Below are a list of skills present in Persona 2: Innocent Sin, sorted by their affinities. Grey boxes indicate unique skills.
Fire Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Agi アギ |
5 | Deal low Fire damage to one enemy. |
Agilao アギラオ |
25 | Deal medium Fire damage to one enemy. |
Agidyne アギダイン |
58 | Deal high Fire damage to one enemy. |
Maragi マハラギ |
12 | Deal low Fire damage to an enemy group. |
Maragion マハラギオン |
45 | Deal medium Fire damage to an enemy group. |
Maragidyne マハラギダイン |
72 | Deal high Fire damage to an enemy group. |
Hellfire 地獄の業火 |
20 | Deal medium Fire damage to one enemy. |
Fire Breath ファイアブレス |
Deal medium Fire damage to an enemy group. | |
Firestorm ファイアストーム |
62 | Deal high Fire damage to all enemies. |
Thunder Inferno 天将雷炎陣 |
Deal high Fire damage to all enemies. May shock. (50% chance) [Elec-element] |
Water Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Aqua アクア |
5 | Deal low Water damage to one enemy. |
Aques アクエス |
25 | Deal medium Water damage to one enemy. |
Aquadyne アクアダイン |
58 | Deal high Water damage to one enemy. |
Malaqua マハアクア |
12 | Deal low Water damage to an enemy group. |
Malaques マハアクエス |
45 | Deal medium Water damage to an enemy group. |
Malaquadyne マハアクダイン |
72 | Deal high Water damage to an enemy group. |
Waterspout カレントピラー |
20 | Deal medium Water damage to one enemy. |
Fear Torrent フィアトレント |
62 | Deal high Water damage to all enemies. |
Bloody Honeymoon 血のハネムーン |
? + 36 | Deal high Water + Light damage to all enemies. May confuse. (72% chance) [Mind-element] |
Wind Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Garu ガル |
5 | Deal low Wind damage to one enemy. |
Garula ガルーラ |
25 | Deal medium Wind damage to one enemy. |
Garudyne ガルダイン |
58 | Deal high Wind damage to one enemy. |
Magaru マハガル |
12 | Deal low Wind damage to an enemy group. |
Magarula マハガルーラ |
45 | Deal medium Wind damage to an enemy group. |
Magarudyne マハガルダイン |
72 | Deal high Wind damage to an enemy group. |
Killer Wind キラーウインド |
20 | Deal medium Wind damage to one enemy. |
Hurricane 旋風陣 |
62 | Deal high Wind damage to all enemies. |
Cross Fortune クロスフォーチューン |
? + 32 | Deal high Wind + Light damage to all enemies. May cause status ailments (Sleep, Panic, Charm, and Fury). (96% chance) [Almighty-element] |
Earth Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Magna マグナ |
5 | Deal low Earth damage to one enemy. |
Magnara マグナス |
25 | Deal medium Earth damage to one enemy. |
Magnadyne マグダイン |
58 | Deal high Earth damage to one enemy. |
Mamagna マハマグナ |
12 | Deal low Earth damage to an enemy group. |
Mamagnara マハマグナス |
45 | Deal medium Earth damage to an enemy group. |
Mamagnadyne マハマグダイン |
72 | Deal high Earth damage to an enemy group. |
Rockfall ロックフォール |
20 | Deal medium Earth damage to one enemy. |
Earth's Anger 大地の怒り |
62 | Deal high Earth damage to all enemies. |
Foamy Lover フォーミーラバー |
? + 48 | Deal high Earth + Light damage to all enemies. May charm. (74% chance) [Mind-element] |
Ice Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Bufu ブフ |
6 | Deal low Ice damage to one enemy. May freeze. (30% chance) |
Bufula ブフーラ |
42 | Deal medium Ice damage to one enemy. May freeze. (30% chance) |
Bufudyne ブフダイン |
68 | Deal high Ice damage to one enemy. May freeze. (30% chance) |
Ice Breath ブリザードブレス |
20 | Deal medium Ice damage to an enemy group. May freeze. (50% chance) |
Diamond Dust ダイヤモンドダスト |
56 | Deal medium Ice damage to all enemies. May freeze. (50% chance) |
Electric Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Zio ジオ |
6 | Deal low Elec damage to one enemy. May shock. (30% chance) |
Zionga ジオンガ |
42 | Deal medium Elec damage to one enemy. May shock. (30% chance) |
Ziodyne ジオダイン |
68 | Deal high Elec damage to one enemy. May shock. (30% chance) |
Thunder Baptism 雷の洗礼 |
56 | Deal medium Elec damage to all enemies. May shock. (50% chance) |
Nuclear Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Frei フレイ |
20 | Deal low Nuclear damage to all enemies. |
Freila フレイラ |
50 | Deal medium Nuclear damage to all enemies. |
Freidyne フレイダイン |
80 | Deal high Nuclear damage to all enemies. |
Nuclear Missile ニュークリアミサイル |
102 | Deal high Nuclear damage to all enemies. |
Almighty Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Zan ザン |
6 | Deal low Almighty damage to one enemy. |
Zanma ザンマ |
32 | Deal medium Almighty damage to one enemy. |
Zandyne ザンダイン |
64 | Deal high Almighty damage to one enemy. |
Gry グライ |
10 | Deal low Almighty damage to an enemy group. |
Gryva グライバ |
35 | Deal medium Almighty damage to an enemy group. |
Grydyne グラダイン |
60 | Deal high Almighty damage to an enemy group. |
Megido メギド |
50 | Deal low Almighty damage to all enemies. |
Megidola メギドラ |
85 | Deal medium Almighty damage to all enemies. |
Megidolaon メギドラオン |
120 | Deal high Almighty damage to all enemies. |
Demonic Breath デモンズブレス |
12 | Deal low Almighty damage to an enemy group. |
High Pressure ハイプレッシャー |
64 | Deal medium Almighty damage to all enemies. |
Asteroid Bomb アステロイドボム |
126 | Deal high Almighty damage to one enemy. |
Nova Kaiser ノヴァサイザー |
152 + 48 | Deal high Almighty + Light damage to one enemy. * |
Crescent Mirror クレセントミラー |
? + 52 | Deal high Almighty + Light damage to all enemies. May freeze. (64% chance) |
Light Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Hama ハマ |
- | Deal instant Light kill to one enemy. (48% chance) |
Mahama マハンマ |
Deal instant Light kill to an enemy group. (36% chance) | |
Hamaon ハマオン |
Deal instant Light kill to all enemies. (42% chance) | |
Nirvana ニルヴァーナ |
Deal instant Light kill to all enemies. (72% chance) | |
Holy Light ホーリーライト |
35 | Deal medium Light damage to one enemy. |
Bright Judgement 光の裁き |
72 | Deal high Light damage to all enemies. May instantly kill. (50% chance) |
Alpha Blaster アルファブラスタ |
- | Deal persistent Light damage to all enemies. HP halved each turn until 8 battle units (regardless of side) have acted. |
Hieroglyphein ヒエロスグリュペイン |
Deal Light damage dependent on the Persona's strength to all enemies. Damage equal to [Persona's Level x Rank]. |
Darkness Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Mudo ムド |
- | Deal instant Dark kill to one enemy. (48% chance) |
Mamudo マハムド |
Deal instant Dark kill to an enemy group. (36% chance) | |
Mudoon ムドオン |
Deal instant Dark kill to all enemies. (42% chance) | |
Cursed Name 呪いの言葉 |
Deal instant Dark kill to all enemies. (72% chance) | |
Stagnant Air 淀んだ空気 |
44 | Deal medium Dark damage to all enemies. |
Dark Verdict 闇の審判 |
72 | Deal high Dark damage to all enemies. May instantly kill. (50% chance) |
Omega Cluster オメガクラスタ |
- | Deal instant Dark kill to all enemies, 1 per turn, starting with lowest level. Kills one enemy per turn until 8 battle units (regardless of side) have acted. |
Non-elemental Spells[]
Skill | Effect |
Omni Dimension マルチディメンション |
Instantly kill one enemy. (20% chance) |
Another Dimension アナザディメンション |
Instantly kill all enemies. (30% chance) |
Balzacaia バルザカイア |
Deal fury ailment to one ally. (100% chance) * |
Assist Skills[]
Recovery Spells[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Dia ディア |
30 | Recover low HP for one ally. |
Diarama ディアラマ |
150 | Recover high HP for one ally. |
Diarahan ディアラハン |
255 | Recover full HP for one ally. |
Media メディア |
30 | Recover low HP for all allies. |
Mediarama メディラマ |
150 | Recover high HP for all allies. |
Mediarahan メディアラハン |
255 | Recover full HP for all allies. |
Healing Melody 癒しの調べ |
20 | Recover low HP for all allies. * |
Heartfelt Prayer 慈愛の祈り |
50 | Recover high HP for all allies. * |
Shouchikubai 松竹梅 |
Varies | Recover HP for all allies. Random added effect which may cure all ailments. |
Stiti スティティ |
- | Recovers all HP and bad status, except for berserk and dying. Works on all allies. * |
Suristi スリスティ |
Revive and recover full HP for all allies. | |
Posumudi ポズムディ |
Cure one ally's poison ailment. | |
Kotoludi コトルディ |
Cure one ally's possession ailment. | |
Patra パトラ |
Cure one ally's sleep and illusion ailments. | |
Me Patra メパトラ |
Cure all allies' sleep and illusion ailments. | |
Recarm リカーム |
Revive and recover low HP for one ally. (25%) | |
Samarecarm サマリカーム |
Revive and recover full HP for one ally. | |
Recarmdra リカームドラ |
Sacrifice self to revive and recover full HP to all allies. |
* Cannot be used outside of battle.
Buff Spells[]
Skill | Effect |
Tarukaja タルカジャ |
Increase one ally's physical attack. |
Rakukaja ラクカジャ |
Increase one ally's physical defense. |
Makakaja マカカジャ |
Increase one ally's magical attack. |
Samakaja サマカジャ |
Increase one ally's magical defense. |
Sukukaja スクカジャ |
Increase one ally's agility. |
Brave Dance 勇奮の舞 |
Increase all allies' physical and magical attack x2. (PS) Increase all allies' physical and magical attack x1.5. (PSP) |
Dekaja デカジャ |
Remove all status increases from one enemy. |
Tetraja テトラジャ |
Nullify one Light or Dark attack for all allies. * |
Tetrakarn テトラカーン |
Reflect one physical attack for one ally. |
Makarakarn マカラカーン |
Reflect one magical attack for one ally. |
Misc Spells[]
Skill | Effect |
Trafuri トラフーリ |
Guarantee escape from battle. (Cannot flee from some enemies.) |
Estoma エストマ |
Avoid combat with low-level enemies. |
Ailment Skills[]
Nerve Spells[]
Skill | Effect |
Dormina ドルミナー |
Deal Nerve sleep ailment to one enemy. (52% chance) |
Sleeping Spell スリープスペル |
Deal Nerve sleep ailment to one enemy. (64% chance) |
Hypnotic Waves 催眠波 |
Deal Nerve sleep ailment to all enemies. (48% chance) |
Mind Spells[]
Skill | Effect |
Pulinpa プリンパ |
Deal Mind panic ailment to one enemy. (52% chance) |
Confusing Dance 錯乱の舞踊 |
Deal Mind panic ailment to all enemies. (48% chance) |
Marvelous Dance マーベラスダンス |
Deal Mind panic ailment to all enemies. (64% chance) |
Marin Karin マリンカリン |
Deal Mind charm ailment to one enemy. (52% chance) |
Blow a Kiss 投げキッス |
Deal Mind charm ailment to one enemy. (64% chance) |
Heavenly Dance 天上の舞 |
Deal Mind charm ailment to all enemies. (48% chance) |
Glamorous Dance 魅惑のダンス |
Deal Mind charm ailment to all enemies. (64% chance) |
Almighty Status Spells[]
Skill | Effect |
Poisma ポイズマ |
Deal Almighty poison ailment to one enemy. (24% chance) |
Poison Breath ポイズンブレス |
Deal Almighty poison ailment to an enemy group. (44% chance) |
Mafui マフーイ |
Deal Almighty mute ailment to one enemy. (24% chance) |
Magic Seal マジックシール |
Deal Almighty mute ailment to one enemy. (52% chance) |
Summon Spirits 精霊召喚 |
Deal Almighty mute ailment to all enemies. (64% chance) |
Balzac バルザック |
Deal Almighty fury ailment to one enemy. (24% chance) |
War Cry 雄叫び |
Deal Almighty fury ailment to all enemies. (24% chance) |
Illuzone イルゾーン |
Deal Almighty illusion ailment to one enemy. (24% chance) |
Dust Cloud 砂煙 |
Deal Almighty illusion ailment to one enemy. (72% chance) |
Mirage Breath ミラージュブレス |
Deal Almighty illusion ailment to an enemy group. (44% chance) |
Mirage 蜃気楼 |
Deal Almighty illusion effect to all enemies. (48% chance) |
Samsara 回転説法 |
Deal Almighty mute and Mind panic ailments to all enemies. (24% and 50% chance, respectively) |
Rumor Magic[]
See also: List of Persona 2: Innocent Sin Rumors#Demon Rumors |
The following spells can be obtained as soon as the demon can be encountered by receiving and spreading the respective rumor through demon negotiations. The strength can then be adjusted through additional demon negotiations by receiving and spreading rumors stating the spell is either strong or weak; "...seems weak" lowers the spell's strength to "weak," the same strength as the first-tier spell of its element, while "...seems strong" raises it to "heavy," ie -dyne level, and changes its element to Non-Elemental.
