A complete list of skills in Devil Children Fire/Ice Book. Grey boxes indicate unique skills.
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Agi アギ |
Small Fire damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Agilao アギラオ |
Medium Fire damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Agidyne アギダイン |
Heavy Fire damage to one foe. | 15 MP |
Maragi マハラギ |
Small Fire damage to two foes. | 8 MP |
Maragion マハラギオン |
Medium Fire damage to all foes. | 20 MP |
Maragidyne マハラギダイン |
Heavy Fire damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 45 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Last Resort じばく |
Damage to all participants in battle. User dies. | 2 HP |
Freya フレイヤ |
Small Fire damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Descending Flames ほのおのおおじた |
Medium Fire damage to one foe. Hits twice and inflicts Bomb. Oojita's unique skill. |
20 HP |
Ignis Bomb イグニスボム |
Small Fire damage to two foes. Inflicts Bomb. | 20 HP |
Fire Breath ファイヤーブレス |
Small Fire damage to all foes. | 23 HP |
Double Vise ダブルバイス |
Medium Fire damage to one foe. Hits twice. | 30 HP |
Violet Flames ししえんじん |
Four hits of heavy Fire damage to random foes. Inflicts Bomb. Flame Apostle's unique skill. |
30 HP |
Dark Flame やみのほのお |
Medium Fire damage to one foe. | 32 HP |
Burning Dynamite マイトバーニング |
Medium Fire damage to one foe. Inflicts Bomb. | 32 HP |
Bomb Claw ばくねつのツメ |
Medium Fire damage to one foe. Inflicts Bomb. | 35 HP |
Hellfire ジゴクのごうか |
Medium Fire damage to all foes. Hits three times. Lucifer's unique skill. |
40 HP |
Fire Dance ほむらのまい |
Heavy Fire damage to all foes. Hits twice and inflicts Bomb. | 40 HP |
Triple Vise トリプルバイス |
Heavy Fire damage to one foe. Hits three times. | 50 HP |
Cross Nova クロスノヴァ |
Heavy Fire damage to all foes. May instantly kill. | 50 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Aqua アクア |
Small Water damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Aques アクエス |
Medium Water Damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Aquadyne アクアダイン |
Heavy Water damage to one foe. | 15 MP |
Malaqua マハアクア |
Small Water damage to two foes. | 8 MP |
Malaques マハアクエス |
Medium Water damage to all foes. | 20 MP |
Malaquadyne マハアクダイン |
Heavy Fire damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 45 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Water Cut ミズキリ |
Small Water damage to one foe. | 10 HP |
Extreme Melody かげきなメロディ |
Small Water damage to all foes. Inflicts Panic. | 18 HP |
Aqua Flood アクアフラッド |
Small Water damage to two foes. | 20 HP |
Venom Foam どくのあわ |
Small Water damage to one foe. Inflicts Poison. | 20 HP |
Tidal Wave タイダルウェイブ |
Medium Water damage to all foes. | 25 HP |
Rainbow Foam にじのあわ |
Medium Water damage to two foes. Inflicts Panic. | 25 HP |
Silver Mist ぎんのきり |
Small Water damage to all foes. Inflicts Stun. | 30 HP |
Heart's Water Drop ハートのしずく |
HP recovery for all allies and increases all stats. Derii's unique skill. |
30 HP |
Maelstrom メイルシュトロム |
Heavy Water damage to all foes. | 50 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Bufu ブフ |
Small Ice damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze. | 5 MP |
Bufula ブフーラ |
Medium Ice damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze. | 10 MP |
Bufudyne ブフダイン |
Heavy Ice damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze. | 15 MP |
Mabufu マハブフ |
Small Ice damage to two foes. Inflicts Freeze. | 8 MP |
Mabufula マハブフーラ |
Medium Ice damage to all foes. Inflicts Freeze. | 20 MP |
Mabufudyne マハブフダイン |
Heavy Ice damage to all foes. Hits twice and inflicts Freeze. | 45 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Frosting しもふり |
Small Ice damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze. | 15 HP |
Ice Pillar つらら |
Small Ice damage to one foe. | 18 HP |
Cold Voice コールドボイス |
Small Ice damage to one foe. Inflicts Mute. | 20 HP |
Ice Breath アイスブレス |
Small Ice damage to two foes. Inflicts Freeze. | 23 HP |
Ice Blade アイスブレイド |
Medium Ice damage to all foes. Inflicts Mute. | 25 HP |
Drift Ice ひょうりゅうが |
Four hits of heavy Ice damage to random foes. Inflicts Freeze. Ice Apostle's unique skill. |
30 HP |
Icicle アイシクル |
Heavy Ice damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze. | 32 HP |
Extreme Freeze ごっかんとうけつ |
Medium Ice damage to all foes. Inflicts Mute. | 35 HP |
Krustallos クリュスタッロス |
Two hits of heavy Ice damage to random foes. Inflicts Freeze. | 40 HP |
Hell's Blizzard ジゴクのフブキ |
Heavy Ice damage to all foes. Hits three times and inflicts Freeze. Lucifer Frost's unique skill. |
55 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Zan ザン |
Small Wind damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Zanma ザンマ |
Medium Wind damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Zandyne ザンダイン |
Heavy Wind damage to one foe. | 15 MP |
Mazan マハザン |
Small Wind damage to two foes. | 8 MP |
Mazanma マハザンマ |
Medium Wind damage to all foes. | 20 MP |
Mazandyne マハザンダイン |
Heavy Wind damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 45 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Wing Flap はばたき |
Small Wind damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Buzz Blast バズブラスト |
Medium Wind damage to two foes. Inflicts Panic. Narasimha's unique skill. |
18 HP |
Big Wing ビッグウィング |
Small Wind damage to one foe. Lowers Luck. | 20 HP |
Wind Dance かぜのまい |
Small Wind damage to all foes. Hits eight times. Beelzebub's unique skill. |
20 HP |
Sonic Boom ソニックブーム |
Small Wind damage to all foes. | 23 HP |
Roundhouse Kick まわしげり |
Medium Wind damage to all foes. | 23 HP |
Sonic Wing ソニックウィング |
Medium Wind damage to two foes. | 25 HP |
Iron-cutting Leaves ざんてつは |
Medium Wind damage to one foe. | 28 HP |
Spiral Claw スパイラルブロウ |
Medium Wind damage to all foes. Lowers Luck. Rasen's unique skill. |
30 HP |
Mega Cyclone メガサイクロン |
Heavy Wind damage to all foes. Lowers Luck. | 35 HP |
Wing God's Blow ふうじんげき |
Heavy Wind damage to one foe. Pazuzu's unique skill. |
50 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Magna マグナ |
Small Earth damage to one foe. | 5 MP |
Magnara マグナス |
Medium Earth damage to one foe. | 10 MP |
Magnadyne マグダイン |
Heavy Earth damage to one foe. | 15 MP |
Mamagna マハマグナ |
Small Earth damage to two foes. | 8 MP |
Mamagnara マハマグナス |
Medium Earth damage to all foes. | 20 MP |
Mamagnadyne マハマグダイン |
Heavy Earth damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 45 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Killing Blow ひんしのいちげき |
Damage to one foe. Power increases as user loses HP. | 5 HP |
Last Blow さいごのいちげき |
Damage to all foes. Power increases as user loses HP. | 8 HP |
Curl Up まるまる |
Increases Guard (self). | 10 HP |
Firm Stance ふんばり |
Buffs all stats (self). | 10 HP |
Tackle たいあたり |
Small Earth damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Rush Attack とつげき |
Medium Earth damage to one foe. Hurts the user as well. | 15 HP |
Stone Shot ストーンショット |
Small Earth damage to one foe. Lowers Luck. | 15 HP |
Earth Break アースブレイク |
Medium Earth damage to one foe. Lowers Guard. | 20 HP |
Gaia Buster ガイアバスター |
Small Earth damage to two foes. | 20 HP |
Gaia Break ガイアブレイク |
Medium Earth damage to all foes. Lowers Guard. | 25 HP |
Rockfall ロックフォール |
Heavy Earth damage to one foe. | 32 HP |
Grand Break グランドブレイク |
Heavy Earth damage to all foes. Lowers Guard. | 35 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Zio ジオ |
Small Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 5 MP |
Zionga ジオンガ |
Medium Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 10 MP |
Ziodyne ジオダイン |
Heavy Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 15 MP |
Mazio マハジオ |
Small Elec damage to two foes. Inflicts Shock. | 8 MP |
Mazionga マハジオンガ |
Medium Elec damage to all foes. Inflicts Shock. | 20 MP |
Maziodyne マハジオダイン |
Heavy Elec damage to all foes. Hits twice and inflicts Shock. | 45 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Stun Claw マヒひっかき |
Small Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Stun. | 10 HP |
Holy Wrath てんばつ |
Small Elec damage to all participants in battle. | 10 HP |
Stun Shot スタンショット |
Small Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 12 HP |
Lightning Thrust イナズマづき |
Small Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 15 HP |
Wheel Spin スピニホイール |
Heavy Elec damage to all foes. Inflicts Panic. Dorun's unique skill. |
15 HP |
Raijuu Attack らいしゅうげき |
Medium Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 22 HP |
Thunderbolt サンダーボルト |
Small Elec damage to two foes. Inflicts Shock. | 23 HP |
Skull Breaker かぶとわり |
Small Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 25 HP |
Quick Spear クイックスピア |
Small Elec damage to one foe. Always goes first. | 28 HP |
Thor's Hammer トールハンマー |
Medium Elec damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock. | 32 HP |
Judgement Thunder さばきのイカズチ |
Heavy Elec damage to all foes. Inflicts Stun. | 35 HP |
Quick Buster クイックバスター |
Heavy Elec damage to one foe. Always goes first. | 40 HP |
Light of Ruin ほろびのひかり |
Heavy Elec damage to one foe. | 50 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Hama ハンマ |
Small Light damage to one foe. Removes ailments from caster. | 10 MP |
Hamaon ハマオン |
Small Light damage to two foes. Removes ailments from caster. | 20 MP |
Mahama マハンマ |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Removes ailments from caster. | 35 MP |
Makarakarn マカラカーン |
Creates a barrier that reflects one spell (self). | 12 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Star Wind ほしのかぜ |
HP and ailment recovery for all allies. User dies. Hoshigami's unique skill. |
0 HP |
Call Out コールアウト |
Returns an ally to the Devil Riser and replaces it with another demon. | 8 HP |
Declare Draw いたみわけ |
Takes half damage for two turns (self). | 10 HP |
Clocks' Beam クロックスビーム |
Medium Light damage to one foe. Inflicts Stun. Clocks' unique skill. |
10 HP |
Cupid's Arrow キューピッドのヤ |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Inflicts Charm. Paku's unique skill. |
10 HP |
Gather Power ちからため |
Increases Attack (self). | 15 HP |
Feral Claw ひっかき |
Small Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Feral Bite かみつき |
Small Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Flare Light フレアライト |
Small Light damage to one foe. | 15 HP |
Initalize イニシャライズ |
Resets all buffs and debuffs for all participants in battle. | 22 HP |
Weak Point ウィークポイント |
Guaranteed critical hit on one foe. | 25 HP |
Ill Omen てんちゅうさつ |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. | 30 HP |
Saint Attack セイントアタック |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. | 35 HP |
Bright Judgement ひかりのさばき |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Inflicts Mute. | 40 HP |
Final Verdict さいごのしんぱん |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits three times and inflicts Mute. | 40 HP |
Moonlight Snap げっこうが |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Hits four times and inflicts Stun. Raruu's unique skill. |
40 HP |
God's Hand ゴッドハンド |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. | 50 HP |
Stardust スターダスト |
Random effect to all allies. Verdandi's unique skill. |
50 HP |
Delta Force デルタフォース |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Inflicts Sleep. Hoshigami's unique skill. |
55 HP |
Light Spear ライトスピア |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Hits twice. | 60 HP |
Light Blast ライトブラスト |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. | 60 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Dia ディア |
Recovers 40 HP for one ally. | 5 MP |
Diarama ディアラマ |
Recovers 90 HP for one ally. | 10 MP |
Diarahan ディアラハン |
Recovers full HP for one ally. | 20 MP |
Media メディア |
Recovers 40 HP for all allies. | 12 MP |
Mediarama メディアラ |
Recovers 160 HP for all allies. | 18 MP |
Mediarahan メディアラハン |
Recovers full HP for all allies. | 30 MP |
Patra パトラ |
Removes ailments for one ally. | 6 MP |
Patradi パトラディ |
Full HP heal for one ally and removes ailments. | 12 MP |
Recarm リカーム |
Revives one ally with low HP. | 18 MP |
Samarecarm サマリカーム |
Revives one ally with full HP and MP. | 25 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Tarukaja タルカジャ |
Raises Attack for all allies. | 6 MP |
Rakukaja ラクカジャ |
Raises Guard for all allies. | 6 MP |
Sukukaja スクカジャ |
Raises Luck for all allies. | 6 MP |
Makakaja マカカジャ |
Raises Magic for all allies. | 6 MP |
Magukaja マグカジャ |
Raises M Guard for all allies. | 6 MP |
Speed Up スピードアップ |
Raises Speed for all allies. | 6 MP |
Dekunda デクンダ |
Nullifies all debuffs on all allies. | 8 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Estoma エストマ |
Temporarely lowers enemy encounter rate. | 4 MP |
Riberama リベラマ |
Temporarely increases enemy encounter rate. | 4 MP |
Traport トラポート |
Teleports to an area you've already visited. | 10 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Mudo ムド |
Small Dark damage to one foe. May instantly kill. | 10 MP |
Mudoon ムドオン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. May instantly kill. | 20 MP |
Domudi ドムディ |
Drains HP from one foe. | 20 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Dark Spear ダークスピア |
Damage to one foe equal to 1/3 of their HP. | 5 HP |
Evil Gaze イービルアイズ |
Drains MP from one foe. Lowers Guard. | 10 HP |
Double Hit ダブルヒット |
Small Dark damage to one foe. Hits twice. | 10 HP |
Venom Claw どくひっかき |
Small Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Poison. | 10 HP |
Imp's Sigh インプのといき |
Inflicts Stun on one foe. Harmil's unique skill. |
10 HP |
Marvelous Dance マーベラスダンス |
Inflicts Panic on one random foe. | 10 HP |
Chomp まるかじり |
Small Dark damage to one foe. Ignores Guard. | 10 HP |
Shadow Clones かげぶんしん |
Increases Speed (self). | 15 HP |
Guillotine Blade ギロチンブレイド |
Small Dark damage to one foe. May instantly kill. | 15 HP |
Myriad Blows みだれうち |
Small Dark damage to one foe. Hits three times. | 15 HP |
Trio The Punch トリオザパンチ |
Small Dark damage to all foes. Hits eight times and inflicts Happy. Frost Trio's unique skill. |
16 HP |
Employ しえき |
Increases chances of successful negotiation with one foe. | 20 HP |
Stun Gaze パララアイズ |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Stun. | 20 HP |
Dark Saber ダークセイバー |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. May instantly kill. | 20 HP |
Frenzy おおあばれ |
Four hits of small Dark damage to random foes. | 20 HP |
Quick Blade クイックブレイド |
Medium Dark damage to all foes. Dispells buffs from all foes and debuffs from all allies. | 20 HP |
Soul Crush ソウルクラッシュ |
Drains HP from one foe. | 25 HP |
Hell Thrust ジゴクづき |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Mute and ignores Guard. | 25 HP |
Poison Blade ポイズンブレイド |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Poison. | 25 HP |
Tetrakarn テトラカーン |
Creates a barrier that reflects skills and regular attacks (self). | 25 HP |
Magic Crest まほうのもん |
Recovers MP equal to the damage received from spells (self). | 25 HP |
Countdown カウントダウン |
Inflicts Stun on one foe and increases all stats of the caster. | 28 HP |
Life Drain きゅうけつ |
Heavy Dark damage to one foe and drains MP. | 30 HP |
Death Breath デスブレス |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. May instantly kill. | 30 HP |
Underworld Sigh めいかいのといき |
Inflicts random ailments on all foes. | 34 HP |
Poison Breath どくガスブレス |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Inflicts Poison. | 35 HP |
Papillon Pearl パピヨンパール |
Heavy Dark damage to one foe. May instantly kill. Gaan's unique skill. |
40 HP |
Chaos Wave カオスウェイブ |
Heavy Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Panic. | 50 HP |
Dark Verdict やみのしんぱん |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. May instantly kill. | 50 HP |
Kokushi Musou こくしむそう |
Instantly kills one foe. Tecciztecatl's unique skill. |
70 HP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Dormina ドルミナー |
Inflicts Sleep on one foe. | 5 MP |
Hapirma ハピルマ |
Inflicts Happy on one foe. | 6 MP |
Paralama パララマ |
Inflicts Stun on one foe. | 6 MP |
Pulinpa プリンパ |
Inflicts Panic on one foe. | 6 MP |
Poisma ポイズマ |
Inflicts Poison on one foe. | 6 MP |
Dynamite マイト |
Inflicts Bomb on one foe. | 6 MP |
Makafuji マカフージ |
Inflicts Mute on one foe. | 6 MP |
Marin Karin マリンカリン |
Inflicts Charm on one foe. | 6 MP |
Poisdyne ポイズダイン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Poison. | 20 MP |
Mitedyne マイトダイン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Bomb. | 20 MP |
Pulinpadyne プリンパダイン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Panic. | 30 MP |
Paraladyne パララダイン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Stun. | 35 MP |
Skill | Effect | Cost |
Tarunda タルンダ |
Lowers Attack of all foes. | 5 MP |
Rakunda ラクンダ |
Lowers Guard of all foes. | 5 MP |
Magunda マグンダ |
Lowers M Guard of all foes. | 5 MP |
Tarundyne タルンダイン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Lowers Attack. | 15 MP |
Rakundyne ラクンダイン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Lowers Guard. | 15 MP |
Makandyne マカンダイン |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Lowers M Guard. | 20 MP |
Dekaja デカジャ |
Nullifies all buffs on all foes. | 8 MP |
Partner Exclusive[]
Innate Skills[]
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demon |
Sonic Fang ソニックファング |
Small Light damage to one foe. Always goes first. | 20 HP | Sol Leon Chaos Sol Leon Flare Sol Leon |
Crush Claw クラッシュクロー |
Small Dark damage to one foe. Lowers Guard. | 20 HP | Hei Long Blood Hei Long Battle Hei Long |
Light Howling ライトハウリング |
Small Light damage to all foes. | 25 HP | Entire Sol Leon line |
Dark Howling ダークハウリング |
Small Dark damage to one foe. | 25 HP | Entire Hei Long line |
Darkness Wall やみのかべ |
Creates a barrier that nullifies all spells for a turn. | 25 HP | Battle Hei Long |
Training Skills[]
- These skills must be taught via training.
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demon |
Rune Bind ルーンバインド |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Hits twice and inflicts Stun. | 30 HP | Rune Sol Leon |
Chaos Fang カオスファング |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Hits twice and inflicts Panic. | 30 HP | Chaos Sol Leon |
Arch Blade アークブレイド |
Light Dark damage to one foe. Acts first, hits twice, and inflicts Charm. | 30 HP | Arch Hei Long |
Soul Burning ソルバーニング |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Hits four times and lowers Attack. | 30 HP | Saint Sol Leon |
Blood Blow ブラッドブロウ |
Small Dark damage to one foe. Hits twice and inflicts Panic. | 30 HP | Blood Hei Long |
Aired Edge エアードエッジ |
Medium Dark damage to one foe. Hits four times and lowers Guard. | 30 HP | Aired Hei Long |
Epsilon Bomb イプシロンボム |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits four times and inflicts Bomb. | 40 HP | Saint Sol Leon Night Sol Leon Flare Sol Leon |
Shining Flame シャインフレイム |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 40 HP | Shining Hei Long |
Blood Lance ブラッドランス |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 40 HP | Night Sol Leon |
Dragon Roar リュウのほうこう |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Hits twice and inflicts Stun. | 40 HP | Aired Hei Long Shining Hei Long Battle Hei Long |
Shine Fang シャインファング |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Hits four times. | 50 HP | God Sol Leon Gaia Sol Leon |
Crimson Ray クリムゾンレイ |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 50 HP | Flare Sol Leon |
Divine Breath かみのいぶき |
HP recovery for all allies and increases all stats. | 50 HP | God Sol Leon |
Gaia's Tears ガイアティアーズ |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits four times and lowers Guard. | 50 HP | Gaia Sol Leon |
Dead Storm デッドストーム |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits four times and inflicts Stun. | 50 HP | Dead Sol Leon |
Ogre Blast オウガブラスト |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits four times and lowers Attack. | 50 HP | Ogre Sol Leon |
Kaiser Fang カイザーファング |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Hits four times and lowers Luck. | 50 HP | Kaiser Hei Long |
Battle Rush バトルラッシュ |
Heavy Dark damage to one foe. Hits four times. | 50 HP | Battle Hei Long |
Jihad Breath ジハードブレス |
HP recovery for all allies and increases all stats. | 50 HP | Jihad Hei Long |
Soul Venom ソウルヴェノム |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Hits four times and inflicts Poison. | 50 HP | Soul Hei Long |
Blaze Nova ブレイズノヴァ |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Hits four times and raises caster's Attack. | 50 HP | Blaze Hei Long |
Heaven's Door ヘブンズドア |
Heavy Light damage to one foe. Hits twice and ignores Guard. | 50 HP | Dead Sol Leon Ogre Sol Leon |
Dragon Gate ドラゴンゲート |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Hits four times. | 50 HP | Jihad Hei Long Kaiser Hei Long |
Blade Dance ブレイドダンス |
Heavy Dark damage to one foe. Hits twice and ignores Guard. | 50 HP | Soul Hei Long Blaze Hei Long |
Megido Flare メギドフレア |
Heavy Light damage to all foes. Hits eight times. | 80 HP | God Sol Leon Gaia Sol Leon Dead Sol Leon Ogre Sol Leon |
Megido Cross メギドクロス |
Heavy Dark damage to all foes. Hits eight times. | 80 HP | Jihad Hei Long Kaiser Hei Long Soul Hei Long Blaze Hei Long |
Legacy Skills[]
- Skills that can only be taught via training to demon partners from previous Devil Children games, which are obtained via BattleNet. The element of these skills changes according to the demon: fire for the Cerberus line, wind for the Gryphon line, and elec for the Chimera line.
Skill | Effect | Cost | Demon |
Death Claw デス・クロー |
Two hits of small damage to random foes. | 20 HP | Death Cerberus Death Gryphon Death Chimera |
Death Vise デス・バイス |
Medium damage to one foe. Hits twice. | 30 HP | |
Death Rush デス・ラッシュ |
Four hits of medium damage to random foes. | 40 HP | |
Hell Vise ヘル・バイス |
Medium damage to one foe. Hits twice. | 30 HP | Hell Cerberus Hell Gryphon Hell Chimera |
Hell Rush ヘル・ラッシュ |
Four hits of medium damage to random foes. | 40 HP | |
Hell Buster ヘル・バスター |
Heavy damage to one foe. Hits four times. | 60 HP | |
King Rush キング・ラッシュ |
Four hits of heavy damage to random foes. | 40 HP | King Cerberus King Gryphon King Chimera |
King Buster キング・バスター |
Heavy damage to one foe. Hits four times. | 60 HP | |
King Storm キング・ストーム |
Eight hits of heavy damage to random foes. | 99 HP |
Item Skills[]
- These skills are learned via items.
Skill | Type | Effect | Cost | Item |
Shadow Trap かげぬい |
Dark | Inflicts Stun on one foe. | 12 HP | Shady Eye あやしいひとみ |
Shocking Spark ビリビリスパーク |
Elec | Medium Elec damage to all foes. Inflicts Stun. | 15 HP | Demonic Hammer アクマのかなづち |
Scales of Destruction はかいのてんびん |
Dark | Damage equal to the difference between HP of the target and the caster. | 16 HP | Dark Lithograph 黑い石版 |
Holy Shot ホーリーショット |
Light | Small Light damage to two foes. Inflicts Mute. | 18 HP | Holy Seal 聖なるコクイン |
Gunpowder マイトパウダー |
Fire | Inflicts Bomb on all foes. | 20 HP | Black Powder 黒い粉 |
Exorkismos エクソシズム |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Akuma-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Silver Crucifix 銀の十字架 |
Oni Purification おにばらい |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Oni-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Oni Claw 鬼の爪 |
Omega Gain オメガゲイン |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Mutant-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Gungnir グングニル |
Crash Noise クラッシュノイズ |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Bird-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Noise Machine ノイズマシン |
Exorcism じょれい |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Specter-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Evil-slaying Sword はじゃの剣 |
Saint Punish セントバニッシュ |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. God-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Excalibur エクスカリバー |
Tiger Hunting とらがり |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Animal-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Kotetsu こてつ |
Dragonslayer りゅうごろし |
Light | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Draco-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Kusanagi くさなぎの剣 |
Dark Gate ダークゲート |
Dark | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Yoma-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Murasame Blade ムラサメブレード |
Falldown フォールダウン |
Dark | Guaranteed critical on one foe. Divine-race demons take more damage. | 20 HP | Fallen Angel's Ring 堕天使の指輪 |
Surprise Box ビックリボックス |
Dark | Inflicts Panic on one foe. | 23 HP | Shady Box あやしいハコ |
Stone-breaking Bullet はがんだん |
Earth | Medium Earth damage to one foe. | 23 HP | Exploding Sand 爆発の砂 |
Sandstorm すなあらし |
Earth | Medium Earth damage to all foes. Lowers Luck. | 28 HP | Expanse Sand 魔界の砂 |
Burning Ray バーニングレイ |
Fire | Medium Fire damage to all foes. Hits eight times and inflicts Bomb. | 35 HP | Lævateinn レーヴァテイン |
Blood Rain ブラッドレイン |
Water | Medium Water damage to all foes. Hits eight times and lowers Guard. | 35 HP | Blood Gown 血の衣 |
Hail Caulking ひょうてんげき |
Ice | Heavy Ice damage to one foe. | 35 HP | Ice Wing 氷のつばさ |
Burn Wall バーンウォール |
Fire | Creates a barrier that nullifies Fire damage for one turn. | 35 HP | Fire Gown 炎の衣 |
Aqua Wall アクアウォール |
Water | Creates a barrier that nullifies Water damage for a turn. | 35 HP | Sea King's Robe 海王のローブ |
Ice Wall アイスウォール |
Ice | Creates a barrier that nullifies Ice damage for a turn. | 35 HP | Blizzard Ring 吹雪のリング |
Storm Wall ストームウォール |
Wind | Creates a barrier that nullifies Wind damage for a turn. | 35 HP | Wing God's Wing 風神のつばさ |
Stone Wall ストーンウォール |
Earth | Creates a barrier that nullifies Earth damage for one turn. | 35 HP | Stone Mask 石の仮面 |
Thunder Wall サンダーウォール |
Elec | Creates a barrier that nullifies Elec damage for a turn. | 35 HP | Thunder God's Ring 雷神の指輪 |
Light Wall ライトウォール |
Light | Creates a barrier that nullifes Light damage for one turn. | 35 HP | God's Protection 神のカゴ |
Dark Wall ダークウォール |
Dark | Creates a barrier that nullifies Dark damage for one turn. | 35 HP | Underworld Water 冥界の水 |
Gravity Mine グラビティマイン |
Earth | Heavy Earth damage to all foes. Hits twice. | 40 HP | Heavy Water 重い水 |
Asura Strike あしゅられんげき |
Dark | Heavy Dark damage to one foe. Hits four times. | 50 HP | Asura Mask あしゅらの仮面 |
Mega Inferno メガインフェルノ |
Fire | Heavy Fire damage to all foes. | 50 HP | Hell Lithograph 地獄の石版 |
Ice Prison アイスプリズン |
Ice | Heavy Ice damage to one foe. Inflicts Freeze. | 50 HP | Ice Lithograph 氷の石版 |
Tetra Prison テトラプリズン |
Dark | Heavy Dark damage to one foe. Inflicts Panic. | 60 HP | Demon Mask アクマの仮面 |
Trait | Effect |
Repel Fire 火属性反射 |
Repels Fire attacks. |
Repel Water 水属性反射 |
Repels Water attacks. |
Repel Ice 氷属性反射 |
Repels Ice attacks. |
Repel Wind 風属性反射 |
Repels Wind attacks. |
Repel Earth 地属性反射 |
Repels Earth attacks. |
Repel Elec 雷属性反射 |
Repels Elec attacks. |
Repel Light 光属性反射 |
Repels Light attacks. |
Repel Dark 闇属性反射 |
Repels Dark attacks. |
Drain Fire 火属性吸収 |
Drains Fire attacks. |
Drain Water 水属性吸収 |
Drains Water attacks. |
Drain Ice 氷属性吸収 |
Drains Ice attacks. |
Drain Wind 風属性吸収 |
Drains Wind attacks. |
Drain Earth 地属性吸収 |
Drains Earth attacks. |
Drain Elec 雷属性吸収 |
Drains Elec attacks. |
Drain Light 光属性吸収 |
Drains Light attacks. |
Drain Dark 闇属性吸収 |
Drains Dark attacks. |
Survive Fire 火属性不死 |
Survives a Fire attack with 1 HP. |
Survive Water 水属性不死 |
Survives a Water attack with 1 HP. |
Survive Ice 氷属性不死 |
Survives a Ice attack with 1 HP. |
Survive Wind 風属性不死 |
Survives a Wind attack with 1 HP. |
Survive Earth 地属性不死 |
Survives a Earth attack with 1 HP. |
Survive Elec 雷属性不死 |
Survives a Elec attack with 1 HP. |
Survive Light 光属性不死 |
Survives a Light attack with 1 HP. |
Survive Dark 闇属性不死 |
Survives a Dark attack with 1 HP. |
God's Bane 神種族天敵 |
All God-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Akuma's Bane 悪魔種族天敵 |
All Akuma-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Divine's Bane 天使種族天敵 |
All Divine-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Draco's Bane 龍種族天敵 |
All Draco-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Bird's Bane 鳥種族天敵 |
All Bird-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Animal's Bane 獣種族天敵 |
All Animal-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Oni's Bane 鬼種族天敵 |
All Oni-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Specter's Bane 霊種族天敵 |
All Specter-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Yoma's Bane 妖魔種族天敵 |
All Yoma-race demons will run away at the start of the fight. |
Escape Instinct 逃走本能 |
Demon will automatically return to the Devil Riser and be replaced once its HP goes below 10%. |
Beast Whisperer 獣相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Beast-type demons. |
Unintelligible Whisperer 言語不明相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Unintelligible-type demons. |
Proud Man Whisperer 偉そうな男相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Proud Man-type demons. |
Proud Woman Whisperer 偉そうな女相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Proud Woman-type demons. |
Normal Man Whisperer 普通の男相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Normal Man-type demons. |
Normal Woman Whisperer 普通の女相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Normal Woman-type demons. |
Evil Man Whisperer ワルそうな男相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Evil Man-type demons. |
Evil Woman Whisperer ワルそうな女相性良し |
Increased negotiation success rate against Evil Woman-type demons. |
Cheerleader 応援上手 |
Increases party's attack. |
Let's Die Together 死なばもろとも |
Enemy receives damage when killing a demon with this trait. |
Chivalry 男気 |
Increases attack when an ally dies (self). |
No Presence 存在感無し |
Decreased chance of being targeted by the enemy. |
Annoying Presence 気に障る存在 |
Increased chance of being targeted by the enemy. |
Serenity 冷静 |
Increases own critical hit rate by 20% when HP drops below 20%. |
Waste of Time ヌカにクギ |
10% chance of nullifying the enemy's regular attack (self). |
Swiftness 神速 |
Always moves first. |
Forgive and Forget 水に流す |
Heals all ailments for all participants in battle at the start of every turn. |
Imperial Wrath 逆鱗 |
10% chance of counterattacking when hit by an enemy (self). |
Fortune 開運 |
Doubles Macca earned in battle per enemy killed by the owner of this trait. |
Clear Mind 心頭滅却 |
When HP drops below 10%, becomes immune to all attacks until the end of the turn (self). |
Narrow Escape 九死に一生 |
Chance or surviving a fatal attack with 1 HP. |
Bull's-eye 百発百中 |
Regular attack never misses. |
Moody きぶんや |
Chance of attacking twice. Chance scales with user's current HP. |
Whimsical きまぐれ |
When using a spell, there's a 10% chance of using a higher-tier spell instead. No effect if the spell used is already the highest-tier. |
Trickster トリックスター |
Has the effects of both Moody and Whimsical. |
Fire Avatar 火の化身 |
Increases Fire damage by 20%. |
Water Avatar 水の化身 |
Increases Water damage by 20%. |
Ice Avatar 氷の化身 |
Increases Ice damage by 20%. |
Wind Avatar 風の化身 |
Increases Wind damage by 20%. |
Earth Avatar 地の化身 |
Increases Earth damage by 20%. |
Elec Avatar 雷の化身 |
Increases Elec damage by 20%. |
Light Avatar 光の化身 |
Increases Light damage by 20%. |
Dark Avatar 闇の化身 |
Increases Dark damage by 20%. |
Concentrate 1 集中1 |
Increases spell damage by 10% |
Concentrate 2 集中2 |
Increases spell damage by 20% |
Concentrate 3 集中3 |
Increases spell damage by 30% |
Heavy Strike 1 重い打撃1 |
Increases skill damage by 10%. |
Heavy Strike 2 重い打撃2 |
Increases skill damage by 15%. |
Heavy Strike 3 重い打撃3 |
Increases skill damage by 20%. |
Haze 1 おぼろげ1 |
Increases evasion by 10%. |
Haze 2 おぼろげ2 |
Increases evasion by 15%. |
Haze 3 おぼろげ3 |
Increases evasion by 20%. |
Getaway Skill 1 逃げ上手1 |
10% more chance to successfully run away from battle. |
Getaway Skill 2 逃げ上手2 |
15% more chance to successfully run away from battle. |
Getaway Skill 3 逃げ上手3 |
20% more chance to successfully run away from battle. |
Cold Person 1 さむい奴1 |
10% more chance to inflict Freeze. |
Cold Person 2 さむい奴2 |
15% more chance to inflict Freeze. |
Evil Laugh 1 嫌な笑い1 |
10% more chance to inflict Mute. |
Evil Laugh 2 嫌な笑い2 |
15% more chance to inflict Mute. |
Pheromone 1 フェロモン1 |
10% more chance to inflict Charm. |
Pheromone 2 フェロモン2 |
15% more chance to inflict Charm. |
Shock Body 1 帯電体質1 |
5% chance of inflicting Shock with regular attack. |
Shock Body 2 帯電体質2 |
10% chance of inflicting Shock with regular attack. |
Rotten Body 1 腐った身体1 |
5% chance of inflicting Poison with regular attack. |
Rotten Body 2 腐った身体2 |
10% chance of inflicting Poison with regular attack. |
Busybody 1 おせっかい1 |
10% more chance of butting in during negotiation. |
Busybody 2 おせっかい2 |
15% more chance of butting in during negotiation. |
Busybody 3 おせっかい3 |
20% more chance of butting in during negotiation. |
Lonely 孤高 |
Decreases enemy encounter rate by 10% when in active party. |
Popular 人気者 |
Increases enemy encounter rate by 10% when in active party. |
Immortality 不死身 |
Automatically revives with 1 HP after every battle. |
Hate Target 恐怖の対象 |
Enemies won't run away from battle. |
Stealth 1 忍び足1 |
10% more chance of ambushing the enemy party at the start of battle. |
Stealth 2 忍び足2 |
20% more chance of ambushing the enemy party at the start of battle. |
Stealth 3 忍び足3 |
30% more chance of ambushing the enemy party at the start of battle. |
Vigilance 1 厳重警戒1 |
20% chance of nullifying the enemy's first attack. |
Vigilance 2 厳重警戒2 |
30% chance of nullifying the enemy's first attack. |
Vigilance 3 厳重警戒3 |
60% chance of nullifying the enemy's first attack. |
Characters | |
Playable | Jin - Akira - Rand - Gale |
Non-Playable | Lena - Amy Kashihara - Paku - Haamiru - Mephisto - Isaac - Michael - Lucifer - Faruha - Kerumido - Seku - Rejiinu - Ganku - Kuun - Muuru - Flame Apostle - Ice Apostle - Shugoshin - Secundus - Zosma |
Locations | |
Harajuku | Main Street - Park - Mansion - Underground Shopping Center - School - Akuma no Hokora - Angel's Tower |
Makai | Inelus Village - Acheron River - Central Land - Dark Palace - Deep Hole - Black Forest - Peril Forest - Underworld - Annwn Town - Heimdall Plains - Babylon Labyrinth |
Tenkai | Midkingdom - Highest Peak - Light Palace - Fire Machine Mountain - Eden - Huge Floodgate - Water Angels Village - Lotus Marsh - Dios Forest - Earth Angels Village - Extensive Earthly Forest - Tower of Babel - Seele Plains - Shugyōja Road - Wind Angels Village - Fire Angels Village |
Niflheim | Suneefiyoru - Dark North - Hvergelmir - Gimle Snowfield - Norðri Shrine - Niðafjöll - Vestri Shrine - Ice Apostle Castle - Ice Apostles Castle Town |
Muspelheim | Soorufiyoru - Austri Shrine - Mímisbrunnr - Fairy Village - Rogafieru - Suðri Shrine - Flame Apostle Castle - Flame Apostles Castle Town |
Ginnungagap | Auðumla Town - Huge Bridge - Bridge Cave - Shugoshin Cave |
Other | |
Lists | Demons - Skills |