Megami Tensei Wiki

This is a list of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey skills. Skills unique to Strange Journey Redux are indicated in dark blue.

Weapon Skills[]

These skills are available to the protagonist through the various guns he can equip. A few of these skills can be used by Demonica-L, Demonica-N, & Demonica-C, but they cannot be passed on through fusion.

Name Gun Power MP Description
Snipe Miracle Gun
125 20 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy.
Weakshot Monopole 150 25 Heavy Gun damage to one enemy.
Grateful one Pinaka
175 35 Severe Gun damage to one enemy.
Final Seven Lucifer Gun 200 50 Severe Gun damage to one enemy; guaranteed critical.
Airstrike Desonberi
75 15 Light Gun damage to all enemies.
Crossfire Brionac 115 30 Moderate Gun damage to all enemies.
Desperado Pinaka
Sorcery Gun
165 45 Heavy Gun damage to all enemies.
Cat Punch Cat's Punch 110 8 1-5 hits of light Gun damage to random enemies.
BC Shot Iperitta 115 15 Light Gun damage to one enemy; 75% Poison
Randy Shot Desonberi 115 15 Light Gun damage to one enemy; 75% Charm
Shadow Bind Gazamazutsu 115 15 Light Gun damage to one enemy; 60% Paralyze
Rock Bullet Jackal
115 15 Light Gun damage to one enemy; 75% Stone
Say Goodnight Jackal 115 15 Light Gun damage to one enemy; 75% Sleep
Terror Shot Blaster 115 15 Light Gun damage to one enemy; 75% Fear
Headshot Reaper Colt
115 20 Light Gun damage to one enemy; 50% KO
Armshot Desonberi
115 16 Light Gun damage to one enemy; -1 Attack
Legshot Caloric
115 16 Light Gun damage to one enemy; -1 Agility/Accuracy
Cripple Revolver 115 16 Light Gun damage to one enemy; -1 Defense
Quickshot Mandom 115 12 Light Gun damage to one enemy; fast act speed.
Earthlight Ray Pinlight 105 16 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy; stronger on a New Moon.
Moonlight Ray Cromwell 105 16 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy; stronger on a full Moon.
Fire Shot Strike Rifle
100 6 Light Fire damage to one enemy.
Flame Shot Randall
125 12 Moderate Fire damage to one enemy.
Inferno Shot Reaper Colt
Megido Fire
150 20 Heavy Fire damage to one enemy.
Fire Spray Blaster 50 18 Light Fire damage to all enemies.
Flame Spray Jackal 75 36 Moderate Fire damage to all enemies.
Inferno Spray Megido Fire 100 60 Heavy Fire damage to all enemies.
Ice Shot Andersen
100 6 Light Ice damage to one enemy.
Frost Shot Golden Gun 125 12 Moderate Ice damage to one enemy.
Frigid Shot Frost Cannon
150 20 Heavy Ice damage to one enemy.
Frost Spray Blizzard 75 36 Moderate Ice damage to all enemies.
Frigid Spray Peacemaker 100 60 Heavy Ice damage to all enemies.
Elec Shot Iperitta 100 6 Light Elec damage to one enemy.
Bolt Shot Golden Gun
125 12 Moderate Elec damage to one enemy.
Shock Shot Giga Smash 150 20 Heavy Elec damage to one enemy.
Elec Spray Buffalo Gun 50 18 Light Elec damage to all enemies.
Bolt Spray Frost Cannon 75 36 Moderate Elec damage to all enemies.
Shock Spray Sorcery Gun 100 60 Heavy Elec damage to all enemies.
Wind Shot Alabaster 100 6 Light Wind damage to one enemy.
Gust Shot Abba Dingo
Meteor Dragoon
125 12 Moderate Wind damage to one enemy.
Storm Shot Frost Cannon
Reaper Colt
150 20 Heavy Wind damage to one enemy.
Wind Spray Revolver 50 18 Light Wind damage to all enemies.
Gust Spray Pinlight 75 36 Moderate Wind damage to all enemies.
Storm Spray Pinaka 100 60 Heavy Wind damage to all enemies.
Moan Bullet
(Mourn Bullet in Redux)
Meteor Dragoon
Ebony Tear
150 45 1-3 hits of moderate Almighty damage to random enemies.
Freischutz Meteor Dragoon
200 50 Heavy Almighty damage to all enemies.
Riot Gun Copy
(Supreme Gun in Redux)
Megido Fire 200 80 Severe Almighty damage to one enemy.
Soul Scanner Scouter - 25 Increases Analysis data for target enemy if it is defeated this turn.

Demon Skills[]


Name Power Acc MP Hits Description
Axel Claw 110 130 14 1 Light Physical damage to all enemies.
Ambush 150 130 7 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy; Damage Increased on Surprise Attack.
Berserker God 210 130 11 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy.
Blight 125 130 12 1 Moderate Physical damage to all enemies; 60% Poison
Crescent Slice 120 130 4 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy.
Deathbound 115 130 20 1 Moderate Physical damage to all enemies.
Dream Fist 150 130 7 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy; 60% Sleep
Explosive Fist 165 130 8 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy.
Fang Breaker 150 130 10 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy; -1 Attack
Feral Claw 115 130 3 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy.
Getsu-ei 200 130 9 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy; 1.5x damage on Full Moon.
Giant Slice 80 130 8 1 Light Physical damage to all enemies.
Hades Blast 145 130 32 1 Moderate Physical damage to all enemies.
Heat Wave 85 130 10 1 Light Physical damage to all enemies.
Iron Judgement 150 120 6 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy.
Lunge 125 130 5 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy.
Madness Crush 150 130 30 1-4 Moderate Physical damage to random enemies.
Madness Nails 140 130 25 1 Moderate Physical damage to all enemies.
Mega Claw 155 130 6 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy.
Megaton Press 110 130 15 1-4 Light Physical damage to random enemies.
Mortal Jihad 215 130 12 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy.
Nihil Claw 205 130 10 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy.
Occult Flash (Deadly Flash in Redux) ??? ?? 30 1 Light Physical damage to all enemies; chance of instant death.
Poison Claw 150 130 7 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy; 60% Poison
Rampage 70 130 8 1-4 Light Physical damage to random enemies.
Stun Claw 150 130 9 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy; 35% Paralyze
True Lobotomy 160 130 7 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy.
Tyranny 100 130 12 1-3 Light Physical damage to random enemies; 60% Fear
Zan-ei 200 130 9 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy; 1.5x damage on New Moon.
Adamant Sickle 220 130 50 1 Heavy Physical damage to one enemy; +2 Attack
Air Dive 120 130 15 1 Moderate Physical damage to all enemies.
Asura 130 130 20 1 Moderate Physical damage to all enemies.
Death Bite 95 80 25 4 Light Physical damage to random enemies; Low accuracy.
Horned Frenzy 90 130 10 2 Light Physical damage to random enemies.
Taking a Bite 160 130 10 1 Moderate Physical damage to one enemy; Recover HP equal to half damage dealt.


Name Power Acc MP Hits Description
Needle Rush 110 130 3 1 Light Gun damage to one enemy.
Toxic Sting 120 130 7 1 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy; 60% Poison
Peter Piper 120 130 9 1 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy; 60% Mute
Dream Needle 120 130 7 1 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy; 60% Sleep
Charm Strike 120 130 9 1 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy; 60% Charm
Hell Thrust 150 130 6 1 Moderate Gun damage to one enemy.
Grand Tack (Grand Piercer in Redux) 300 130 10 1 Heavy Gun damage to one enemy.
Riot Gun 500 130 30 1 Severe Gun damage to one enemy.
Needle Assault 75 130 7 1 Light Gun damage to all enemies.
Arrow Rain 105 130 14 1 Light Gun damage to all enemies.
Heaven's Bow 135 130 24 1 Moderate Gun damage to all enemies.
Fleeting Rain 150 130 30 2-4 Moderate Gun damage to random enemies.
Shooting Spree 120 130 12 1-3 Moderate Gun damage to random enemies; 60% Strain


Name Power Acc MP Hits Description
Agi 110 120 3 1 Light Fire damage to one enemy.
Maragi 70 120 9 1 Light Fire damage to all enemies.
Agilao 150 120 6 1 Moderate Fire damage to one enemy.
Maragion 110 120 18 1 Moderate Fire damage to all enemies.
Agidyne 200 120 10 1 Heavy Fire damage to one enemy.
Maragidyne 160 120 30 1 Heavy Fire damage to all enemies.
Fire Breath 60 120 19 1-4 Light Fire damage to random enemies.
Ragnarok 125 120 65 1-4 Moderate Fire damage to random enemies.
Trisagion 250 120 20 1 Severe Fire damage to one enemy.
Black Flame 80 120 16 2-4 Light Fire damage to random enemies.
Megido Flame 260 120 30 1 Severe Fire damage to all enemies; -1 Defense


Name Power Acc MP Hits Description
Bufu 110 120 3 1 Light Ice damage to one enemy.
Mabufu 70 120 9 1 Light Ice damage to all enemies.
Bufula 150 120 6 1 Moderate Ice damage to one enemy.
Mabufula 110 120 18 1 Moderate Ice damage to all enemies.
Bufudyne 200 120 10 1 Heavy Ice damage to one enemy.
Mabufudyne 160 120 30 1 Heavy Ice damage to all enemies.
Ice Breath 60 120 19 1-4 Light Ice damage to random enemies.
Breath 70 120 20 1-5 Light Ice damage to random enemies.
Glacial Blast 80 120 20 1-4 Light Ice damage to random enemies.
Cold World 150 120 65 1 Moderate Ice damage to all enemies; 15% KO
Hellish Spurt 70 120 18 2-4 Light Ice damage to random enemies.
Mother Earth 160 120 35 1 Heavy Ice damage to all enemies; Recover HP equal to half damage dealt.


Name Power Acc MP Hits Description
Zio 110 120 3 1 Light Electric damage to one enemy.
Mazio 70 120 9 1 Light Electric damage to all enemies.
Zionga 150 120 6 1 Moderate Electric damage to one enemy.
Mazionga 110 120 18 1 Moderate Electric damage to all enemies.
Ziodyne 200 120 10 1 Heavy Electric damage to one enemy.
Maziodyne 160 120 30 1 Heavy Electric damage to all enemies.
Shock 60 120 19 1-4 Light Electric damage to random enemies.
Charming Bolt 110 120 65 1 Light Electric damage to all enemies; 25% Charm
Thunder Reign 125 120 20 1 Moderate Electric damage to all enemies.
Keraunos 220 120 50 1 Severe Electric damage to one enemy; -2 Defense
Wild Lightning 170 120 35 1 Heavy Electric damage to all enemies.


Name Power Acc MP Hits Description
Garu 110 120 3 1 Light Wind damage to one enemy.
Magaru 70 120 9 1 Light Wind damage to all enemies.
Garula 150 120 6 1 Moderate Wind damage to one enemy.
Magarula 110 120 18 1 Moderate Wind damage to all enemies.
Garudyne 200 120 10 1 Heavy Wind damage to one enemy.
Magarudyne 160 120 30 1 Heavy Wind damage to all enemies.
Wind Breath 60 120 19 1-4 Light Wind damage to random enemies.
Floral Gust 150 120 65 1 Moderate Wind damage to all enemies; 35% Mute
Killing Wind 250 120 20 1 Severe Wind damage to one enemy.
Alluring Squall 90 120 20 1-3 Light Wind damage to random enemies; 50% Charm
Untainted Wind 170 120 35 1 Heavy Wind damage to all enemies.


Name MP Description
Hama 6 30% chance of killing a single enemy with an exorcism.
Mahama 18 30% chance of killing all enemies with an exorcism.
Hamaon 10 55% chance of killing a single enemy with an exorcism.
Mahamaon 30 55% chance of killing all enemies with an exorcism.
Judgement Light 45 80% chance of killing all enemies with an exorcism.


Name MP Description
Mudo 6 30% chance of killing a single enemy with a curse.
Mamudo 18 30% chance of killing all enemies with a curse.
Mudoon 10 55% chance of killing a single enemy with a curse.
Mamudoon 30 55% chance of killing all enemies with a curse.
Die For Me! 45 80% chance of killing all enemies with a curse.


Name MP Description
Bobasma 4 80% Fear to one enemy.
Staredown 9 70% Fear to all enemies.
Dormina 4 80% Sleep to one enemy.
Lullaby 9 70% Sleep to all enemies.
Poisma 4 80% Poison to one enemy.
Toxic Cloud 9 70% Poison to all enemies.
Makajama 5 80% Mute to one enemy.
Tricky Dance 13 70% Mute to all enemies.
Marin Karin 5 80% Charm to one enemy.
Frolic 13 70% Charm to all enemies.
Shibaboo 5 50% Paralyze to one enemy.
Binding Cry 13 45% Paralyze to all enemies.
Stone Curse 5 50% Stone to one enemy.
Stone Breath 13 45% Stone to all enemies.
Hostile Terror 40 70% random ailment to all enemies (Except KO, Bomb, Strain)
Gehenna 6 70% Fear to all enemies.
Lethe's Whisper 30 85% Sleep to all enemies.


Unless noted so, all Almighty attacks have 100% accuracy.

Name Power MP Hits Description
Kamikaze 200 3 1 User sacrifices itself to deal Almighty damage to 1 enemy.
Last Resort 150 4 1 User sacrifices itself to deal Almighty damage to all enemies.
Life Drain 100 2 1 Steals HP from 1 enemy.
Mana Drain 75 2 1 Steals MP from 1 enemy.
Energy Drain 100 4 1 Steals HP and MP from 1 enemy.
Megido 200 20 1 Medium Almighty damage to all enemies.
Megidola 300 40 1 Heavy Almighty damage to all enemies.
Megidolaon 400 60 1 Severe Almighty damage to all enemies.
(Antichthon in Redux)
500 80 1 Severe Almighty damage to all enemies and lowers all stats by 1 rank.
Babylon Goblet 300 65 1 Heavy Almighty damage to all enemies; 25% Charm.
Holy Wrath 200 45 1 Medium Almighty damage to all Neutral enemies or allies; Severe damage to Chaos enemies or allies.
Judgement 200 45 1 Medium Almighty damage to all Chaos or Law enemies or allies; Severe damage to Neutral enemies or allies.
Sea of Chaos 200 45 1 Medium Almighty damage to all Neutral enemied or allies; Severe damage to all Law enemies or allies.
Desperate Hit 100 40 1-5 Medium ST-based Almighty damage to random enemies.
Big Bang 450 70 1 Severe Almighty damage to all enemies.
Eternal Rest - 15 - Instantly kill all sleeping enemies and allies.
Horn of Fate - 25 - Expel or curse-based death to all foes or all allies
Waking Dream 70 15 1 Light Almighty damage to all enemies; 50% Strain
Sunset Melody 160 35 1 Light Almighty damage to all enemies; -1 Attack
Evil Vortex 160 35 1 Light Almighty damage to all enemies; 15% Stone
Mel Faize 250 50 1 Heavy Almighty damage to all enemies.


Name MP Description
Dia 3 Recovers a light amount of HP for one ally.
Media 10 Recovers a light amount of HP for all allies.
Diarama 7 Recovers a moderate amount of HP for one ally.
Mediarama 20 Recovers a moderate amount of HP for all allies.
Diarahan 15 Recovers all HP for one ally.
Mediarahan 35 Recovers all HP for all allies.
Salvation 45 Recovers all HP and removes status ailments for all allies.
Patra 5 Removes sleep and fear status from one ally.
Me Patra 12 Removes sleep and fear from all allies.
Posumudi 5 Removes poison from one ally.
Paraladi 5 Removes paralyze from one ally.
Charmdi 5 Removes charm from one ally.
Petradi 5 Removes stone from one ally.
Mutudi 5 Removes mute from one ally.
Strandi 5 Removes strain from one ally.
Bomdi 5 Removes bomb from one ally.
Amrita 20 Removes all ailments except KO for one ally.
Recarm 20 Revives one ally from KO with some HP.
Samarecarm 35 Revives one ally from KO with full HP.
Recarmdra 2 User dies to restore HP to all allies.
Invitation 40 Revives and summons a dead ally.


Buffs and Debuffs can stack 4 times and last until Dekaja/Dekunda is used or are cancelled out with the opposite buff or debuff.

Name MP Description
Tarukaja 12 Increases all allies' attack by one rank.
Tarunda 12 Decreases all enemies' attack by one rank.
War Cry 30 Decreases all enemies' attack by two ranks.
Rakukaja 12 Increases all allies' defense by one rank.
Rakunda 12 Decreases all enemies' defense by one rank.
Acid Breath 30 Decreases all enemies' defense by two ranks.
Sukukaja 12 Increases all allies' agility by one rank.
Sukunda 12 Decreases all enemies' agility by one rank.
Fog Breath 30 Decreases all enemies' agility by 2 ranks.
Blood Ritual 25 Maximizes the user's attack, defense and agility but reduces HP to 1.
Luster Candy 50 Increases all allies' attack, defense, and agility by one rank.
Debilitate 50 Decreases all enemies' attack, defense and agility by one rank.
Taunt 20 Increases all enemies' attack and decreases all enemies' defense by 2 ranks.
Dekaja 10 Removes buffs from all enemies.
Dekunda 10 Removes debuffs from all allies.
Silent Prayer 15 Removes buffs and debuffs from everyone.
Tables Turned 8 Reverses buffs and debuffs for everyone.
Offered Soul 20 Increases user's magic attack for a few turns but mutes the user. (It actually strains the user.) Ineffective if the user nulls Mute/Strain.
Tetrakarn 45 Reflects a Physical attack once for all allies.
Makarakarn 45 Reflects a magic attack once for all allies. (Except Ailment or Almighty skills)
Tetraja 15 Block an Expel/Curse attack once for all allies.
Charge 5 More than doubles the power of the user's next Physical attack.
Concentrate 7 More than doubles the power of the user's next Magic attack.
Sabbatma 20 Summons a demon from the DEMONICA
Lost Word 20 Random Effect:
All allies fully recover HP;
All allies fully recover MP;
All allies OR all enemies gain 1 random buff;
All allies OR all enemies suffer a random debuff.
Illusory Ritual 30 Doubles own Agility/Accuracy for 3 turns.
Luster Soul 200 +4 Attack, Defense, Agility/Accuracy for all allies.


Name Description
Resist Phys Resist Physical attacks
Void Phys Null Physical attacks
Repel Phys Repel Physical attacks
Drain Phys Absorb Physical attacks
Resist Gun Resist Gun attacks
Void Gun Null Gun attacks
Repel Gun Repel Gun attacks
Drain Gun Absorb Gun attacks
Resist Fire Resist Fire attacks
Void Fire Null Fire attacks
Repel Fire Repel Fire attacks
Absorb Fire Absorb Fire attacks
Resist Ice Resist Ice attacks
Void Ice Null Ice attacks
Repel Ice Repel Ice attacks
Drain Ice Absorb Ice attacks
Resist Elec Resist Electric attacks
Void Elec Null Electric attacks
Repel Elec Repel Electric attacks
Drain Elec Absorb Electric attacks
Resist Wind Resist Wind attacks
Void Wind Null Wind attacks
Repel Wind Repel Wind attacks
Drain Wind Absorb Wind attacks
Resist Expel Reduce the chance of instant death from Expel attacks.
Void Expel Null Expel attacks
Resist Curse Reduce the chance of instant death from Curse attacks.
Void Curse Null Curse attacks
Void Mind Null Sleep, Charm, Mute, Fear and Strain
Void Nerve Null Poison, Paralysis, Stone and Bomb
Phys Boost Boosts Physical attack damage by 25%
Phys Amp Boosts Physical attack damage by 50%
Gun Boost Boosts Gun attack damage by 25%
Gun Amp Boosts Gun attack damage by 50%
Fire Boost Boost Fire attack damage by 25%
Fire Amp Boosts Fire attack damage by 50%
Ice Boost Boosts Ice attack damage by 25%
Ice Amp Boosts Ice attack damage by 50%
Elec Boost Boosts Electric attack damage by 25%
Elec Amp Boosts Electric attack damage by 50%
Wind Boost Boosts Wind attack damage by 25%
Wind Amp Boosts Wind attack damage by 50%
Recovery Boost Boosts the effect of healing spells by 25%
Recovery Amp Boosts the effect of healing spells by 50%
Counter 30% Chance of countering Physical or Gun attacks with a normal attack.
Retaliate 50% Chance of countering Physical or Gun attacks with a strong attack.
Endure Auto-revive with 1 HP once per battle.
Enduring Soul Auto-revive with full HP once per battle.
Life Aid Recover 10% HP at the end of each battle.
Mana Aid Recover 10% MP at the end of each battle.
Victory Cry Fully restores HP & MP at the end of each battle.
Sleepwalker 100% Evasion while sleeping.
Laplace Curse Fully analyzed enemies have their attack, defense and agility reduced by one rank.
Preparedness Increases damage dealt when performing Demon Co-Op Attacks.
Spring of Life Recover 3% HP occasionally after a few steps while summoned.
Chakra Walk Recover 5 MP occasionally after a few steps while summoned.
Life Bonus +10% Max HP
Life Gain +20% Max HP
Life Surge 30% Max HP
Mana Bonus +10% Max MP
Mana Gain +20% Max MP
Mana Surge +30% Max MP
Watchful Obtain 25% EXP when not in battle.
Vigilant Obtain 50% EXP when not in battle.

Characters Protagonist - Gore - Jimenez - Zelenin - Arthur - Alex - George - Captain Jack (& Jack's Squad) - Ryan - Bugaboo - Mastema - Anthony - Dent - Norris - Kato - Williams - Muccino - Irving - Chen - Terry - MacCleary - Mia - Gekko - Blair - Zoe - Maebe - Wolf - Tyler - Mackie - Mike - Dawson - Keema - McClane - Louisa Ferre - The Three Wise Men - Mem Aleph
Locations Red Sprite - Sector Antlia - Sector Bootes - Sector Carina - Sector Delphinus - Sector Eridanus - Sector Fornax - Jack's Squad HQ - Sector Grus - Sector Horologium - Womb of Grief - Empyrean Ascent
Terminology Schwarzwelt - Demonica - Demon Summoning Program - Delphinus Parasite - Magnetite - Macca - Moon Phase System - Cosmic Egg
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Forma - Equipment - Items - Apps - Extra Missions
Music Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Original Soundtrack
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Skills
Physical Skills
PhysIconPhys Skills Axel Claw - Ambush - Berserker God - Blight - Crescent Slice - Deathbound - Dream Fist - Explosive Fist - Fang Breaker - Feral Claw - Getsu-ei - Giant Slice - Hades Blast - Heat Wave - Iron Judgement - Lunge - Madness Crush - Madness Nails - Mega Claw - Megaton Press - Mortal Jihad - Nihil Claw - Occult Flash - Poison Claw - Rampage - Stun Claw - True Lobotomy - Tyranny - Zan-ei - Adamant Sickle - Air Dive - Asura - Death Bite - Horned Frenzy - Taking a Bite
GunIconGun Skills Needle Shot - Toxic Sting - Peter Piper - Dream Needle - Charm Strike - Hell Thrust - Grand Tack - Riot Gun - Needle Assault - Arrow Rain - Heaven's Bow - Fleeting Rain - Shooting Spree
Magic Skills
FireIconFire Skills Agi - Agilao - Agidyne - Maragi - Maragion - Maragidyne - Fire Breath - Ragnarok - Trisagion - Black Flame - Megido Flame
IceIconIce Skills Bufu - Bufula - Bufudyne - Mabufu - Mabufula - Mabufudyne - Ice Breath - Breath - Glacial Blast - Cold World - Hellish Spurt - Mother Earth
ElecIconElectric Skills Zio - Zionga - Ziodyne - Mazio - Mazionga - Maziodyne - Shock - Charming Bolt - Thunder Reign - Keraunos - Wild Lightning
WindIconWind Skills Garu - Garula - Garudyne - Magaru - Magarula - Magarudyne - Wind Breath - Floral Gust - Killing Wind - Alluring Squall - Untainted Wind
ExpelIconLight Skills Hama - Hamaon - Mahama - Mahamaon - Judgement Light
CurseIconDark Skills Mudo - Mudoon - Mamudo - Mamudoon - Die For Me!
AlmightyIconAlmighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Kamikaze - Last Resort - Life Drain - Mana Drain - Energy Drain - Jihad - Babylon Goblet - Holy Wrath - Judgment - Sea of Chaos - Desperate Hit - Big Bang - Eternal Rest - Horn of Fate - Waking Dream - Sunset Melody - Evil Vortex - Mel Faize
Ailment Skills Bobasma - Staredown - Dormina - Lullaby - Poisma - Toxic Cloud - Makajama - Tricky Dance - Marin Karin - Frolic - Shibaboo - Binding Cry - Stone Curse - Stone Breath - Hostile Terror - Gehenna - Lethe's Whisper
Assist Skills
HealIcon SMTIVHealing Skills Dia - Diarama - Diarahan - Media - Mediarama - Mediarahan - Salvation - Posumudi - Patra - Me Patra - Posumudi - Paraladi - Charmdi - Petradi - Mutudi - Strandi - Bomdi - Amrita - Recarm - Samarecarm - Recarmdra - Invitation
Support Skills Tarukaja - Tarunda - War Cry - Rakukaja - Rakunda - Acid Breath - Sukukaja - Sukunda - Fog Breath - Blood Ritual - Luster Candy - Debilitate - Taunt - Dekaja - Dekunda - Silent Prayer - Tables Turned - Offered Soul - Tetrakarn - Makarakarn - Tetraja - Charge - Concentrate - Sabbatma - Lost Word - Illusory Ritual - Luster Soul
PassiveIcon SMTIVPassive Skills
Elemental Affinity Resist Phys - Void Phys - Drain Phys - Repel Phys - Resist Gun - Void Gun - Drain Gun - Repel Gun - Resist Fire - Void Fire - Drain Fire - Repel Fire - Resist Ice - Void Ice - Drain Ice - Repel Ice - Resist Elec - Void Elec - Drain Elec - Repel Elec - Resist Wind - Void Wind - Drain Wind - Repel Wind - Resist Expel - Void Expel - Resist Curse - Void Curse - Void Mind - Void Nerve
Counter Counter - Retaliate
Max HP/SP Life Bonus - Life Gain - Life Surge - Life Rise - Mana Bonus - Mana Gain - Mana Surge
Survival Endure - Enduring Soul
Recovery Spring of Life - Chakra Walk - Life Aid - Mana Aid - Victory Cry
Attack Boost Phys Boost - Gun Boost - Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Elec Boost - Wind Boost - Recovery Boost
Attack Amp Phys Amp - Gun Amp - Fire Amp - Ice Amp - Elec Amp - Wind Amp - Recovery Amp
EXP Bonus Watchful - Vigilant
Other Laplace Curse - Preparedness - Sleepwalker
Weapon Skills
GunIcon Gun Skills Snipe - Weakshot - Grateful One - Final Seven - Airstrike - Crossfire - Desperado - Cat Punch - BC Shot - Randy Shot - Shadow Bind - Rock Bullet - Say Goodnight - Terror Shot - Headshot - Armshot - Legshot - Cripple - Quickshot - Earthlight Ray - Moonlight Ray
FireIcon Fire Skills Fire Shot - Flame Shot - Inferno Shot - Fire Spray - Flame Spray - Inferno Spray
IceIcon Ice Skills Ice Shot - Frost Shot - Frigid Shot - Frost Spray - Frigid Spray
ElecIcon Elec Skills Elec Shot - Bolt Shot - Shock Shot - Elec Spray - Bolt Spray - Shock Spray
WindIcon Wind Skills Wind Shot - Gust Shot - Storm Shot - Wind Spray - Gust Spray - Storm Spray
AlmightyIcon Almighty Skills Moan Bullet - Freischutz - Riot Gun Copy - Soul Scanner
Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Strikers - Tactica -Q2
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE