This is a list of skills used in Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner.
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Agi | アギ | Inflicts light Fire damage | One front row enemy | 3 MP |
Agilao | アギラオ | Inflicts moderate Fire damage, 1-2 hits | 2-3 front row enemies | 10 MP (SS) 7 MP (PSP) |
Maragi | マハ・ラギ | Inflicts light Fire damage | One row | 6 MP |
Maragion | マハ・ラギオン | Inflicts moderate Fire damage | All enemies | 22 MP (SS) 16 MP (PSP) |
Fire Breath | ファイヤーブレス | Inflicts moderate Fire damage | Front row | 8 MP |
Hellfire | ごうかしょうかん / 劫火召喚 | Inflicts moderate Fire damage | All enemies | 25 MP (SS) 21 MP (PSP) |
Cauterizing Fist | しょうしゃくけん / 焼灼拳 | Inflicts light Fire damage. Consumes HP. |
All enemies | 28% HP (SS) 20% HP (PSP) |
- All Ice spells can inflict Freeze.
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Bufu | ブフ | Inflicts light Ice damage | One front row enemy | 3 MP |
Bufula | ブフーラ | Inflicts moderate Ice damage, 1-2 hits | 2-3 back row enemies | 10 MP (SS) 7 MP (PSP) |
Mabufu | マハ・ブフ | Inflicts light Ice damage | One Row | 6 MP |
Mabufula | マハ・ブフーラ | Inflicts moderate Ice damage | All enemies | 25 MP (SS) 16 MP (PSP) |
Blizzard Breath | ブリザードブレス | Inflicts moderate Ice damage | Front row | 8 MP (SS) 9 MP (PSP) |
Glacial Blast | ぜったいれいど / 絶対零度 | Inflicts moderate Ice damage | All enemies | 26 MP (SS) 19 MP (PSP) |
- All Zio spells can inflict Shock.
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Zio | ジオ | Inflicts light Elec damage | One enemy | 4 MP |
Zionga | ジオンガ | Inflicts moderate Elec damage | One enemy | 10 MP (SS) 9 MP (PSP) |
Mazio | マハ・ジオ | Inflicts light Elec damage | One row | 7 MP (SS) 8 MP (PSP) |
Mazionga | マハ・ジオンガ | Inflicts moderate Elec damage | All enemies | 26 MP (SS) 18 MP (PSP) |
Shock | ほうでん / 放電 | Inflicts light Elec damage | Back row | 8 MP (SS) 6 MP (PSP) |
Thunder Break | サンダーブレイク | Inflicts moderate Elec damage | All enemies | 28 MP (SS) 19 MP (PSP) |
Volcanicker | ボルカニッカー | Chance to inflict instant death. Orgone Ghost exclusive. |
All enemies | 110 MP (SS) 50 MP (PSP) |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Zan | ザン | Inflicts light Force damage | One front row enemy | 3 MP |
Zanma | ザンマ | Inflicts moderate Force damage, 1-2 hits | 2-4 enemies | 12 MP (SS) 8 MP (PSP) |
Mazan | マハ・ザン | Inflicts light Force damage | One row | 7 MP (SS) 6 MP (PSP) |
Mazanma | マハ・ザンマ | Inflicts moderate Force damage | All enemies | 28 MP (SS) 15 MP (PSP) |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Psi | サイ | Inflicts light Psionic damage | One foe | 3 MP (SS) 5 MP (PSP) |
Psio | サイオ | Inflicts moderate Psionic damage | One foe | 10 MP |
Mapsi | マハ・サイ | Inflicts light Psionic damage | One row | 7 MP (SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Mapsio | マハ・サイオ | Inflicts moderate Psionic damage | All enemies | 32 MP (SS) 20 MP (PSP) |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Hama | ハマ | Low chance of instant Holy death | One front row enemy | 8 MP (SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Hanma | ハンマ | Low chance of instant Holy death | Front row | 10 MP (SS) 20 MP (PSP) |
Hamaon | ハマオン | Low chance of instant Holy death | All enemies | 15 MP (SS) 30 MP (PSP) |
