Megami Tensei Wiki

Below is an unofficial list of spells and skills in Shin Megami Tensei II, sorted by element.



Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost
Agi アギ 23 Light fire damage to a single foe. 3 MP
Agilao アギラオ 64 Medium fire damage to a single foe. 7 MP
Maragi マハラギ 19 Light fire damage to a group of foes. 5 MP
Maragion マハラギオン 50 Medium fire damage to a group of foes. 9 MP


Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost
Bufu ブフ 15 Light ice damage to a single foe. 3 MP
Bufula ブフーラ 40 Medium ice damage to a single foe. 8 MP
Mabufu マハーブフ 12 Light ice damage to a group of foes. 6 MP
Mabufula マハブフーラ 32 Medium ice damage to a group of foes. 11 MP
  • All Bufu spells have a chance to inflict Freeze status.


Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost
Zio ジオ 19 Light electrical damage to a single foe. 4 MP
Zionga ジオンガ 55 Medium electrical damage to a single foe. 9 MP
Mazio マハジオ 16 Light electrical damage to a group of foes. 7 MP
Mazionga マハジオンガ 41 Medium electrical damage to a group of foes. 12 MP
  • All Zio spells have a chance to inflict shock status.


Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost
Zan ザン 18 Light force damage to a single foe. 2 MP
Zanma ザンマ 50 Medium force damage to a single foe. 5 MP
Mazan マハザン 14 Light force damage to a group of foes. 4 MP
Mazanma マハザンマ 38 Medium force damage to a group of foes. 7 MP


Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost
Hama ハンマ 16 Chance of inflicting instant death, two foes. 5 MP
Mahama マハンマ 12 Chance to inflicting instant death, all foes. 10 MP


Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost
Mudo ムド 16 Chance of inflicting instant death, two foes. 3 MP
Mudoon ムドオン 12 Chance of inflicting instant death, 3-5 foes. 9 MP


Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost
Megido メギド 70 Medium Almighty damage to all foes. 15 MP
Megidolaon メギドラオン 100 Heavy Almighty damage to all foes. 30 MP


Spell Japanese Power Effect Cost Inheritance
Tentarafoo テンタラフー 44 Small Nerve damage, inflicts Panic ailment, all foes. 14 MP Nerve 1
Dormina ドルミナー 20 Inflicts Sleep ailment, 1-3 foes. 3 MP Nerve 2
Shibaboo シバブー 28 Inflicts Bind ailment, 1-3 foes. 3 MP Bind 1
Pulinpa プリンパ 22 Inflicts Panic ailment, 1-3 foes. 2 MP Ailment 1
Hapilma ハピルマ 18 Inflicts Happy ailment, 1-3 foes. 2 MP Ailment 2
Marin Karin マリンカリン 24 Inflicts Charm ailment, one foe. 6 MP Ailment 3
Makajam マカジャマ 12 Inflicts Close ailment, 1-3 foes. 4 MP Ailment 4


Spell Japanese Effect Cost
Dia ディア Recovers a small amount of HP, one ally. 2 MP
Media メディア Recovers a small amount of HP, all allies. 6 MP
Diarama ディアラマ Recovers a large amount of HP, one ally. 4 MP
Mediarama メディラマ Recovers a large amount of HP, all allies. 10 MP
Diarahan ディアラハン Recovers the maximum amount of HP, one ally. 8 MP
Mediarahan メディアラハン Recovers the maximum amount of HP, all allies. 14 MP
Recarm リカーム Revives with 1/4 HP, one ally. 12 MP
Samarecarm サマリカーム Revives with full HP, one ally. 24 MP
Recarmdra リカームドラ Sacrifices an ally's life to recover full HP, all allies. 8 MP


Spell Japanese Effect Cost
Posumudi ポズムディ Removes Poison ailment, one ally. 4 MP
Paraladi パララディ Removes Paralysis ailment, one ally. 6 MP
Petradi ペトラディ Removes Stone ailment, one ally. 12 MP
Patra パトラ Removes all abnormal status, one ally. 2 MP
Penpatra ペンパトラ Removes all abnormal status, all allies. 4 MP


Spell Japanese Effect Cost
Tarukaja タルカジャ Increases attack, all allies. 4 MP
Tarunda タルンダ Decreases attack, all foes. 4 MP
Rakukaja ラクカジャ Increase defense, all allies. 4 MP
Rakunda ラクンダ Decreases defense, all foes. 4 MP
Sukukaja スクカジャ Increases hit/evade, all allies. 2 MP
Sukunda スクンダ Decreases hit/evade, all foes. 2 MP
Makakaja マカカジャ Increases magic power, all allies. 4 MP
Dekaja デカジャ Removes all buffs, all foes. 10 MP
Rikaja リカジャ Removes all debuffs, all allies. 5 MP
Tetraja テトラジャ Shields against Expel, Curse, and Energy Drain for one turn, all allies. 5 MP
Tetrakarn テトラカーン Shields against Physical attacks for one turn, all allies. 6 MP
Makarakarn マカラカーン Shields against Magical attacks for one turn, all allies. 6 MP
Tetra テトラ Seals Skills, all foes. 8 MP


Spell Japanese Effect Cost
Mapper マッパー Displays a mini-map on the screen. 2 MP
Traesto トラエスト Escape to the entrance of the dungeon. 6 MP
Traport トラポート Warps to the last save point. 6 MP
Trafuri トラフーリ Guaranteed escape from normal battles. 2 MP
Estoma エストマ Avoid weak enemy encounters for one full moon cycle. 6 MP
Sabatoma サバトマ Demon summons another allied demon. 8 MP
Necroma ネクロマ Revives an ally as undead for one battle. 20 MP


All demons in Shin Megami Tensei II can inherit magic from one element of attack spells, plus support spells, in their empty skill slots, bringing them to a total of 6 skills. For attack spells (including ailment types), they are inherited from weakest to strongest (in the same order as listed above). For "Special" inheritance type, "Megidolaon" is added to the support inheritance listing at rank #22.

Support spells are inherited in the order as follows:

Rank Skill
1 Recarmdora
2 Samarecarm
3 Recarm
4 Petradi
5 Paraladi
6 Posumudi
7 Pen Patra
Rank Skill
8 Patra
9 Mediarahan
10 Mediarama
11 Media
12 Diarahan
13 Diarama
14 Dia
Rank Skill
15 Tetrakarn
16 Makarakarn
17 Tetraja
18 Makakaja
19 Sukukaja
20 Rakukaja
21 Tarukaja


  • Skills are displayed in Yellow and used with the "Extra" command. Physical skills use a set percentage of Max HP, while magic skills use a set amount of MP.



Skill Japanese Power Effect HP Cost
Spin Slash 回転斬り 40 Medium Sword damage to 2-3 foes. Damage increases with user's HP. 10%
Heat Wave ヒートウェイブ 50 Medium Sword damage to 2-3 foes. Damage increases with user's HP. 10%
Dharma Kaeshi 達磨返し 100 Heavy Sword damage to one foe. 20%
Hell Fang ヘルファング 100 Heavy Sword damage to one foe. 10%
Hades Blast 冥界破 80 Heavy Sword damage to 1-3 foes. Damage increases with user's HP 20%
Deathbound デスバウンド 100 Heavy Sword damage to 1-2 foes. Damage increases with user's HP. 20%


Skill Japanese Power Effect HP Cost
Aim 狙い撃ち 10 Light gun attack to one foe. 2%
Autofire 連射撃ち 20 Light gun attack to 2-4 foes. 4%
Shrapnel 散弾撃ち 18 Light gun attack to all foes. 8%


Skill Japanese Power Effect HP Cost
Feral Bite 噛みつき 10 Light Rush damage to one foe. 3%
Venom Bite 毒噛みつき 10 Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Poison. 3%
Stun Bite 麻痺噛みつき 20 Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Bind. 5%
Stone Bite 石化噛みつき 20 Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Stone. 5%
Charm Bite 魅惑噛みつき 10 Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Charm. 3%
Constrict 巻きつき 12 Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Bind. 8%
Hell Thrust 地獄突き 12 Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Close. 8%
Cleave なぎ払い 5 Light Rush damage to all foes. 15%
Berserk 暴れまわり 15 Light Rush damage to all foes. 15%
Squash 押し潰し 30 Medium Rush damage to one foe. 12%
Tackle 体当たり 50 Medium Rush damage to one foe. Low accuracy. 12%
Showtime ショータイム 10 Light Rush damage to one foe and user. 5%


Tech is broken up into Hand/Punch Techniques (手技), Foot/Kick Techniques (足技), and Flying Techniques (飛技).

Skill Japanese Power Effect HP Cost
Feral Claw 引っかき 15 Light Punch attack to 2 foes. 5%
Venom Claw 毒引っかき 15 Light Punch attack to 2 foes. Inflicts Poison. 5%
Stun Claw 麻痺引っかき 15 Light Punch attack to 2 foes. Inflicts Bind. 5%
Punch 殴る 5 Light Punch attack to one foe. 3%
Backfist 裏拳 10 Medium Punch attack to one foe. 6%
Iron Punch 乱れ打ち 10 Light Punch attack to all foes. Inflicts Close. 6%
Tekken Punch 鉄拳パンチ 15 Light Punch attack to 1-3 foes. 10%
Fujin Attack 風神撃 15 Light Punch attack to one foe. Inflicts freeze. 10%
Raijin Attack 雷神撃 15 Light Punch attack to one foe. Inflicts shock. 10%
Akasha Arts アカシャアーツ 20 Medium Punch attack to all foes. 9%
Bodhisattva's Palm 菩薩掌 100 Heavy Punch attack to one foe. Damage increases with user's HP. 10%
Kick 蹴り 6 Light Kick attack to one foe. 4%
Roundhouse Kick 回し蹴り 12 Medium Kick attack to one foe. 8%
Jump Kick 飛び蹴り 20 Medium Kick attack to 1-3 foes. 12%
Thunder Kick 雷霆蹴り 100 Heavy Kick attack to 2 foes. Damage increases with user's HP. 20%
Toxic Sting 毒針 10 Light Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Poison. 5%
Stun Needle 麻痺針 8 Light Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Bind. 8%
Needle Rush 九十九針 8 Light Flying attack to 3-5 foes. 10%
Wing Flap 羽ばたき 5 Light Flying attack to all foes. 10%
Fog of Temptation 誘惑の霧 1 Light Flying attack to all foes. Inflicts Charm. 1%
Acid 消化液 5 Light Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Poison. 5%
Amaha Dance 天羽の舞い 20 Medium Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Paralysis. 10%
Scan スキャニング 20 Medium Flying attack to 2 foes. Inflicts Paralysis. 8%


Skill Japanese Power Effect HP Cost
Suck 吸い付き 10 Inflicts light damage to an enemy, user takes half inflicted damage. 5%
Sacrifice 玉砕破 15 Damage all enemies. Foes lose MP equal to half the amount of damage taken. 8%
Vacuum Throw 真空投げ 15 Damages one foe, with a chance to end combat. 10%
Landslide 山津波 60 Heavy damage to all foes. 10%
Self-Destruct 自爆 - User Sacrifices self to deal heavy damage to foes. 50%
Scapegoat 身代わり - User takes all attacks aimed at target. 10%
Rest 休む - Restores HP equivalent to three times the cost for activating this skill. 5%
Absorption 吸収 - User fuses with one ally, adding HP and MP together. (Enemy only) 20%
Cobra Schemer コバラスキマロ - Cuts the player's Magnetite by half. (Enemy only) -
Guard 守る - User takes half damage for the rest of the turn. (Enemy only) -
Escape 逃げる - Run away. (Enemy only) -
Call Ally 仲間を呼ぶ - Summon allies (Enemy only) -


Skill Japanese Power Effect MP Cost Element
Fire Breath ファイアブレス 60 Medium Fire damage to 1-3 foes. 8 Fire
Ice Breath アイスブレス 38 Light Ice damage to 1-3 foes. 8 Ice
Ice Bound アイスバウンド 50 Medium Ice damage to all foes. 5 Ice
Shock 電撃 44 Medium Electrical damage to 1-3 foes. 6 Elec
Holy Wrath 天罰 39 Damages all participants in battle - foes lose 1/4 HP, user loses 1/8 HP. Ignores resistances. 80 Force
Deathtouch デスタッチ 30 Absorbs the enemy's HP. 4 Magical
Happy Dance ハッピーダンス 22 Inflicts Happy ailment to all foes. 4 Magical
Sexy Dance セクシーダンス 12 Inflicts Charm ailment to all foes. 6 Magical
Fool's Voice 愚者の声 27 Inflicts Close ailment to all foes. 6 Magical
Poison Breath 毒ガスブレス 32 Inflicts Poison ailment to 1-2 foes. 7 Magical
Poison Mist ポイズンミスト 48 Inflicts Poison ailment to all foes. 8 Magical
Holy Light 聖なる光 70 Inflicts Charm ailment to all foes. 6 Magical
Evil Shine 悪しき輝き 80 Inflicts Charm ailment to all foes. 6 Magical
Bind Voice バインドボイス 9 Inflicts Bind ailment to all foes. 8 Bind
Panic Voice パニックボイス 10 Inflicts Panic ailment to all foes. 2 Bind
Sonic Wave 怪音波 15 Inflicts Panic ailment to all foes. 5 Bind
Joy Song 幸せの歌 14 Inflicts Happy ailment to all foes. 4 Nerve
Lullaby 子守歌 23 Inflicts Sleep ailment to all foes. 6 Nerve
Fog Breath フォッグブレス 10 Decreases all foes' evasion sharply. * 8 Nerve
Paral Eyes パララアイ 12 Inflicts Paralysis ailment to one foe. 2 Curse
Petra Eyes ペトラアイ 10 Inflicts Stone ailment to one foe. 4 Curse
Hell's Eye ヘルズアイ 12 Instant death to a single foe. 8 Curse
Bael's Curse バエルの呪い 6 Inflicts Fly ailment to one foe. 8 Curse
Life Drain 吸血 10 Inflicts Bat ailment to one foe. 7 Curse
Devil's Kiss (Male) 悪魔のキス 20 Energy Drain attack. Lowers the level of humanoid enemies. - Energy Drain
Devil's Kiss (Female) 悪魔のキス 22 Energy Drain attack. Lowers the level of humanoid enemies. - Energy Drain
Devil's Smile デビルスマイル 18 Energy Drain attack. Lowers the level of humanoid enemies. - Energy Drain
Power Breath パワーブレス - Raises all allies' attack and evasion. * 12 Almighty
Dark Breath ダークブレス - Raises all allies' defense and magic. * 12 Almighty
Fire Wall 炎の壁 - Nullifies Fire attacks for one turn. 4 Almighty
Water Wall 水の壁 - Nullifies Ice attacks for one turn. 4 Almighty

Boss Only[]

Skill Japanese Power Effect MP Cost Element
Backspin 逆回転 - Restart the battle from the beginning. 1/64 chance of failure, killing the caster. 5 Magical
Howl 遠吠え - Advances the Moon 8 phases. 1/4 chance of failure. 2 Magical
Violet Flash 破魔の雷光 60 Enemy front row loses 1/2 max HP, back row loses 1/4 max HP. Ignores resistances. 8 Elec
Mouth of God (False) ゴッドボイス(偽) 69 Inflicts Bind on the enemy with the lowest Intelligence. Ignores resistances. 10 Force
Sabaoth's Voice ツァバトの声 72 Inflicts Bind on the enemy with the lowest Strength. Ignores resistances. 6 Bind
Shaddai's Eye シャダイの目 76 Inflicts Paralysis on the enemy with the lowest Agility. Ignores resistances. 4 Elec
Elohim's Light エロヒムの光 78 Inflicts Stone on the enemy with the lowest Luck. Ignores resistances. 3 Death
God's Judgement 神の裁き 80 Instantly kills the character in position 1. Ignores resistances. 15 Expel
Mouth of God (True) ゴッドボイス(真) 96 Inflicts Death on the enemy with the lowest Intelligence. Ignores resistances. 10 Force

Playable Characters Aleph/Hawk - Hiroko - Beth - Cerberus - Lucifer - Satan
Non-Playable Characters Okamoto - Gimmel - Zayin - Stephen - Haneda - Daleth - Red Bear - Madam - Hanada - The Center's Bishop - The Four Elders - Mekata - Puck - Hanoun - Mutant Elder - Hiruko - Taira no Masakado - Siren - Petersen - Michael - Raphael - Uriel - Gabriel - Fake YHVH - Seth - Virocana - Ozawa - Gotou - Gemori - Astaroth (Ishtar / Ashtar) - Kuzuryu - YHVH
Locations Tokyo Millennium - Underworld - Expanse - Eden - Diamond Realm - River Styx
Terminology Millennium Kingdom - Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Ring of Gaea - Terminal - Sword fusion - Identification Program - Summon Doll - Seven Pillars of Solomon - Sabbath - Abaddon's Innards - Megiddo Arc
Content Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items
Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Strikers - Tactica -Q2
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE