Marchosias is a powerful Great Marquis of Hell in the Ars Goetia, commanding thirty legions of demons. He is a strong and excellent fighter and very reliable to the conjurer, giving true answers to all questions. Marchosias hoped after one thousand and two hundred years to return to heaven with the non-fallen angels, but he is deceived in that hope.
He is depicted as a wolf with a man's form as well as a griffon's wings and a serpent's tail, that under request changes shape into a man. He is the 35th spirit of the Goetia and was of the order of Dominions.
"Origin: Israel. One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. He is a Marquis of Hell. He appears as a fire-breathing, winged wolf or a female wolf with wings and snake tail. He sometimes takes a human form, appearing as a tall warrior who answers questions. He acts to aid his summoner in battle."
—Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS Dictionary
Devil Children White Book[]
An officer in Heaven's army who challenges Masaki Kuzuha in the army base to see how he was able to continue fighting when his demonic powers are sealed in Tenkai. After being defeated he believes the power comes from the wicked God who can destroy the world, then dies. He can be found in the Deep Hole after Jashin is killed.