To receive or spread demon rumors, encounter any demon with whom the party has a Pact and make it Happy, then ask for Information. Please keep in mind that if the rumor for a spell is spread that demons learn it along with personas (thus if a Persona possessing a Rumor spell is not in use, the player should spread the rumor that it is weak).
Skill | Power | Effect | Demon (Arcana) |
Atomic Bufula アトミックブフーラ |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Bufula... (30% chance of Freeze) | Jack Frost (Lovers) |
Wondrous Aques ワンダフルアクエス |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Aques... | Kanaloa (Tower) |
Dynamic Agilao ダイナミックアギラオ |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Agilao... | Pyro Jack (Lovers) |
Ultra Freila ウルトラフレイラ |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Freila... | Demeter (World) |
Dangerous Garula デンジャラスガルーラ |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Garula... | Stymphalides (Temperance) |
Great Magnus * グレイトマグナス |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Magnus... | Barbatos (Hanged Man) |
Hyper Zionga ハイパージオンガ |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Zionga... (30% chance of Shock) | Ankou (Death) |
Super Megido 超メギド |
Varies | Seems different from a normal Megido... | Succubus (Moon) |
Physical Skills[]
Sword Skills[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Straight Slash 一文字斬り |
45 | Deal medium Sword damage to one enemy. |
Twin Slash ツインスラッシュ |
48 | Deal medium Sword damage to one enemy. |
Double Pierce 二段突き |
56 | Deal high Sword damage to one enemy. |
Blade of Fury 利剣乱舞 |
36 | Deal medium Sword damage to all enemies. |
Heat Wave ヒートウェイブ |
28 | Deal high Sword damage to an enemy group. |
Deathbound デスバウンド |
33 | Deal high Sword damage to all enemies. |
Flame Cut 火炎撃 |
25 + 28 | Deal low Sword + Fire damage to one enemy. |
Ice Blade 氷結刃 |
Deal low Sword + Ice damage to one enemy. | |
Wind Slash 疾風斬 |
Deal low Sword + Wind damage to one enemy. | |
Earth Slice 地雷断 |
Deal low Sword + Elec damage to one enemy. | |
Fiery Fury 狂焔乱舞 |
24 + 26 | Deal low Sword + Fire damage to all enemies. |
Icy Fury 霜剣乱舞 |
Deal low Sword + Ice damage to all enemies. | |
Thunderous Fury 雷震乱舞 |
Deal low Sword + Elec damage to all enemies. | |
Windy Fury 烈風乱舞 |
Deal low Sword + Wind damage to all enemies. | |
Power Slash 剛切断 |
- | Deal instant Sword kill to one enemy. (25% chance) |
Pralaya プララヤ |
Randomly kills 1-3 enemies in battle. |
Ranged Skills[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Triple Down トリプルダウン |
42 | Deal medium Ranged damage to one enemy. |
Myriad Arrows 刹那五月雨撃 |
60 | Deal high Ranged damage to all enemies. |
Sharpshoot ねらいうち |
- | Deal instant Ranged kill to one enemy. (40% chance) |
Strike Skills[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Sonic Punch ソニックパンチ |
44 | Deal medium Strike damage to one enemy. |
Gigantic Fist ギガンフィスト |
54 | Deal high Strike damage to one enemy. |
Pressure Point 秘孔突き |
- | Deal instant Strike kill to one enemy. (45% chance) |
Thrown Skills[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Needle Rush 九十九針 |
38 | Deal low Thrown damage to one enemy. |
Venom Needle 邪毒針 |
34 | Deal low Thrown + Almighty damage to one enemy. May poison. (50% chance) |
Dream Needle 夢見針 |
Deal low Thrown + Nerve damage to one enemy. May sleep. (50% chance) | |
Sonic Bullet 高天烈風弾 |
48 | Deal medium Thrown damage to all enemies. |
Spinning Shot 旋回速弾 |
50 | Deal medium Thrown damage to all enemies. |
Pressure Needle 秘孔針 |
- | Deal instant Thrown kill to one enemy. (45% chance) |
Havoc Skills[]
- In the original Japanese version, this physical type can be more literally translated as "Battle Arts" (戦技).
Skill | Power | Effect |
Feral Bite かみつき |
38 | Deal low Havoc damage to one enemy. |
Venom Bite 毒かみつき |
36 | Deal low Havoc + Almighty damage to one enemy. May poison. (24% chance) |
Stun Bite マヒかみつき |
Deal low Havoc + Nerve damage to one enemy. May sleep. (52% chance) | |
Feral Claw ひっかき |
38 | Deal low Havoc damage to one enemy. |
Poison Claw 毒ひっかき |
36 | Deal low Havoc + Almighty damage to one enemy. May poison. (24% chance) |
Stun Claw マヒひっかき |
Deal low Havoc + Nerve damage to one enemy. May sleep. (52% chance) | |
Bash 突撃 |
40 | Deal medium Havoc damage to one enemy. |
Tackle 体当たり |
36 | Deal medium Havoc + Mind damage to one enemy. May panic. (50% chance) |
Swift Strike 電光石火 |
12 | Deal low Havoc + Elec damage multiple times to all enemies. May shock. (50% chance) |
Assault Dive アサルトダイブ |
50 | Deal medium Havoc damage to one enemy. |
Wing Flap はばたき |
32 | Deal medium Havoc damage to all enemies. |
Skewer 串刺し |
48 | Deal high Havoc damage to one enemy. |
Photon Cannon 光子砲 |
62 | Deal high Havoc damage to all enemies. |
Frenzy 大暴れ |
16 | Deal low Havoc damage multiple times to all enemies. |
Enemy-only Skills[]
Skill | Power | Effect |
Life Drain 吸血 |
? | Absorbs HP from one enemy. [Non-elemental] |
Last Resort 自爆 |
60 | Sacrifice self to deal high damage to all allies and enemies. [Non-elemental] |
Summon Guards 親衛隊参上 |
16 | Summon bodyguards and deal damage to one enemy. [Non-elemental] |
Acid 消化液 |
36 | Deal small Havoc + Almighty damage to one enemy. May poison. (18% chance) |
Medusa's Eye 石化にらみ |
- | Deal instant Dark kill to one enemy. (68% chance) |
Megaton 超重爆弾 |
? | Deal High damage to one enemy. [Non-elemental] |
Escape 逃走 |
- | Guarantees escape from battle. |
Poison Gas 毒ガス噴射 |
Deal Almighty poison ailment to all enemies. (52% chance) | |
Kamikaze 特攻 |
Sacrifice self to instantly kill one enemy. | |
Binal Strike バイナルストライク |
72 | Sacrifice self to deal high damage to all enemies. |
Explosive Getaway 爆裂5連ドリフト |
84 | Deal high damage to one enemy and escape from battle. |
Possession 憑依 |
60 | Enter an enemy's body to deal high damage and possess. (50% chance; user dies) |
Hula of Misfortune 不幸のフラダンス |
- | Halve the party's money. |
Breikonzert ブライコンツェルト |
48 | Deal medium Ranged + Mind damage to all enemies. May panic. (60% chance) |
Mephistopheles メフィストフェレス |
- | Cause status ailments to all enemies. (24% chance) [Non-elemental] |
Prophecy 予言 |
Sacrifice self to reduce all enemy Personas to rank 1. | |
Barrage 乱射 |
24 | Deal medium Ranged damage to all enemies. |
Repeater 連続うち |
45 | Deal high Ranged damage to one enemy. |
Boss-only Skills[]
Skill | Power | Effect | Boss |
Chill Drill さぶさぶドリル |
30 | Deal medium Havoc + Ice damage to one enemy. May freeze. (50% chance) | Principal Hanya |
Whatever Drill なんせドリル |
44 | Deal medium Havoc damage to one enemy. | |
Under Drill アンダードリル |
36 | Deal medium Havoc damage to one enemy. May confuse. (20% chance) | |
Dark Young Legend 暗黒ヤング伝説 |
24 | Deal medium Dark damage to all enemies. | |
Dark Mamagna 暗黒マハマグナ |
24 | Deal medium Earth + Dark damage to all enemies. May Confuse. (40% chance) | Prince Taurus, Shadow Ginko |
Dark Fiery Fury 暗黒狂焔乱舞 |
32 + 22 | Deal low Sword + Fire damage to all enemies. | King Leo |
Dark Dimension ダークディメンション |
- | Instantly kill one enemy. (30% chance) [Non-elemental] | Shadow Maya |
MG34 | 48 | Deal medium Ranged damage to one enemy. | Order of the Holy Lance |
Geisteblitz ガイスティブブリッツ |
64 | Deal high Elec damage to all enemies. May shock. (50% chance) | |
Longinus Copy ロンギヌスコピー |
42 | Deal medium Sword damage to one enemy and seals their Persona for up to 2 turns. (100% chance) [Non-elemental] | |
Dark Malaques 暗黒マハアクエス |
62 | Deal high Water + Dark damage to all enemies. May Charm. (50% chance) | Lady Scorpio, Shadow Eikichi |
Dark Thunder Inferno 暗黒天将雷炎陣 |
75 | Deal high Fire + Dark damage to all enemies. May shock. (70% chance) | Shadow Yukino |
Unseasonable Bloom 狂い咲き |
48 | Deal medium Wind + Mind damage to all enemies. May Confuse. (50% chance) | Joker |
Abortive Slash 徒花一閃 |
38 | Deal medium Ranged damage to all enemies. May Confuse. (40% chance) | |
Floral Profusion 百花繚乱 |
50 | Deal medium Almighty damage to all enemies. May inflict Illusion. (40% chance) | |
Faerie Wind 妖花烈風 |
54 | Deal medium Wind + Mind damage to one enemy. May Charm. (40% chance) | |
Holy Sword 聖王光臨剣 |
58 | Inflicts heavy non-elemental + Light instant kill to all enemies. (50% chance) | Angel Joker |
Dark Nova Kaiser ダークノヴァサイザー |
82 + 48 | Deal high Almighty + Dark damage to one enemy. | Shadow Tatsuya, Bolontiku |
Bloody Divorce 血のディボーズ |
? + 36 | Deal high Water + Dark damage to all enemies. May Confuse. (72% chance) | Shadow Eikichi, Bolontiku |
Dark Foamy Lover 闇のフォーミーラバー |
? + 48 | Deal high Earth + Dark damage to all enemies. May Charm. (74% chance) | Shadow Ginko, Bolontiku |
Terror Fortune テラーフォーチューン |
? + 32 | Deal high Wind + Dark damage to all enemies. May cause status ailments (Sleep, Panic, Charm, and Fury). (108% chance) | Bolintiku |
Eclipse Mirror エクリプスミラー |
52 + 56 | Deal high Almighty + Dark damage to all enemies. May freeze. (64% chance) | Bolontiku |
Yell 一喝 |
120 | Deal high Elec damage to one enemy. May shock. (100% chance) | Metal Daddy |
Huata! ほあた |
74 | Deal high Havoc damage to one enemy. | |
Huatatata! あたたた |
82 | Deal high Fist damage to one enemy. | |
Holy Grail 聖杯 |
- | Grants full invicibility for 1-3 turns (self). | Fuhrer |
Holy Ark 聖柩 |
86 + 50 | Deal high Almighty + Dark damage to all enemies. | |
Vril-Blitz ヴリルブリッツ |
100 | Deal high Elec damage to all enemies and user recovers HP. May shock. (50% chance) | |
Holy Lance 聖槍 |
58 | Deal high Sword damage to one enemy and seals their Persona. (100% chance) | |
Despairing Dream 失意の悪夢 |
- | Enemies will take damage to their SP instead of HP (duration unknown). | Great Father (Torso) |
Reminiscence Wave 追憶の波動 |
100 | Deal high non-elemental damage to all enemies; causes Sleep status for Maya Amano. | Great Father (Left Arm) |
Seals Raid シールズレイド |
- | Deal instant Havoc kill to all enemies. (30% chance) | Great Father (Right Arm) |
Delusion Channeling 迷妄のチャネリング |
80 | Deal heavy non-elemental damage to one enemy; causes Charm status for Jun Kurosu. | Great Father (Left Leg) |
Master 18 マスター18 |
18 per hit | Deal low non-elemental damage to one enemy 18 times. | Great Father (Right Leg) |
See Also[]