Megami Tensei Wiki

Here is a list of skills found in Devil Survivor. For a list of Skills in Overclocked, see here.

Command Skills[]

These Skills serve as attacks or support spells. Once cracked, when a team fully charges their Magnetite, any of the cracked Command Skills can be taught to a demon in the team.

Skill Element Cost Stats Power Effect
Dia Recovery 8 MP -- 25 Restores some HP to one team member.
Diarahan Recovery 20 MP Ma15 -- Restores all HP to one team member.
Media Recovery 20 MP Ma12 25 Restores some HP to all team members.
Mediarahan Recovery 45 MP Ma18 -- Restores all HP to all team members.
Amrita Recovery 9 MP Ma6 -- Cures all ailments on all team members.
Prayer Recovery 55 MP Ma22 -- Restores all HP and cures all ailments on all team members.
Recarm Recovery 20 MP Ma13 30 Revives one fallen ally with some HP.
Samarecarm Recovery 35 MP Ma21 -- Revives one fallen ally with full HP.
Agi Fire 4 MP -- 17 Inflicts light Fire damage on one enemy.
Agidyne Fire 13 MP Ma18 98 Inflicts heavy Fire damage on one enemy.
Fire Dance Fire 23 MP Ma8
* Inflicts moderate Fire damage on random targets. Hits 2-5 times total, max 3 times on one enemy.
Maragi Fire 20 MP Ma10
26 Inflicts light Fire damage on all enemies.
Maragidyne Fire 42 MP Ma17
60 Inflicts heavy Fire damage on all enemies.
Bufu Ice 4 MP -- 14 Inflicts light Ice damage on one enemy with a 20% chance to Freeze.
Bufudyne Ice 13 MP Ma18 92 Inflicts heavy Ice damage on one enemy with a 20% chance to Freeze.
Ice Dance Ice 23 MP Ma8
* Inflicts moderate Ice damage on random targets. Hits 2-5 times total, max 3 times on one enemy.
Mabufu Ice 20 MP Ma10
22 Inflicts light Ice damage on all enemies with a 15% chance to Freeze.
Mabufudyne Ice 42 MP Ma17
56 Inflicts heavy Ice damage on all enemies with a 15% chance to Freeze.
Zio Elec 4 MP -- 14 Inflicts light Electric damage on one enemy with a 20% chance to Shock.
Ziodyne Elec 13 MP Ma18 92 Inflicts heavy Electric damage on one enemy with a 20% chance to Shock.
Elec Dance Elec 23 MP Ma8
* Inflicts moderate Electric damage on random targets. Hits 2-5 times total, max 3 times on one enemy.
Mazio Elec 20 MP Ma10
22 Inflicts light Electric damage on all enemies with a 15% chance to Shock.
Maziodyne Elec 42 MP Ma17
56 Inflicts heavy Electric damage on all enemies with a 15% chance to Shock.
Zan Force 4 MP -- 17 Inflicts light Force damage on one enemy.
Zandyne Force 13 MP Ma18 98 Inflicts heavy Force damage on one enemy.
Force Dance Force 23 MP Ma8
* Inflicts moderate Force damage on random targets. Hits 2-5 times total, max 3 times on one enemy.
Mazan Force 20 MP Ma10
26 Inflicts light Force damage on all enemies.
Mazandyne Force 42 MP Ma17
60 Inflicts heavy Force damage on all enemies.
Holy Dance Almighty 45 MP St8
* Inflicts moderate Almighty damage on random targets. Hits 2-5 times total, max 3 times on one enemy.
Megido Almighty 50 MP St10
65 Inflicts moderate Almighty damage on all enemies.
Megidolaon Almighty 75 MP St10
95 Inflicts heavy Almighty damage on all enemies.
Drain Almighty 2 MP Ma11 4 Steals HP and MP from one enemy.
Judgement Mystic 35 MP Ma18
50% Halves current HP of all enemies.
Anger Hit Phys 5% HP St5 22 Guaranteed critical hit to one enemy, but 55% accuracy.
Power Hit Phys 8% HP St10
60 Inflicts heavy Physical damage on one enemy.
(70% accuracy.)
Mighty Hit Phys 15% HP Ag11 17 Guaranteed critical hit to one enemy.
(95% accuracy.)
Berserk Phys 13% HP St11
40 Inflicts moderate HP-dependant Physical damage on random targets. Hits 2-5 times total, max 3 times on one enemy.
(75% accuracy.)
Brutal Hit Phys 10% HP Vi11 86 Inflicts moderate HP-dependant Physical damage on one enemy.
(75% accuracy.)
Hassohappa Phys 15% HP Vi18
69 Inflicts moderate HP-dependant Physical damage on all enemies.
(70% accuracy.)
Deathbound Phys 20% HP St17
71 Inflicts heavy HP-dependant Physical damage on random targets. Hits 2-5 times total, max 3 times on one enemy.
(80% accuracy.)
Weak Kill Phys 10% HP St12
10 Inflicts moderate Physical damage to one enemy with doubled power if the target is suffering from an ailment.
(75% accuracy.)
Death Call Mystic 26 MP Ag19 -- Instantly kills all enemies suffering from Mute or Paralyze ailment.
Paral Eyes Mystic 15 MP Ma7
35% Chance of inflicting Paralyze ailment to all enemies.
Mute Eyes Mystic 15 MP Ma5
35% Chance of inflicting Mute ailment to all enemies.
Petra Eyes Mystic 22 MP Ma9
25% Chance of inflicting Petrify ailment to all enemies.
Gigajama Almighty 20 MP Ma10
50% Chance of inflicting Seal ailment to one enemy.
Diajama Mystic 10 MP Ma10
120% Makes one enemy unable to receive healing.
Makajamaon Mystic 25 MP Ma15 55% Chance of inflicting Mute ailment to all enemies.
Might Call Support 8 MP St14 -- Guarantees a critical hit for the next Physical attack done by each team member.
Shield All Support 23 MP Ma15
-- Blocks one non-Almighty attack for each team member.
Taunt Support 10 MP Vi7 -- Enemies will target user, but user will receive less damage.
Makarakarn Support 23 MP Ma14
-- Reflects one non-Almighty magic attack for each team member.
Tetrakarn Support 23 MP Ma12
-- Reflects one Physical attack for each team member.

Passive Skills[]

These skills passively change a character's defensive or offensive capabilities.

Skill Stats Effect
Leader Soul Vi6 If a team member would take a mortal blow, and the damage is less than the leader's current HP, the equipping leader will take the hit instead.
+Mute Ma9 Ag7 25% chance for physical attacks to inflict the Mute ailment.
+Poison St7 Ag5 25% chance for physical attacks to inflict the Poison ailment.
+Paralyze St10 Ag8 25% chance for physical attacks to inflict the Paralyze ailment.
+Stone Vi12 Ag10 25% chance for physical attacks to inflict the Petrify ailment.
Drain Hit St14 Ag13 Physical hits restore HP equal to 25% of damage done.
Life Bonus St4 Vi4 Max HP +10%
Mana Bonus Ma4 Ag4 Max MP +10%
Life Surge St7 Vi7 Max HP +30%
Mana Surge Ma7 Ag7 Max MP +30%
Hero Aid St4 Critical rate +25%
Ares Aid St14 Critical rate +50%
Attack All St16 Ag17 Regular attack hits all enemies.
Pierce St15 Physical attacks cannot be resisted, nullified, or absorbed.
Counter St8 Ag7 12% chance of retaliating when struck with a physical attack.
Revenge St11 Ag12 25% chance of retaliating when struck with a physical attack.
Payback St15 Ag18 50% chance of retaliating when struck with a physical attack.
Dual Shadow Ag16 25% chance of the character repeating the attack they just performed.
Extra One Ag14 The character always has an Extra Turn in battle.
Phys Rise St6 Vi9 Physical damage +20%.
Phys Jump St13 Vi16 Physical damage +50%.
Fire Rise St7 Ma7 Fire damage +20%.
Fire Jump St13 Ma14 Fire damage +50%.
Ice Rise Ma7 Vi7 Ice damage +20%.
Ice Jump Ma14 Vi13 Ice damage +50%.
Elec Rise Ma7 Ag7 Elec damage +20%.
Elec Jump Ma14 Ag13 Elec damage +50%.
Force Rise Vi7 Ag7 Force damage +20%.
Force Jump Vi13 Ag14 Force damage +50%.
Race-O St7 Damage done to an opponent of the same race as the character +50%.
Race-D Vi7 Damage taken from an opponent of the same race as the character -50%.
Anti-Phys St8 Vi8 Resists damage from Physical attacks.
Anti-Fire St6 Ma6 Resists damage from Fire attacks.
Anti-Ice Ma6 Vi6 Resists damage from Ice attacks.
Anti-Elec Ma6 Ag6 Resists damage from Electric attacks.
Anti-Force Vi6 Ag6 Resists damage from Force attacks.
Anti-Mystic Ma9 Resists damage from Mystic attacks, reduces chance of suffering from ailments.
Anti-Most Ma15 Vi15 Resists damage from all attacks and ailments except Physical and Almighty attacks.
Anti-All Ma16 Vi16 Resists damage from all attacks and ailments except Almighty attacks.
Null Phys St13 Vi13 Provides immunity to Physical attacks.
Null Fire St11 Ma11 Provides immunity to Fire attacks.
Null Ice Ma11 Vi11 Provides immunity to Ice attacks.
Null Elec Ma11 Ag11 Provides immunity to Electric attacks.
Null Force Vi11 Ag11 Provides immunity to Force attacks.
Null Mystic Ma14 Provides immunity to Mystic attacks and ailments.
Phys Repel St16 Vi16 Reflects Physical attacks.
Fire Repel St15 Ma15 Reflects Fire attacks.
Ice Repel Ma15 Vi15 Reflects Ice attacks.
Elec Repel Ma15 Ag15 Reflects Electric attacks.
Force Repel Vi15 Ag15 Reflects Force attacks.
Phys Drain St17 Vi17 Absorbs Physical attacks.
Fire Drain St16 Ma16 Absorbs Fire attacks.
Ice Drain Ma16 Vi16 Absorbs Ice attacks.
Elec Drain Ma16 Ag16 Absorbs Electric attacks.
Force Drain Vi16 Ag16 Absorbs Force attacks.
Endure Vi6 Withstand one mortal blow per battle with 1 HP remaining.
Watchful Ma12 Ag13 Character gains 75% of the EXP which the main character earns while not assigned to any team.
Life Aid Vi13 Ag12 10% max HP is restored at the end of every battle.
Life Lift Vi15 Ag14 20% max HP is restored at the end of every battle.
Mana Aid Ma15 Ag14 10% max MP is restored at the end of every battle.
Victory Cry Ma16 Ag16 25% HP and 13% MP is restored at the end of every battle.

Auto Skills[]

Main article: Auto Skill
Skill Cost Stats Effect
Blitzkrieg 4 MP St8 Ma9 Offense +25% during battle
Hustle 3 MP Ag8 Accuracy and evasion +25% during battle
Fortify 5 MP Ma7 Vi8 Defense +25% during battle
Tailwind Passive Ag4 Team Agility +5 in battle
Barrier 16 MP Ma17 Ag15 Casts Makarakarn at the start of the battle
Wall 15 MP Ma15 Vi17 Casts Tetrakarn at the start of the battle
Ban Phys 15 MP St15 Vi15 Cancels the first physical attack during battle
Ban Fire 8 MP St8 Ma8 Cancels the first fire attack during battle
Ban Ice 8 MP Ma9 Vi9 Cancels the first ice attack during battle
Ban Elec 8 MP Ma9 Ag9 Cancels the first electric attack during battle
Ban Force 8 MP Vi8 Ag8 Cancels the first force attack during battle
Ban Mystic 6 MP Ma12 Cancels the first mystic attack during battle
Rage Soul 6 MP Vi17 Doubles physical damage, but only basic attacks can be used
Full Might 10 MP St21 Casts Might Call at the start of the battle
Marksman 2 MP Ag7 Enemy evasion is reduced in battle
Battle Aura 10 MP Ma10 Vi11 Nullifies damage lower than 50 (including Almighty damage)
Magic Yang Passive Ma14 Both sides have their MP costs halved
Magic Yin 16 MP Ma20 Damage from MP skills +50%, MP costs doubled in battle, physical attacks cannot be used
Alter Pain Passive St12 Ma12 Team members recover MP equal to 15% of damage taken
Revive 25 MP Ma18 Casts Recarm at the start of the battle if there are any fallen team members
Healing 12 MP Ma12 Casts Media at the start of the battle if any team members are injured
Grace 25 MP Ma21 Casts Prayer at the start of the battle if any team members are injured

Racial Skills[]

Main article: Racial Skill

Unique Skills[]

These skills are unique to certain demons and bosses and cannot be cracked.

Skill Type Element Effect
Devil's Fuge Command Phys Pierces Beldr's defenses. Slightly stronger than a regular attack and cannot be dodged. Only present during encounters with Beldr.
Desperation Command Almighty Kills self to inflict massive Almighty damage to all enemies.
Gunfire Command Phys Inflicts heavy Physical damage to one enemy. Power increases if target is human.
Lost Flame Command Fire Inflicts moderate Fire damage to all enemies. Unique to Beldr.
Spawn Command Almighty Inflicts moderate Almighty damage to one enemy with a high chance of causing the Egg ailment. Eggs will hatch upon the infected party's next turn, causing heavy Almighty damage to the infected and spawning a Maggot unit.
Paladin Soul Passive Passive If the leader will take a mortal blow, the equipping demon will take that blow instead and endure the blow if it would die from it.
Hero Soul Passive Passive If the leader is targeted by an attack, the equipping demon will take the damage in the leader's place provided its resistance to that attack is equal to or better than that of the leader.
Beast Eye Passive Passive Enables 2 actions in a single turn.
Dragon Eye Passive Passive Enables 3 actions in a single turn.
Immortal Racial Passive Nullifies all attacks and allows user to move through obstacles. Unique to Beldr.
Long Range Racial Passive Attack range increased to 3.
Hot Flower Racial Passive Attack range increased to 3, but user is unable to move. Unique to Jezebel.
Fiend Racial Passive Attack range increased to 3, but user is unable to move.
Dark Hand Racial Passive Attack range increased to 6, but user is unable to move. Unique to Belzaboul.
Violent God Racial Passive Infinite attack range, but user is unable to move. Unique to Belberith.
Four Devas Racial Passive Ignores obstacles, can attack twice each turn.
Dark Finger Racial Passive Physical attacks have a chance of inflicting Egg ailment. Unique to Belzaboul's Maggots.
Evil Flame Racial Field Enables the use of Fire of Sodom, which causes heavy Fire damage to all enemy parties. Unique to Belial.
Amane's Spirit Field Almighty Drains HP and MP from unconscious Amane based on damage sustained at the end of each turn. Used by Jezebel.
Fervid Flame Field Fire Inflicts heavy Fire damage on any party standing on a burning tile at the end of their turn. Used by Jezebel.
Vampiric Mist Field Mystic Inflicts Mystic damage on all enemy parties and absorbs it as HP. Used by Beldr.
Purge Light Field Mystic Cuts the remaining MP of all enemy parties by 50%. Used by Anael.
Megidoladyne Field Almighty Inflicts very heavy Almighty damage on all enemy parties. Used by Lucifer.

Overclocked - Manga
Playable Characters Protagonist - Atsuro Kihara - Yuzu Tanikawa - Naoya - Amane Kuzuryu - Keisuke Takagi - Midori Komaki - Mari Mochizuki - Kaido - Black Frost - Gin - Misaki Izuna
Non-Playable Characters Haru - Shomonkai Founder - Gigolo - Yasuyuki Honda - Shoji - Azuma - Commander Fushimi - Beldr - Belial - Jezebel - Belzaboul - Belberith - Metatron - Okuninushi
Locations Shibuya - Aoyama - Roppongi - Ikebukuro - Akasaka Tunnel - Omotesando - Shinjuku - Akihabara - Nagata-Cho - Shiba Park - Ueno - Kudanshita - Asakusa - Kanda
Music Devil Survivor OST Remix - Reset - Soul Survive
Terminology Extra Turn Battle - COMPs - Shomonkai - Tokyo Lockdown - Demon Summoning Program - Laplace Mail - Death Clock - King of Bel - Devil Auction - Dance Skills - Skill Crack - Racial Skill - Auto Skill - Demon World - Four Devas
Archives Demons (DeSu - DSO) - Skills (DeSu - DSO) - Status Ailments - Titles - Endings
Devil Survivor Skills
Physical Skills
PhysIconPhys Skills Anger Hit - Brutal Hit - Weak Kill - Mow Down - Berserk - Hassohappa - Mighty Hit - Power Hit - Deathbound - Final Strike - Piercing Hit - Multi-Strike - Devil's Fuge - Gunfire
Magic Skills
FireIconFire Skills Agi - Agidyne - Maragi - Maragidyne - Fire Dance - Lost Flame - Fervid Flame
IceIconIce Skills Bufu - Bufudyne - Mabufu - Mabufudyne - Ice Dance
ElecIconElectric Skills Zio - Ziodyne- Mazio - Maziodyne - Elec Dance
WindIconForce Skills Zan - Zandyne - Mazan - Mazandyne - Force Dance
Curse DESU2Mystic Skills Mute Eyes - Paral Eyes - Diajama - Makajamaon - Petra Eyes - Death Call - Judgement - Vampiric Mist - Purging Light - Calamity of Babylon - Cursed Dance
AlmightyIconAlmighty Skills Megido - Megidolaon - Megidoladyne - Holy Dance - Holy Strike - Drain - Dream Feast - Desperation - Spawn - Gigajama
Assist Skills
HealIcon SMTIVHealing Skills Dia - Diarahan - Media - Mediarahan
Revival Recarm - Samarecarm
Other Amrita - Prayer - Recarmloss - Death Pact
Support Skills Tetrakarn - Makarakarn - Taunt - Shield All - Might Call
PassiveIcon SMTIVPassive Skills
Hit/Crit rate Hero Aid - Ares Aid - Critical Heal
EXP Bonus Watchful - Vigilant
Bonus Aliment +Mute - +Poison - +Paralyze - +Stone
Attack Boost Phys Boost - Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Elec Boost - Force Boost
Attack Amp Phys Amp - Fire Amp - Ice Amp - Elec Amp - Force Amp
Resist Attacks Anti-Phys - Anti-Fire - Anti-Ice - Anti-Elec - Anti-Force - Anti-Most - Anti-All
Null Attacks Null Phys - Null Fire - Null Ice - Null Elec - Null Force - Null Curse
Repel Attacks Phys Repel - Fire Repel - Ice Repel - Elec Repel - Force Repel
Drain Attacks Phys Drain - Fire Drain - Ice Drain - Elec Drain - Force Drain
Counter Counter - Retaliate - Avenge
Max HP/MP Life Bonus - Life Surge - Mana Bonus - Mana Surge
Survival Endure - Hero Soul - Knight Soul - Paladin Soul - Leader Soul
Recovery Life Aid - Life Lift - Mana Aid - Victory Cry
Attack Bonus Race-O - Race-D - Crisis Might
Extra Turn Bonus Extra One - Extra Charge - Extra Savings
Other Drain Hit - Attack All - Pierce
SpecialIcon SMTIVAuto Skills
Buffs / Debuffs Debilitate
Blitzkrieg - Hustle - Fortify - Rage Soul
Shield Barrier - Wall - Shield All+
Attack Cancel Ban Phys - Ban Fire - Ban Ice - Ban Elec - Ban Force - Ban Curse
HP / Revival Alter Pain - Revive - Healing - Grace
MP Bonus Magic Yang - Magic Yin
Other Full Might - Marksman - Dual Shadow+ - Battle Aura
Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Strikers - Tactica -Q2
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE