Skills from Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX.
Healing Spells[]
Spell | Target | Cost | Effect |
Dia | 1 ally | 2 MP | Restores a low amount of HP |
Media | All allies | 5 MP | Restores a low amount of HP |
Diarahan | 1 ally | 8 MP | Restores all HP |
Mediarahan | All allies | 15 MP | Restores all HP |
Recarm | 1 ally | 20 MP | Brings back from the dead with low HP |
Recarmdora | 1 ally | 30 MP | Sacrifices the caster to revive and summon 1 ally with 50% HP |
Samerecarm | 1 ally | ? | Brings back from the dead with all HP |
Almighty Spells[]
- Megido
- Megidola
- Megidolaon
Light Spells[]
- Hama
- Hamaon
- Mahama
- Mahamaon
Thunder Spells[]
- Zio
- Zionga
- Ziodyne
- Mazio
- Mazionga
- Maziodyne
Force Spells[]
Classified as 'Wind Element" in game.
- Zan
- Zanma
- Zandyne
- Mazan
- Mazanma
- Mazandyne
Fire Spells[]
- Agi
- Agilao
- Agidyne
- Maragi
- Maragirao
- Maragidyne
Ice Spells[]
- Bufu
- Bufula
- Bufudyne
- Mabufu
- Mabufula
- Mabufudyne
Dark Spells[]
Classified as "Curse" in game.
- Mudo
- Mudoon
- Mamudo
- Mamudoon
Undead skills[]
Undead race demons only.
- Zombify (Inflicts "Undead" to 1 random enemy).
Physical Skills[]
- Punch
- Kick
- Conscript
- Swing Tail/Sword
- Bite
- Claw
- Dance
- Suck
- Freeze
- Shocked
- Burned
- Stone
- Panic (Feeling strange, acts randomly)
- Paralyze
- Poison
- Undead (HP becomes 0, but the character/demon randomly attacks enemies or allies until the end of battle, when they literally die).
- Charm (attacks party members)