Maruts, also known as Marutagana, are Hindu deities of storm and in some myths are sons of Rudra, who is a god of storms as well. They accompany Indra and are allied to Vayu. They are said to be the children of Diti, who was unable to carry her child in her womb for 100 years and soh Indra slays her. Indra then split the child into the seven Maruts.
"Spirits of storm and lightning from the Rig Veda. They are the sons of the monsoon god Rudra and serve Indra. While normally cheerful, they turn into frightening warriors during battle, with their bow and arrows, axes, and shining spears they shattered cloud-cattles, cleaved cloud-rocks and caused it to rain on the earth. Their yells frightened the attendants of Vritra, Indra`s arch-enemy."