A complete list of skills in Devil Children Black Book & Red Book and Devil Children White Book.
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Agi アギ |
Light damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Agilao アギラオ |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Maragi マハラギ |
Light damage to all foes. | 18 MP |
Maragion マハラギオン |
Medium damage to all foes. | 30 MP |
Maragidyne ° マハラギダイン |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 50 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Last Resort じばく |
Damage equal to user's current HP to all foes. Lowers user's HP to 1. |
2 HP |
Freya フレイヤ |
Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Fire Breath ファイアーブレス |
Light damage to all foes. | 23 HP |
Hellfire ジゴクのごうか |
Light damage to all foes. | 25 HP |
Double Vise ダブルバイス |
Medium damage to one foe. Hits twice. | 30 HP |
Burning Mite マイトバーニング |
Medium damage to one foe and inflicts Bomb. Hits twice. |
32 HP |
Dark Flame ヤミのほのお |
Medium damage to one foe. | 32 HP |
Bomb Claw ばくねつのツメ |
Medium damage to one foe and inflicts Bomb. | 35 HP |
Triple Vise トリプルバイス |
Heavy damage to one foe. Hits three times. | 50 HP |
- All spells may inflict Freeze.
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Bufu ブフ |
Light damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Bufula ブフーラ |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Mabufu マハブフ |
Light damage to all foes. | 18 MP |
Mabufula マハブフーラ |
Medium damage to all foes. | 30 MP |
Mabufudyne ° マハブフダイン |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 50 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Aques アクエス |
Light damage and inflicts Freeze to one foe. | 15 HP |
Cold Voice コールドボイス |
Light damage and inflicts Mute to one foe. | 20 HP |
Ice Breath アイスブレス |
Light damage and inflicts Freeze to all foes. | 23 HP |
Ice Blade アイスブレイド |
Medium damage and inflicts Mute to one foe. | 25 HP |
Icicle アイシクル |
Heavy damage and inflicts Freeze to one foe. | 32 HP |
Intense Freeze ごくかんとうけつ |
Heavy damage and inflicts Mute to one foe. | 35 HP |
Trio The Punch トリオザパンチ |
Random damage and inflicts Happy. Hits eight times (random foes). |
16 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Zan ザン |
Light damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Zanma ザンマ |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Mazan マハザン |
Light damage to all foes. | 18 MP |
Mazanma マハザンマ |
Medium damage to all foes. | 30 MP |
Mazandyne ° マハザンダイン |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 50 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Wing Flap はばたき |
Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Big Wing ビッグウィング |
Light damage and lowers Luck for one foe. | 20 HP |
Sonic Boom ソニックブーム |
Light damage to all foes. | 23 HP |
Sonic Wing ソニックウィング |
Light damage to all foes. | 25 HP |
Iron-cutting Leaves ざんてつは |
Medium damage to one foe. | 28 HP |
Mega Cyclone メガサイクロン |
Medium damage and lowers Luck for one foe. | 35 HP |
- All spells may inflict Shock.
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Zio ジオ |
Light damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Zionga ジオンガ |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Mazio マハジオ |
Light damage to all foes. | 18 MP |
Mazionga マハジオンガ |
Medium damage to all foes. | 30 MP |
Maziodyne ° マハジオダイン |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 50 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Stun Shot スタンショット |
Light damage and inflicts Shock to one foe. | 12 HP |
Lightning Thrust イナズマづき |
Light damage and inflicts Shock to one foe. | 15 HP |
Thunderbolt サンダーボルト |
Light damage and inflicts Shock to all foes. | 23 HP |
Skull Breaker かぶとわり |
Light damage and inflicts Shock to all foes. | 25 HP |
Quick Spear クイックスピア |
Light damage to one foe. Always goes first. | 28 HP |
