Megami Tensei Wiki

The List of Bosses in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey is organized by Schwartzwelt Sector followed by demon lord and optional bosses. The demons are arranged in the order of the Sectors, from lowest to highest.

Sector Antlia[]

Demon Lord[]


Optional Boss[]

Sector Bootes[]

Demon Lord[]


Resident Fiend[]

Optional Boss[]

Sector Carina[]

Demon Lord[]


  • Zhu Yin - In Law and Neutral Paths.

Resident Fiend[]

Sector Delphinus[]

Demon Lord[]


  • Cherub - In Chaos and Neutral Paths.

Resident Fiend[]

Sector Eridanus[]

Demon Mother[]

Resident Fiend[]

Optional Bosses[]

Final Boss[]

Sector Fornax[]

Demon Mother[]

Resident Fiends[]

Demon Kings[]

Sector Grus[]

Demon Mother[]

Resident Fiend[]

Optional Bosses[]

Sector Horologium[]

Demon Mother[]


Resident Fiend[]

Optional Boss[]

Jack's Squad HQ[]


Optional Boss[]

  • Ryan - Depending on choices during Jack's Squad Pacification mission.

Womb of Grief[]


Optional Bosses[]

Empyrean Ascent[]


Optional Bosses[]

Characters Protagonist - Gore - Jimenez - Zelenin - Arthur - Alex - George - Captain Jack (& Jack's Squad) - Ryan - Bugaboo - Mastema - Anthony - Dent - Norris - Kato - Williams - Muccino - Irving - Chen - Terry - MacCleary - Mia - Gekko - Blair - Zoe - Maebe - Wolf - Tyler - Mackie - Mike - Dawson - Keema - McClane - Louisa Ferre - The Three Wise Men - Mem Aleph
Locations Red Sprite - Sector Antlia - Sector Bootes - Sector Carina - Sector Delphinus - Sector Eridanus - Sector Fornax - Jack's Squad HQ - Sector Grus - Sector Horologium - Womb of Grief - Empyrean Ascent
Terminology Schwarzwelt - Demonica - Demon Summoning Program - Delphinus Parasite - Magnetite - Macca - Moon Phase System - Cosmic Egg
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Forma - Equipment - Items - Apps - Extra Missions
Music Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Original Soundtrack