Kyou | キョウ | Low chance to inflict Mirror status | One enemy | 3 MP |
Hakyou | ハ・キョウ | Low chance to inflict Mirror status | Front row | 5 MP (SS) 6 MP (PSP) |
Shikyou | シ・キョウ | Low chance to inflict Mirror status | All enemies | 7 MP (SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Mirror Prison | ミラープリズン | Moderate chance to inflict Mirror status. Strix exclusive. |
All enemies | 15 MP (SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Mudo | ムド | Low chance of instant Dark death | One back row enemy | 4 MP(SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Mudola | ムドラ | Low chance of instant Dark death | One column | 12 MP (SS) 20 MP (PSP) |
Mudoon | ムドオン | Low chance of instant Dark death | All enemies | 18 MP (SS) 30 MP (PSP) |
Demon's Allure (Male) | あくまのゆうわく♂ / 悪魔の誘惑(男) | Lowers the level of female enemies (Enemy only) |
All enemies | - |
Demon's Allure (Female) | あくまのゆうわく♀ / 悪魔の誘惑(女) | Lowers the level of male enemies (Enemy only) |
All enemies | - |
Life Drain | きゅうけつ / 吸血 | Low chance to inflict Vamp status (Enemy only) |
One random enemy | 3 MP |
Petra Eyes | せきかにらみ / 石化にらみ | Low chance to inflict Stone status (Enemy only) |
One random enemy | 3 MP (SS) 5 MP (PSP) |
Evil Eyes | イーヴィルアイ | Chance of instant death | One random enemy | 8 MP |
Spite Shout | うらみのどうこく / 恨みの慟哭 | Reduces enemy's level by 2. Inaruna exclusive. |
All enemies | 98 MP |
Vampire Kiss | ヴァンパイアキス | Inflicts Vamp status. Tendou exclusive. |
All enemies | 20 MP |
Soul Jack | ソウルジャック | Reduces enemy's level by 1. Kumbhanda exclusive. |
All enemies | - |
Seven Shooting Stars | しちせいこうてん / 七星降天 | 7 consecutive instant death attacks. Hokuto Seikun exclusive. |
All enemies | 20 MP |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Megido | メギド | Inflicts heavy Almighty damage | A1 | 8 MP (SS) 7 MP (PSP) |
Megidola | メギドラ | Inflicts heavy Almighty damage | Front row | 22 MP (SS) 28 MP (PSP) |
Megidolaon | メギドラオン | Inflicts heavy Almighty damage | All enemies | 52 MP (SS) 56 MP (PSP) |
Foul Law | げどうのほう / 外道の法 | Inflicts moderate Almighty damage | One enemy | 6 MP |
Venom Flash | どくのひかり / 毒の光 | Inflicts light Almighty damage and Poison | All enemies | 36 MP (SS) 33 MP (PSP) |
Judgement | ジャッジメント | Inflicts moderate Almighty damage to enemies with a different alignment |
All enemies | 54 MP |
Holy Wrath | てんばつ / 天罰 | Inflicts moderate Almighty damage to enemies with a different alignment |
All enemies | 108 MP |
Brahmastra | ブラフマーストラ | Inflicts heavy Almighty damage | All enemies | 64 MP |
Genocide Fist | ぜつめつはけん / 絶滅覇拳 | Inflicts moderate Almighty damage against the slowest enemy. Inaruna exclusive |
One enemy | 20 HP (SS) 10 HP (PSP) |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Dormina | ドルミナー | Inflicts Sleep | One column | 3 MP (SS) 6 MP (PSP) |
Shipani | シパニ | Inflicts Panic | All enemies | 6 MP (SS) 12 MP (PSP) |
Hapirma | ハピルマ | Inflicts Happy | Front row | 4 MP (SS) 8 MP (PSP) |
Panic Voice | パニックボイス | Inflicts Panic | All enemies | 12 MP |
Happy Dance | ハッピーダンス | Inflicts Happy | All enemies | 12 MP (SS) 11 MP (PSP) |
Lullaby | こもりうた / 子守唄 | Inflicts Sleep | All enemies | 10 MP |
Crying Scream | なげきのほうこう / 嘆きの咆哮 | Inflicts Charm and Stone. Inaruna exclusive | All enemies | 55 MP (SS) 30 MP (PSP) |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Marin Karin | マリンカリン | Inflicts Charm | One enemy | 4 MP(SS) 3 MP (PSP) |
Insanity Eyes | インサニティアイ | Inflicts Charm | 1-3 enemies | 8 MP (SS) 6 MP (PSP) |
Sexy Dance | セクシーダンス | Inflicts Charm | All enemies | 20 MP (SS) 16 MP (PSP) |
Arachno Wire | アラクノワイヤー | Inflicts Paralyze (Enemy only) | 1-2 enemies | 8 MP |
Paral Eyes | まひにらみ / 麻痺にらみ | Low chance to inflict Paralyze | 1-3 enemies | 4 MP |
Death Ring | デスリング | Inflicts Paralyze. Demiurge exclusive |
All enemies | 40 MP (SS) 20 MP (PSP) |
Vice Gospel | バイス・ゴスペル | Inflicts various status ailments. Sid exclusive |
All enemies | - |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | Cost |
Shibaboo | シバブー | Inflicts Bind | One column | 5 MP (SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Bind Voice | バインドボイス | Inflicts Bind | All enemies | 6 MP (SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Magnetic Storm | マグネストーム | Inflicts Bind | One column | 5 MP (SS) 7 MP (PSP) |
Brain Burst | ブレインバースト | Inflicts light Psionic damage and Bind | 4-6 enemies | 12 MP (SS) 10 MP (PSP) |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | MP Cost |
Shuff | シャッフ | Inflicts Card | C1 | 3 |
Shuffle | シャッフル | Inflicts Card | One row | 5 |
Shuffler | シャッフラー | Inflicts Card | All enemies | 10 |
Makafuji | マカフージ | Inflicts Close | C1 | 5 |
Buddha's Laugh | やくしぶっしょう / 薬師仏笑 | Inflicts Close | All enemies | 8 |
Venom Breath | ベノンブレス | Inflicts Poison | All enemies | 5 |
Photon Shot | フォトンショット | Inflicts Card. Kashiyama exclusive |
All enemies | 15 |
Fiore Splendido | げほうげんかじん / 外法幻花陣 | Inflicts Magic damage. Inaruna exclusive |
All enemies | 50 |
Magic Bullet | まてきだん / 魔笛弾 | Damages demons only. Sid exclusive |
All enemies | 30 |
6 Shining Stars | ろくせいきこう / 六星輝煌 | Randomly heals 6 allies or enemies. Nanto Seikun exclusive |
All enemies | 30 |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | MP Cost |
Dia | ディア | Small HP recovery | One ally | 2 |
Diarama | ディアラマ | Moderate HP recovery | One ally | 4 |
Diarahan | ディアラハン | Full HP recovery | One ally | 12 |
Media | メ・ディア | Small HP recovery | All allies | 6 |
Mediarama | メ・ディアラマ | Moderate HP recovery | All allies | 6 |
Mediarahan | メ・ディアラハン | Full HP recovery | All allies | 32 |
Posumudi | ポズムディ | Heal Poison | One ally | 2 |
Phasedi | パァスディ | Heal Panic, Happy and Sleep | One ally | 3 |
Charmdi | カルムディ | Heal Charm | One ally | 5 |
Petradi | ペトラディ | Heal Stone | One ally | 8 |
Mutudi | クロズディ | Heal Close | One ally | 5 |
Paraladi | パララディ | Heal Paralyze | One ally | 7 |
Metamodi | メタモディ | Heal Mirror and Card | One ally | 4 |
Patra | パトラ | Heals Panic, Happy, Sleep and Bind | One ally | 3 |
Me Patra | メ・パトラ | Heals Panic, Happy, Sleep and Bind | All allies | 5 |
Recarm | リカーム | Revive with low HP | One ally | 12 |
Samarecarm | サマリカーム | Revive with full HP | One ally | 24 |
Recarmdra | リカーム・ドラ | Sacrifice self to revive with full HP | All allies | 10 |
Nurse | かいほう | Light HP recovery | One ally | 1 |
Saint Song | せいじゃのうた / 聖者の歌 | Light HP recovery | All allies | 5 |
Warm Embrace | あついほうよう / 熱い抱擁 | Moderate HP recovery | All allies | 14 |
Angel's Kiss | てんしのキス / 天使のキス | Recover HP for Law-aligned only | All allies | 12 |
Demon's Kiss | あくまのキス / 悪魔のキス | Recovery HP for Chaos-aligned only | All allies | 12 |
Virgin's Prayer | オトメノイノリ / 乙女の祈り | Revive with full HP. Jeanne D'Arc exclusive | All allies | 24 |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | MP Cost |
Tarunda | タル・ンダ | Lowers attack. Stacks up to 4 times | All enemies | 4 |
Rakunda | ラク・ンダ | Lowers defense. Stacks up to 4 times | All enemies | 4 |
Sukunda | スク・ンダ | Lowers accuracy. Stacks up to 4 times | All enemies | 4 |
Dekaja | デ・カジャ | Cancels -kaja effects | All enemies | 8 |
Tetraja | テトラジャ | Block any Holy or Dark spell once | All allies | 5 |
Tetrakarn | テトラカーン | Reflect Physical attacks for one turn | All allies | 6 |
Makarakarn | マカラカーン | Reflect Magic attacks for one turn | All allies | 6 |
Tarukaja | タル・カジャ | Increase attack. Stacks up to 7 times | All allies | 5 |
Rakukaja | ラク・カジャ | Increase defense. Stacks up to 7 times | All allies | 5 |
Sukukaja | スク・カジャ | Increase accuracy. Stacks up to 7 times | All allies | 5 |
Makakaja | マカ・カジャ | Increase magic power. Stacks up to 7 times | All allies | 5 |
Dekunda | デ・クンダ | Cancel -nda effects | All allies | 8 |
Psycho Blast | サイコブラスト | Lowers accuracy and magic power | All enemies | 12 |
Untouched Zone | けっかい / 結界 | Block any Holy or Dark spell once | All allies | 4 |
Earth Wall | だいちのかべ / 大地の壁 | Reflect Physical attacks for one turn | All allies | 5 |
Penta Wall | ペンタウォール | Reflect Magic attacks for one turn | All allies | 5 |
Water Wall | みずのかべ / 水の壁 | Block one Fire attack | All allies | 5 |
Fire Wall | ほのおのかべ / 炎の壁 | Block one Ice attack | All allies | 5 |
Psycho Barrier | サイコバリアー | Block one Psionic attack | All allies | 5 |
Sonic Boom | しんくうは / 真空破 | Raise attack and accuracy | All allies | 12 |
Active Song | たかぶりのうた / 昂ぶりの歌 | Raise attack and magic power | All allies | 12 |
Die Hard | ダイ・ハード | Raise defense and accuracy | All allies | 12 |
Tatami Shield | たたみがえし / 畳返し | Reflect Physical attacks for one turn. Consumes HP. |
All allies | 5 |
Provoke | ちょうはつ / 挑発 | Doubles attack, halves defense | All enemies | 3 |
Intimidate | いかく / 威嚇 | Halves attack, doubles defense | All enemies | 3 |
Lucky Step | ラッキーステップ | Greatly increases accuracy. Hare of Inaba exclusive |
All allies | 24 |
Frilly Wall | フリフリウォール | Reflect Fire, Ice, Elec, Force and Psionic attacks for one turn. Mamedanuki exclusive |
All allies | 10 |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | MP Cost |
Necroma | ネクロマ | Revives an ally as Undead for one battle. | One ally | 12 |
Sabbath | サバト | Summon a demon from the COMP without the Magnetite cost | One ally | 10 |
Traesto | トラエスト | Teleport to the dungeon entrance | Party | 3 |
Estoma | エストマ | Avoid encounters with low level enemies | - | 3 |
Mapper | マッパー | Display a map until the next New Moon | - | 4 |
Liftoma | リフトマ | Take no damage from Trap floors | Party | 4 |
Escape | にげる / 逃げる | Escape from combat | One ally | - |
Rest | やすむ / 休む | Recover HP. Rarely causes Sleep | One ally | 5 |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | HP Cost |
Peck | ついばみ | Inflicts light Rush damage | C1 | 3 |
Bird Gimlet | バードギムレット | Inflicts light Rush damage | C1 | 4 |
Chew | かみちぎり / 噛みちぎり | Inflicts continuous light Rush damage | B2-4 | 4 |
Spiral Bite | スパイラルバイト | Inflicts light Rush damage | C1 | 3 |
Tackle | たいあたり / 体当たり | Inflicts continuous light Rush damage | B2-3 | 5 |
Lariat | ラリアット | Inflicts moderate Rush damage | A0-1 | 4 |
Guillotine Heel | ギロチンヒール | Inflicts light Rush damage | C1 | 3 |
Poison Bite | どくかみつき / 毒噛みつき | Inflicts light Rush damage and Poison | A1 | 4 |
Charm Bite | みわくかみつき / 魅惑噛みつき | Low chance to inflict light Rush damage and Charm | A0-1 | 7 |
Stone Bite | せきかかみつき / 石化噛みつき | Low chance to inflict light Rush damage and Stone | A0-1 | 8 |
Ether Mace | エーテルメイス | Inflicts light Rush damage and Paralyze | All enemies | 14 |
Flare Rush | フレアーラッシュ | Inflicts continuous light Rush damage | A0-7 | 7 |
Rumble Rush | ランブルラッシュ | Inflicts light Rush damage | All enemies | 8 |
Blood Festival | ちまつり / 血祭り | Inflicts continuous light Rush damage | A0-7 | 8 |
Eat Whole | まるかじり / 丸かじり | Inflicts Rush damage to the enemy with the lowest strength, taking 25% HP, with 1/16 chance of instant death. (Enemy only) |
C1 | 7 |
Gouge | まるのみ / 丸飲み | Inflicts moderate Rush damage to the enemy with the lowest luck; 1/16 chance of instant death. (Enemy only) |
C1 | 10 |
Meat Bullet | にくだん / 肉弾 | Sacrifice self to inflict heavy Rush damage | C1 | 3 |
Cherry Blossoms | さんげ / 散華 | Sacrifice self to inflict heavy Rush damage | All enemies | 3 |
Diablo de Corps | にくたいのあくま | Reduces enemy HP by 40% or 100%, inflicts Shock. Gargantua 8 exclusive (in PSP-version no longer exclusive and used by David) |
A1 | 4 |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | HP Cost |
Jumping Knee | ジャンピングニー | Low chance to inflict light Tech damage | C0-1 | 3 |
Vulcan Kick | バルカンキック | Inflicts light Tech damage | A2-7 | 3 |
Stun Crash | スタンクラッシュ | Inflicts light Tech damage and Shock | All enemies | 5 |
Flying Knee | とびひざげり / 飛び膝蹴り | Inflicts light Tech damage | A1 | 3 |
Meteor Fist | メテオフィスト | Inflicts light Tech damage | B3-6 | 4 |
Wolf Claw | ぐんろうけん / 群狼拳 | Inflicts Tech damage | Front row | 4 |
Hell Thrust | じごくづき / 地獄突き | Inflicts light Tech damage and Close | A0-1 | 3 |
Innga | コーズニフェクト | Inflicts moderate Tech damage | C1 | 7 |
Rasen | スクリュスラップ | Inflicts continuous light Tech damage | B0-7 | 10 |
Scatter | ひきさき / 引き裂き | Inflicts light Tech damage | A1-2 | 3 |
Poison Claw | どくひっかき / 毒引っかき | Inflicts light Tech damage and Poison | A2 | 3 |
Stun Claw | まひひっかき / 麻痺引っかき | Inflicts light Tech damage and Paralyze | A0-2 | 4 |
Wing Flap | はばたき / 羽ばたき | Inflicts light Tech damage | All enemies | 4 |
Venom Needle | ベノンニードル | Inflicts light Tech damage | Front row | 12 |
Paralyze Needle | パララニードル | Inflicts light Tech damage and Paralyze | Front row | 8 |
Mince Needle | ミンチニードル | Inflicts light Tech damage | Front row | 7 |
Horseshoe | ばきゃくげり / 馬脚蹴り | Inflicts continuous light Tech damage against the enemy with lowest speed. (Enemy only) |
A0-7 | 3 |
Chin Lock | しめおとし / 絞め落とし | Inflicts moderate Tech damage to the enemy with lowest speed, taking 30% HP. (Enemy only) |
C1 | 4 |
Flesh Mash | かいなのひとふり / 腕の一振り | Inflicts heavy Tech damage. Ou-Magatsuhi exclusive |
All enemies | 16 |
Cold-hearted Mistress | むじょうのまい / 無情の舞 | Inflicts heavy Tech damage. Inaruna exclusive |
All enemies | 22 |
Note: Not to be confused with the Sword element used by equippable weapons.
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | HP Cost |
Arm Chopper | りょううでおとし / 両腕落とし | Inflicts light Slash damage and Paralyze | A0-2 | 7 |
Spin Slash | かいてんぎり / 回転斬り | Inflicts continuous light Slash damage | B4-6 | 10 |
Skull Cracker | スカルクラック | Low chance to inflict heavy Slash damage | C0-1 | 11 |
Deathbound | デスバウンド | Inflicts continuous light Slash damage | A0-7 | 11 |
Blight | ベノンザッパー | Inflicts light Slash damage and Poison | B2-4 | 12 |
Schneiden Axt | だいせつだん / 大切断 | Inflicts moderate Slash damage | A1 | 11 |
Atom Slicer | こっぱみじんぎり / 木っ端みじん斬り | Inflicts continuous light Slash damage | A0-7 | 10 |
Mist Slash | かすみぎり / 霞斬り | Inflicts moderate Slash damage | Front row | 15 |
Quick Murder | しっぷうじんらい / 疾風迅雷 | Low chance to inflicts light Slash damage and Bind | C0-1 | 17 |
Mass Genocide | 100にんぎり / 百人斬り | Inflicts light Slash damage | All enemies | 31 |
Bamboo Slice | からたけわり / 唐竹割り | Inflicts moderate Slash damage, taking 20% HP; 1/16 chance of instant death. Doesn't work on bosses |
A1 | 17 |
Critical Slash | 1とうりょうだん / 一刀両断 | Inflicts light Slash damage, taking 30% HP; 1/16 chance of instant death. Doesn't work on bosses |
Front row | 21 |
Lightning Blade | いなづまぎり / 稲妻斬り | Low chance to inflict heavy Slash damage and Shock. Fariedone exclusive |
C0-1 | 12 |
Empty Wave | きょくうざんぱ / 虚空斬破 | Inflicts moderate Slash damage. Guan Yu exclusive |
One row | 18 |
Killing Step | キリングステップ | Inflicts heavy Slash damage on Mirrored enemies. Strigoi exclusive |
C1 | 2 |
Hassou Tobi | はっそうとび / 八艘飛び | Inflicts moderate Slash damage 8 consecutive times. Yoshitsune exclusive |
All enemies | 14 |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | HP Cost |
Macha's Strike | マッハづき / マッハ突き | Consecutive Spear attacks | A0-7 | 11 |
Skewer | くしざし | Inflict Spear damage to a column | One row | 10 |
Spell | Japanese | Effect | Target | HP Cost |
Snipe | ねらいうち / 狙い撃ち | Inflict Gun damage (Enemy only) |
C1 | 2 |
Happy Trigger | みだれうち / 乱れ撃ち | Inflict Gun damage (Enemy only) |
One row | 5 |
Lucky Trigger | かずうちゃあたる / 数撃ちゃ当たる | Inflict Gun damage (Enemy only) |
B0-7 | 11 |