Thor Hammer トールハンマー |
Medium damage and inflicts Shock to one foe. | 32 HP |
Judgement Thunder さばきのイカズチ |
Medium damage and inflicts Paralysis to all foes. | 35 HP |
Quick Buster クイックバスター |
Medium damage to one foe. Always goes first. | 40 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Magna マグナ |
Light damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Magnus マグナス |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Mamagna マハマグナ |
Light damage to all foes. | 18 MP |
Mamagnus マハマグナス |
Medium damage to all foes. | 30 MP |
Mamagnadyne ° マハマグナダイン |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 50 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Killing Blow ひんしのいちげき |
Damage to one foe. Power increases as user loses HP. | 5 HP |
Last Blow さいごのいちげき |
Damage to all foes. Power increases as user loses HP. | 8 HP |
Tackle たいあたり |
Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Earth Break アースブレイク |
Medium damage and lowers Guard for one foe. | 20 HP |
Gaia Buster ガイアバスター |
Light damage to all enemies. | 25 HP |
Gaia Break ガイアブレイク |
Medium damage and lowers Guard for all foes. | 25 HP |
Rock Fall ロックフォール |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 32 HP |
Grand Break グランドブレイク |
Heavy Earth damage and lowers Guard for all foes. | 35 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Hama ハンマ |
Medium damage to one foe. | 12 MP |
Hamaon ハマオン |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 15 MP |
Mahama マハンマ |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 27 MP |
Makarakarn マカラカーン |
Creates a barrier that reflects all spells. | 12 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Call Out コールアウト |
Replaces an ally for another demon in the Devil Riser. | 8 HP |
Divine Thrust かみつき |
Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Gather Power ちからため |
Increases Attack (self). | 15 HP |
Feral Claw ひっかき |
Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Light Flare フレアライト |
Medium damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Call Attack コールアタック |
Retreats for one turn and then returns to deal damage. | 20 HP |
Initalize イニシャライズ |
Resets buffs and debuffs for all participants in battle. | 22 HP |
Ill Omen てんちゅうさつ |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 30 HP |
Saint Attack セイントアタック |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 35 HP |
God Hand ゴッドハンド |
Heavy damage to all foes. | 50 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Dia ディア |
Light HP recovery for one ally. | 5 MP |
Diarama ディアラマ |
Medium HP recovery for one ally. | 10 MP |
Diarahan ディアラハン |
Large HP recovery for one ally. | 20 MP |
Media メディア |
Light HP recovery for all allies. | 12 MP |
Mediarama メディラマ |
Medium HP recovery for all allies. | 18 MP |
Mediarahan メディアラハン |
Large HP recovery for all allies. | 30 MP |
Recarm リカーム |
Revives one ally with low HP. | 18 MP |
Samarecarm サマリカーム |
Revives one ally with full HP. | 25 MP |
Patra パトラ |
Removes ailments for one ally. | 6 MP |
Patradi パトラディ |
Removes ailments and restores HP for one ally. | 12 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Tarukaja タルカジャ |
Increases Attack for all allies. | 6 MP |
Rakukaja ラクカジャ |
Increases Guard for all allies. | 6 MP |
Sukukaja スクカジャ |
Increases Luck for all allies. | 6 MP |
Speed Up スピードアップ |
Increases Speed for all allies. | 6 MP |
Makakaja マカカジャ |
Increases Magic for all allies. | 6 MP |
Magukaja マグカジャ |
Increases M Guard for all allies. | 6 MP |
Dekunda デクンダ |
Removes debuffs for all allies. | 8 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Mudo ムド |
Medium damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Mudoon ムドオン |
Heavy damage to one foe. | 20 MP |
Domudi ドムディ |
Absorbs HP from one foe. | 20 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Dark Spear ダークスピア |
Inflicts damage equal to 1/3 of the target's current HP. | 5 HP |
Evil Eyes イービルアイズ |
Light damage and lowers Guard for all foes. User recovers MP. |
10 HP |
Double Hit ダブルヒット |
Light damage to one foe. Hits twice. | 10 HP |
Poison Claw どくひっかき |
Light damage and inflicts Poison to one foe. | 10 HP |
Marvelous Dance マーベラスダンス |
Inflicts Charm to one random foe. | 10 HP |
Chomp まるかじり |
Light damage to one foe. Ignores foe's Guard. | 10 HP |
Guillotine Blade ギロチンブレイド |
Light damage and inflicts Charm to one foe. | 15 HP |
Myriad Hits みだれうち |
Light damage to one foe. Hits three times. | 15 HP |
Rampage おおあばれ |
Medium damage to one foe. Hits four times. | 20 HP |
Quick Blade クイックブレイド |
Damage and resets buffs for all foes. Always goes first. | 20 HP |
Dark Saber ダークセイバー |
Medium damage and inflicts Charm to one foe. | 20 HP |
Parala Eyes パララアイズ |
Medium damage and inflicts Paralysis to one foe. | 20 HP |
Hell Thrust ジゴクづき |
Medium damage and inflicts Mute to one foe. Ignores foe's Guard. |
25 HP |
Tetrakarn テトラカーン |
Creates a barrier that reflects all skills. | 25 HP |
Poison Blade ポイズンブレイド |
Medium damage and inflicts Poison to one foe. | 25 HP |
Countdown カウントダウン |
Inflicts Paralysis but raises one stat for one foe. | 28 HP |
Death Breath デスブレス |
Heavy damage and inflicts Charm to all foes. | 30 HP |
Life Drain きゅうけつ |
Heavy damage to one foe. User recovers MP. | 30 HP |
Poison Breath どくガスブレス |
Heavy damage and inflicts Poison to all foes. | 35 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Tarunda タルンダ |
Lowers Attack for all foes. | 5 MP |
Rakunda ラクンダ |
Lowers Guard for all foes. | 5 MP |
Sukunda スクンダ |
Lowers Luck for all foes. | 5 MP |
Magunda マグンダ |
Lowers M Guard for all foes. | 5 MP |
Tarundyne ° タルンダイン |
Inflicts damage and lowers Attack for one foe. | 15 MP |
Rakundyne ° ラクンダイン |
Inflicts damage and lowers Guard for one foe. | 15 MP |
Makandyne ° マカンダイン |
Inflicts damage and lowers M Guard for one foe. | 20 MP |
Dekaja デカジャ |
Removes buffs for all foes. | 8 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Dormina ドルミナー |
Inflicts Sleep on one foe. | 6 MP |
Hapirma ハピルマ |
Inflicts Happy on one foe. | 6 MP |
Paralama パララマ |
Inflicts Paralysis on one foe. | 6 MP |
Marin Karin マリンカリン |
Inflicts Charm on one foe. | 6 MP |
Pulinpa プリンパ |
Inflicts Confusion on one foe. | 6 MP |
Poisma ポイズマ |
Inflicts Poison on one foe. | 6 MP |
Mite マイト |
Inflicts Bomb on one foe. | 6 MP |
Makafuji マカフージ |
Inflicts Mute on one foe. | 6 MP |
Paraladyne ° パララダイン |
Inflicts damage and Paralysis on one foe. | 35 MP |
Pulinpadyne ° プリンパダイン |
Inflicts damage and Confusion on one foe. | 30 MP |
Poisdyne ° ポイズダイン |
Inflicts damage and Poison on one foe. | 20 MP |
Mitedyne ° マイトダイン |
Inflicts damage and Bomb on one foe. | 20 MP |
Overworld Spells[]
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Estoma エストマ |
Lowers enemy encounter rate. | 4 MP |
Riberama リベラマ |
Increases enemy encounter rate. | 4 MP |
Traport トラポート |
Warps to many places. | 10 MP |
Partner Skills[]
- These skills are taught to the partners by Trainers once they reach a certain evolution stage. The type of damage these skills inflict depends on the game version: Fire for Black Book, Wood for Red Book, and Metal for White Book.
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Death Claw デス・クロー |
Hits all foes twice. | 20 HP |
Death Vise デス・バイス |
Hits one foe twice. | 30 HP |
Death Rush デス・ラッシュ |
Hits all foes four times. | 40 HP |
Hell Vise ヘル・バイス |
Hits one foe twice. | 30 HP |
Hell Rush ヘル・ラッシュ |
Hits all foes four times. | 40 HP |
Hell Buster ヘル・バスター |
Hits one foe four times. | 60 HP |
King Rush キング・ラッシュ |
Hits all foes four times. | 40 HP |
King Buster キング・バスター |
Hits one foe four times. | 60 HP |
King Storm キング・ストーム |
Hits all foes eight times. | 99 HP |
- Combinations marked with a ° are exclusive to White Book.
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demons |
Maragion マハラギオン |
Damage to all foes. | 15 MP | Salamander + Chimera ° Orthrus + Death Chimera ° Salamander + Phoenix ° |
Maragidyne マハラギダイン |
25 MP | Ifrit + Hell Chimera ° Helldog + King Chimera ° Ifrit + Hell Phoenix ° | |
Burning Flare バーニングフレア |
25 MP | Sura + Vritra Salamander + Pyro Jack Pyro Jack + Hell Chimera ° | |
Hell's Fire ヘルズファイア |
25 MP | Orthrus + Death Cerberus Orthrus + Hell Cerberus Suzaku + Ifrit | |
Dragon Breath ドラゴンブレス |
35 MP | Yamata no Orochi + Sekiryuu |
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demons |
La Blizzard ラ・ブリザード |
Damage to all foes. | 15 MP | Jack Frost + Diana Strawberry Frost + Hel |
Mabufula マハブフーラ |
15 MP | Undine + Chimera ° Frost Ace + Death Chimera ° Undine + Phoenix ° | |
Mabufudyne マハブフダイン |
25 MP | Snappy + Hell Chimera ° Ananta + King Chimera ° Snappy + Hell Phoenix ° | |
Freeze Wave フリーズウェーブ |
25 MP | Frost Ace + Diana Frost Ace + Hel | |
King Freeze キングフリーズ |
35 MP | Seiryu + King Frost |
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demons |
Intense Gale れっぷうげき |
Damage to all foes. | 15 MP | Sylph + Kamaitachi Rasetsu + Vibhishana Sylph + Death Chimera |
Mazanma マハザンマ |
15 MP | Kamaitachi + Chimera ° Death Chimera + Pluto ° Kamaitachi + Phoenix ° | |
Death Hurricane デスハリケーン |
25 MP | Wyvern + Nidhoggr Hippogriff + Death Gryphon Hippogriff + Hell Gryphon | |
Mazandyne マハザンダイン |
25 MP | Wyvern + Hell Chimera ° Simurgh + King Chimera ° Wyvern + Hell Phoenix ° | |
Heaven's Cross ヘブンズクロス |
35 MP | Susano-o + Ouryuu Ouryuu + Hell Chimera ° Ouryuu + Death Chimera ° |
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demons |
Summon Thundercloud らいうんよび |
Damage to all foes. | 15 MP | Deva + Indra Makara + Mechi Indra + Chimera ° |
Mazionga マハジオンガ |
15 MP | Chimera + Talos ° Death Chimera + Green M ° Death Phoenix + Green M ° | |
Spark Bolt スパークボルト |
25 MP | Robot + Android Incubus + Succubus Android + Death Chimera ° | |
Maziodyne マハジオダイン |
25 MP | Hell Chimera + Lindwurm ° Susano-o + King Chimera ° Susano-o + Neo Phoenix ° | |
Heaven's Lightning てんのらいこう |
35 MP | Kokuryuu + Manticore Kirin + Kokuryuu Kokuryuu + Death Chimera ° |
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demons |
Earth Hammer アースハンマー |
Damage to all foes. | 15 MP | Golem + Myrmecoleon |
Mamagnus マハマグナス |
15 MP | Chimera + Zashiki Warashi ° Nacht Kobold + Death Chimera ° Nacht Kobold + Death Phoenix ° | |
Foot Press フットプレス |
25 MP | Komainu + Bathin Titan + Troll | |
Mamagdyne マハマグナダイン |
25 MP | Yamata no Orochi + Hell Chimera ° Ganesha + King Chimera ° Ganesha + Neo Phoenix ° | |
Megaton Press メガトンプレス |
35 MP | Kraken + Hecatoncheir |
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demons |
Light Howling ライトハウリング |
Raises all stats for all allies. | 15 MP | Garuda + King Gryphon Garuda + King Chimera ° Garuda + Neo Phoenix ° |
Piramid Power ピラミッドパワー |
15 MP | Horus + Isis Anubis + Isis | |
God Shield ゴッドシールド |
15 MP | Kyuuki + King Gryphon Kyuuki + Hell Gryphon Kyuuki + Hell Chimera ° | |
Heaven's Attack ヘブンズアタック |
Damage to all foes. | 25 MP | Shura + King Sura Deva + King Deva Rasetsu + King Rasetsu |
Holy Song ホーリーソング |
Revives all allies. | 30 MP | Harpy + Siren Barong + Rangda Horus + Anubis |
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demons |
Twin Vise ツインバイス |
Damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 15 MP | Ammut + Cerberus Ammut + Death Cerberus Ammut + Chimera ° |
Bind Claw バインドクロー |
Damage to all foes. | 15 MP | Anzu + Gryphon Anzu + Death Gryphon Anzu + Death Chimera ° |
Shadow Break シャドーブレイク |
25 MP | Asmodeus + Demogorgon Abaddon + Paimon | |
Kill Blade キルブレイド |
35 MP | Ankou + Odin Abaddon + Lucifer Paimon + Lucifer |
Characters | |
Playable | Masaki Kuzuha - Clay |
Non-Playable | Takaharu Ougi - Rei - Shou Ougi - Paku - Haamiru - Setsuna Kai - Mirai Kaname - Cool - Veil - Takajo Zett - Nathanael - Raguel - Lucifer |
Locations | |
Earth | Harajuku |
Expanse | Earth Expanse - Wind Expanse - Ice Expanse - Deep Hole - Center Expanse - Grass Field - Crystal Ring - Cosmos City - Altimia |
Other | |
Terms | Devil Riser - King Riser - Macca - Magnetite - Expanse - Devil Child - Angel Child - Devil Database - Devil Phone - Vinecom - Power Unit |
Lists | Items - Demons - Skills |