Megami Tensei Wiki
Decarabia SMT This topic is in need of research for the following reasons:
* Do Ice skills inflict Freeze?
* Do Electric skills inflict Shock?
* Skills can apparently have levels. How does that affect them, and how does the mechanic as a whole work?

This can be discussed on the article's talk page.

The following is a list of skills from Shin Megami Tensei NINE.



Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Mow Down 薙ぎ払い 5% HP Damage One row Ananta Astaroth Coatlicue Cyclops Ganga Genbu Kingu Naga Nidhoggr Ogre Okuninushi Raja Naga Yamata no Orochi
Iron Tail アイアンテイル 10% HP Damage One column Hecate Mizuchi Nozuchi Seth
Jump Kick 飛び蹴り 10% HP Damage One foe Cait Sith Cu Chulainn Empusa Garuda Hanuman Jatayu Morrigan Nekomata Sarutahiko Scathach Tajikarao
Tekken Punch 鉄拳パンチ 10% HP Damage One foe Edimmu Hinokagutsuchi Ifrit Jack Frost Jinn Pyro Jack Sarutahiko Tajikarao Tezcatlipoca
Tackle 体当たり 15% HP Damage One foe Bai Ze Bicorn Forneus Hecatoncheir Isora Knocker Nandi Poltergeist Kirin Sleipnir Ubelluris Unicorn
Last Resort 自爆 100% HP Damage All foes Legion Poltergeist


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Double Thrust 二段突き 2% HP Damage One column Archangel Indra Naga Odin Pallas Athena Power Raja Naga
Mist Slash 霞斬り 2% HP Damage One foe Anat Ganesha Girimehkala Hanuman Jeanne D'Arc Kartikeya Surt
Hades Blast 冥界破 5% HP Damage One column Indrajit Shiva Susano-o
Spin Slash 回転斬り 5% HP Damage One row Berith Cait Sith Eligor Kali Rakshasa Turdak Yaksa Yaksini
Twin Slash ツインスラッシュ 5% HP Damage One foe Rakshasa Take-Mikazuchi Take-Minakata Turdak Valkyrie Yaksa Yaksini Yoshitsune
Deathbound デスバウンド 10% HP Damage One row Ares Chernobog Cu Chulainn Dwarf Morrigan Thor Titan


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Saliva 唾液 5% HP Inflicts Poison One foe Nidhoggr Preta Slime Vetala Yaka
Deathtouch デスタッチ 5% HP Drains HP One foe Incubus Legion Preta Slime Vetala Yaka
Feral Claw 引っかき 5% HP Damage One foe Anzu Byakko Feng Huang Furiae Gryphon Harpy Nekomata Phoenix Suzaku
Poison Claw 毒引っかき 5% HP Inflicts Poison One foe Aello Celaeno Empusa Hresvelgr Incubus Nue Nyarlathotep Ocypete Rangda
Passionate Kiss 熱い口づけ 5% HP Inflicts Charm One foe Freya Gemori Lilim Succubus Titania
Feral Bite かみつき 10% HP Damage One foe Barong Cerberus Coatlicue Cu Sith Fenrir Ganga Garm Kingu Nue Okuninushi Orthrus Quetzalcoatl Seiryu Tarrasque
Hassou Tobi 八双跳び 10% HP Damage One foe Yoshitsune
Squash 押しつぶし 10% HP Damage One row Ananta Catoblepas Typhon Ubelluris Yamata no Orochi
Rampage 暴れる 20% HP Damage One row Ares Cyclops Fenrir Hecatoncheir Indra Ogre Thor Titan Typhon


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Single Shot シングルショット 1% HP Damage One foe
Break Shot ブレイクショット 1% HP Damage One foe Adam Eve
Divine Light ディバインライト 1% HP Damage All foes Yaldabaoth Maria
Double Shot ダブルショット 1% HP Damage One row
Drive Shot ドライブショット 1% HP Damage One row
Long Shot ロングショット 1% HP Damage One column
Shell Shot シェルショット 1% HP Damage One row
Burst Shot バーストショット 1% HP Damage, Rakunda + Samanda All Foes
Darkness Shot ダークネスショット 1% HP Damage, Tarunda + Makanda All Foes Adam Eve


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Dream Needle 夢見針 5% HP Inflicts Sleep One foe Alice Alp Elf Freya Kushinada-Hime Mot Oberon Parvati Persephone Titania
Exorcism Bow 封魔天弓 5% HP Damage All foes Abraxas Amaterasu Baal Dominion Pallas Athena Tsukuyomi
Needle Rush 九十九針 5% HP Damage One foe Aeros Ame no Uzume Angel Apsaras Aquans Erthys Flaemis Kinnari Pixie Sarasvati
Torrent Shot 連続撃ち 5% HP Damage One foe Anubis Arahabaki Artemis Gandharva Hathor Horus Scathach Sphinx Thoth
Poison Needle 邪毒針 5% HP Inflicts Poison One foe Azumi Basilisk Catoblepas Cockatrice Decarabia Gemori Guedhe Moloch Sudama Zhen
Barrage 乱れ撃ち 8% HP Damage All foes Artemis Baphomet Hel Indrajit Isis Kikuri-Hime Lakshmi Loki Lucifuge Omoikane Principality Sukuna-Hikona Virtue
Saruvat Siddhi サルワットシッディ 10% HP Damage All foes Vishnu



Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Agi アギ 3 MP Damage One foe Flaemis Knocker Pyro Jack
Agilao アギラオ 7 MP Damage One foe Aello Feng Huang Flaemis Hinokagutsuchi Ifrit Jinn Pyro Jack Sarutahiko Sphinx
Agidyne アギダイン 15 MP Damage One foe Baal Berith Gryphon Hinokagutsuchi Surt Take-Minakata
Fire Breath ファイアブレス 10 MP Damage All foes Anzu Cerberus Feng Huang Horus Orthrus Phoenix Suzaku Typhon Yamata no Orochi
Hellfire 地獄の業火 15 MP Damage + Chance of Poison All foes Ananta Hel Surt


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Bufu ブフ 3 MP Damage One foe Aquans Jack Frost Ogre Poltergeist
Bufula ブフーラ 8 MP Damage One foe Apsaras Aquans Bai Ze Celaeno Isora Jack Frost Kirin
Bufudyne ブフダイン 16 MP Damage One foe Anat Baal Ganesha Ganga Loki Thoth
Ice Breath アイスブレス 15 MP Damage All foes Astaroth Byakko Fenrir Hresvelgr Seiryu Seth
Absolute Zero 絶対零度 20 MP Damage + Chance of Instant Death All foes Eve Loki Odin Persephone


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Zio ジオ 4 MP Damage One foe Aeros Archangel Azumi Harpy Pixie
Zionga ジオンガ 9 MP Damage One foe Aeros Anzu Cyclops Elf Forneus Isora Naga Ocypete Valkyrie
Ziodyne ジオダイン 18 MP Damage One foe Astaroth Chernobog Oberon Raja Naga Take-Mikazuchi Thor
Thunderbolt サンダーボルト 12 MP Damage All foes Cyclops Indra Indrajit Kingu Odin Take-Minakata
Violet Flash 破魔の雷光 20 MP Damage + Chance of Instant Death All foes Baal Genbu Vishnu Yaksa Adam


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Zan ザン 2 MP Damage One foe Angel Erthys Knocker Ogre Pixie
Zanma ザンマ 5 MP Damage One foe Dwarf Elf Eligor Erthys Ifrit Jinn Principality Quetzalcoatl
Zandyne ザンダイン 12 MP Damage One foe Adam Eve Gryphon Hanuman Kingu Oberon Tsukuyomi
Wing Flap 羽ばたき 12 MP Damage All foes Aello Celaeno Furiae Gryphon Harpy Hresvelgr Jatayu Ocypete Quetzalcoatl Zhen
Sonic Boom ソニックブーム 20 MP Damage + Decreases physical defense All foes Garuda Horus Kartikeya Sleipnir


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Hama ハマ 8 MP Chance of Instant Death One foe Angel Archangel Artemis Cu Chulainn Dwarf Principality Sarutahiko Turdak Virtue
Bright Judgement 光の裁き 20 MP Chance of Instant Death All foes Anubis Dominion Power


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Mudo ムド 6 MP Chance of Instant Death One foe Chernobog Coatlicue Edimmu Furiae Guedhe Kali Morrigan Susano-o Tezcatlipoca Tsukuyomi
Dark Verdict 闇の審判 20 MP Chance of Instant Death All foes Anubis Hecate Mot Nyarlathotep Tezcatlipoca


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Pulinpa プリンパ 2 MP Infilicts Panic One foe Alp Baphomet Furiae Gandharva Kinnari Pixie
Dormina ドルミナー 3 MP Inflicts Sleep One foe Alp Cu Sith Elf Harpy Incubus Kinnari Succubus
Marin Karin マリンカリン 5 MP Inflicts Charm One foe Alp Baphomet Empusa Freya Gemori Lilim Loki Nekomata Titania
Lullaby 子守唄 8 MP Inflicts Sleep All foes Empusa Gandharva Lilim Titania Unicorn
Panic Voice パニックボイス 8 MP Inflicts Panic All foes Anzu Barong Cerberus Cu Sith Fenrir Garm Garuda Legion Orthrus
Sexy Dance セクシーダンス 12 MP Inflicts Charm All foes Ame no Uzume Apsaras Kali Lakshmi Parvati Rangda
Virus ウイルス 10 MP Inflicts Sick One foe Baphomet Girimehkala Incubus Legion Succubus Vetala
Mad Tea Party M.ティーパーティ 20 MP Inflicts Sleep/Panic/Charm All foes and allies Alice


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Makajam マカジャマ 4 MP Inflicts Mute One foe Furiae Gemori Hel Omoikane Poltergeist Sudama
Poisma ポイズマ 4 MP Inflicts Poison One foe Berith Edimmu Nidhoggr Zhen
Petra ペトラム 6 MP Inflicts Stone One foe Berith Cockatrice Eligor Zhen
Fool's Voice 愚者の声 8 MP Inflicts Mute All foes Chernobog Hecatoncheir Preta Pyro Jack Slime Tarrasque Yaka
Poison Breath 毒ガスブレス 12 MP Inflicts Poison All foes Astaroth Basilisk Nidhoggr Tarrasque Typhon
Petra Eyes ペトラアイズ 14 MP Inflicts Stone All foes Basilisk Catoblepas Cockatrice Decarabia Girimehkala Mot Persephone Seth


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Megido メギド 15 MP Damage All foes Arahabaki Guedhe Rangda
Megidola メギドラ 30 MP Damage All foes Lucifuge Mot Nyarlathotep Yoshitsune
Megidolaon メギドラオン 45 MP Damage All foes Amaterasu Shiva Vishnu
Holy Wrath 天罰 60 MP Damage. Stronger against enemies of opposite alignment All foes Dominion Shiva
Mana Drain 吸精 1 MP Damage + MP Drain One foe Empusa Lilim Succubus
Immaculate Light 無原罪の光 1 MP Reverts all stat changes All foes and allies Maria
Testament テスタメント 1 MP Decreases physical and magical attack power All foes Yaldabaoth
Megiddo Fire メギドファイア 1 MP Damage All foes Raguel Maria
Evil Eye イビルアイ 1 MP Inflicts Mute + Stone One foe Sariel
Cocytus Pain コキュートスペイン 1 MP Inflicts Freeze All foes Lucifer


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Dia ディア 4 MP Restores a small amount of HP One ally Angel Azumi Cait Sith Harpy Jack Frost Knocker Pixie Sukuna-Hikona
Diarama ディアラマ 8 MP Restores a medium amount of HP One ally Apsaras Elf Freya Hathor Isora Kushinada-Hime Okuninushi Parvati Virtue Yaksini
Diarahan ディアラハン 20 MP Restores HP to full One ally Amaterasu Anat Jeanne D'Arc Suzaku
God's Breath ゴッドブレス 50 MP Restores HP to full and removes all status ailments All allies Vishnu
Recarm リカーム 20 MP Revives from death with 50% HP One ally Feng Huang Hresvelgr Kikuri-Hime Morrigan Kirin Turdak
Samarecarm サマリカーム 40 MP Revives from death with full HP One ally Anubis Cerberus Coatlicue Hecate Isis Jeanne D'Arc Lakshmi Phoenix
Recarmdra リカームドラ 1 MP Sacrifices user to restore HP to full and revive from death All allies Nandi Virtue
Posumudi ポズムディ 2 MP Removes Poison One ally Aquans Azumi Kartikeya Mizuchi Scathach Sleipnir Thoth
Patra パトラ 4 MP Removes Sleep/Panic/Charm One ally Alp Ame no Uzume Gandharva Kushinada-Hime Nekomata Sukuna-Hikona Unicorn
Me Patra メパトラ 8 MP Removes Sleep/Panic/Charm All allies Barong Ganga Hathor Okuninushi Yaksini
Petradi ペトラディ 4 MP Removes Stone One ally Bicorn Byakko Flaemis Nozuchi Quetzalcoatl Sphinx Yaksa
Soothing Melody 癒しの調べ 10 MP Restores 5% HP per turn for 5 turns All allies Gandharva Kikuri-Hime Kinnari Nandi Sarasvati
Affectionate Prayer 慈愛の祈り 20 MP Restores 10% HP per turn for 5 turns All allies Isis Lakshmi Parvati
Orlean Prayer オルレアンの祈り 20 MP Removes all status ailments All allies Jeanne D'Arc


Name Japanese Cost Effect Target Learned by
Tarukaja タルカジャ 8 MP Doubles physical attack power for 1 turn One ally Archangel Ares Cait Sith Cu Chulainn Kartikeya Knocker Power Pyro Jack Tajikarao Thor Titan Valkyrie
Makakaja マカカジャ 8 MP Doubles magical attack power for 1 turn One ally Abraxas Bai Ze Edimmu Forneus Ganesha Guedhe Odin Omoikane Seiryu
Rakukaja ラクカジャ 8 MP Doubles physical defense for 1 turn One ally Dominion Dwarf Eligor Garm Hecatoncheir Jack Frost Naga Pallas Athena Raja Naga Rakshasa Susano-o Valkyrie
Samakaja サマカジャ 8 MP Doubles magical defense for 1 turn One ally Artemis Cait Sith Hanuman Hecate Horus Oberon Persephone Sarasvati Scathach Sphinx Sudama Thoth
Tarunda タルンダ 10 MP Halves physical attack power for 3 turns One foe Bicorn Cu Sith Decarabia Genbu Moloch Preta Shiva
Makanda マカンダ 10 MP Halves magical attack power for 3 turns One foe Bicorn Celaeno Moloch Poltergeist Preta Slime Tarrasque
Rakunda ラクンダ 10 MP Halves physical defense for 3 turns One foe Cockatrice Garm Nue Ocypete Ubelluris Vetala Yaka
Samanda サマンダ 10 MP Halves magical defense for 3 turns One foe Aello Basilisk Cockatrice Hel Nue Ubelluris Yaka
Dekaja デカジャ 10 MP Removes all positive stat changes All foes Alice Erthys Indra Isis Sudama Suzaku Take-Mikazuchi Yamata no Orochi
Dekunda デクンダ 5 MP Removes all negative stat changes All allies Aeros Alice Ares Garuda Mizuchi Phoenix
Absolute Barrier 絶対障壁 10 MP Creates a barrier that reduces all damage taken for 3 turns All allies N/A (Enemy-only)
Fire Wall 炎の壁 10 MP Creates a barrier that increases resistance to Ice for 3 turns All allies Flaemis Hinokagutsuchi Ifrit Jinn Orthrus Take-Minakata
Water Wall 水の壁 10 MP Creates a barrier that increases resistance to Fire for 3 turns All allies Aquans Azumi Byakko Forneus Mizuchi
Crystal Wall 水晶の壁 10 MP Creates a barrier that increases resistance to Electricity for 3 turns All allies Erthys Nozuchi Rakshasa Seiryu Tsukuyomi
Steel Wall 鋼鉄の壁 10 MP Creates a barrier that increases resistance to Force for 3 turns All allies Aeros Ananta Genbu Lucifuge Sukuna-Hikona Take-Mikazuchi Yoshitsune
Dark Wall 闇の壁 10 MP Creates a barrier that increases resistance to Expel for 3 turns All allies Catoblepas Ganesha Girimehkala Moloch
Light Wall 光の壁 10 MP Creates a barrier that increases resistance to Death for 3 turns All allies Nandi Power Principality Kirin
Tetrakarn テトラカーン 20 MP Creates a barrier that repels Physical attacks for 1 turn All allies Arahabaki Decarabia Hathor Nyarlathotep Omoikane
Makarakarn マカラカーン 20 MP Creates a barrier that repels Magical attacks for 1 turn All allies Indrajit Jatayu Nozuchi Titan
Domain 結界 10 MP Increases resistance to Expel, Death, Mind, and Nerve for 3 turns All allies Abraxas Arahabaki Pallas Athena Susano-o
Dark Breath ダークブレス 25 MP Increases physical defense + magical defense for 5 turns All allies Abraxas Anat Lucifuge Seth
Power Breath パワーブレス 25 MP Increases physical attack power + magical attack power for 5 turns All allies Adam Amaterasu Rangda Power
Heavenly Dance 天上の舞 25 MP Increases magical attack power + magical defense for 3 turns All allies Ame no Uzume Apsaras Kikuri-Hime Lakshmi
Brave Dance 勇奮の舞 25 MP Increases physical attack power + physical defense for 3 turns All allies Barong Kali Kinnari Kushinada-Hime Sarasvati
Trafuri トラフーリ 2 MP Escape back to Drive Zone All allies Bai Ze Cu Sith Jatayu Sleipnir Unicorn

RTS Skills[]


Name Japanese MAG Cost Effect
Fountain of Purification 浄化の泉 100 Builds an area that removes Mute. Also removes Poison, Stone, and revives from death when upgraded.
Fountain of Wisdom 知識の泉 150 Builds an area that restores 25% of MP per count. Upgrades increase the amount of MP restored by 25%.
Fountain of Recovery 回復の泉 250 Builds an area that restores 25% of HP per count. Upgrades increase the amount of HP restored by 25%.
Fountain of Regeneration 再生の泉 450 Builds an area that restores 25% of HP and MP per count. Upgrades increase the amount restored by 25%.
Pit Trap ピットトラップ 150 Builds a trap that removes 10% of enemy HP per count. Upgrades increase the amount of damage by 10%.
Bind Trap バインドトラップ 300 Builds a trap that freezes an enemy for 1 count. Duration is doubled when upgraded.
Booby Trap ブービートラップ 300 Builds a trap that removes 10% of enemy MP per count. Upgrades increase the amount by 10%.
Honey Trap ハニートラップ 300 Builds a trap that slows an enemy by 10% for 15 counts. Upgrades increase the slowing effect by 5%.
Mine Trap マイントラップ 300 Builds a trap that removes 10% of enemy HP and MP per count. Amount lost is increased by 10% when upgraded.
Virus Trap ウイルストラップ 450 Builds a trap that inflicts Mute, Poison, Stone, and/or instant Death. Exact effect depends on upgrade level.
Magnetite Creator 生産の社 250 Builds an area that recovers 8 MAG per count. Upgrades double the amount of MAG restored.
Magnetite Convertor 盛運の社 300 Builds a trap that absorbs 6 enemy MAG per count. Amount absorbed is doubled when upgraded.
Magnetite Destroyer 衰運の社 300 Builds a trap that removes 6 enemy MAG per count. Amount lost is doubled when upgraded.
Divine Gate 御神渡 4000 Creates a path between two areas
Godly Gate 客神の門 6000 Creates a path between two areas. Twice as fast as "Divine Gate".
Heaven's Gate 天界の門 5500 Creates a path to a higher floor
Hell's Gate 冥界の門 5500 Creates a path to a lower floor
Cardinal Topograhy 四神相応 3000 Clears all paths leading to the current area for 6 counts
Leap 跳躍 4500 Move to area with no path at half normal speed
Rabbit Hole ラビットホール 6500 Move to a random lower floor
Ascend 昇天 8500 Move to a higher floor
Descend 失墜 8500 Move to a lower floor
Styx 冥界渡り 9000 Move to a lower floor with no path, cannot move for 3 counts
Teleport 空間転移 6500 Move to an area with no path at normal speed
Third Eye サードアイ 9999 Clears all areas except command, control, and current areas


Name Japanese Effect
Ares Aid 武神の加護 Automatic Matarukaja at the start of battle
Darkside Aid 黒い月の加護 Automatic Mamakakaja at the start of battle
Valkyrie Aid 戦乙女の加護 Automatic Marakukaja at the start of battle
Lunar Aid 銀の月の加護 Automatic Masamakaja at the start of battle
Cardinal Aid 四霊獣の加護 Automatic Domain at the start of battle
Spirit Aid 精霊の加護 Automatic Water Wall, Fire Wall, Crystal Wall, and Steel Wall at the start of battle
Runic Aid ルーンの加護 Automatic Light Wall at the start of battle
Mitama Aid 御魂の加護 Automatic Dark Wall at the start of battle
Parthenon パルテノン Increases all allies' physical and magical defense at the start of battle. Duration is based on the number of Law-aligned allies.
Heavenly Dwelling 天の磐座 Increases all allies' physical and magical defense at the start of battle. Duration is based on the number of Law-aligned combatants.
Lemegeton レメゲトン Increases all allies' physical and magical attack power at the start of battle. Duration is based on the number of Chaos-aligned allies.
Pandemonium パンデモニウム Increases all allies' physical and magical attack power at the start of battle. Duration is based on the number of Chaos-aligned combatants.


Name Japanese Effect
Stotra ストートラ Increases area removal speed by 50%
Bharata Natyam バラタナティヤム Doubles area removal speed
Nataraja ナタラージャ Area removal happens instantly
Maiden Dance 巫女舞 Increases construction and repair speed by 50%
Kagura Dance 神楽舞 Doubles construction and repair speed
Amano Iwato 天の岩戸 Area construction and repair happen instantly
Windfall 富運再起 Increases Production area effect (?) by 50% while present
Jackpot 幸運扶翼 Doubles Production area effect (?) while present
Chronostasis 時刻み -2 turns to current phase (?)
Hastening 時紡ぎ +2 turns to current phase (?)
Chanchala チャンチャラー Randomizes current phase to 3-8 turns (?)
Celestial Reversal 日月邂逅 Reverses phase cycle


Name Japanese Effect
Benetnasch 破軍星 Increases ally ambush success rate
Sprint 疾駆 Increases move speed by 50%
Galeforce 疾風 Doubles move speed
Canceller キャンセラー Prevents encountered traps from activating
Disarm ディスアーミング Removes traps upon encountering
Stunt 矮化 +1 Party Stealth
Phantasm 幻化 +2 Party Stealth
Vanish 透化 +3 Party Stealth
Fallen Darkness 下り闇 +1 Party Stealth, small effect (?)
Dismal Darkness 無明の闇 +2 Party Stealth, medium effect (?)
Chaotic Darkness 混沌の闇 +3 Party Stealth, large effect (?)
Mahakala マハーカーラ +3 Party Stealth, full effect (?)
Eagle Eye 隼の眼界 Discover Stealth 2 enemies and traps at short range, and Stealth 3 enemies at mid-range
Hawk Eye 鷹の眼界 Discover Stealth 2 enemies at short range, and Stealth 3 enemies and traps at mid-range
Eye of Heaven 天空の眼界 Discover Stealth 2 enemies at mid-range, and Stealth 3 enemies and traps at long-range
Eye of Void 虚空の眼界 Changes all enemy recognition levels to 3 and discovers all traps on the current floor
Eye of Ra ラーの天眼 Changes all enemy recognition levels to 3 and discovers all traps
Garutman ガルトマーン Enemy ambush rate while fleeing is same as normal (?)
Naga-loka ナーガローカ Move speed remains normal while alert


Name Japanese Effect
Avatara アヴァターラ Revive with 50% HP with (100 - 10 * # Deaths so far)% chance
Nemesis 復讐の女神 Increases physical and magical attack power by 25% once per count until count 8
Rejuvenation 再生 Revive with 50% HP once per battle
Gallant Soul 勇者の魂 Increases physical attack power by 12.5% per dead ally
Infinite Firmament 無限の天蓋 Divides individual damage received among allies
Reincarnation 転生 Sacrifices a random ally to revive with full HP upon death
Sacrifice サクリファイス Increases physical and magical attack power, user dies after 3 turns
Saintly Soul 聖者の魂 Increases magical attack power by 12.5% per dead ally
Meatshield 身代わり Intercepts all damage aimed at Leader from non-Leader foes
Pantheonic Mandate 万神の将 Increases magical attack power by 12.5% per surviving ally
Conqueror's Mandate 天覇の将 Increases physical attack power by 12.5% per surviving ally
Warrior Oath 戦士の誓約 Increases physical and magical attack power by 33% once per count until count 9


Name Japanese Effect
Angel's Blessing 天使の祝福 Restores 5% HP per count to allies
Gaia's Blessing 大地の祝福 Restores 20% HP per count to allies
Lakshmi's Blessing ローカマーター Restores 50% HP per count to allies
Fairy's Blessing 妖精の祝福 Restores 5% MP per count to allies
Spirit's Blessing 聖霊の祝福 Restores 20% MP per count to allies
Judgement of the Dead 死者の裁き 50% chance to revive an ally upon death
Ganges Cleanse 聖河の浄化 Removes Mute, Poison, Stone, and revives from death every 2/4/8/16 counts
Purge of Sins 罪障の浄化 Removes Mute, Poison, Stone, and revives from death every 1/2/4/8 counts
Severing Sword 生太刀 Removes all ailments once per phase cycle


Name Japanese Effect
Book of Amoghavajra 宿曜経 Prevents battle support skills from activating
DB Busters D.B.B. Prevents party leaders from acting
Duel デュエル Prevents battle support skill restrictions during current turn
Gatekeeper ゲートキーパー Prevents reinforcements from acting
Greed グリード Share positive support skills from enemies with allies (?)
Guard Dog ガードドッグ Prevents enemy ambushes
Midsummer Night's Dream 真夏の夜の夢 Prevents negative battle support skills from affecting allies
Pixie Dust ピクシーダスト Doubles Drive capacity
Ragnarok ラグナロク Prevents magical attacks from forming combos
Royal Guard ロイヤルガード Prevents enemy reinforcements from acting
Seize セイズ Doubles battle support skill duration
Time of Madness 狂乱の間 Increases physical damage dealt by all combatants by 50%
Time of Merriment 享楽の間 Increases magical damage dealt by all combatants by 50%
Time of Rest 安息の間 Halves physical damage dealt by all combatants
Time of Requiem 鎮魂の間 Halves magical damage dealt by all combatants
Trinity トリニティ Prevents battle support skills
Walpurgisnacht ワルプルギスの夜 Prevents physical attacks from forming combos
Wasteland 不毛の地 Halves all area and Drive effects (?)

Plugin Skills[]

Name Japanese Effect Unique user
Sarnga サルンガ MAG consumption by allied Deities is halved Vishnu
Pinaka ピナーカ MAG consumption by allied Icons is halved Shiva
King of Grief 死別の王錫 MAG consumption by allied Icons is halved Mot
Book of Enoch エノク書 MAG consumption by allied Aerials is halved Gemori
Feline Crown 猫の王冠 MAG consumption by allied Beasts is halved Cait Sith
Flowing Time 満珠干珠 MAG consumption by allied Nethers is halved Isora
Pushpaka プシュパカ MAG consumption by allied Brutes is halved Rakshasa
Ryukyu's Pearl 琉球の珠 MAG consumption by allied Dragons is halved Mizuchi
Tablet of Destinies 天命のタブレット MAG consumption by allied Dragons is halved Kingu
Tupsimati トゥプシマティ MAG consumption by allied Avians is halved Anzu
Caduceus カドゥケウスの杖 Recover 100% MP per phase cycle Anubis
Sistrum シストルム Recover 100% HP per phase cycle Isis
Menat メナト Recover 100% HP per phase cycle Hathor
Compendium 白澤図 Temporarily view full analysis of foes Bai Ze
White Rabbit Watch 白兎の懐中時計 Allies' reaction speed is doubled Alice

See Also[]


Playable Kei Azuma
Major Characters Baraki / Sumire - Mubiora / Miranda - Ferris - Tsuzumi - Seri - Naitou - Emi - Hayashi - Stephen - Sophia - Sariel - Adam & Eve - Maria - Lucifer - Yaldabaoth
Idea Space Tokyo Shibuya - Akihabara - Shinjuku - Kichijoji - Shinagawa - Ikebukuro - Roppongi - Ueno - Harajuku
Ring of Gaea Dragon Palace - Gaean Space
The Expanse Gehenna Castle
??? Paradise
Terminology Order of Messiah - Idea Space - Ring of Gaea - Debuggers - Central Administration Bureau - Neo Messiah - Navi
Mechanics Modules - Race Shift - Capacity - Reinforcements - RTS - Resistance Level - Cancel
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Combos - RTS Missions - Items - Cosmetics
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Nex Entertainment
Personnel Kazunori Sakai - Yasuomi Umetsu - Kazuma Kaneko
Other Media
Published Hinotama Game Comic Anthology
Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Strikers - Tactica -Q2
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE