Megami Tensei Wiki

This is a list of skills in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2.


  • Skills with 'x[Number]' in their Power column indicates multiple hits.
  • Physical skills have a chance of landing a Critical hit or a Miss, while Magical skills can do neither.
  • Non-Phys attribute attacking skills marked as Physical can land a Critical hit or a Miss, depending on their respective rates. Otherwise, all other non-Phys attribute attacking skills are to be recognized as Magical.
  • 'Chain Effects' are effects that activate only when their conditions are met.
  • "If successful, ..." effects are a type of Chain Effect that will only activate if the main attacking part of that skill is not Nullified, Absorbed, Repelled, or Dodged.

Attacking Skills[]

Phys Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect
Non-unique Skills
Cleave Single 4 120 -
Fatal Sword 5 140
Berserker God 6 160
Megaton Raid 7 180
God Hand 8 200
Lunge 4 115 This skill has +30% critical rate.
Oni-Kagura 5 130
Mortal Jihad 6 145
Toxic Sting 5 120 40% chance of Poison on hit enemy.
Binding Claw 5 120 40% chance of Bind on hit enemy.
Dark Sword 5 120 40% chance of Mute on hit enemy.
Sweet Bite 5 120 40% chance of Charm on hit enemy.
Eat Whole 5 120 User recovers 25% of damage dealt as HP.
Binge Eating 6 140 User recovers 40% of damage dealt as HP.
Power Hit 7 170 Reduces user's HP by 10% of max HP.
Bleeder 6 120 Reduces hit enemy's MP by 2.
Muscle Punch 6 170 Damage is dependent on Physical DEF stat.
Mow Down All 4 80 -
Herculean Strike 5 100
Hades Blast 6 120
Vorpal Blade 7 140
Gigantomachia 8 160
Heat Wave 5 70 This skill has +30% critical rate.
Megaton Press 6 90
Titanomachia 7 110
Blight 6 100 This skill has +30% critical rate. 30% chance of Poison on hit enemies.
Earthquake 7 150 Damage is dependent on Physical DEF stat.
Rampage Random 3 45 (x2-3) -
Deathbound 4 55 (x2-3)
Madness Nails 5 65 (x2-3)
Nihil Claw 6 75 (x2-3)
Tempest Slash 5 50 (x2-5)
Myriad Arrows 7 65 (x2-5)
Unique Skills
SEBURO C-40A Single 4 40 x3 This skill has +50% critical rate. If successful, inflicts Phys damage (Power: 40) 5 times on random enemies with +30% critical rate.

Ignores Counter effects.

Unique to Batou.

Soul Break 5 145 This skill has +30% critical rate. Reduces hit enemy's MP by 3.

Unique to Sraosha.

Iron Judgement 150 This skill has +50% critical rate. 80% chance of bind on hit enemy.

Unique to Demonee-Ho.

Paralyzing Bite 160 35% chance of Bind on hit enemy.

Unique to Kamiotoko.

Violent Dance 6 35


This skill has +30% critical rate. If successful, enters a state of Rebellion. Ignores counter effects.

Unique to Kali.

Heavenly Sword 120 If successful, enters a state of Charge and Might, and gains one boost level for [Sword of Hallel]. Ignores endure skills.

Unique to Ose Hallel.

Iron Fist 120 This skill has +30% critical rate. If successful, increases party's ATK and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.

Unique to Flauros.

Berserk 140 This skill has +30% critical rate. If successful, inflict Phys damage (Power: 160) to one enemy with +50% critical rate. Both ignores counter effects and endure skills. (2 uses per battle)

Unique to Berserker Guts.

Violent Slash 150 Gains one boost level each skill use.

Boost Level 0: Phys damage, (Power: 150) with +30% critical rate.

Boost Level 1: Increases Power to 180, and critical rate to +50%. Nullifies all death prevention skills.

Boost Level 2: Increases Power to 230, and critical rate to +80%. Ignores death prevention skills and counter effects.

Unique to Dimensional Susano-o.

Ouas 160 This skill has +50% critical rate. User recovers 40% of damage dealt as HP.

Unique to Seth.

Gomorrah (B) 7 50


This skill has +50% critical rate and 50% chance of Charm to all foes. Damage is dependent on 70% Physical ATK stat and 30% Magic ATK stat. Available every 2 turns.

Unique to Bayonetta☆.

Daylight Blade 130 This skill has +50% critical rate. If successful, enters a state of Concentrate.

Unique to Marici.

Dragon Blade 150 This skill has +30% critical rate. If successful, inflict Phys damage (Power: 80) to all enemies with +30% critical rate.

Unique to Guan Yu.

Ruin and Grace 200 This skill has +50% critical rate. If successful, heals HP (Power: 80) for all allies. Damage is dependent on Magic ATK.

Unique to Ardha.

Occult Flash 8 200 This skill has +50% critical rate. 100% chance of inflicting Mortal on hit enemy. (3 uses per battle.)

Unique to General Masakado.

Beloved Slash All 6 60 (x2) Unique to Beloved.
Dragon Slayer 115 Gains one boost level each skill use. Ignores counter effects.

Boost Level 0: Phys Pierce damage (Power: 115) to all enemies. This skill has +30% critical rate.

Boost Level 1: Phys Pierce damage (Power: 135) to all enemies. This skil has +50% critical rate. Nullifies all endure skills.

Unique to Guts.

Gungnir 7 145 This skill has +30% critical rate.
Rip 110 This skill has Phys Pierce effect and +30% critical rate. User recovers 50% of damage dealt as HP.

Unique to Zodd.

Gomorrah (J) 180 This skill has +50% critical rate and 50% chance of bind. Damage is dependent on 70% Magic ATK stat and 30% Physical ATK stat. Available every 2 turns.

Unique to Jeanne☆.

Million Stab 8 40 x4 Ignores counter effects.

Unique to Dante☆.

Ashura 50 This skill has +50% critical rate. If successful, removes buffs from all foes and inflict Phys damage (Power: 25) to random foes 10 times with +80% critical rate.

Unique to Asura.

Yinglong Killer 150 This skill has +50% critical rate.

Unique to Huang Di.

Hell Claw Random 5 65 x3 Unique to Cerberus.
Mist Slashes 6 50 x3-5 Unique to Attis.
Hassou-Tobi 7 35 x8 Unique to Yoshitsune.
Hell Thrust 50 x4 35% chance of Charm on hit enemies.

Unique to Mara.

Gae Bulg 50 x4-6 Unique to Cu Chulainn.

Fire Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Agi Single 4 120 - -
Agilao 5 140
Agidyne 6 160
Trisagion 7 180
Maragi All 5 80
Maragion 6 100
Maragidyne 7 120
Fire Breath Random 4 45 (x2-4)
Hellfire 5 55 (x2-4)
Wrathful Flame Single 6 65 (x3) If successful, decreases all enemies' DEF by 20% for 3 turns.

Unique to Mahakala.

Guillotine Blaze 150 This skill is Physical, with +50% critical rate and 10% chance to inflict Mortal. Nullifies all endure skills. Damage is dependent on Magic ATK stat.

Unique to Azazel.

Ragnarok 7 215 +20% to damage of this skill based on Physical ATK stat.

Unique to Surt.

50 mm Grenade Launcher All 5 80 This skill has +30% critical rate. Ignores counter effects. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. (2 uses per battle)

Unique to Tachikoma.

Aztec Pulse 6 100 Gains one boost level each skill use.

Boost Level 0: Fire damage. (Power: 100)

Boost Level 1: Increase Power to 120.

Boost Level 2: Increases Power to 140. If successful, decreases all enemies' DEF by 20% for 3 turns.

Unique to Dimensional Quetzalcoatl

Dimensional Quetzalcoatl
Flames of Gomorrah 110 This skill is Physical, with 80% chance of Curse on hit enemies. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat.

Unique to Belial.

MahaLantine 7 50 (x2) Unique to Halloween Jack. Halloween Jack
Eruption 120 If successful, decreases all foes' DEF by 20% for 3 turns, and inflict Fire damage (Power: 25) 4 times on random enemies.

Unique to Dimensional Surt.

Dimensional Surt
Sunrise 120 If successful, revives one random ally with 50% HP. (6 uses per battle)

Unique to Uriel.


Ice Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Bufu Single 4 120 - -
Bufula 5 140
Bufudyne 6 160
Ice Age 7 180
Mabufu All 5 80
Mabufula 6 100
Mabufudyne 7 120
Ice Breath Random 4 45
Glacial Blast 5 55
Vengeful Frost Fist Single 5 130 This skill is Physical. If successful, enters a state of Rebellion. Damage is dependent on Magic ATK stat. Frost Ace
MahaFrosty All 7 50 x2 - Helper Frost
Cold World 130 If successful, reduces all foes' DEF by 20% for 3 turns. King Frost
Halahala Random 6 40 50% chance of poison on hit enemies. Vasuki

Elec Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Zio Single 4 120 - -
Zionga 5 140
Ziodyne 6 160
Thunder Reign 7 180
Mazio All 5 80
Mazionga 6 100
Maziodyne 7 120
Shock Random 4 45 x2-4
Bolt Storm 5 55 x2-4
Lightning Shower Single 6 40 x5 30% chance of Bind on hit target. Indrajit
Thunderous Hammer 150 Gains one boost level each skill use. Damage is dependent on Phys ATK.

Boost Level 0: Heavy Piercing damage (150) to one foe with 30% critical rate.

Boost Level 1: Increases critical rate to 50%. Nullifies endures and counter effects.

Boost Level 2: If successful, inflict Light Piercing damage (125) to one foe with 50% critical rate.

Dimensional Thor
Glorious Bolt 170 If successful, all allies recover 1 MP. Aniel
Overture All 7 80 If successful, user enters a state of Concentrate. Nero☆
Thunderstorm 8 130 If successful, decreases all foes' ATK by 20% for 3 turns. Anat
Mjolnir Random 7 60 x4-5 - Thor

Force Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Zan Single 4 120 - -
Zanma 5 140
Zandyne 6 160
Killing Wind 7 180
Mazan All 5 80
Mazanma 6 100
Mazandyne 7 120
Wind Breath Random 4 45 x2-4
Twister 5 55 x2-4
Soaring Blades SIngle 6 40 x4 This skill is Physical, with +50% critical rate, and Force Pierce effect. If successful, inflicts Physical Force damage (Power: 50) 2 times on all enemies. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Ignores counter effects. Koga Saburo
Blossoming Cyclone 170 If successful, heals HP (Power: 70) for all party members. Mahamayuri
Kusanagi 180 If successful, Increases party's ATK by 20% for 3 turns. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Susano-O
Barbed Spear All 6 35 x3 This skill is Physical. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Ignores counter effects. Dimensional Cu Chulainn
Tempest 8 130 If successful, decreases all foes' EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns. Baal
Spin Dash Random 5 45 x4 This skill is Physical, and gains Force Pierce effect while the user is inflicted with Might. Sonic
Gale Talon 6 40 x4 Gains one boost level each skill use.

Boost Level 0: This skill hits for 4 times.

Boost Level 1: This skill hit for 6 times.

Boost Level 2: This skill hits for 8 times.

Dimensional Garuda
Tailwind 45 x4 This skill has Force Pierce effect. If successful, revives one random ally with 50% HP. (6 uses per battle) Raphael

Light Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Hama SIngle 4 120 - -
Hamaon 5 140
Hamadyne 6 160
Thunderclap 7 180
Mahama All 5 80
Mahamaon 6 100
Mahamadyne 7 120
Judgement Light Random 4 45 x2-4
Holy Wrath 5 55 x2-4
Amakusa Uprising Single 6 140 This skill is Physical. If successful, increases party's ATK and EV/AC by 20% for 2 turns. Tokisada
Ascension 160 If successful, revives one random ally with 50% HP. (6 uses per battle) Gabriel
Baptisma 160 If successful, gains one boost level for Halo of Hallel. Nullifies all death prevention skills. Enemies downed by this skill cannot be revived. Flauros Hallel
God's Bow 7 200 50% chance to inflict Mortal. (2 uses per battle) White RIder
Trial of Hate All 7 130 If successful, decreases all foes' ATK or DEF or EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns. Mastema
Soul Judgement Random 5 30 x7 - Michael

Dark Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Mudo Single 4 120 - -
Mudoon 5 140
Mudodyne 6 160
Hell Gaze 7 180
Mamudo All 5 80
Mamudoon 5 100
Mamudodyne 7 120
Evil Gaze Random 4 45 x2-4
Purgatory 5 55 x2-4
Hell's Trivia Single 6 130 If successful, inflicts Dark Pierce damage (Power: 70) to all enemies. Hecate
Temptation 135 This skill is Physical, with +30% critical rate. If successful, 50% chance of Charm on all enemies. Damage is dependent on Magical ATK stat. Nullifies all death prevention skills. Enemies downed by this skill cannot be revived. Witch Lilith
Dynamic Evil Spear 150 This skill is Physical, with +50% critical rate. If successful, revives all party members with 30% HP. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Murmur
Light Devourer 150 This skill has Dark Pierce effect. User recovers 50% of damage dealt as HP. Lucifuge
Soul Hunt 170 If successful, reduces ATK/DEF of all foes by 20% for 3 turns. Nullifies all death prevention skills. Cernunnos
Die for Me! 7 180 100% chance to inflict Mortal. Nullifies all death prevention skills. (1 use per battle) Alice
Great Chaos 160 80% chance of Mute on hit enemy. If the attack is successful, inflicts Elec Pierce damage (Power: 80) on all enemies with 50% of Bind on hit enemies. Beelzebub (Human)
Allure All 6 110 35% chance of Charm on hit enemies. Lilith
Go to Hell! 7 110 80% chance of Curse on hit enemies. Black Frost
Gluttony 130 User recovers 50% of damage dealt as HP. Beelzebub

Almighty Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Life Drain Single 5 120 User recovers 25% of damage dealt as HP. -
Deathtouch 6 140 User recovers 40% of damage dealt as HP.
Spirit Drain 6 100 Drains 1 MP from hit enemy.
Energy Drain 7 100 Drains 1 MP from hit enemy. User recovers 25% damage of damage dealt as HP.
Soul Drain 8 140 Drains 1 MP from hit enemy. User recovers 40% damage of damage dealt as HP.
Mind Break 5 80 Reduces 3 MP from hit enemy.
Mind Blast 7 100 Reduces 4 MP from hit enemy.
Megido All 6 80 -
Megidola 7 100
Megidolaon 8 120
Demon Birth Cry 9 100 If successful, decrease all enemies ATK by 20% for 3 turns.
Sea of Chaos 100 If successful, decrease all enemies DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Rattle 100 If successful, decrease all enemies EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Judgement 100 If successful, increase all enemies ATK by 20% for 3 turns.
Necro Dogma 100 If successful, increase all enemies DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Foresight 100 If successful, increase all enemies EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Blade of the Absolute Single 6 35 x5 This skill is Physical, with high accuracy and +50% critical rate. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Ignores counter effects. Griffith
Sword of Actuation 160 Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Enemies downed by this skill cannot be revived. Skull Knight
God's Malice 7 120 30% independent chance of Poison, Mute, Bind, and Charm on hit enemy. Samael
Slaughter All 210 This skill is Physical, with +50% critical rate. Ignores counter effects and endure skills. Asura Lord
Ars Magna 8 180 - Demiurge
Divine Bows' Allure 190 45% chance of Charm on hit enemy. Kama
Brahmastra All 7 40 x3 - Rama
Kuyo Flash 80 If successful, increases own party's ATK and EV/AC and reduces all foes' ATK and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Hero Masakado
Babylon Goblet 8 100 Drains 1 MP from hit enemies. Mother Harlot
Mesopotamian Star 100 If successful, decreases all enemies' ATK and increases own party's ATK by 20% for 3 turns. Ishtar
Pralaya 100 If successful, removes all Repel effects from all enemies*. Damage is dependent on Physical ATK stat. Shiva
Death Flyers 110 If successful, reduces ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. This skill gains 1 Boost level at the start of party's turn.

Boost Level 1: No additional effects.

Boost Level 2: Increases Power to 130.

Boost Level 3: 100% chance of Mortal on hit enemies.

Apocalypse 120 60% chance of Mute on hit enemies. Trumpeter
Third Eye 130 Medium (Physical) damage to all foes. Damage is dependent on Magic ATK stat. Ignores counter effects. Dimensional Shiva
Morning Star 150 (3 uses per battle) Lucifer
Fire of Sinai Random 8 45 x5 - Metatron
  • Due to Pralaya's effect being triggered on a successful hit, it can be repelled using Repel Mag (Almighty) status.

Multiple Skills[]

  • Multiple attribute skills automatically selects an element/effect depending on the situation.
Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Severed Fate Single 6 160 Fire/Ice/Elec/Force damage with Pierce effect. Atropos
Blasphemy 160 Fire/Ice damage with Pierce effect. If successful, 40% chance of Charm and Poison on all enemies. Master Therion
Elemental Magic All 5 100 Fire Light: Fire damage to all enemies.

Water Light: Ice damage to all enemies.

Wind Light: Force damage to all enemies.

Summon Elementals 7 140 Can be used every 2 turns.

Salamander: Fire Pierce damage to all enemies. If successful, reduces DEF of all foes by 20% for 3 turns.

Undine: Ice Pierce damage to all enemies. If successful, educes ATK of all foes by 20% for 3 turns.

Sylph: Force Pierce damage to all enemies. If successful, reduces EV/AC of all foes by 20% for 3 turns.

Fractional Skills[]

  • Fractional damage will not be affected by stat/damage increase or reduction effects, except for Battle Tower damage reduction barrier.
Skill Target MP Effect Target
Dark Premonition All 6 This skill becomes [Disastrous Eclipse] when own HP is at most 50%.

Dark Premonition: 50% chance of Mute to all enemies, then inflicts 51% fractional damage on self based on own current HP.

Disastrous Eclipse: Dark Pierce damage (Power: 100) to all foes. Enemies downed by this skill cannot be revived.

Blade of Terror 6 Inflicts 25% fractional damage (1,000 max) on all enemies based on their current HP with 40% chance of inflicting Bind. Red Rider
16 Scourges 8 Inflicts 25% fractional damage (1,000 max) on all enemies based on their max HP with 20% independent chance of inflicting Poison, Bind, Charm, Mute, Curse and Weak. Angra Mainyu
Do Me A Favor 9 Activates [Be My Friend] when there is a Cursed enemy, activates [Play With Me?] when there isn't.

Play With Me?: Inflicts 30% fractional damage (1500 max) on all enemies based on their current HP with 80% chance of inflicting Curse.

Be My Friend: Inflicts 30% fractional damage (1500 max) on all Cursed enemies based on their max HP with 100% chance to inflict Mortal. Nullifies all death prevention skills.

Undead Alice

Non-attacking Skills[]

Status Ailment Skills[]

Skill Target MP Effect
Poisma SIngle 5 40% chance of Poison.
Shibaboo 40% chance of Bind.
Marin Karin 40% chance of Charm.
Makajam 40% chance of Mute.
Ju 50% chance of Curse.
Dezoreto 60% chance of Weak.
Poismaon 6 50% chance of Poison.
Shibabooon 50% chance of Bind.
Marin Karinon 50% chance of Charm.
Makajamaon 50% chance of Mute.
Juon 60% chance of Curse.
Dezoreton 80% chance of Weak.
Mahapoisma All 6 30% chance of Poison.
Mahashibaboo 30% chance of Bind.
Mahamarin Karin 30% chance of Charm.
Mahamakajam 30% chance of Mute.
Mahaju 60% chance of Curse.
Madezoreto 60% chance of Weak.
Mahapoismaon 7 40% chance of Poison.
Mahashibabooon 40% chance of Bind.
Mahamarin Karinon 40% chance of Charm.
Mahamakajamaon 40% chance of Mute.
Mahajuon 40% chance of Curse.
Madezoreton 40% chance of Weak.
Toxic Cloud Random (x3-4) 6 30% chance of Poison.
Binding Cry 30% chance of Bind.
Sexy Dance 30% chance of Charm.
White Noise 30% chance of Mute.
Vengeance 40% chance of Curse.
Outbreak 60% chance of Weak.
Lotus Dance All 6 60% chance of Charm.

Exclusive to Lakshmi.

Recovery Skills[]

Skill Target MP Power Effect Unique to
Dia Ally/Self 4 50 Heals HP. (9 uses per battle) -
Diara 5 90
Diarama 6 130
Diarahan 7 170
Posumudi 3 - Removes Poison, and -30% to chance of being Poisoned for the wave.
Mutudi Removes Mute, and -30% to chance of being Poisoned for the wave.
Paraladi Removes Bind, and -30% to chance of being Poisoned for the wave.
Charmdi Removes Charm, and -30% to chance of being Poisoned for the wave.
Cursedi Removes Curse, and -30% to chance of being Poisoned for the wave.
Weakdi Removes Weak, and -30% to chance of being Poisoned for the wave.
Amrita 4 Removes all ailments.
Recarm Ally 6 Revives target with 10% HP. (3 uses per battle)
Samrecarm 8 Revives target with full HP. (1 use per battle)
Mediara Party 7 60 Heals HP. (9 uses per battle)
Mediarama 8 95
Mediarahan 9 130
Salvation 9 95 Heals HP and removes all ailments. (3 uses per battle)
Meposumudi 4 - Removes Poison, and -30% to chance of being Poisoned for the wave.
Memutudi Removes Mute, and -30% to chance of being Muted for the wave.
Meparaladi Removes Bind, and -30% to chance of being Bound for the wave.
Mecharmdi Removes Charm, and -30% to chance of being Charmed for the wave.
Mekasudi Removes Curse, and -30% to chance of being Cursed for the wave.
Meweakdi Removes Weak, and -30% to chance of being Weakened for the wave.
Prayer 5 Removes all ailments.
Silent Prayer 7 Removes all ailments and Good Statuses* from all demons in battles.
Recarmdra 7 Revives all allies with full HP. Downs user upon activation. (1 use per battle)
Orlean Prayer Ally/Self 6 130 Heals HP, and recovers 3 MP for targeted ally. Jeanne D' Arc
Virtuous Prosperity Party 6 50 Gains one boost level each skill use.

Boost Level 0: Heals HP (Power: 50), and adds Null Mortal status for party. (1 turn)

Boost Level 1: Increases Power to 75, adds Null Mortal (1 turn), and removes all ailments for party.

Boost Level 2: Increases Power to 100, adds Null Mortal (1 turn), removes all status ailments, and adds Repel Magic (Almighty) status on party. (1 turn)

Dimensional Lakshmi
Black Lullaby 75 Heals HP, then 30% chance of Mute on all enemies. Black Maria
Woven Fate 75 Heals HP, then revives one ally at random with 50% HP. (6 uses per battle) Clotho
Mother's Creation Ally 7 - Revives one ally with full HP and grants Lydia, then receive 1 additional Press Turn icon. (1 use per battle) Asherah
Ce Acatls' Return Party Revives all allies with full HP. (1 use per battle) Quetzalcoatl

Support Skills[]

Skill Target MP Effect Unique to
Tarukaja Party 5 Increases ATK by 20% for 3 turns. -
Rakukaja Increases DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Sukukaja Increases EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
War Dance 6 Increases party's ATK and DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Nocturne Increases party's DEF and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Blood Rush Increases party's ATK and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Luster Candy 8 Increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Dekunda 5 Removes debuffs.
Tetraja 4 Grants Null Mortal* status. (1 turn)
Tetrakarn 7 Grants Repel Physical* status. (1 turn)
Makarakarn 7 Grants Repel Magic* status. (1 turn)
Barrier Ally/Self 4 Grants Barrier* status. (3 turns)
Lydia 4 Grants Lydia* status.
Rebellion Self 4 Grants Might* status.
Charge 6 Grants Charge* status.
Concentrate Grants Concentrate* status.
Taunt All enemies 3 Decreases DEF, but increases ATK by 20% for 3 turns.
Tarunda 5 Decreases ATK by 20% for 3 turns.
Rakunda Decreases DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Sukunda Decreases EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
War Cry 6 Decreases ATK and DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Acid Breath Decreases DEF and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Fog Breath Decreases ATK and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Debilitate 8 Decreases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Dekaja 5 Removes buffs.
Barrier Break 3 Removes Barrier status.
Lydia Break Removes Lydia status.
Tetra Break Removes Repel Physical and Repel Physical (Almighty) status.
Makara Break Removes Repel Magic and Repel Magic (Almighty) status.
Discord Removes Charge and Concentrate status.
Offensive Cry Party & All enemies 7 Decreases all foes' ATK and increases party's ATK by 20% for 3 turns.
Defensive Cry Decreases all foes' DEF and increases party's DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Agile Cry Decreases all foes' EV/AC and increases party's EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns.
Barong Dance Party 7 Heals HP (Power: 95) and increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns. Barong
Cleansing Shout 5 Cures all status ailments and removes debuffs. Daisoujou
Five Elements 6 Grants Repel Magic (Almighty)* status. (1 turn) Huang Long
Red Zone 6 Grants Might status. (3 uses per battle) Hell Biker
Noblewoman AId 6 Increases own party's DEF and EV/AC by 20%. (1 turn)

This skill will gain 1 Boost level with each use.

Boost Level 1: Adds Reduces ATK and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn) Boost Level 2: Skill effects, including additional effects, will last for 3 turns.

Tenson Kourin 7 Removes debuffs, then increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 6 turns. Amaterasu
Path of Prominence 8 Increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn, then inflicts Almighty damage (Power: 120) on all enemies. Vairocana
Tag Self 3 Passes the turn without wasting a Press Turn. Jack Frost, Pyro Jack
Mega Boost 6 Enters a state of Charge and Rebellion. Girimekhala
Invasion Party & All enemies 8 Increases party's stats by 20% and decreases all foes' stats by 20% for 1 turn. Demiurge
Measured Fate 6 Removes debuffs from party, then removes buffs and Null Mortal status effects from all enemies. Lachesis
Dark Pandemic All enemies 5 Removes buffs, then debuffs either ATK, DEF, or EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns. Kudlak
Goddess' Fan 7 Removes buffs, then decreases ATK, DEF and EV/AC by 20% for 6 turns. Xi Wangmu
Plague of Babylon 5 Removes Barrier status, then 100% chance of Curse on all enemies. Nergal
Ghost Hack 6 Removes Barrier status, then 50% independent chance of Mute and Bind on all enemies. Motoko Kusanagi
Enemy Annihilation 8 Decreases ATK, DEF and EV/AC by 20% (1 turn), then inflicts Phys Pierce damage (Power: 120) on all enemies with +30% critical rate. Atavaka
Invasion Party & All enemies 8 Increases party's stats by 20% and decreases all foes' stats by 20% for 1 turn. Demiurge
Measured Fate 6 Removes debuffs from party, then removes buffs and Null Mortal status effects from all enemies. Lachesis
  • Null Mortal - Becomes immune to Mortal (instant-kill) effect.
  • Repel Physical - Repels one non-Almighty Physical-based attack.
  • Repel Magic - Repels one non-Almighty Magic-based attack.
  • Barrier - Becomes immune to all ailments.
  • Lydia - Heals 15% of max HP at the beginning of the demon's action.

Passive skills[]

Skill Effect
Life Bonus Increases maximum HP by 10%.
Life Gain Increases maximum HP by 20%.
Life Surge Increases maximum HP by 30%.
Mana Bonus Increases maximum MP by 1.
Mana Gain Increases maximum MP by 2.
Mana Surge Increases maximum MP by 3.
Counter 50% chance of countering physical attacks with Phys (Power: 50) damage.
Retaliate 50% chance of countering physical attacks with Phys (Power: 100) damage.
Death Counter 50% chance of countering physical attacks with Phys (Power: 150) damage.
Faithful Counter 100% chance of countering physical attacks with Phys (Power: 100) damage.
Endure HP stops at 1 upon receiving the first killing blow.
Enduring Soul Survives a killing blow with 200 HP left.
Enduring Soul+ Survives a killing blow with 500 HP left.
Life Aid Recovers 30% HP when clearing a wave.
Mana Aid Recovers 10 MP when clearing a wave.
Infinite Chakra Increases natural MP recovery by 1.
Tetraka Shift Casts Tetrakarn at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first.
Makara Shift Casts Makarakarn at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first.
Auto-Taruka Increases party's ATK by 20% for 3 turns at the beginning of the first turn.
Auto-Rakuka Increases party's DEF by 20% for 3 turns at the beginning of the first turn.
Auto-Sukuka Increases party's EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns at the beginning of the first turn.
Auto-Tarunda Decreases party's ATK by 20% for 3 turns at the beginning of the first turn.
Auto-Rakunda Decreases party's DEF by 20% for 3 turns at the beginning of the first turn.
Auto-Sukunda Decreases party's EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns at the beginning of the first turn.
Auto-Rebellion Grants Might status on self at the beginning of the first turn.
Solar Prosperity Casts Tarukaja and Sukukaja (1 turn) at the beginning of a battle when attacking first.
Solar Downfall Casts Rakunda and Sukunda (1 turn) at the beginning of a battle when attacking first.
Lunar Prosperity Casts Rakukaja and Sukukaja (1 turn) at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first.
Lunar Downfall Casts Tarunda and Sukunda (1 turn) at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first.
Intimidating Stance Reduces 1 enemy Press Turn at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first. Only up to 2 Press Turn Icons can be reduced by skills or effects.
Speedster Increases the demon's effect on team battle speed by 50%.
Back Attack Damage increases by 10% when hitting an enemy weakness.
Merciless Blow Damage increases by 20% when hitting an enemy weakness.
Dmg Panel ↓ I Reduces damage taken when walking on damage floors in Aura Gate by 25%.
Dmg Panel ↓ II Reduces damage taken when walking on damage floors in Aura Gate by 50%.
Dmg Panel Immunity Takes no damage when walking on damage floors in Aura Gates.
Null Dark Zone Becomes immune to the effect of dark zones in Aura Gate.
Null Drk Zone/Dmg Panel Nullifies Dark Zone effects and Damage Panels in the Aura Gate.
Phys Boost +15% to Phys damage.
Phys Amp +25% to Phys damage.
Phys Survivor +15% to Phys damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Fire Boost +15% to Fire damage.
Fire Amp +25% to Fire damage.
Fire Enhancement +15% to Fire damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Fire Survivor +15% to Fire damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Fire Prana +15% to Fire damage. Recover 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Ice Boost +15% to Ice damage.
Ice Amp +25% to Ice damage.
Ice Enhancement +15% to Ice damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Ice Survivor +15% to Ice damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Ice Prana +15% to Ice damage. Recover 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Elec Boost +15% to Elec damage.
Elec Amp +25% to Elec damage.
Elec Enhancement +15% to Elec damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Elec Survivor +15% to Elec damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Elec Prana +15% to Elec damage. Recover 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Force Boost +15% to Force damage.
Force Amp +25% to Force damage.
Force Enhancement +15% to Force damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Force Survivor +15% to Force damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Force Prana +15% to Force damage. Recover 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Light Boost +15% to Light damage.
Light Amp +25% to Light damage.
Light Enhancement +15% to Light damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Light Survivor +15% to Light damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Light Prana +15% to Light damage. Recover 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Dark Boost +15% to Dark damage.
Dark Amp +25% to Dark damage.
Dark Enhancement +15% to Dark damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Dark Survivor +15% to Dark damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Dark Prana +15% to Dark damage. Recover 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Elemental Cycle +15% to Fire/Ice/Elec/Force damage.
Almighty Boost +15% to Almighty damage.
Almighty Survivor +15% to Almighty damage. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Recovery Boost Increases healing skill effectiveness by 15%.
Recovery Amp Increases healing skill effectiveness by 25%.
Resist Phys Resists physical attacks.
Null Phys Nulls physical attacks.
Repel Phys Repels physical attacks.
Drain Phys Drains physical attacks.
Resist Fire Resists fire attacks.
Null Fire Nulls fire attacks.
Repel Fire Repels fire attacks.
Drain Fire Drains fire attacks.
Resist Ice Resists ice attacks.
Null Ice Nulls ice attacks.
Repel Ice Repels ice attacks.
Drain Ice Drains ice attacks.
Resist Elec Resists electric attacks.
Null Elec Nulls electric attacks.
Repel Elec Repels elec attacks.
Drain Elec Drains elec attacks.
Resist Force Resists force attacks.
Null Force Nulls force attacks.
Repel Force Repels force attacks.
Drain Force Drains force attacks.
Null Elec/Force Nulls elec and force attacks.
Resist Light Resists light attacks.
Null Light Nulls light attacks.
Repel Light Repels light attacks.
Drain Light Drains light attacks.
Resist Dark Resists dark attacks.
Null Dark Nulls dark attacks.
Repel Dark Repels dark attacks.
Drain Dark Drains dark attacks.
Null Mortal Becomes immune to instant death.
Resist Poison Reduces chances of being poisoned by 50%.
Null Poison Becomes immune to poison.
Resist Bind Reduces chances of being bound by 50%.
Null Bind Becomes immune to bind.
Resist Charm Reduces chances of being charmed by 50%.
Null Charm Becomes immune to charm.
Resist Mute Reduces chances of being muted by 50%.
Null Mute Becomes immune to mute.
Resist Curse Reduces chances of being cursed by 50%.
Null Curse Becomes immune to curse.
Resist Weak Reduces chances of being weakened by 50%.
Null Weak Becomes immune to weak.
Phys Pierce Allows physical attacks to bypass resistances.
Phys Pierce (weak) Gains Phys Pierce. Damage is reduced by 70% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Phys attribute.
Fire Pierce Allows fire attacks to bypass resistances.
Fire Pierce (weak) Gains Fire Pierce. Damage is reduced by 70% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Fire attribute.
Ice Pierce Allows ice attacks to bypass resistances.
Ice Pierce (weak) Gains Ice Pierce. Damage is reduced by 70% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Ice attribute.
Elec Pierce Allows elec attacks to bypass resistances.
Elec Pierce (weak) Gains Elec Pierce. Damage is reduced by 70% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Elec attribute.
Force Pierce Allows force attacks to bypass resistances.
Force Pierce (weak) Gains Force Pierce. Damage is reduced by 70% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Force attribute.
Light Pierce Allows light attacks to bypass resistances.
Light Pierce (weak) Gains Light Pierce. Damage is reduced by 70% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Light attribute.
Dark Pierce Allows dark attacks to bypass resistances.
Dark Pierce (weak) Gains Dark Pierce. Damage is reduced by 70% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Dark attribute.
Assassin Increases damage of single-target skills by 10%.
Master Assassin Increases damage of single-target skills by 20%.
Serial Killer Increases damage of skills that target all or random enemies by 10%.
Butcher Increases damage of skills that target all or random enemies by 20%.
Deadly Poison Increases damage by 30% against poisoned foes.
Deadly Bind Increases damage by 30% against bound foes.
Deadly Charm Increases damage by 30% against charmed foes.
Deadly Mute Increases damage by 30% against muted foes.
Deadly Bondage Increases damage by 30% against bound foes.
Curse of Distress Increases damage by 10% against cursed foes and receives 10% less damage from cursed foes.
Curse of Anguish Increases damage by 15% against cursed foes and receives 15% less damage from cursed foes.
Berserker Increases damage dealt by 10% and damage received by 20% (demerit).
Strength Amp I Increases strength by 5.
Magic Amp I Increases magic by 5.
Vitality Amp I Increases vitality by 5.
Agility Amp I Increases agility by 5.
Luck Amp I Increases luck by 5.
Strength Amp II Increases strength by 10.
Magic Amp II Increases magic by 10.
Vitality Amp II Increases vitality by 10.
Agility Amp II Increases agility by 10.
Luck Amp II Increases luck by 10.
Strength Amp III Increases strength by 15.
Magic Amp III Increases magic by 15.
Vitality Amp III Increases vitality by 15.
Agility Amp III Increases agility by 15.
Luck Amp III Increases luck by 15.
Good Aim Increases physical accuracy by 10%.
Great Aim Increases physical accuracy by 20%.
Dodge Increases physical evasion by 10%.
Evade Increases physical evasion by 20%.
Dragon Sense Increases physical accuracy and physical evasion by 15%
Madness Increases ailment success rate by 10%.
Insanity Increases ailment success rate by 20%.
Hellish Mask Reduces chances of receiving ailments by 35%.
Infernal Mask Reduces chances of receiving ailments by 60%.
Fast Recovery +20% status ailment auto cure rate.
Epic Recovery +30% status ailment auto cure rate.
Rallying Survivor +25% status ailment auto cure rate and HP stops at 1 upon receiving the first killing blow.
Bloody Glee Increases critical rate by 15%.
Savage Glee Increases critical rate by 25%.
Death Blow Increases critical damage by 20%.
Sadistic Blow Increases critical damage by 15%. Damage increases by 10% when hitting an enemy weakness.
Wild Guess Reduces enemy's critical rate against self by 25%.
Wild Instinct Reduces enemy's critical rate against self by 75%.
Epitome of Agression Increases physical accuracy by 15% and reduces chances of receiving ailments by 45%.
Epitome of Carnage Increases damage of physical skills by 15% and critical rate by 20%.
Epitome of Endurance Increases max HP by 20% and decreases the demon's effect on team battle speed by 25%.
Epitome of Fortitude Increases max HP by 20% and reduces enemy's critical rate against self by 50%.
Epitome of Illusion Increases physical evasion by 15% and reduces chances of receiving ailments by 45%.
Epitome of Madness Increases ailment success rate and physical evasion by 15%.
Epitome of Swiftness Increases the demon's effect on team battle speed by 25% and physical evasion by 15%.
Epitome of Wisdom Increases physical accuracy and ailment success rate by 15%.
Epitome of Hardiness Increases max HP and healing skill effectiveness by 20%.
Epitome of Finesse Increases this demon's effect on Battle Speed by 25%, +10% to Phys EV.
Stealth Heals 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. Increases physical evasion by 20%. Exclusive to Chupacabra.
The Struggler Heals 300 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. Increases critical rate by 25% and physical accuracy by 20%. Exclusive to Guts.
Nosferatu Heals 300 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. Increases damage dealt by 10% at the beginning of own turn. (Max: 50%) Damage increase effect will reset when clearing a wave. Exclusive to Zodd.
Fallen Grigori Heals 300 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. When own HP is at 80% or lower at the end of own turn, heal 30% of own HP, recover 3 MP, and enter a state of Rebellion. Exclusive to Azazel.
Avatar Heals 500 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. Heals 50% HP when clearing a wave. Exclusive to Vishnu.
Endless War Adds Phys Pierce. While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members critical rate by 20% and critical damage by 10%. Exclusive to Asura Lord.
Heavenly Valor Adds Phys Pierce. When an enemy user uses Pass, inflict light physical damage (85) with 50% critical rate on all foes. Ignores counter effects. Exclusive to Susano-o A.
Berserker Armor Adds Phys Pierce. Increases critical rate by 50%. Reduces damage received by 40%. At the end of enemy turn, inflict 40% fractional damage on self based on max HP. Ignores death prevention skills and the character will not be able to revived when downed with this skill. Exclusive to Berserker Guts.
Goddess of Slaughter Adds Phys Pierce. When in a state of Rebellion, critical damage is increased by 10%. When an enemy enters a state of Rebellion, enter a state of Rebellion. Exclusive to Kali.
Hawk of Light Adds Phys Pierce. Increases physical evasion by 15%. When the demon with this skill downs an enemy, recover 3 MP and casts Repel Physical (including Almighty) effect on all allies for 1 turn. Exclusive to Griffith.
Sword of Hallel Adds Phys Pierce. Enters a state of Rebellion and gain one boost level at the beginning of own turn. Exclusive to Ose Hallel.

Boost Level 1: Physical accuracy is increased by 20%.

Boost Level 2: Physical damage is increased by 20%.

Boost Level 3: Reduces ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all foes by 20% for 1 turn at the beginning of own turn.

Foe of Demons Adds Phys Pierce. Increases party's DEF and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn at the beginning of enemy turn. Exclusive to Skull Knight.
Guardian of the East Adds Phys Pierce. Receive 1 additional Press Turn icon when attacking first. Exclusive to Masakado A.
Loyal God of War Adds Phys Pierce. When the demon with this skill downs an enemy, recover 3 MP and heal own HP by 30%. Exclusive to Guan Yu.
Superior Power Adds Phys Pierce. Increases physical accuracy by 30%. Exclusive to Huang Di.
Warlord's Wrath Adds Phys Pierce and Intimidating Stance. 100% chance of countering physical attacks with light (100) damage. Exclusive to Masakado.
Culann's Hound Adds Phys Pierce. At the end of own turn, enter a state of Charge. Exclusive to Cu Chulainn A.
Sins of Sodom Adds Phys Pierce. At the beginning of own turn, remove Null Mortal status effects and reduce all foes' ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn when there is a cursed enemy. Exclusive to Belial.
Megingjord Adds Phys Pierce. Reduces Physical damage received by 20% and enemy's critical rate on self by 30%. Exclusive to Thor A.
Twilight Inferno Adds Fire Pierce. When the demon with this skill is downed, inflict medium Fire damage (130) on all foes. Limited to 1 use per battle. Exclusive to Surt A.
Ce Acatl Adds Fire Pierce. When the demon with this skill is downed, revive self with full HP and receive 1 additional Press Turn icon at the beginning of own turn. Limited to 1 use per battle. Exclusive to Quetzalcoatl A.
The Great Darkness Adds Fire Pierce. At the beginning of every own second turn, inflict miniscule Fire damage (40) on random foes 5 times, then enter a state of Concentrate if the attack is successful. Exclusive to Mahakala.
Brilliant Wings Adds Force Pierce. When a party member evades an attack, inflict miniscule Force damage (80) on all foes. If successful, reduces all foes' EV/AC by 20% for 2 turns. Exclusive to Garuda A.
Lord of Clouds Adds Elec Pierce. When the demon with this skill downs an enemy, recover 3 MP and casts Repel Magic (including almighty) effect on all allies for 1 turn. Increase the demon's effect on team battle speed by 20%. Exclusive to Indrajit.
Halo of Hallel Adds Light Pierce. Enters a state of Lydia and gain one boost level at the beginning of own turn. Exclusive to Flauros Hallel.

Boost Level 1: Adds Null Curse.

Boost Level 2: Lydia will target all party members.

Boost Level 3: Increases ATK, DEF and EV/AC of all party members by 20% for 1 turn at the beginning of own turn.

Forbidden Fruit Adds Dark Pierce. Activates Temptation at the end of own turn when there is a charmed enemy. Exclusive to Lilith A.
Joy Song When a Press Turn icon is lost due to an enemy skill, all party members recover 1 MP. Increases healing skill effectiveness by 15%. Exclusive to Parvati.
Faith in Wealth When a Press Turn icon is lost due to an enemy skill, all party members recover 1 MP. Increases max HP by 10%. Exclusive to Ganesha.
Skanda While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' physical accuracy by 15% and critical rate by 20%. Exclusive to Kartikeya.
Magna Mater While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' fire damage and healing skill effectiveness by 10%. Exclusive to Cybele.
Icy Rage While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' ice damage by 10%. Exclusive to Frost Ace.
Rains of Canaan While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' force damage and status ailment auto cure rate by 10%. Exclusive to Baal.
Yomotsu Okami While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' elec and dark damage by 10%. Exclusive to Izanami.
Flag of Salvation While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' light damage by 10%. Recovers 2 MP when clearing a wave. Exclusive to Tokisada.
Garden of Eden While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' damage when attacking an enemy weakness by 10% and reduce party members' damage received when their weakness is attacked by 10%. Exclusive to Seraph.
Arcane Ritual While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' status ailment auto cure rate by 20%. Exclusive to Mishaguji
Pussyfoot While the demon with this skill is alive, increase all party members' physical evasion by 20%. Exclusive to Nekomata A.
Law of Hell While the demon with this skill is alive, no bonus turn will be granted when a party member's weak point is attacked. Exclusive to Orcus.
Hell's Gate While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members will receive 5% less damage from skills that target all or random enemies for every Weak attribute. (Max reduction: 50%) Exclusive to Orcus.
Guards of Tartarus While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members will receive 15% less damage from skills that target all or random enemies. Exclusive to Hecatoncheires.
Three Faces Six Arms While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members will receive 30% less damage from skills that target all or random enemies. When the enemy uses attacks that target random enemies, this demon will become the main target. Exclusive to Asura.
Unyielding Phalanx While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members will receive 30% less damage when Phys Repel is Pierced. Exclusive to Titan.
Hell's Ministry While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members of the Tyrant race will receive 10% less damage. Reduces the cost of Almighty skills by 1MP. Exclusive to Lucifuge.
Repel Pierce While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can repel the attribute they are attacked with. Exclusive to Alilat.
Drain Pierce While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can drain the attribute they are attacked with. Exclusive to Rama.
False God While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can repel the attribute they are attacked with. When a party member repels an attack, inflict light Almighty damage (100) on all foes. Increases almighty damage by 10%. Exclusive to Demiurge.
Supreme Creator While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can drain the attribute they are attacked with. When a party member drains an attack, recover miniscule HP (75) and 1 MP for all allies. Reduces the cost of all skills by 1 MP. Exclusive to Demiurge.
War Aid While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can repel the attribute they are attacked with. Increases physical accuracy by 20%. Exclusive to Atavaka.
Suppress Stance Drain While the demon with this skill is alive, the enemy loses an extra Press Turn icon when a party member drains an attack. Exclusive to Jikokuten.
Fruit of the Dead While the demon with this skill is alive, any enemy that is revived will only have 1 HP. Exclusive to Persephone.
Golden Greed While the demon with this skill is alive, poison damage is increased by 200%. Exclusive to Fafnir.
Kongo Zaou While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members in the state of Rebellion gain Phys Pierce. Exclusive to Zaou-Gongen.
Andalucia When the demon with this skill evades an enemy's Physical attack, inflict miniscule Physical damage (30) with 50% critical rate 4 times on all foes. Ignores counter effects. Exclusive to Matador.
Final Opposition When the demon with this skill has their own weak point attacked, heal own HP by 15% and enter a state of Rebellion. Exclusive to Gogmagog.
Killer Impulse When the demon with this skill downs an enemy, inflict miniscule Elec damage (25) 4 times to random foes. Can only consecutively activate twice. Exclusive to Anat.
You're Next When the demon with this skill downs an enemy using a single-target attack, and that enemy is revived, they will come back as a Lv. 1 Reiko Kashima. Exclusive to Reiko Kashima.
Earth Sacrifice When the demon with this skill is downed, cast Tetrakarn on own party and increase all allies' ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn. Won't activate when party is wiped out. Exclusive to Tlaltecuhtli.
Yaxche When the demon with this skill is downed during enemy turn, inflict light Almighty damage (120) to the attacker with 100% chance to inflict Mortal. Nullifies all death prevention skills. Won't activate when party is wiped out. Exclusive to Ixtab.
New Hope When the demon with this skill is downed, recover HP of all party members by 30%. Won't activate when party is wiped out. Exclusive to Nadja.
Peach of Immortality When an ally is downed, revives a random party member with 100% HP. Limited to 2 times per battle. Exclusive to Xi Wangmu.
Hand of Glory When an ally is downed, 80% chance of inflicting curse on all foes and increases own party's ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn. Exclusive to Nebiros.
Nastrond When an ally is downed, recover own HP by 80% and becomes immune to Mortal skills for 1 turn. Exclusive to Nidhoggr.
Call to Helheim When an enemy is downed, reduce all foes' ATK and DEF by 20% for 3 turns. Exclusive to Hel.
North Wind When an enemy is downed, inflict miniscule Ice damage (60) to all foes. Exclusive to Hresvelgr.
Soul Judgement When an enemy is downed, inflict miniscule Physical Piercing damage (60) with 30% critical rate to all foes. Exclusive to Sraosha.
Life & Death When an enemy is downed, recover 1 MP and revives an ally at random with 50% HP. Exclusive to Cernunnos.
Shogun's Order When an enemy is muted, increase all allies' ATK and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn. Exclusive to Neko Shogun.
Sass When an enemy is charmed, decreases all foes' DEF by 20% for 3 turns. Exclusive to Man Eater.
Fog of Death When an enemy is weakened, decrease all foes' EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns and 100% chance of inflicting poison. Exclusive to Chernobog.
Master Prankster When an enemy is poisoned, 30% chance of inflicting charm on random foes 3 to 4 times. Exclusive to Kabuso.
Meslamtaea When an enemy is poisoned, enter a state of Rebellion. Increases physical accuracy by 20%. Exclusive to Nergal.
Yaksha Claw When an enemy is poisoned, inflict miniscule Physical damage (35) 3 times on random foes with 30% chance of inflicting bind. Exclusive to Gurr.
Illusionary World When a party member is muted, removes mute from all allies and inflict miniscule Almighty damage (90) on all foes. Increases ailment success rate by 15%. Exclusive to Maya.
Soul Divide When an enemy demon skill with an HP healing effect is used, inflict 50% fractional damage (2,000 max) on all enemies based on their current HP. Exclusive to Black Rider.
Diwali When a party member (including self) activates a HP healing effect, all party members recover 1 MP. Exclusive to Lakshmi A.
Shimmer Arrow When a party member (including self) activates a Physical skill, inflict miniscule Piercing Light damage (80) on one foe. Damage is dependent on Phys ATK. Nullifies all death prevention skills. Exclusive to Marici.
Voltage When entering a state of Concentrate, increase all allies' ATK and EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn. Exclusive to Nero.
Lunar Awakening At the end of enemy turn, recover own HP by 30% and cure all status ailments on self. Exclusive to Hecate.
Call of the Dead At the end of enemy turn when there is a cursed enemy, revives all party members with 10% HP. Exclusive to Nebiros.
Famine At the end of enemy turn, inflicts 15% fractional damage (300 max) on all enemies based on their max HP and reduces their MP by 2. Exclusive to Black Rider.
Pestilence At the end of enemy turn, inflict 50% fractional damage (2,000 max) on all poisoned enemies based on their max HP. Nullifies all death prevention skills. Exclusive to Pale Rider.
Plague At the end of own turn, inflict 10% fractional damage (200 max) on all enemies based on their current HP, with 70% chance to inflict poison. Exclusive to Pale Rider.
Mark of the Beast At the end of own turn, 66% chance to mute all poisoned enemies and inflict 666 damage to all charmed enemies. Nullifies all death prevention skills. Exclusive to Master Therion.
Optical Camouflage At the end of own turn, inflict light Piercing Physical damage (100) with 30% critical rate on all foes affected with an ailment. Ignores counter effects. Increases physical evasion by 20%. Exclusive to Motoko Kusanagi.
Desperate Hit At the end of own turn, inflict miniscule Almighty damage (25) with 30% critical rate 4 to 8 times on random foes. Damage is dependent on Phys ATK. Exclusive to Demonee-Ho.
Black Beckoning At the end of own turn, inflict 10% fractional damage (200 max) on all enemies based on their current HP. Gains 1 boost level at the start of own turn. Exclusive to Black Maria.

Boost Level 1: No extra effect.

Boost Level 2: Increases damage to 50% fractional damage (1,000 max) on all enemies based on their current HP.

Boost Level 3: Increases damage to 50% fractional damage (2,000 max) on all enemies based on their max HP and Nullifies all death prevention skills. Limited to 1 use per battle.

Everything Evil At the beginning of own turn, all party members recover 2 MP. Limited to 2 uses per battle. Exclusive to Ahriman.
Give Me Jewels? At the beginning of enemy turn, inflict 10% fractional damage (300 max) on all enemies based on their current HP and drains 1 MP from all enemies. Exclusive to Alice A.
Radiant Mantra At the beginning of enemy turn, removes debuffs from own party and buffs from all enemies. Exclusive to Vairocana.
Death Lust At the beginning of the first turn, 30% chance of inflicting charm on all enemies. Increases damage to charmed enemies by 25%. Exclusive to Mother Harlot.
Rasetsu At the beginning of the first turn, enter a state of Rebellion. Increases physical accuracy by 10%. Exclusive to Rakshasa.
Ishvara At the beginning of the first turn, enter a state of Rebellion. Increases physical accuracy by 20% and critical rate by 25%. Exclusive to Shiva A.
Enma's Judgement At the beginning of the first turn, increase all allies' ATK and DEF by 20% and adds Mortal immunity to all allies for 6 turns. Exclusive to Yama.
Guilty At the beginning of the first turn in a boss battle, inflict heavy Dark damage (150) on all foes. If successful, 100% chance of inflicting curse. Exclusive to Yama.
Moment of Fate At the beginning of the first turn in a boss battle, removes debuffs from all allies and increases their ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns. Reduces Light and Dark damage received by 30%. Exclusive to Norn.
Lord of the Abyss At the beginning of the first turn in a boss battle, removes buffs from all foes and reduces their ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for 3 turns. Exclusive to Abaddon A.
Judgement of Nahar At the beginning of every second turn, inflict light Ice damage (120) to all foes, reducing their ATK by 20% for 1 turn. Exclusive to Ym.
Ignite At the beginning of every second turn, inflict light Fire damage (120) to all foes, reducing their DEF by 20% for 1 turn. Exclusive to Agni.
Thunder of Destiny At the beginning of every second turn, inflict light Elec damage (120) to all foes, reducing their EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn. Exclusive to Anzu.
Harmonious Death At the beginning of every second turn, damage dealt by the demon with this skill will increase by 20% (up to 60%) and all party members receive 1 additional Press Turn icon. Exclusive to Mot.
Terror of London When attacking first, inflict miniscule Physical damage (40) with 50% critical rate 1 to 3 times on random foes. Exclusive to Jack Ripper.
Mutant Becomes immune to all status ailment effects. Exclusive to Kinmamon.
Preach Becomes immune to all status ailment effects. When an enemy is charmed, 50% chance of inflicting mute on all foes. Exclusive to Daisoujou.
Kujaku Myo-o Becomes immune to all status ailment effects. At the beginning of own turn, cure all status ailments of all party members. Exclusive to Mahamayuri.
Luck Increases EXP gained by Dx2 and all party members and macca obtained during battle by 20%. Exclusive to Kanbari.
Nightlife Increases Macca obtained during battle by 5%. Exclusive to Bodyconian.
Trap Free -30% to damage received from Damage Panels in the Aura Gate, and nullifies Dark Zone effects. Exclusive to Hare of Inaba.
Trickster 20% chance to avoid using Press Turn Icons when attacking the enemy's weak point. Exclusive to Loki.
Lunar Blessing Reduces consumed MP by 1 MP. Exclusive to Tsukuyomi.
Euphoric Frenzy 50% chance to charm the assailant when receiving a Physical attack. Exclusive to Dionysus.
Griffon-Bolt When a party member deals damage with a regular attack, inflict miniscule Almighty damage (30) 4 times on random foes. Exclusive to V.
Shadow-Shock Regular attacks will instead inflict light Almighty damage (100) on one foe. Exclusive to V.
Rapid Shot Regular attacks will instead inflict miniscule Physical damage (25) 5 times on a single foe with 30% critical rate, then enters a state of Rebellion. Ignores counter effects. Exclusive to Dante.
Glamorous Allure Regular attacks will instead inflict miniscule Almighty damage (70) on all foes with 20% chance of inflicting charm on all foes. Exclusive to Maya.
Arms Mastery Increases physical damage and physical accuracy by 20%. Exclusive to Siegfried.
Vahana Increases physical evasion by 20% and reduces chances of receiving ailments by 50%. Exclusive to Garuda.
Sahasrara Increases all damage by 10%, physical accuracy by 20%, healing skill effectiveness by 20%, and natural MP recovery by 1. Exclusive to Ardha.
Star of Darkness When own HP is at 50% or lower, increases dark damage by 30% and physical evasion by 25%. Exclusive to Tzitzimitl.
Bloody Scripture When own HP is at 80% or higher, increase all damage by 15% and reduce all damage received by 30%. Exclusive to Mozgus.
Hell Leopard After [Iron Fist] is activated, inflict miniscule Piercing Physical damage (40) on all enemies with 30% critical rate. If successful, enter a state of Rebellion. Exclusive to Flauros.
Bloodshed After [Blade of Terror] is activated, inflict miniscule Piercing Physical damage (80) on all enemies with 50% critical rate. Ignores counter effects. Exclusive to Red Rider.
God 1000 Fist Cannon When an enemy lands a critical hit, inflict miniscule Piercing Physical damage (25) 6 times on random foes with 30% critical rate. Damage is dependent on Phys DEF. Ignores counter effects. Exclusive to Mozgus.
Madama Uppercut When the demon with this skill lands a critical hit, inflict light Almighty damage (100) on one foe with 30% chance of inflicting charm. Damage is dependent on Phys ATK. Exclusive to Bayonetta.
Madama Stomp When an enemy is charmed, inflict light Almighty damage (100) on one foe with 30% chance of inflicting bind. Exclusive to Jeanne.
God's Grace Increases elec and light damage by 10%. When there are 3 or more Divine or Herald demons alive in your party, at the beginning of enemy turn, all party members recover 2 MP and casts Repel Magic (including Almighty) effect on all allies for 1 turn. Exclusive to Aniel.
God's Blessing Increases force and light damage by 10%. When there are 3 or more Divine or Herald demons alive in your party, at the beginning of own turn, medium HP recovery (90) for all allies and increases their DEF by 20% for 1 turn. Exclusive to Raphael.
God's Fire Increases fire and light damage by 10%. When there are 3 or more Divine or Herald demons alive in your party, at the beginning of own turn, inflict miniscule Piercing Fire damage (50) 3 times on random foes. Increases own party's ATK by 20% for 1 turn if the attack is successful. Exclusive to Uriel.
God's Word Increases elec and light damage by 10%. When there are 3 or more Divine or Herald demons alive in your party, at the beginning of own turn, inflicts light Piercing Light damage (100) on all foes. Increases own party's EV/AC by 20% for 1 turn if the attack is successful. Exclusive to Gabriel.
Passionate Rage At the beginning of enemy turn when there are 3 or more Femme/Lady demons alive in your party, inflict miniscule Piercing Elec damage (60) on all foes. If successful, inflict miniscule Piercing Fire damage (60) on all foes. Exclusive to Atropos.
Passionate Embrace At the beginning of enemy turn when there are 3 or more Femme/Lady demons alive in your party, reduce all foes' ATK and DEF and increase own party's ATK and DEF by 20% for 2 turns. Exclusive to Lachesis.
Passionate Allure At the end of enemy turn when there are 3 or more Femme/Lady demons alive in your party, 50% chance of inflicting charm and poison on all foes after removing Barriers from all foes. Exclusive to Clotho.
Vile Glare At the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first, when there are 2 or more Vile/Jaki/Drake demons alive in your party, reduce ATK of all enemies by 20% for 3 turns and reduces 1 enemy Press Turn icon.

When there are 3 or more Vile/Jaki/Drake demons alive in your party, additionally reduce DEF of all enemies by 20% for 3 turns and reduces 1 enemy Press Turn icon. Exclusive to Pales.

Cry of the Poor At the end of own turn, when there are 2 or more Vile/Jaki/Drake demons alive in your party, inflict 15% fractional damage (300 max) on all enemies based on their max HP.

When there are 3 or more Vile/Jaki/Drake demons alive in your party, additionally inflict 15% fractional damage (300 max) on all enemies based on their max HP. Exclusive to Pales.

Power of Life -30% chance of receiving status ailments. Activates the following chain effect at the beginning of the 1st turn: Enters a state of Lydia. Exclusive to Alraune, Erlkonig, Es, and Mandrake.
Ego Erosion While the one with this skill is alive, enemy's natural recovery rate of status ailments reduced by 10%.

Exclusive to Es.

Sweet Whisper Activates the following Chain Effect when an ally is downed:

30% chance to Charm all enemies. Reduces DEF of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns)

Exclusive to Alraune.

Alder King Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of own turn: Heals 15% HP of all party members.

Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of enemy turn: Reduces ATK of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)

Exclusive to Erlkonig.

Supersonic Hedgehog HP stops at 1 upon receiving the first killing blow. Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of own turn: Enters a state of Might. The next Phys attack will have a critical effect.

Exclusive to Sonic.

Resonant Garnet Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is poisoned: Reduces DEF and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (2 turns)

Exclusive to Vouivre.

Lord of the Dead Heals 500 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.

Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of enemy turn: Casts Repel Physical (including Almighty) effect on all allies. (1 turn) +20% to DEF of all party members. (1 turn)

Exclusive to Beelzebub (Human)

King of Hell Heals 500 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.

Activates the following Chain Effect when attacking first at the beginning of a battle: Recovers 3 MP. Increases own Party's ATK by 20% and reduces DEF of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns)

Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first: Reduces 1 enemy Press Turn Icon. +20% to DEF of all party members and reduces ATK of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns) *Only up to 2 Press Turn Icons can be reduced by skills or effects. Exclusive to Beelzebub☆

Duke of Hell Adds Phys Pierce.

For every weak point within the party, increases damage of all attacks by 5%. (Max: 35%)

For every weak point within the party, receive 10% less damage from single-target skills. (Max reduction: 70%)

Exclusive to Murmur.

Omniscient Guidance Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of own turn: Increases the Boost level of the Skills with Boost levels of all living party members by 1.

Exclusive to Gemori.

Dragon of Defense Adds Phys Pierce.

+20% to Phys hit rate. Activates the following Chain Effect when attacking first at the beginning of a battle: Increases own party's EV/AC and reduces all enemy EV/AC by 20%. (3 turns) Exclusive to Koga Saburo.

Tachikoma Support +75% to own effect on Battle Speed.

Activates the following Chain Effect when attacking first at the beginning of a battle: Reduces all enemy DEF and EV/AC by 20%. (2 turns). Exclusive to Batou.

Armament Skills[]

These are skills unique in Armaments.

  • Sword Unique Active Skills
Skill Armament MP Power Effect Target
High Damage Skills
Tie-Breaker Cruaidin 7 150 Phys damage. All
Scathe of Branches Flaming Sword 130 Fire damage.
Samudra Manthan Dragon King Sword Ice damage.
Serpent Killer Amenohabakiri Sword Force damage.
Crackling Thunder Thunderous Giantslayer Elec damage.
Last Plague Damnation Sword Light damage.
Mahelldyne Hell Sword Dark damage.
Damage & Healing Skills
Albion Giant Last Rebellion 7 100 Phys damage. If successful, heals around 400 HP for all party members. All
Ukehi Takaamagahara Sword 80 Fire damage. If successful, heals around 400 HP for all party members.
Primordial Water Yatsuka Sword Ice damage. If successful, heals around 400 HP for all party members.
Immortal Shine Sky Sword Force damage. If successful, heals around 400 HP for all party members.
Calon Arang Holy Beast Sword Elec damage. If successful, heals around 400 HP for all party members.
Starry Passion Radiance Sword Light damage. If successful, heals around 400 HP for all party members.
Midnight Feast Godslayer Sword Dark damage. If successful, heals around 400 HP for all party members.
Irregular Skills
Frozen Fist Hero Sword 5 130 Ice (Physical) Pierce damage. Enters a state of Might if the attack is successful.

The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Phys ATK.

Gotcha! Innocence 6 160 Dark damage, with 100% chance of Mortal on hit enemy.

Nullify death prevention skills.

Holy Union Ilt Pillar 5 - Revives a random party member with 100% HP and adds Mortal immunity for 1 turn. Random
Kurama Flash Hizamaru 7 30 x8 Phys damage, with +30% critical rate.

Ignores Counter effects.

Offering Guidance Hangman's Sword 6 - 50% chance to bind all enemies and reduces their DEF by 20%. ( turns) All
Pillar of Godly Light Sword of Providence 6 70 x3 Almighty damage. Single
Purging Flame Flaming Khanda 6 60 x3 Fire damage.

Reduces ATK/DEF of all enemies by 20% if the attack is successful. (3 turns)

Rakshasa Cleaver Trimurti 5 160 Ice damage. If successful, reduces ATK and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns) Single
Rakshasa Thunder Rakshasa Thunderblade 5 40 x5 Elec damage. 30% chance of Bind on hit enemy. Single
Rainstorm Baal's Throne 6 120 Force (Pierce) damage on all enemies. If successful, reduces EV/AC of all enemies by 20% (3 turns). Single
Red Serpent Venom Red Serpent Sword 5 120 Almighty damage, with 20% chance to inflict Poison, Bind, Charm, and Mute on hit enemy. Single
Seductive Lotus Kamalakanda 6 - 50% chance to charm all enemies and increases all allies' EV/AC by 20%. (3 turns) All
Tempest Talon Divine Talon 6 100 Force damage. If successful, inflict Force damage (Power: 35) 2 times on random enemies. This skill will gain 1 boost level with each use.

Boost Level 1: Increase the number of random attacks to 4.

Boost Level 2: Increase the number of random attacks to 5.

Thunderous Curse Yomi Sword 6 180 Elec/Dark damage on a single enemy. Automatically selects an Attribute depending on the situation. Single
Unholy Strike Asura Blade 7 30 Phys damage 10 times, with +30% critical rate.

Ignores Counter effects.

Yinglong Flash Cultural Ancestor 6 130 Phys damage, with +50% critical rate. All
  • Sword Talent Skills
Skill Armament Effect
Dmg. Reduction Skills
Valhalla Blade War God Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Phys damage received.
Jinn Blade Fire Spirit Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Fire damage received.
Tortoise Blade Ice Warrior Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Ice damage received.
Demon Bird Blade Wind Bird Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Force damage received.
Tiger Blade White Thunder Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Elec damage received.
Night Blade Holy Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Light damage received.
Zodiac Blade Star Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Dark damage received.
Dmg. Increasing Skills
Monkey King Blade Kamui Sword - Meteor While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys damage.
Divine Fire Blade Kamui Sword - Black Flame While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Fire damage.
Ice Death Blade Kamui Sword - Ice Death While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Ice damage.
Blue Emperor Blade Kamui Sword - Twister While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Force damage.
Queen Thunder Blade Kamui Sword - Swift Lightning While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Elec damage.
Warhorse Blade Kamui Sword - Light Speed While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Light damage.
Judgement Blade Kamui Sword - Illusion While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Dark damage.
Greater Dmg. Reduction Skills
Revolt & Protect Last Rebellion While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Phys damage received.
Light of Amaterasu Takaamagahara Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Fire damage received.
Canopy of the Gods Yatsuka Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Ice damage received.
Symbol of Good Holy Beast Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Elec damage received.
Rasayana Sky Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Force damage received.
Solar Body Radiance Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Light damage received.
Mother of the Shedim Godslayer Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Dark damage received.
Greater Dmg. Increasing Skills
All-piercing Blade Cruaidin While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Phys damage.
Beacon of the Giants Flaming Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Fire damage.
Water of Patala Dragon King Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Ice damage.
Mightiest Warrior Thunderous Giantslayer While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Elec damage.
Father of Swords Amenohabakiri Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Force damage.
Vengeful Fallen Damnation Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Light damage.
Symbol of Bad Hell Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Dark damage.
Irregular Skills
Alluring Goddess Hangman's Sword Activates the following Chain Effect when an ally is downed: Reduces ATK and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns)
Cultural Ancestor Xuanyuan Sword Adds Phys Pierce

While this one is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Critical hit rate.

Fire of Destruction Flaming Khanda Adds Fire Pierce

While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Fire damage.

Garutman Divine Talon Adds Force Pierce

While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys evasion rate.

God of Life Asura Blade Adds Phys Pierce

While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -60% to Critical hit rate of damage received.

Hero of Justice Hero Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Ice/Light damage.
Lady of the Sea Ilt Pillar While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +5% to Fire damage, -5% to Fire damage received.
Master of Thunder Rakshasa Thunderblade Adds Elec Pierce

While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Elec damage.

Metatronius Sword of Providence While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Magic damage inflicted. -5% to Magic damage received.
Miserable Girl Innocence Adds Dark Pierce. While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Dark damage.
Padmavati Kamalakanda While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% chance to status ailment auto cure rate.
Paradise Lost Red Serpent Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% chance to inflict status ailments.
Pursuer Goddess Yomi Sword While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Elec/Dark damage.
Seventh Avatar Trimurti Adds Ice Pierce

While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Fire/Ice damage received.

Tactical Hero Hizamaru Adds Phys Pierce.

While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys damage.

  • Shield Unique Passive Skills
Skill Armament Effect
Angel Halo Sun Halo Crest -10% to magic damage received and +10% to magic damage inflicted.
Clear Space Nirguna Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of every own third turn: Inflicts light Fire damage (100) on all enemies. Recovers 5 MP and enters into a state of Concentrate if the attack is successful.
Dazzling Wings Brilliant Wing Shield Increases physical evasion by 10%. When the character evades an enemy's Physical attack, inflict light Piercing Force damage (90) on all enemies.
Dragon Rain Yinglong Seal Increases physical accuracy and critical rate by 25%.
Innocent Laughter Stray Soul Activates the following Chain Effect when this character downs another demon: Inflicts Dark (Magic) Pierce effect damage (Power: 80) on all enemies.
Rains of Fertility Baal's Grace While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +5% to Force damage, +15% to status ailment auto cure rate.
Rite of Divine Power Invincible Yajna Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill downs a demon: Recovers 3 MP and casts Repel Magic (including Almighty) effect on all allies. (1 turn)
Summons to Sacrifice Deathcaller Fetish At the beginning of every own third turn, inflict light Almighty damage (120) on a random enemy with 100% chance to inflict Mortal. Nullifies all death prevention skills.
Sad Vengeance Hero Heart +10% to Ice damage.

Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of the 1st turn: Enters a state of Might.

Tiger Strategy Red Body Armor 10% to Phys hit rate. Activates the following Chain Effect when this character downs another demon: Recovers 5 MP.
Unholy Delusion Ares Vigor Activates the following Chain Effect when this character receives an enemy's Physical attack: Inflicts miniscule Phys damage (50) with 30% crit rate on all enemies, and removes all enemy stat buffs of the attack is successful.

Counter effects will not work on this skill.

Vishvakarman's Shelter Vimana Increases ice damage by 20%. Reduces chances of receiving status ailments by 40%.

  • Shield Talent Skill
Skill Armament Effect
Resist Skills
Phys Barrier Yazata Shield Adds Resist Phys.
FIre Barrier Red Emperor Shield Adds Resist Fire and becomes weak to Ice.
Ice Barrier Guardian Shield Adds Resist Ice and becomes weak to Fire.
Electric Barrier Insight Shield Adds Resist Elec and becomes weak to Force.
Force Barrier Bird King Shield Adds Resist Force and becomes weak to Elec.
Light Barrier Sky Shield Adds Resist Light and becomes weak to Dark.
Dark Barrier Black Goat Shield Adds Resist Dark and becomes weak to Light.
Resist & Dmg. Increasing Skills
Colossal Armor Ubukinu Mystic Armor Adds Resist Phys. +5% to Phys damage.
Firey Armor Hachiryo Fire Armor Adds Resist Fire and becomes weak against Ice. +5% to Fire damage.
Watery Armor Omodaka Ice Armor Adds Resist Ice and becomes weak against Fire. +5% to Ice damage.
Thunderous Armor Usukane Thunder Armor Adds Resist Elec and becomes weak against Force. +5% to Elec damage.
Fairy King Armor Tatenashi Wind Armor Adds Resist Force and becomes weak against Elec. +5% to Force damage.
Wheel Armor Hikazu Light Armor Adds Resist Light and becomes weak against Dark. +5% to Light damage.
Vampire Armor Tsukikazu Dark Armor Adds Resist Dark and becomes weak against Light. +5% to Dark damage.
Null & Dmg. Increasing Skills
White Swan Shield Duban Adds Null Phys. +5% to Phys damage.
Southern Firewall Black Fire of Muspell Adds Null Fire and becomes weak against Ice. +5% to Fire damage.
Rope of Manu Dragon King Shield Adds Null Ice and becomes weak against Fire. +5% to Ice damage.
Electric Pain Hrungnir's Core Adds Null Elec and becomes weak against Force. +5% to Elec damage.
Savage Aura Storm of Susa Adds Null Force and becomes weak against Elec. +5% to Force damage.
Master of Demons Fallen Angel Adds Null Light and becomes weak against Dark. +5% to Light damage.
Demon Badassery Black Aura Adds Null Dark and becomes weak against Light. +5% to Dark damage.
Null & Dmg. Reduction Skills
Formidable Cliff White Cliff Adds Null Phys. -5% to Phys damage received.
Cloth of the Sun Heavenly Cloth Adds Null Fire and becomes weak against Ice. -5% to Fire damage received.
Foundation of Form Lotus of Creation Adds Null Ice and becomes weak against Fire. -5% to Ice damage received.
Banas Pati Raja Spirit Beast Armor Adds Null Elec and becomes weak against Force. -5% to Elec damage received.
Rakta-paksa Divine Bird Shield Adds Null Force and becomes weak against Elec. -5% to Force damage received.
Eanna Heavenly Wind Adds Null Light and becomes weak against Dark. -5% to Light damage received.
First Woman Blasphemy Adds Null Dark and becomes weak against Light. -5% to Dark damage received.
Irregular Skills
Battlefield Lightning Invincible Yajna Adds Drain Elec/Resist Phys/Resist Light/Resist Dark and becomes Weak against Ice.

+20% to own affect on Battle Speed.

Black Inferno Nirguna Adds Drain Fire/Null Dark.

+5% to Fire damage. -5% to Fire damage received.

Chanchala Lucky Raiment Adds Null Dark/Resist Light and becomes weak against Force.

+5% to status ailment auto cure rate.

Cool Face Hero Heart Adds Repel Fire/Repel Ice and becomes weak against Dark.

-20% to Fire damage received.

Creation's End Yomi Thunder Adds Null Elec/Drain Dark and becomes weak against Fire.

+5% to Elec/Dark damage.

Cruel Girl Stray Soul Adds Repel Dark and becomes weak to Light.

+5% to Dark damage. -5% to Dark damage received.

Guardian of Rage Ares Vigor Adds Null Phys/Repel Fire/Null Light/Null Dark and becomes weak against Ice.

While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -60% to Critical hit rate of damage received.

Life Abundant Asherah Pole Adds Null Fire/Null Force and becomes weak against Ice and Dark.

+5% to HP Healing skill effectiveness.

Palace of Creation Vimana Adds Fire Null and Ice Null.
Shade of the World Tree Deathcaller Fetish Adds Repel Dark and becomes weak against Light.

+5% chance to inflict status ailments.

Shana Vigor Red Body Armor Adds Null Phys/Resist Dark/Resist Light.

+10% to Critical hit rate.

Surendra-jit Brilliant Wing Shield Adds Repel Fire/Drain Force and becomes weak against Ice.

+10% to Phys evasion rate.

Symbol of the Four Yinglong Seal Adds Resist Fire/Resist Ice/Resist Elec/Resist Force.

-5% to Phys, Fire, Ice, Elec & Force damage received.

The Brilliant One Sun Halo Crest Adds Null Light/Resist Fire/Resist Ice/Resist Elec/Resist Force.

-5% to Light damage received.

Toxic Light 12 Fallen Wings Adds Null Light/Repel Dark and becomes weak against Light.

-20% to Dark damage received.

Enemy Skills[]

These are skills unique to enemies. * denotes bosses, and ' denotes random encounters.


Demon Buster[]

Aura Gate[]

Aura Gate[]

Skill Enemies Effect
Passive Skills
Agile Core Momunofu' (36-40) +10 to Ag, and +50% to all Battle Speed effects of own party.
Elite Healing Ishtar* (45)

Asherah (50)

+40% to Healing skill effectiveness.
Mad King Alice (50) +50% chance of inflicting ailments.
Merciless Core Throne* (36)

Cerberus* (37)

Sleipnir* (38)

Pallas Athena* (39)

Girimekhala* (41)

Oberon* (42)

Beiji-Weng* (43)

Anubis* (44)

Thor* (45)

Ishtar* (45)

Bishamonten* (46)

Odin* (47)

White Rider* (48)

Siegfried* (49)

Metatron* (50)

Isis' (46-50)

Oni' (46-50)

Legion' (46-50)

+20 to St, +20 to Ma and +10% to damage dealt.
Speed Core Slime* (40)

Girimekhala* (41)

+20 Ag, and +100% to all Battle Speed effects of own party.
Strong Guard Slime* (40) -30% to damage received.
Violent Core Efreet* (31)

Ose* (32)

Berserker* (33)

Vetala* (34)

Mitra* (35)

Isis (42)

Scathach (42)

Horus (43)

Berserker (43)

Vetala (44)

Kikuri-Hime (44)

Hanuman (46)

Horkos (46)

Fenrir (47)

Virtue (47)

Sandalphon (48)

Jikokuten (48)

Sphinx (49)

Rangda (49)

Momunofu' (36-40)

Shiisaa' (36-40)

+10 to St, +10 to Ma and +5% to damage dealt.

Aura Gate 2 / Hollow World[]

Berserk Skills[]

Berserk skills are amped-up versions of normal elemental attack skills which are negatively affected by the player's Berserk level - Berserk and Mad skills get 30% damage reduction if the player's Berserk level for their respective elements is at least 20 and 60, respectively. They can be found used by random-encounter demons and bosses alike. (Power TBA)

Skill Enemies MP Power Target
Phys Skills
Berserk Herculean Strike Zouchouten* (31) 4 150 All
Berserk Hades Blast Horkos* (34) 6 170
Mad Vorpal Blade Shiva* (49) 7 240
Fire Skills
Berserk Agilao Efreet (29) 6 210 Single
Berserk Agidyne Efreet (33)

Feng Huang (35)

7 240
Berserk Trisagion Prometheus (45) 8 300
Berserk Maragi Efreet (29) 5 120 All
Berserk Maragion Kikuri-Hime* (39) 6 150
Berserk Maragidyne Prometheus (45) 7 180
Mad Flame Hua Po' (45-50) 7 240
Ice Skills
Berserk Bufudyne Jatayu (35)

Silky (36)

Succubus* (38)

6 240 Single
Berserk Mabufula Hel (29)

Tiamat (38)

6 150 All
Berserk Mabufudyne Succubus* (38)

Beiji-Weng (45)

7 180
Mad Freeze Vishnu (49)

Unicorn' (45-50)

7 240
Elec Skills
Berserk Ziodyne Feng Huang (35) 6 240 SIngle
Berserk Mazio Take-Minakata' (21-30) 5 120 All
Berserk Mazionga Mothman (42) 6 150
Mad Thunder Virtue' (45-50) 7 240
Force Skills
Berserk Zandyne Jatayu (35)

Isis (36)

6 240 Single
Berserk Mazanma Hanuman* (29)

Lilim (38)

6 150 All
Berserk Mazandyne Cu Chulainn* (45) 7 180
Mad Storm Setanta' (45-50) 7 240
Light Skills
Berserk Hama Hamsa (28) 4 190 Single
Berserk Hamadyne Kushinada* (32)

Jatayu (35)

6 240
Berserk Mahama Hamsa (28) 5 120 All
Berserk Mahamaon Kushinada* (32) 6 150
Mad Luminance Lailah' (45-50) 7 240
Dark Skills
Berserk Mudodyne Feng Huang (35) 6 240 Single
Berserk Mamudo Pisaca* (28) 5 120 All
Berserk Mamudoon Ikusa (39) 6 150
Berserk Mamudodyne Mad Gasser' (40)

Skadi* (42)

Anubis (46)

7 180
Mad Darkness Vishnu (49)

Arahabaki' (45-50)

7 240
Other enemy skills[]
Skill Enemies MP Power Target Effects/Notes
Phys Skills
Dragon Tooth Celestial Long* (38) 6 150 [x2] Single -
Megaton Press+ Hecatoncheires (40) 6 120 All This attack has +30% crit rate and +20% hit rate.
Hell Thrust+ Mara* (26, 30) 7 75 [x4] Random 50% chance of Bind on hit enemies.
Fire Skills
Dragon Flare Celestial Huang Long* (48) 6 200 Single This skill will advance by 1 phase for every passing turn. (Up to 4 phases.)

[Phase 0]: Colossal Fire damage to one enemy.

[Phase 1]: Light Elec damage (100) 5 times on random enemies.

[Phase 2]: Medium Ice damage (130) on all enemies.

[Phase 3]: Heavy Force damage (150) on all enemies.

[Phase 4]: Heavy Almighty damage (150) on all enemies.

Ice Skills
Gui Xian Freeze Celestial Gui Xian* (27) 10 240 All -30% damage if the player's Ice Berserk level is at least 40.
Elec Skills
Baihu Thunder Celestial Baihu* (16) 7 140 All 50% chance of Bind on hit enemies.
Force Skills
Dragon Storm Celestial Long* (38) 7 300 All -30% damage if the player's Force Berserk level is at least 60.

Chain Effect when the attack is successful: Increases EV/AC by 20% for all party members. (3 turns)

Light Skills
God's Bow+ White Rider* (10) 7 200 Single 50% chance of Mortal.
Dark Skills
Gift of Death Ikusa (39) 7 100 Single 100% chance of Mortal.
Deadly Germ Orcus* (40) 7 200 All 60% chance of Poison on hit enemies.

-30% damage if the player's Dark Berserk level is at least 60.

Gluttony+ Beelzebub* (20) 7 200 All User recovers 50% of inflicted damage as HP.
Almighty Skills
End Realm Herald Ixaya* (50) 10 200 All Damage is dependent on Mag ATK.

Ignores Counter effects.

Only available when user's HP is under 30%.

Gui Xian Drain Celestial Gui Xian* (27) 6 80 [x4] Random Drains a tiny amount of HP with each hit. (Unknown percentage)
I can still go ?? Ixaya* (50) 6 ?? ?? Ixaya's cry. (Unused in battle.)
Fractional Skills
I want to become human ?? Ixaya* (50) 7 ?? ?? Ixaya's cry. (Unused in battle.)
Final Measure Forneus' (50) 6 25% of max HP (2000 max) All Downs self upon activation.
Final Measure+ Forneus' (50) 6 50% of max HP (3000 max) All Downs self upon activation.

Available only when own HP is below 30%.

Luminous Realm Herald Ixaya* (50) 6 20% of max HP (2,500 max) All -
Overwork Titan (43) 6 50% of max HP (3000 max) All Downs self upon activation.

Available only when own HP is below 40%.

Recovery Skills
Extreme Healing Beelzebub* (20) 10 2000 Ally/Self Increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of party by 20%. (3 turns)
Mediarahan+ Pixie (30) 10 170 Party Unlimited uses.
Samrecarm∞ Mara* (30)

Baal* (48)

7 - Downed Ally Unlimited uses.
Support Skills
Makarakarn+ Dantalian (46) 6 - Party All party members will repel Magic (including Almighty) damage for 1 turn.
Mad Fever Mara* (30) 6 - Self Enters a state of Charge. Increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of party by 20%. (3 turns)
Passive Skills
All Defect Gogmagog* (37) User becomes weak to all affinities.
Auto-Barrier Br. Silky (36)

Mothman (41)

Peallaidh' (41-45)

Chain Effect at the start of the first turn: Removes Barrier from all enemies.
Auto-Debilitate Celestial Feng Huang* (8) Chain Effect at the start of the first turn: Decreases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns)
Avian Judgment Jatayu* (25) Chain Effect when a member of your party deals damage with a regular Attack: Inflicts Almighty damage (Power: 45) 4 times on random enemies.
Back from the Dead Ikusa (39) When this demon is downed, it will fully recover after 2 turns at the beginning of own turn.

This effect will not activate if own party is wiped out.

Bad to Worse Rangda* (36) Chain Effect at the end of enemy turn: Inflicts Force damage (Power: 200) on all enemies with an ailment.
Baihu Claw Celestial Baihu* (16) Chain Effect when an enemy is Bound: Inflicts Phys damage (Power: ??) 2-3 times on random enemies.
Baihu Heal Celestial Baihu* (16) Chain Effect at the beginning of own turn: Heals HP (Power: 130), and increase ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for all party members.
Beckonings Gremlin (47) When this demon is downed, it will fully recover after 1 turn at the beginning of own turn.

This effect will not activate if own party is wiped out.

Candle in the Wind Ananta* (47) Chain Effect at the end of own turn: Inflicts 99% fractional damage based on their current HP. (5,000 max)
Dark Pierce [Weak]+ Legion' (41-50) Gains Dark Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Dark attribute.
Dragon Rising Celestial Long* (38) +90% to Phys hit rate and evasion rate.
Dragon Scale Celestial Long* (38) Adds Repel for all affinities except Phys. Becomes weak to Phys.

While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can repel the the attribute they are attacked with.

Dragon Whip Celestial Long* (38) When the demon with this skill evades an enemy's Physical attack, inflict miniscule Almighty damage (60, Physical) with 50% crit rate 6 times on random enemies.

The damage of this skill is dependetn on Mag ATK.

Ignores counter effects.

Drain Counter Hero Ixaya (50) Chain Effect when the enemy Drains an ally attack: Inflicts 25% fractional damage on all enemies based on their max HP, with 50% to inflict Mute on hit enemies. (2,000 max)
Drain Phys/Fire/Ice Hero Ixaya (50) Adds Drain Phys/Drain Fire/Drain Ice.
Eat the Dead Orcus* (40) Chain Effect when an ally is downed: Heals own HP by 20%.
Endless Seduction Lilim (38) While the demon with this skill is alive, -30% to enemy's natural recovery rate of Charm.
Enhance Ma/Fire Weakness Oni' (21-30) +15 to Ma. Becomes weak to Fire.
Enhance Ma/Light Defect Yaksini' (31-40)

Kelpie (31-40)

+15 to Ma. Becomes weak to Light.
Enhance Ma/Elec Defect Orthrus' (41-50) +15 to Ma. Becomes weak to Elec.
Elec Pierce [Weak]+ Gains Elec Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Elec attribute.
Eye for an Eye Kushinada* (32) Chain Effect when receiving a magic attack: 100% chance to counter, dealing Almighty damage (Power: TBA).
Excessive Eating Nidhoggr* (44) Chain Effect at the start of own turn: Inflicts 5% fractional damage on all enemies based on their max HP, and reduces their MP by 9.
Fast Luster Shiki-Ouji* (35) Chain Effect at the start of turn: Increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all allies by 20%. (3 turns)
Fast Makara Br. Shiki-Ouji* (35) Chain Effect at the start of turn: Removes Repel Mag from all enemies.
Fire Pierce [Weak]+ Orthrus' (41-50) Gains Fire Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Fire attribute.
First Jab Horus* (27) Phys damage (Power: 100) on all enemies at the start of own turn.
Five Principles Celestial Huang Long* (48) Chain Effect at the start of turn: Increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all allies by 20%. (3 turns) All party members Repel any magic attack once. (1 turn)
Force Pierce [Weak]+ Kurama Tengu' (41-45) Gains Force Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Force attribute.
Free Realm Herald Ixaya* (50) Adds Resist for all attributes.
Gui Xian Shell Celestial Gui Xian* (27) -99% to attack damage received. -50% to Poison resistance.
Harmonious Realm Herald Ixaya* (50) Chain Effect at the start of turn: Heals all party members, (Power: 30) and increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all allies by 20%.
Hell Counter Kikuri-Hime* (39) 100% chance of counter, dealing Phys damage. (Power: TBA)
Hell Pack Baal* (48) When there are 3 or more Deity/Tyrant demons alive in your party, at the beginning of own turn, inflicts Force Pierce damage (50, Physical) on all enemies.

Damage is dependent on Mag ATK.

Hell's Gate+ Orcus* (40) While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members will receive 5% less damage from skills that target all or random enemies for every Weak attribute. (Max reduction: 50%)

Adds Null Curse.

Ice Pierce [Weak]+ Gains Ice Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Ice attribute.
Icy Love Succubus* (38) Chain Effect at the end of the enemy turn: Inflicts Ice damage (Power: 200) on all Charmed enemies.
I don't want to perish ?? Ixaya* (50) Ixaya's cry. (Unused in battle.)
Influencer Blob' (31-40) Chain Effect when an enemy is Poisoned: 30% chance og Charm 3 to 4 times on random demons.
Interception Nidhoggr* (44) Adds Phys Pierce.

Chain Effect when the enemy uses Pass: Inflicts 25% fractional damage on all enemies based on their max HP. (2,000 max)

Interval Titan (43) When this demon is downed, it will fully recover after 1 turn at the beginning of own turn.

This effect will not activate if own party is wiped out.

Light Pierce [Weak]+ Gains Light Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Light attribute.
Linked for Life Shiva* (49)

Vishnu (49)

When this demon is downed, it will revive at 25% HP at the beginning of next own turn.

This effect will not activate if own party is wiped out.

The player cannot win by defeating only the boss while at least one demon with this skill is alive.

Chain Effect after being revived: Heals HP (Power: 300), and increase ATK, DEF, and EV/AC by 20% for all party members.

Love Game Succubus* (38) Chain Effect at the start of your turn: 80% chance of Charm on all enemies.
Mad King Rangda* (36) +50% chance of inflicting ailments.
Magnificence Mara* (30) Gains Phys Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Phys attribute. -50% to Phys attack damage received. Adds Null Curse.
Momentum Jatayu' (41-50) Chain Effect at the start of first turn: Cast Rebellion on all party members.
Null Counter Sandalphon* (41) Chain Effect when the enemy Nulls an ally attack: Inflicts 10% fractional damage on all enemies based on their max HP. (1,000 max)
Phys Pierce [Weak]+ Ares' (41-45)

Grendel' (41-45)

Gains Phys Pierce. Damage is reduced by 40% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Phys attribute.
Phys Reduction Jatayu* (25)

Ose' (21-30)

-50% to Phys attack damage received.
Phys Reduction/Elec Defect Ares' (41-45)

Grendel' (41-50)

-80% to Phys attack damage received. Becomes weak to Elec.
Phys Reduction+ Arahabaki' (45-50)

Hua Po' (45-50)

Jatayu' (41-50)

Lailah' (45-50)

Mermaid' (41-50)

Peallaidh (41-50)

Setanta' (45-50)

Unicorn' (45-50)

Virtue' (45-50)

-80% to Phys attack damage received.
Poisonous Charm Blob' (27) Chain Effect when an enemy is poisoned: 30% chance to inflict Charm on random foes 3 to 4 times.
Repel Counter Entity Ixaya (50) Chain Effect when the enemy Repels an ally attack: Inflicts 25% fractional damage on all enemies based on their max HP, with 50% of Bind on hit enemies. (2,000 max)
Repel Elec/Force/Light/Dark Entity Ixaya (50) Adds Repel Elec/Repel Force/Repel Light/Repel Dark.
Self Defense Michael* (46) -99% to all attack damage received excluding Almighty.
Sick Bed Hecatoncheires (40)

Mermaid' (41-45)

While the demon with this skill is alive, Poison damage is increased by 200%.
SP Concentrate Skadi* (42) Enters a state of Concentrate at the beginning of every second turn. +75% to damage dealt by all party members in a state of Concentrate.
Subjugated Realm Herald Ixaya* (50)

Hero Ixaya (50)

Entity Ixaya (50)

While the demon with this skill is alive, -33% to damage received by all Herald party members.
Tooth for a Tooth Horkos* (34) Chain Effect when receiving a Phys attack: 100% chance to counter, dealing Phys damage. (Power: 400)
Yoma Alliance Valkyrie* (33) Chain Effect at the start of your turn when there are 2 or more surviving Yoma demons in your party: Inflicts 30% fractional damage on all enemies based on their max HP. (1,000 max)

Nullifies all death prevention skills.

Hell's Park[]

Numbers in the 'Enemies' column denotes the stage they appear in - if no demon name is listed, it is to be understood as all demons within those stages have the respective skills.

Skill Enemies MP Power Target Effects/Notes
Phys Skills
Blight+ Fafnir* (98) 6 TBA All % chance of Poison on hit enemies. (TBA)
Passive Skills
Back from the Dead Jack Frost, Black Frost (100) When this demon is downed, it will fully recover after 2 turns at the beginning of own turn.

This effect will not activate if own party is wiped out.

Dark Pierce [weak]+ Beelzebub, Pazuzu (90) Gains Dark Pierce. Damage is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Dark attribute.
Elec Pierce [weak]+ Thor* (97) Gains Elec Pierce. Damage is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Elec attribute.
Fast Debilitate Jack Frost (100) Chain Effect at the start of turn: Decreases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns)
Fast Luster Jack Frost (100) Chain Effect at the start of turn: Increases ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of party by 20%. (3 turns)
Fast Maragi Prometheus* (65)

Surt* (70)

Chain Effect at the start of own turn: Fire damage (Power: 80) to all enemies.
Force Pierce [weak]+ Baal* (96) Gains Force Pierce. Damage is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Force attribute.
Golden Greed+ Fafnir* (98) +% Poison damage to Poisoned enemies. (TBA)
Harmonious Death+ Mot* (99) TBA
Helldolaon King Frost* (100) Chain effect at the start of own turn when there are 3 or more surviving Frosts in your party: Almighty damage (Power: 120) on all enemies.

This skill cannot be repelled.

Hell Counter 21 - 30 TBA
Hell Shield King Frost* (100) Adds Null for all attributes.

While the demon with this skill is alive, Pierce will have no effect on any party member that can null the attribute they are attacked with.

Ice Pierce [weak]+ Rama* (90) Gains Ice Pierce. Damage is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Ice attribute.
Light Pierce [weak]+ White Rider (90) Gains Light Pierce. Damage is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Light attribute.
Mad King Fafnir* (98) +50% chance of inflicting ailments.
Master of Accuracy Chernobog, Fafnir* (98)

King Frost* (100)

Merciless Core 51 - 60, 71 - 80 +20 to St, +20 to Ma and +10% to damage dealt.
Phys Reduction 61 - 70 -50% to Phys attack damage received.
Phys Pierce [weak]+ Hecatoncheires, Seth (90) Gains Phys Pierce. Damage is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Phys attribute.
Reflect Magic 41 - 50 TBA


Alter-World is divided into seven different areas for each element. Therefore, each area will be referred to by their elements instead: Devastated Yotsuya (Phys), Scorched Akihabara (Fire), Flooded Shinagawa (Ice), Blasted Ueno (Force), Thunderous Azabu (Elec), Blazing Yoyogi (Light), and Vengeful Sugamo. (Dark) Additionally, the last quests of each area will be referred to as 'Final' instead.

Attack Skills[]

All enemies' unique attack skills in Alter-World quests carries 'Pierce' (Ultra) or 'Pierce [weak]' (Mega, Giga, Tera) of their respective elements.

Skill Enemies MP Power Target Nu/Rp/Dr Dmg. Reduction (+ Additional effects)
Phys Skills
Fatal Sword [Giga] Oni (Part 5) 5 140 Single 50%
Berserker God [Giga] Oni (Part 5) 6 160 50%
Berserker God [Ultra] Mitra (Final) 6 160 -
Megaton Raid [Tera] Mitra (Final) 7 180 30%
Mow Down [Mega] Grendel* (Part 4, Part 5) 4 80 All 70%
Mow Down [Giga] Grendel* (Part 5) 4 80 50%
Vorpal Blade [Ultra] Wu Kong* (Final) 7 130 -
Gigantomachia [Ultra] Valkyrie (Final) 8 160 -
Phys Spiral Wu Kong* (Final) 6 120 30% (Inflicts user with Charge if the attack is successful.)
Hell Pressure Valkyrie (Final) 5 100 50%
Fire Skills
Agilao [Giga] Mou-Ryo (Part 5) 5 140 Single 50%
Agidyne [Giga] Mou-Ryo (Part 5) 6 160 50%
Agidyne [Ultra] Feng Huang (Final) 6 160 -
Trisagion [Tera] Feng Huang (Final) 7 180 30%
Maragi [Mega] Hua Po* (Part 4, Part 5) 5 80 All 70%
Maragi [Giga] Hua Po* (Part 5) 5 80 50%
Maragidyne [Ultra] Prometheus*, Efreet (Final) 7 110 -
Fire Spiral Prometheus* (Final) 7 120 30% (Inflicts user with Concentrate after activation.)
Hell Inferno Efreet (Final) 6 100 50%
Ice Skills
Bufula [Giga] Azumi (Part 5) 5 140 Single 50%
Bufudyne [Giga] Azumi (Part 5) 6 160 50%
Bufudyne [Ultra] Gui Xian (Final) 6 160 -
Ice Age [Tera] Gui Xian (Final) 7 180 30%
Mabufu [Mega] Illuyanka* (Part 4, Part 5) 5 80 All 70%
Mabufu [Giga] Illuyanka* (Part 5) 5 80 50%
Mabufudyne [Ultra] Beiji-Weng*, Silky (Final) 7 110 -
Ice Spiral Beiji-Weng* (Final) 7 120 30% (Inflicts user with Concentrate after activation.)
Hell Freeze Silky (Final) 6 100 50%
Elec Skills
Zionga [Giga] Nue (Part 5) 5 140 Single 50%
Ziodyne [Giga] Nue (Part 5) 6 160 50%
Ziodyne [Ultra] Baihu (Final) 6 160 -
Thunder Reign [Tera] Baihu (Final) 7 180 30%
Mazio [Mega] Chimera* (Part 4, Part 5) 5 80 All 70%
Mazio [Giga] Chimera* (Part 5) 5 80 50%
Maziodyne [Ultra] Titania*, Koumokuten (Final) 7 110 -
Elec Spiral Titania* (Final) 7 120 30% (Inflicts user with Concentrate after activation.)
Hell Spark Koumokuten (Final) 6 100 50%
Force Skills
Zanma [Giga] Kodama (Part 5) 5 140 Single 50%
Zandyne [Giga] Kodama (Part 5) 6 160 50%
Zandyne [Ultra] Moh Shuvuu (Final) 6 160 -
Killing Wind [Tera] Moh Shuvuu (Final) 7 180 30%
Mazan [Mega] Unicorn* (Part 4, Part 5) 5 80 All 70%
Mazan [Giga] Unicorn* (Part 5) 5 80 50%
Mazandyne [Ultra] Long*, Jatayu (Final) 7 110 -
Force Spiral Long* (Final) 7 120 30% (Inflicts user with Concentrate after activation.)
Hell Storm Jatayu (Final) 6 100 50%
Light Skills
Hamaon [Giga] Angel (Part 5) 5 140 Single 50%
Hamadyne [Giga] Angel (Part 5) 6 160 50%
Hamadyne [Ultra] Lailah (Final) 6 160 -
Thunderclap [Tera] Lailah (Final) 7 180 30%
Mahama [Mega] Virtue* (Part 4, Part 5) 5 80 All 70%
Mahama [Giga] Virtue* (Part 5) 5 80 50%
Mahamadyne [Ultra] Sleipnir*, Horus (Final) 7 110 -
Light Spiral Sleipnir* (Final) 7 120 30% (Inflicts user with Concentrate after activation.)
Hell Gleam Horus (Final) 6 100 50%
Dark Skills
Mudoon [Giga] Legion (Part 5) 5 140 Single 50%
Mudodyne [Giga] Legion (Part 5) 6 160 50%
Mudodyne [Ultra] Kaiwan (Final) 6 160 -
Hell Gaze [Tera] Kaiwan (Final) 7 180 30%
Mamudo [Mega] Chatterskull* (Part 4, Part 5) 5 80 All 70%
Mamudo [Giga] Chatterskull* (Part 5) 5 80 50%
Mamudodyne [Ultra] Anubis*, Baphomet (Final) 7 110 -
Dark Spiral Anubis* (Final) 7 120 30% (Inflicts user with Concentrate after activation.)
Hell Curse Baphomet (Final) 6 100 50%
Passive Skills[]
Skill Enemies Effects/Notes
Karn Break All quests Chain Effect when at least one enemy is inflicted with Repel status: Removes all Repel statuses from all enemies.
Affinity Shift: Phys Phys quests Becomes weak to Phys. -70% to all damage received excluding Phys.
Affinity Shift: Fire Fire quests Becomes weak to [element].

-70% to all damage received excluding [element].

-100% to Critical rate of damage received.

Affinity Shift: Ice Ice quests
Affinity Shift: Elec Elec quests
Affinity Shift: Force Force quests
Affinity Shift: Light Light quests
Affinity Shift: Dark Dark quests
Phys Overdrive Phys quests (excluding Wu Kong*) +70% to Phys hit rate. Regular attacks will instead inflict Phys damage (Power: 80) on all enemies.
Fire Overdrive Fire quests (excluding Prometheus*) Regular attacks will instead inflict [element] damage (Power: 80) on all enemies.
Ice Overdrive Ice quests (excluding Beiji-Weng*)
Elec Overdrive Elec quests (excluding Titania*)
Force Overdrive Force quests (excluding Long*)
Light Overdrive Light quests (excluding Sleipnir*)
Dark Overdrive Dark quests (excluding Anubis*)
SP Phys Overdrive Wu Kong* (Phys - Final) +90% to Phys hit rate. Regular attacks will instead inflict Phys damage (Power: 80) on all enemies.

-50% to damage of this skill if the enemy has Null/Repel/Drain Phys.

SP Fire Overdrive Prometheus* (Fire - Final) Regular attacks will instead inflict [element] damage (Power: 80) on all enemies.

-50% to damage of this skill if the enemy has Null/Repel/Drain [element].

SP Ice Overdrive Beiji-Weng* (Ice - Final)
SP Elec Overdrive Titania* (Elec - Final)
SP Force Overdrive Long* (Force - Final)
SP Light Overdrive Sleipnir* (Light - Final)
SP Dark Overdrive Anubis* (Dark - Final)
Playable Protagonist - Taro Fuse - Rika Ryuzouji - Shiang Sun - Ririn Ueda - Shiori Koden - Jeng Yun Tsai - Gakuto Inoue - Seiran Saikawa - Xana - Vince - Honey Sweet
Non-Playable Vagit Chukhov - Arisa Habara - Kazufumi Fukumoto - Himika Hyuga - Shimono - Masahiro "Lefty" Sawada - Hayate - Joshua Hawk - Jabo Kakuryu - Einherjar - Ixaya - Lindsay Altskan - Amane Misaki - Organ - Period
Crossover Bayonetta - Jeanne - Beloved - Dante - Nero - V - Nico - Guts - Schierke - Skull Knight - Mozgus - Isidro - Puck - Ivalera - Motoko Kusanagi - Batou - Tachikoma - Griffith - Zodd - Sonic the Hedgehog
Earth Akihabara - Shinjuku - Kudanshita - Shibuya - Ikebukuro - Odaiba
Other Church Of False Gods - Pandemonium - Summoning Portal - Aura Gate - Hell's Park - Alter-World - Tokyo Abyss
Terms Dx2 - Liberators - Acolytes - Macca - Magnetite - Moon Phase System - Demon - Fusion - Archetype - Aether - Reincarnation - Gatekeeper - Demon Buster (Liberation) - Decoherence Field - Homonculus - Brotherhood of Harmony - Elements - Devicon - Key Factor
Lists Demons - Skills - Items - Status Changes - Armaments - Events
Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Strikers - Tactica -Q2
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE