Majin Tensei: Blind Thinker (魔神転生 Blind Thinker) is a strategy RPG developed by Atlus and Bbmf for mobile phones.
A port to the Nintendo Switch and Steam as part of G-Mode Archives+ was announced on October 29th, 2023.[1] The game would be released a few weeks later on November 16th.[2]
Release Date[]
- Japan: July 11, 2007 (iAppli)
- Japan: August 15, 2007 (S!Appli)
- Japan: November 1, 2007 (EZAppli)
Blind Thinker is an original story based on the series' first game, Majin Tensei. The story is set in Tokyo 20XX after the third World War. The A.G.E. Corporation is developing a new form of energy and has constructed a city called Neo Tokyo. It has multiple endings tied to which of the characters the protagonist allies himself with. Many of the familiar elements of the series return, such as demonic negotiation and demonic fusion, though some mechanics common to the Majin Tensei series in particular have been simplified.
- Yuji Kashiwagi (柏木 勇二): The protagonist, a high-school student.
- Nagisa Mannaka (満仲 渚): A senior in high school. She learns a mixture of curative and Force Skills.
- Haruomi Munakata (宗方 晴臣): Charismatic, his focus is on Fire Skills and Electric Skills
- Gilford Avery (キルフォート・エイブリー): A foreigner who came from Germany to see Neo Tokyo. His focus is on Ice Skills and curative skills.
External Links[]