Megami Tensei Wiki

This is a list of skills from DemiKids Light Version and DemiKids Dark Version.


Fire Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Pyro Small dmg. 1 Foe 5 MP
Pyroburst Medium dmg. 1 Foe 10 MP
Pyrolok Large dmg. 1 Foe 15 MP
Pyrodeus Small dmg. 2 Foes 8 MP
Pyroblast Medium dmg. Foes 20 MP
Pyromax Large dmg x2. Foes 45 MP

Fire Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Sacrifice Sacrifice. Foes 2 HP
Flare Small dmg. 1 Foe 15 HP
Pyro Bomb Medium dmg +Bomb. 2 foes 20 HP
Fire Breath Small dmg. Foes 23 HP
Double Nova Hit x2. 1 Foe 30 HP
Darkfire Medium dmg. 1 Foe 32 HP
TNT Flare Hitx2 +Bomb. 1 Foe 32 HP
Blast Claw Medium dmg +Bomb. 1 Foe 35 HP
Inferno Hit x3. Foes 40 HP
Cross Nova Large dmg +Faint. Foes 50 HP
Mega Inferno Large dmg. Foes 50 HP
Triple Nova Hit x3. 1 Foe 50 HP


Water Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Aqua Small dmg. 1 Foe 5 MP
Aquaburst Medium dmg. 1 Foe 10 MP
Aqualok Large dmg. 1 Foe 15 MP
Aquadeus Small dmg. 2 Foes 8 MP
Aquablast Medium dmg. Foes 20 MP
Aquamax Large dmg x2. Foes 45 MP

Water Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Aqua Cut Small dmg. 1 Foe 10 HP
Rage Melody Small dmg +Confuse. Foes 18 HP
Aqua Flood Small dmg. 2 Foes 20 HP
Venom Foam Small dmg +Confuse. 1 Foe 20 HP
Chaos Foam Medium dmg +Confuse. 2 Foes 25 HP
Tidal Wave Small dmg. Foes 25 HP
Binding Fog Small dmg +Paralyze. Foes 30 HP
Blood Rain Hit x8 +DEF Down. Foes 35 HP
Maelstrom Large dmg. Foes 50 HP


Thunder Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Shock Small dmg. 1 Foe 5 MP
Shockburst Medium dmg. 1 Foe 10 MP
Shocklok Large dmg +Shock. 1 Foe 15 MP
Shockdeus Small dmg. 2 Foes 8 MP
Shockblast Medium dmg. Foes 20 MP
Shockmax Large dmg x2. Foes 45 MP

Thunder Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Numbing Claw Small dmg +Paralyze. 1 Foe 10 HP
Wildstorm Small dmg. All 10 HP
Stun Shot Small dmg +Shock. 1 Foe 12 HP
Shockspark Small dmg +Paralyze. 2 Foes 15 HP
Shock Stab Small dmg +Shock. 1 Foe 15 HP
Thunderbolt Small dmg +Shock. 2 Foes 23 HP
Helm Buster Small dmg +Shock. Foes 25 HP
Quick Spear Small dmg. 1 Foe 28 HP
Mjollnir Medium dmg +Shock. 1 Foe 32 HP
Shockbolt Large dmg +Paralyze. Foes 35 HP
Doombolt Large dmg. 1 Foe 60 HP


Wind Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Cyclone Small dmg. 1 Foe 5 MP
Cycloburst Medium dmg. 1 Foe 10 MP
Cyclolok Large dmg. 1 Foe 15 MP
Cyclodeus Small dmg. 2 Foes 8 MP
Cycloblast Medium dmg. Foes 20 MP
Cyclomax Large dmg x2. Foes 45 MP

Wind Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Windburst Small dmg. 1 Foe 15 HP
Twister Small dmg +Confuse. 2 Foes 18 HP
Big Wing Small dmg +ACC Down. 1 Foe 20 HP
Wind Dance Hit x8. Foes 20 HP
Tornado Medium dmg. Foes 23 HP
Sonic Boom Small dmg. Foes 23 HP
Sonic Wing Medium dmg. 2 Foes 25 HP
Windblast Medium dmg. 1 Foe 28 HP
Mega Cyclone Large dmg +ACC Down. Foes 35 HP
Whirlwind Large dmg. 1 Foe 50 HP


Ice Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Polar Small dmg +Freeze. 1 Foe 5 MP
Polarburst Medium dmg +Freeze. 1 Foe 10 MP
Polarlok Large dmg +Freeze. 1 Foe 15 MP
Polardeus Small dmg +Freeze. 2 Foes 8 MP
Polarblast Medium dmg. Foes 20 MP
Polarmax Large dmg x2 +Freeze. Foes 45 MP

Ice Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Frostbite Small dmg +Freeze. 1 Foe 15 HP
Intox Punch Hit x8 +Happy. Foes 16 HP
Ice Pillar Small dmg. 1 Foe 18 HP
Cold Voice Small dmg +Mute. 1 Foe 20 HP
Ice Breath Small dmg +Freeze. 2 Foes 23 HP
Ice Blade Medium dmg +Mute. Foes 25 HP
Icicle Large dmg +Freeze. 1 Foe 32 HP
Polaris Large dmg. 1 Foe 35 HP
Subzero Medium dmg +Freeze. Foes 35 HP
Ice Prison Large dmg +Freeze. 1 Foe 50 HP
Blizzard Large dmg x3 +Freeze. Foes 55 HP


Earth Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Petra Small dmg. 1 Foe 5 MP
Petraburst Medium dmg. 1 Foe 10 MP
Petralok Large dmg. 1 Foe 15 MP
Petradeus Medium dmg. 2 Foes 8 MP
Petrablast Medium dmg. 2 Foes 20 MP
Petramax Large dmg x2. Foes 45 MP

Earth Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Desperation Critical. 1 Foe 5 HP
Final Blow Low HP=Critical. Foes 8 HP
Charge Medium dmg +Self dmg. 1 Foe 15 HP
Ram Small dmg. 1 Foe 15 HP
Stone Shot Small dmg +ACC Down. 1 Foe 15 HP
Earth Crush Medium dmg +DEF Down. 1 Foe 20 HP
Gaia Buster Small dmg. 2 Foes 20 HP
Rock Missle Medium dmg. 1 Foe 23 HP
Gaia Crush Small dmg +DEF Down. Foes 25 HP
Sandstorm Medium dmg +ACC Down. Foes 28 HP
Avalanche Large dmg. 1 Foe 32 HP
Grand Crush Large dmg +DEF Down. Foes 35 HP
Gravity Mine Hit x2. Foes 40 HP


Light Attack Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Glow Small dmg. 1 Foe 10 MP
Glowdeus Small dmg. 2 Foes 20 MP
Glowmax Large dmg x2. Foes 35 MP

Light Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Painsplit 50% DMG Reflect x2 10 HP
Bite Small dmg. 1 foe 15 HP
Holy Flare Small dmg. 1 Foe 15 HP
Rake Small dmg. 1 Foe 15 HP
Holy Mute Small dmg +Mute. 2 Foes 18 HP
Anti-Alt Large dmg. Alt Foe 20 HP
Anti-Beast Large dmg. Beast Foe 20 HP
Anti-Bird Large dmg. Bird Foe 20 HP
Anti-Dragon Large dmg. Dragon Foe 20 HP
Anti-Evil Large dmg. Evil Foe 20 HP
Anti-Ghost Large dmg. Ghost Foe 20 HP
Anti-Good Large dmg. Good Foe 20 HP
Anti-Ogre Large dmg. Ogre Foe 20 HP
Anti-Demon Critical. 1 Foe 25 HP
Light Howl Small dmg. Foes 25 HP
Divine Blow Large dmg. Foes 30 HP
Solar Burst Hit x4 +ATK Down. 1 Foe 30 HP
Doom Flash Large dmg. 1 Foe 35 HP
Burning Ray Hit x8 +Bomb. Foes 35 HP
Blood Lance Hit x2. Foes 40 HP
Golden Mute Large dmg +Mute. Foes 40 HP
TNT Chain Hit x4. Foes 40 HP
Crimson Rake Hit x2. Foes 50 HP
Dead Storm Hit x4 +Paralyze. Foes 50 HP
Fate Fang Hit x4. 1 Foe 50 HP
Gaia's Tears Hit x4 +DEF Down. Foes 50 HP
Hand of Fate Large dmg. Foes 50 HP
Life Force HP Recovery +Stat Up. Party 50 HP
Ogre Blast Hit x4 +ATK Up. Foes 50 HP
Alpha Wave Large dmg +Sleep. 1 Foe 55 HP
Holy Blast Large dmg. Foes 60 HP
Light Lance Hit x2. 1 Foe 60 HP
Doomsday No DEF Hit x2. 1 Foe HP
Magic Flare Hit x8. Foes 80 HP

Light Healing/Curing Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Cure Cure. 1 Ally 6 MP
Heal Minor HP recovery. 1 Ally 5 MP
Healmor Minor HP recovery. 1 Ally 10 MP
Healmax Full HP recovery. 1 Ally 20 MP
Heal All Minor HP recovery. Party 12 MP
Healmor All Major HP recovery. Party 18 MP
Healmax All Max HP recovery. Party 30 MP
Miracle Cure Cure +HP Recovery. 1 Ally 12 MP
Revive Revive. 1 Ally 18 MP
Resurrect Revive +Max HP. 1 Ally 25 MP
Star Wind Faint=Recovery +Cure. Party 0 HP
Life Force HP Recovery + Stat Up 50 HP


Dark Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost
Hex Coma Small dmg +Faint. 1 Foe 10 MP
Hex Comadeus Medium dmg +Faint. 2 Foes 20 MP
Hex Drain HIT +ATK Down. 1 Foe 15 MP
Hex Expose HIT +DEF Down. 1 Foe 15 MP
Hex Leech Absorb HP. 1 Foe 20 MP
Hex Prone Hit +RES Down. 1 Foe 20 MP
Hex TNT Hit +Bomb. 1 Foe 20 MP
Hex Venom Hit +Poison. 1 Foe 20 MP
Hex Chaos Hit +Confuse. 1 Foe 30 MP
Hex Bind Hit +Paralyze. 1 Foe 35 MP

Dark Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost
Dark Spear -30% HP. 1 Foe 5 HP
Chomp No DEF Medium dmg. 1 Foe 10 HP
Double Hit Hit x2. 1 Foe 10 HP
Terror Gaze Absorb MP +DEF Down. Foes 10 HP
Venom Claw Small dmg +Poison. 1 Foe 10 HP
Guillotine Small dmg +Faint. 1 Foe 15 HP
Wild Blows Hit x3. 1 Foe 15 HP
Power Scale HP Difference = DMG. 1 Foe 16 HP
Crush Claw Small dmg +DEF Down. 1 Foe 20 HP
Dark Saber Medium dmg +Faint. 1 Foe 20 HP
Dark Gate Large dmg. Fiend Foe 20 HP
Downfall Large dmg. Holy Foe 20 HP
Frenzy Hit x4. Random Foe 20 HP
Paralyze Medium dmg +Paralyze. 1 Foe 20 HP
Punisher Hit x2 +Faint. Foes 20 HP
Quick Blade 1st Hit +FX Cancel. Foes 20 HP
Dark Howl Small dmg. Foes 25 HP
Soul Crush HP Absorb. 1 Foe 25 HP
Speed Stab No DEF Small dmg+Mute. 1 Foe 25 HP
Venom Blade Medium dmg +Poison. 1 Foe 25 HP
Countdown Stat Up +Paralyze. 1 Foe 28 HP
Death Breath Large dmg +Faint. Foes 30 HP
Magic Drain Large dmg +MP Drain. 1 Foe 30 HP
Venom Breath Large dmg +Poison. Foes 35 HP
Dragonbind Hit x2 +Confuse. Foes 40 HP
Battle Rush Hit x4. 1 Foe 50 HP
Blade Dance No DEF x2. 1 Foe 50 HP
Chaos Wave Large dmg +Cnofuse. 1 Foe 50 HP
Dark Edge Hit x4 +DEF Down. 1 Foe 50 HP
Dark Judge Large dmg +Faint. Foes 50 HP
Demon Blitz Hit x4. 1 Foe 50 HP
Dragon Gate Large dmg x4. 1 Foe 50 HP
Kaiser Fang Hit x4 +ACC Down. Foes 50 HP
Nova Blaze Large dmg x4 +ATK Up. Foes 50 HP
Prominence Hit x2. Foes 50 HP
Soul Venom Hit x4 +Poison. Foes 50 HP
Tetra Prison Large dmg +Confuse. 1 Foe 60 HP
Magic Cross Large dmg x8. Foes 80 HP


Ailment Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost Element
Distract Tempt. 1 Foe 6 MP Dark
Heart Wrench Tempt. Random Foe 10 HP Dark
Intox Happy. 1 Foe 6 MP Dark
Mystic Bind Paralyze. 1 Foe 6 MP Dark
Pandemonium Confuse. 1 Foe 6 MP Dark
Silence Mute. 1 Foe 6 MP Dark
Slumber Sleep. 1 Foe 6 MP Earth
TNT Bomb. 1 Foe 6 MP Dark
Venom Poison. 1 Foe 6 MP Dark
Shadow Bind Paralyze. 1 Foe 12 HP Dark
TNT Powder Bomb. Foes 20 HP Fire
Shock Box Confuse. 1 Foe 23 HP Dark
Blight Random Status. Foes 34 HP Dark
Star Dust Random Status. Foes 50 HP Light

Buff Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost Element
Defboost DEF Up. Party 6 MP Light
Lucidity ACC Up. Party 6 MP Light
Powerboost ATK Up. Party 6 MP Light
Speedboost SPD Up. Party 6 MP Light
Spellboost MGC Up. Party 6 MP Light
Spellguard RES Up. Party 6 MP Light
Purge Null -Stat. Party 8 MP Light
Hyper Boost Stats Up. Self 10 HP Earth
Hyper Sense DEF Up. Self 10 HP Earth
Doppelganger SPD Up. Self 15 HP Dark

Debuff Spells[]

Skill Effect Cost Element
Blur ACC Down. Foes 5 MP Dark
Defdrain DEF Down. Foes 5 MP Dark
Powerdrain ATK Down. Foes 5 MP Dark
Spellprone RES Down. Foes 5 MP Dark
Hyper Drain Null +Stat. Foes 8 MP Dark
Reset Stat Reset. All 22 HP Light

Support Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost Element
Spellblock Spell Reflect. Self 12 MP Light
Powercharge Special Boost. Self 15 HP Light
Night Wall Null Spell dmg. 1 Ally 25 HP Dark
Reflect Reflect Power Damage 25 HP Dark
Spell Gate Absorbed Spell dmg = MP. Party 25 HP Dark
Aqua Wall Block WATER 35 HP Water
Dark Wall Block DARK 35 HP Dark
Fire Wall Block FIRE 35 HP Fire
Ice Wall Block ICE 35 HP Ice
Light Wall Block LIGHT 35 HP Light
Stone Wall Block EARTH 35 HP Earth
Storm Wall Block WIND 35 HP Wind
Thunder Wall Block THUNDER 35 HP Thunder

Other Spells/Skills[]

Skill Effect Cost Element
Attract Encounter Up. Party 4 MP Light
Repel Encounter Down. Party 4 MP Light
Summon Summon +Exchange. 1 Foe 8 HP Light
Teleport Teleport Party 10 MP Light
Dummy Dummy 20 HP None
Temptation Recruit Up. 1 Foe 20 HP Dark


Fire Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Evil Blase Dmg +Bomb. Foes 25 MP Garum + Krane, Nex + Orthros, Red Wing + Suzak, Orthros + Pyro Cat
Fire Flare Dmg. Foes 25 MP Sizzard + Punkin, Punkin + Red Wing, Demipyre + Orthros, Agni + Vrtra
Mega Flash Dmg + Bomb. Foes 25 MP Lord Nan + Mega Rox, Lord Nan + Lord Sha, Solarius + Suzak
Wyrm Breath Dmg. Foes 25 MP Octorex + Lindwurm, Lindwurm + Firetung, Wing Rox + Octorex
Fiery Impact Dmg. Foes 35 MP Rhanda + Flarlok, Ogre Cat + Wartak

Ice Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Blizzard Dmg +Freeze. Foes 15 MP J. Frost + Icy Ace, J. Frost + King Icy, J. Frost + Ice Maid, Fenrir + Slepnir
Cocutos Dmg. Foes 25 MP Zebul + Lucifer
Freeze Wave Dmg +Freeze. Foes 25 MP King Icy + Icy Ace, Icy Ace + Seryu, Seryu + Warbolt
King Freeze Dmg +Freeze. Foes 35 MP Nemesis + Raykon, King Icy + Seryu

Water Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Splash Ray Dmg. Foes 15 MP Undine + Sol Cat, Abaddon + Rox
Acid Rain Dmg. Foes 25 MP Poseidon + Hydron, Tiamat + Saggath, Baku + Artemis
Hydro Blast Dmg. Foes 25 MP Tiamat + Succubus, Neptina + Saggath, Mermaid + Gembu, Hydron + Wing Rox
Dragon Surge Dmg. Foes 35 MP Kyuki + Urboros, Aqualok + Rahab, Dark Cat + Firetung

Thunder Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Angry Skies Dmg + Shock. Foes 15 MP Indra + Makara, Indra + Trinos, Thundar + Mecci, Vampire + Midion
Spark Bolt Dmg + Shock. Foes 25 MP Boltrift + Kem, Boltrift + Luna Cat, Inkubus + Succubus
Thunderblast Dmg + Shock. Foes 35 MP Atropos + Byako, Neo Kem + Thor, Boltrift + Kyra

Earth Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Earth Hammer Dmg. Foes 15 MP Irontaur + Leprak, Bearlord + Bushido, Chot + Arakneus, Golem + Bushido
Bone Crush Dmg. Foes 25 MP Dydra + Dredogs, Dydra + Humba, Dydra + Minotaur
Megaton Dmg. Foes 35 MP Hekaton + Cyclops, Hekaton + Krak, Cyclops + War Rox, Guy + Hekaton

Wind Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Ice Wind Dmg. Foes 15 MP Fairy + Tupon, Sylph + Bibisana, Sylph + Apsaras, War Lion + Apsaras
Crosswinds Dmg. Foes 25 MP Prince + Airlok, Mega Cat + War Crow, Kresnik + Cherubim
Hurricane Dmg. Foes 25 MP Erdin + Neo Gef, Gef + Frezberg, Apsaras + Frezberg, Silgra + Gogra
Razor Dance Random Dmg x8. Foes 25 MP Scatha + Karfu, Karfu + Roog, Karfu + Zypher
True Veil Stat Up. Party 25 MP Dred Cat + Marduk
Dragon Cross Dmg. Foes 35 MP Ares + Firetung, Kaleidos + Urboros, Brute + Doom Rox, Ares + Armasnak

Dark Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Dragon Blow Punch x2. Foes 15 MP Power + Arch Rox, Power + Dred Rox, Basilisk + Rox, Basilisk + Arch Rox, Basilisk + Dred Rox
Ragnarok Dmg. Foes 15 MP Surt + Odin, Loki + Fenrir, Jormung + Thor
Twin Vise Bite x2. Foes 15 MP Sol Cat + Shocklam, Rune Cat + Kokatris , Rune Cat + Shocklam, Kaos Cat + Kokatris, Kaos Cat + Shocklam
Armageddon Dmg. Foes 25 MP Lucifer + Michael
Doombringer No DEF Dmg. Foes 25 MP Ankuu + Norn, War Rox + Odin
Shadow Break Dmg. Foes 25 MP Shadomas + Doomborg, Necrodon + Lich, Abaddon + Paimon
Death Blade Dmg. Foes 35 MP Paimon + Lucifer, Ankuu + Odin, Abaddon + Lucifer, Dullahan + Boltar

Light Combos[]

Skill Effect Cost Demons
Holy Shield Stats Up. Party 15 MP Marduk + Michael, Marduk + Dominion, Vomana + Guardian
Pyramid Stats Up. Party 15 MP Osiris + Horus, Osiris + Anubis, Talon + Ra, Isis + Anubis
War Breath Stats Up. Party 15 MP Kyra + Garuda, Garuda + Gembu, Garuda + Byako, Raphael + Uriel
Dragon Power ATK Up. Party 25 MP Doom Rox + Firetung, Dark Cat + Jormung
Flash Wave Dmg +Paralyze. Foes 25 MP Blazron + Lich, Ogre Cat + Lich
Holy Attack Dmg. Foes 25 MP Windlord + Bibisana, Windlord + Unicorn, Indra + Midion, Vrtra + Sizzard
Holy Slash Dmg. Foes 25 MP Solron + Aries, Karfu + Tam Lin, Scatha + Doom Cat
Stun Claw Dmg + Paralyze. Foes 25 MP Leogard + Giga Rox, Nergul + Tiamat, Teskarot + Anubis
Holy Song Resurrect. Party 30 MP Osiris + Isis, Pathlite + Kaleidos, Harpy + Siren, Doom Cat + Guardian
Soul Eater DMG +Absorb HP. Foes 35 MP Dred Cat + Raphael, Dred Cat + Marduk
Ray Field Dmg +Faint. Foes 40 MP Blazron + Whiskers, Marduk + Solron


Certain demons have unique abilities, which tend to be unlocked by using it in battle. These powers can then be passed on to demons in fusion. However, a demon can only have one at a time so if they have multiple powers one must be chosen while the other is removed and lost. Certain unique demons in BattleNet have multiple powers, but like the above can only have one of these powers at a time.

Element Based Powers[]

Skill Effect Demon
FireHoard Absorb the power of Fire-attacks. Red Wing, Akerr
IceHoard Absorb the power of Ice-attacks. Mini Icy, Icy Trio
WaterHoard Absorb the power of Water-attacks. Mariner, Poseidon
ThunderHoard Absorb the power of Thunder-attacks. Shepp, Boltbird
WindHoard Absorb the power of Wind-attacks. Gemini, Windfrag
EarthHoard Absorb the power of Earth-attacks. Gnome, Dwarf
LightHoard Absorb the power of Light-attacks. Cupid, Marduk
DarkHoard Absorb the power of Dark-attacks. Dark Imp, Astar
FireWall Reflects Fire-attacks back to enemy. Suzak, Orthros, Bludkap
WaterWall Reflects Water-attacks back to enemy. Paramese, Seaboz
IceWall Reflects Ice-attacks back to enemy. Jormung, Ice Maid
ThunderWall Reflects Thunder-attacks back to enemy. Midion, Brahmana
WindWall Reflects Wind-attacks back to enemy. Erdin
EarthWall Reflects Earth-attacks back to enemy. Urboros, Libra
LightWall Reflects Light-attacks back to enemy. Unicorn, Amurtert
DarkWall Reflects Dark-attacks back to enemy. BattleNet Lachesis, Chefros, Amon
Final Wall Blocks most attacks when near death. Humba, Puritus
FireProof Prevents death by Fire-attacks. Krane, Asmodeus, Uriel
WaterProof Prevents death by Water-attacks. Banshee, Cancer
IceProof Prevents death by Ice-attacks. Ice Baby, Nitemare
WindProof Prevents death by Wind-attacks. Apsaras, War Crow, Raphael
ThunderProof Prevents death by Thunder-attacks. Valkyrie, Groid
EarthProof Prevents death by Earth-attacks. Osiris, Cyclops
LightProof Prevents death by Light-attacks. Battlenet Dominion, Airavata
DarkProof Prevents death by Dark-attacks. Bloodbat, Ankuu
FireBoost Draws strength from the power of Fire. Phoenix, Demipyre
IceBoost Draws strength from the power of Ice. J. Frost, Icymelon
WaterBoost Draws strength from the power of Water. Mermount, Kaleidos
ThunderBoost Draws strength from the power of Thunder. Nue, Leo
WindBoost Draws strength from the power of Wind. Sylph, Harpy
EarthBoost Draws strength from the power of Earth. Dwelgar, Tior
DarkBoost Draws strength from the power of the Dark. Lachesis, Hades, Shiva

Anti-Type and Personality Powers[]

Skill Effect Demon
Mood-Swing Willing to fight harder when the mood is right. War Lion, Silgra
Mood-Cast Repeats a spell if in the right mood. Lich
Mood-Burst Moody and changes tactics on the fly. Loki
Battle Rage Goes berserk against mean foes. Trinos, Seryu, Mad Hat
Amazon Charm Improves persuasiveness with proud female demons. Paimon, Tam Lin
Beast-Time Friendly with Animal-Type demons. Bearlord
Fem Appeal Improves persuasiveness with talkative female demons. Thumurai, Dredogs
Linguist Improves persuasiveness with demons who can't be understood. Kesra, Goblin
Male Appeal Improves persuasiveness with talkative male demons. Succubus, Siren
Male Ego Improves persuasiveness with proud male demons. Ra, Anubis
Rogue Charm Improves persuasiveness with bad male demons. Isis, Rhanda
Vixen Allure Improves persuasiveness with bad female demons. Inkubus, Namtar
Anti-Beast Feared by beasts who will run upon contact. Hydra
Anti-Bird Feared by birds who will run upon contact. Catclaw
Anti-Dragon Feared by Dragons who will run upon contact. Ares
Anti-Evil Feared by Evil who will run upon contact. Sphinx
Anti-Fiend Feared by Fiends who will run upon contact. Kyra
Anti-Ghost Feared by Ghosts who will run upon contact. Helldog
Anti-Good Feared by the Good who will run upon contact. Boltar
Anti-Holy Feared by the Holy who will run upon contact. Ishtar
Anti-Ogre Feared by Ogres who will run upon contact. Bushido

Other Powers[]

Skill Effect Demon
Alert LV1 Wary eye prevents some enemy 1st Hits. Scout, Clotho
Aroma LV1 Sweet scent sometimes tempts an enemy. Laksmi, Mandrake, Atropos
Electro LV1 Stores electric power to sometimes shock an enemy. Mokele, Boltrift, Konton
Plague LV1 Toxins sometimes poison a foe Mummy
Escape LV1 Sometimes handy when trying to escape. Fairy, Lindwurm
Focus LV1 Remains focused for a bit of magic boost. Agathion, Vishnu, Boldar
Fog LV1 Makes dodging attacks a bit easier. Pandora, Lusarka, Nemesis
Freeze LV1 Lame jokes sometimes freeze the enemy. Yeti, Gargoyle
Magnify LV1 Causes a bit more damage than usual. Bulmax, Roog, Zypher
Mute LV1 Strange laughter sometimes silences the enemy Roksaur, Teskarot
Stealth LV1 Stealth might allow a first hit. Talon, Vampire
Team Spirit Cheers allies to spur them on to victory. Aminoz
Cliffhanger Holds own even when seemingly down and out. Windling, Punkin, Azel
Odds Breaker Go for the win when the chips are down. Nex, Dydra, Karfu
Target Often targeted due to irritating presence. Skare
Invisibility Seldom targeted due to lack of presence. Korbacle, Elphine
Hyper Speed very hard to see due to extreme speed. Speedy, Slepnir, Firetung
Deadeye Seldom misses with sword or fist. Shogun, Warbolt
Last Resort Tries to drag a foe down when defeated. Coperia, Mokoy
Invincible Tough & strong, seldom fails in defeat. Skeltos
Survival Will run from battle if near death. Kokatris, Skyfish
Demon Magnet Popular nature seems to attract demons. Neptina, Mecci
Repulse Tough attitude seems to keep away demons. Shadomas, Surt
Repugnant So scary demons keep their distance Pazu, Satan
Camaraderie Goes berserk when an ally falls. Harkai, Saggath, Goku, Shudozi
Windfall Wins more cash than normal due to luck. Gogra, Jimna, Tork
Thick Hide Stands up to pain. Might be strong... or just dense Earthlok, Aqualok, Airlok, Flarlok
Stamina Seldom fazed by battle & quick to recover. Battlenet Undine, Rahab

Light Version - Dark Version
Playable Jin - Akira - Rand - Gale
Non-Playable Lena - Amy Kashihara - Shin - Drail - Judy - Bul - Guy - Naomi - Lucifer - Darklord - Lord Light - Imperius - Imperius - Quazir - Seipher
Rem Rem Elementary School - Playground - Rem Mall - Rem Park - Rem Blvd.
Future Rem Rem Mall (Future) - Rem Blvd. (Future) - Rem Park (Future)
Redwood Rem Mall (Future) - Sinra Forest - Redwood Town
DemWind Hueyville - Gateway - Wind Valley - Sword Cave - Kibra Woods - Wind Shrine - Wind Gate - Lost Forest - Galin Plains
DemCenter Center Town - Heldun Flats - Dark Palace - Orgel Room - Deep Hole
DemIce Frostville - Polar Wastes - Ace Base - Ice Cave - Ice Temple - Leader Home - Icy Wastes - Luna Prairie
DemSub Peril Forest - Underworld - Annwn Town
DemFire Helkane Peak - Volkanville - Mt. Giles - Myorl Town - Dark Path - Dark Temple
DemSand Valk Desert - Nobleville - Dune Desert - Howling - Light Path - Light Temple
Valhalla Time's Edge - Time Tower - Tower Area - Fanda Plains - Hermit - Duvegs Trail - Hydraville - Hydra Mine - Limbo - Inferno Pit - Foggy Marsh - Lair Area - Rebel's Lair - Jude Plains - Mount Falos - Elysium - Avalon - Rainy Woods - Tyrnanog
Terms Demiloc - Kingloc - Vinecom - DemiKid - Vinecenter - Battlenet
Lists Demons - Skills - Powers - Items
Other Media
Productions Animation (Episodes)
Publications Manga
Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Strikers - Tactica -Q2
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE