Megami Tensei Wiki

This is a list of demons in Shin Megami Tensei II, divided by races. Since there is no official English release of Shin Megami Tensei II, the demon names are consistent with the Aeon Genesis translation of the game. In the case of an updated official name for a demon, then the Aeon Genesis name will serve as a redirect.

Demons which are fusion-locked until certain requirements are met are indicated with *.
Demons which are created through Special fusion are indicated with °.

For the Game Boy Advance remake, a number of demons were added as the Easter System and the Halloween System features, the latter of which requires trading with the Game Boy Advance version of Shin Megami Tensei with the corresponding demons registered. All extra demons have the same stats as in the Sega CD remake of Shin Megami Tensei. These demons are denoted with a cross (†) after their name in the list, and the trade-only (Halloween System) demons are further denoted with a sharp (#).



Demon Level
Ardha ° 67
Virocana * 64
Kalki 61
Baal 58
Atavaka * 55
Odin 48
Ashtar * 40
Horus 37
Thor 34
Indra 27


Demon Level
Lakshmi 52
Urd 46
Parvati 45
Freyja 39
Sarasvati 35
Verdandi †# 34
Kushinada-Hime 28
Arianrhod 27
Skuld 22
Ame-no-Uzume 21


Demon Level
Amaterasu * 59
Tsukuyomi * 54
Takemikazuchi * 48
Hinokagutsuchi 44
Omoikane * 38
Tajikarao * 33
Ameno Torifune 29



Demon Level
Shiva ° 72
Susano-o 61
Seiten Taisei 48
Chernobog 39
Ares 30


Demon Level
Kali 65
Ishtar * 56
Durga 47
Kikuri-hime 38
Hariti 33
Ta-weret 26


Demon Level
Arahabaki 57
Takeminakata 53
O-namuchi * 50
Kotoshironushi * 46
Sarutahiko * 43
Hitokotonushi 35
Sukunahikona * 30
O-Yamatsumi * 27


Demon Level
Cthulhu 67
Pazuzu 59
Amon 55
Nyarlathotep 53
Tezcatlipoca 47
Naragiri 41



Demon Level
Hanuman 46
Ganesha 43
Djinn 37
Tengu 31
Haokah 27
Apsaras 21
Mercurius * 14


Demon Level
Nyx 47
Vampire 35
Lilim 23
Nightmare 15
Empusa 12
Alp 8


Demon Level
Dullahan 57
Titania 48
Oberon * 45
Cu Chulain 40
Nadja * 30
Elf †# 26
Banshee 25
Dark Elf 18
Jack O'Lantern 13
Jack Frost 12
High Pixie 7


Demon Level
Lucifer * 99
Satanachia †# 95
Asmodeus 80
Mephisto 75
Beelzebub * 65
Mara * 62
Bael 55
Astaroth * ° 52
Loki 49
Hecate * 42



Demon Level
Satan * 99
Metatron 68
Kamael 64
Sariel 59
Kushiel 52
Ophanim 47
Raguel 40
Haniel 37
Tzaphkiel 32
Remiel 28


Demon Level
Dominion 52
Virtue 44
Power 36
Principality 32
Archangel 28
Angel 21


Demon Level
Sargatanas 67
Agares 57
Gaap 49
Berith 41
Baphomet * 37
Eligor 29
Betelgeuse * 24
Gagyson 15
Ukobach 10



Demon Level
Ananta 59
Rahabh 54
Itzamna 50
Seiryuu 43
Quetzalcoatl 39
Pek Young 36
Maya 34


Demon Level
Yamata-no-Orochi 53
Vritra 48
Yurlungur 46
Raja Naga 42
Oto-hime 36
Mizuchi 33
Naga 28
Nozuchi 19


Demon Level
Midgardsomr 58
Tiamat * 51
Kingu 46
Nidhoggr 43
Tarasque 35
Wyvern 28
Worm 16



Demon Level
Takuhi 52
Garuda 49
Suzaku 41
Yatagarasu 31
Phoenix 22
Suparna 15


Demon Level
Morrigan 38
Macha 35
Nemhain 31
Aello 25
Kelaino 21
Ocypete 16
Bennu 9


Demon Level
Hraesvelgr 48
Anzu 38
Gurr 26
Furiae 17
Chon Chon 4



Demon Level
Barong 51
Genbu 45
Anubis 41
Narasinha 35
Sphinx 29
Nandi 17


Demon Level
Byakko 42
Pabilsag 32
Bastet 28
Apis 20
Unicorn 16
Heqet 12


Demon Level
Pascal II †# 63
Pascal I † 43
Kerberos 43
Gdon 39
Selket 30
Orthrus 26
Nekomata 20
Cu Sith 14
Cait Sith 12


Demon Level
Behemoth 60
Manticore 50
Scylla 45
Black Widow 31
Gyu-Ki 29
Nue 20
Bicorn 15
Garm 10



Demon Level
Titan 44
Ubelluris 34
Tsuchigumo 27
Dverger 18
Sudama 11
Knocker 6


Demon Level
Yaksha 46
Shuten-Doji 40
Ibaraki Doji 38
Yakshini 33
Turdak 28
Hannya 19
Azumi 13
Ihika 7


Demon Level
Rangda 55
Volvo 50
Gorgon 45
Cailleach Bheare 38
Arachne 29
Lamia 24
Hag 14


Demon Level
Hecatonchires 59
Girimekra 54
Ekimmu 48
Cyclops 40
Rakshasa 30
Ogre 22
Wendigo 11
Gremlin 6

Evil Spirits[]


Demon Level
Corpse 23
Zombie Priest 19
Workaholic 15
Bodyconian 12
Zombie 5
Zombie Dog 1


Demon Level
Vetara 44
Yaka 32
Man Eater 25
Ghoulette 16
Ghoul 16
Gaki 3


Demon Level
Legion 38
Inferno 29
Depth 15
Hanged Man 13
Poltergeist 2



Demon Level
Old One 49
Doppelganger 39
Black Ooze 28
Chris the Car 17
Jack the Ripper 9
Slime 6


Demon Level
Frankie 16
Demi-Nandi * 11
Heracles 7
Slave 6
Oracles 3
Spartan 2



Demon Level
Adept 51
Terminator 40
Gyrator 34
Temple Knight 26
Executioner 21
Neophyte 15
Butcher 9


Demon Level
Kamen-Hijiri 39
Ashura 30
Onmyoji 22
Jiraiya 15
Kugutsushi 8



Demon Level
Salamander 32
Undine 30
Sylph 28
Gnome 26
Flamies 12
Aquans 11
Aeros 10
Earthies 9


Demon Level
Yggdrasil 38
Alraune 29
Mandrake 18
Audrey 7

Enemy-exclusive Races[]


Demon Level
Medusa 37
Rabbi 30
Golem 26
Junk 21
Iron Maiden 8
Crazy Dummy 5


Demon Level
Police 15
Jaws 10


Demon Level
Andromeda 20
Spider 8
Moebius 3


  • Secret boss race
Demon Level
Sage of Time 50
Matador 40
Hell's Angel 35
Alice 35
Ghost Q 30

Playable Characters Aleph/Hawk - Hiroko - Beth - Cerberus - Lucifer - Satan
Non-Playable Characters Okamoto - Gimmel - Zayin - Stephen - Haneda - Daleth - Red Bear - Madam - Hanada - The Center's Bishop - The Four Elders - Mekata - Puck - Hanoun - Mutant Elder - Hiruko - Taira no Masakado - Siren - Petersen - Michael - Raphael - Uriel - Gabriel - Fake YHVH - Seth - Virocana - Ozawa - Gotou - Gemori - Astaroth (Ishtar / Ashtar) - Kuzuryu - YHVH
Locations Tokyo Millennium - Underworld - Expanse - Eden - Diamond Realm - River Styx
Terminology Millennium Kingdom - Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Ring of Gaea - Terminal - Sword fusion - Identification Program - Summon Doll - Seven Pillars of Solomon - Sabbath - Abaddon's Innards - Megiddo Arc
Content Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items
Shin Megami Tensei II Demons
Deity Indra - Thor - Horus - Ashtar - Odin - Atavaka - Baal - Kalki - Virocana - Ardha
Megami Ame-no-Uzume - Skuld - Arianrhod - Kushinada-Hime - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Freyja - Parvati - Urd - Lakshmi
Amatsukami Ameno Torifune - Tajikarao - Omoikane - Hinokagutsuchi - Takemikazuchi - Tsukuyomi - Amaterasu
Fury Ares - Chernobog - Seiten Taisei - Susano-o - Shiva
Lady Ta-weret - Hariti - Kikuri-hime - Durga - Ishtar - Kali
Kunitsukami O-Yamatsumi - Sukunahikona - Hitokotonushi - Sarutahiko - Kotoshironushi - O-namuchi - Takeminakata - Arahabaki
Vile Naragiri - Tezcatlipoca - Nyarlathotep - Amon - Pazuzu - Cthulhu
Yoma Mercurius - Apsaras - Haokah - Tengu - Djinn - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Alp - Empusa - Nightmare - Lilim - Vampire - Nyx
Fairy High Pixie - Jack Frost - Jack O'Lantern - Dark Elf - Banshee - Elf - Nadja - Cu Chulain - Oberon - Titania - Dullahan
Tyrant Hecate - Loki - Astaroth - Bael - Mara - Beelzebub - Mephisto - Asmodeus - Satanachia - Lucifer
Herald Remiel - Tzaphkiel - Haniel - Raguel - Ophanim - Kushiel - Sariel - Kamael - Metatron - Satan
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion
Fallen Ukobach - Gagyson - Betelgeuse - Eligor - Baphomet - Berith - Gaap - Agares - Sargatanas
Dragon Maya - Pek Young - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Itzamna - Rahabh - Ananta
Snake Nozuchi - Naga - Mizuchi - Oto-hime - Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Vritra - Yamata-no-Orochi
Drake Worm - Wyvern - Tarasque - Nidhoggr - Kingu - Tiamat - Midgardsomr
Avian Suparna - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Suzaku - Garuda - Takuhi
Flight Bennu - Ocypete - Kelaino - Aello - Nemhain - Macha - Morrigan
Raptor Chon Chon - Furiae - Gurr - Anzu - Hraesvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Sphinx - Narasinha - Anubis - Genbu - Barong
Holy Heqet - Unicorn - Apis - Bastet - Pabilsag - Byakko
Beast Cait Sith - Cu Sith - Nekomata - Orthrus - Selket - Gdon - Kerberos - Pascal I - Pascal II
Wilder Garm - Bicorn - Nue - Gyu-Ki - Black Widow - Scylla - Manticore - Behemoth
Jirae Knocker - Sudama - Dverger - Tsuchigumo - Ubelluris - Titan
Brute Ihika - Azumi - Hannya - Turdak - Yakshini - Ibaraki Doji - Shuten-Doji - Yaksha
Femme Hag - Lamia - Arachne - Cailleach Bheare - Gorgon - Volvo - Rangda
Jaki Gremlin - Wendigo - Ogre - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Ekimmu - Girimekra - Hecatonchires
Evil Spirits
Undead Zombie Dog - Zombie - Bodyconian - Workaholic - Zombie Priest - Corpse
Haunt Gaki - Ghoul - Ghoulette - Man Eater - Yaka - Vetara
Spirit Poltergeist - Hanged Man - Depth - Inferno - Legion
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Chris the Car - Black Ooze - Doppelganger - Old One
Demonoid Spartan - Oracles - Slave - Heracles - Demi-Nandi - Frankie
Messian Butcher - Neophyte - Executioner - Temple Knight - Gyrator - Terminator - Adept
Gaean Kugutsushi - Jiraiya - Onmyoji - Ashura - Kamen-Hijiri
Element Earthies - Aeros - Aquans - Flamies - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Wood Audrey - Mandrake - Alraune - Yggdrasil
Enemy-exclusive Races
Machine Crazy Dummy - Iron Maiden - Junk - Golem - Rabbi - Medusa
Vaccine Jaws - Police
Virus Moebius - Spider - Andromeda
Fiend Ghost Q - Alice - Hell's Angel - Matador - Sage of Time