel - Pales - Seth - Demiurge
Tyrant Morax - Mithras - Horkos - King Frost - Balor - Loki - Abaddon - Azazel - Belial - Lucifuge - Tzitzimitl - Samyaza - Beelzebub - Surt - Chi You - Mara - Lucifer - Mephisto
Genma Tam Lin - Ictinike - Nata Taishi - Baldur - Tlaloc - Frost Ace - Kurama Tengu - Cu Chulainn - Kresnik - Jarilo - Hanuman - Heimdall
Yoma Centaur - Vodyanik - Agathion - Koppa Tengu - Karasu Tengu - Dis - Shiwanna - Valkyrie - Xiuhtecuhtli - Master Therion - Ganesha
Fairy Goblin - Nadja - Pixie - Napaea - Spriggan - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - High Pixie - Kelpie - Setanta - Silky - Vivian - Lorelei - Oberon - Titania - Demonee-Ho
Night Fomorian - Sandman - Mokoi - Incubus - Kikimora - Lilim - Kaiwan - Succubus - Wild Hunt - Queen Mab - Maya
Herald Lailah - Victor - Israfel - Azrael - Kazfiel - Sraosha - Aniel - Mastema - Seraph - Metatron - Merkabah
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub - Angel
Fallen Decarabia - Melchom - Bifrons - Halphas - Ose - Orias - Nebiros - Dantalion - Gemori - Murmur - Adramelech - Barbatos - Shax - Botis - Samael
Avian Hamsa - Suparna - Phoenix - Vidofnir - Thunderbird - Yatagarasu - Feng Huang - Garuda
Flight Caladrius - Gu Huo Niao - Tangata Manu - Tuofei - Harpy - Rukh - Da Peng
Raptor Fuxi - Moh Shuvuu - Itsumade - Camazotz - Zhen - Gurr - Anzu - Huoniao - Hresvelgr
Jirae Sudama - Dwarf - Hua Po - Knocker - Kwancha - Tsuchigumo - Titan - Tlaltecuhtli - Gogmagog
Brute Bilwis - Oni - Azumi - Momunofu - Yamawaro - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Kin-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Sui-Ki - Berserker - Yaksha - Ongyo-Ki
Femme Leanan Sidhe - Mermaid - Strix - Shikome - Yuki Jyorou - Clotho - Medusa - Lachesis - Atropos - Taraka - Dakini - Rangda - Kali
Jaki Gremlin - Ippon-Datara - Lham Dearg - Wendigo - Rakshasa - Black Frost - Ogre - Grendel - Girimehkala - Hekatoncheires
Dragon Makara - Patrimpas - Gucumatz - Illuyanka - Zhu Yin - Long - Quetzalcoatl - Huang Long
Snake Naga - Nozuchi - Vouivre - Yurlungur - Ouroboros - Orochi - Gui Xian - Pendragon
Drake Zhu Tun She - Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Basilisk - Kingu - Mushussu - Tiamat - Niddhoggr - Ym - Python - Fafnir - Vasuki
Avatar Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Makami - Kaiming Shou - Chimera - Ukano Mitama - Anubis - Barong
Holy Heqet - Apis - Pabilsag - Chironnupu - Qing Niugai - Airavata - Sleipnir - Baihu - Sphinx
Food Katakirauwa - Onmoraki - Mamedanuki - Chupacabra - Kuda - Hare of Inaba
Beast Kabuso - Kaso - Inugami - Stonka - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Gryphon - Hsing-Hsing - Orthrus - Dormarth - Ammut - Cerberus
Wilder Porewit - Chagrin - Peallaidh - Jueyuan - Raijuu - Nue - Manticore - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Taowu - Fenrir
Tree Daphne - Narcissus - Mayahuel - Kukunochi - Haoma - Yggdrasil
Wood Mandrake - Shan Xiao - Skogsra - Zaccoum - Alraune - Erlkonig
Evil Spirits
Ghost Strigoii - Preta - Obariyon - Mou-Ryo - Churel - Enku - Ghoul - Kudlak - Vetala
Spirit Legion - Garrote - Dybbuk - Poltergeist - Quicksilver - Inferno - Wicker Man - Macabre - Pisaca
Undead Zombie Cop - Corpses - Patriot - Alice
Vermin Mothman - Ubu - Myrmecolion - Okiku-Mushi - Arachne
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Hooligan - Night Stalker - Tattooed Man - Mad Gasser
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Fiend David - Matador - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot
Famed Yoshitsune - Jeanne D'Arc - Lanling Wang - Hagen - Siegfried - Kanseiteikun - Rama - Tenkai - Tokisada - Huang Di