Mamedanuki (豆狸), literally "bean raccoon," is a raccoon-dog spirit capable of shapeshifting from the Japanese yokai compendium Ehon Hyaku Monogatari (絵本百物語). They are able to transform their scrotum into various useful objects.
"A male raccoon that specializes in enchanting people. It has massive genitals, about 12 feet squared, which it uses to fool people. It sometimes covers itself in them and transforms, while other times using them as an umbrella. In the sake breweries of Nada, Japan, they say you can't make good liquor if there's no Mamedanuki around."
—Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey compendium
Mamedanuki is a common Enemy Scan demon in Sector Antlia and Sector Bootes. Halphas offers to conduct a Mamedanuki hunt across Mitra's Tower in an EX Mission. While not a particular threat by itself, as an enemy it has access to the Macca Beam skill, which permanently removes a sizeable portion of Macca from the protagonist's reserves.
"A male raccoon that specializes in enchanting people. It has massive genitals, about 12 feet squared, which it uses to fool people. It sometimes covers itself in them and transforms; at other times it uses them as an umbrella. In the sake breweries in of Nada, Japan, they say you can't make good liquor if there's no Mamedanuki around."
—Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse compendium
Three Mamedanuki skins are required for the Challenge Quest "I'll Make You Full," where the restaurant Akujiki plans on making inarizushi from them for the resident children. The Mamedanuki are found in Kinshi Park in Kinshicho and later appear regularly in the Shinjuku West Entrance Park.