Magical Magus initially appears as a sub-boss, found on the 98th floor of Tartarus in a group of three. They impede the party's progress and must be fought in order to continue. They are neutral to Distress and very weak to Panic, while blocking all other ailments. They are later found in the Tziah Block of Tartarus, between floors 123 to 138 as regular enemies. They reappear later in the first section of Ptolomea within the Abyss of Time.
Personas such as Flauros and Sarasvati will be useful in dealing with the Magical Magus. Flauros can target their weakness with Maragi (Agilao in FES) and in the event one of them manages to use Makarakarn, Sarasvati can use Mabufu to remove with without the protagonist receiving damage and protecting him from any further Ice attacks during that turn. Taking Junpei and Koromaru along and setting them to the Knockdown tactic will allow for more All-Out Attacks. Mitsuru may also be taken along as a healer, since she will take reduced damage from their Ice attacks.
Alternatively, inflicting Panic on the bosses makes them relatively harmless for the duration of the status. As the boss is weak to Panic, this strategy is relatively consistent and incredibly rewarding.
Persona 3 Reload[]
Magical Magus appears in the first half of the Tziah Block of Tartarus. A stronger version known as the Heretic Magus appears as a sub-boss on floor 35 in the Arqa Block alongside two Grievous Tables, while another stronger version appears as one of the Monad Passage bosses in the Yabbashah Block, appearing alongside a Shouting Tiara and Rampage Drive.
In Golden, Magical Magus may also appear as a Red Shadow on the 5th Floor. It will attack using their Agilao spell unless they stand by with a message that they are gathering magic power, after which they will use Maragi. They are weak against Light, but if the party does not have access to the Hama skill, they can be incapacitated using Yosuke's Makajam or Chie's Skull Cracker skills. Selling four Supple Metals is enough to unlock the 5-Iron. They may also drop Smoky Quartz for trade at Shiroku Pub.