Kukunochi is the kami of trees, called "spirit of trees" (kodama) in Engishiki. According to Kojiki, Kukunochi was born after Izanagi and Izanami finished giving birth to the land. Nihongi likewise states that Kukunochi was born after Izanagi and Izanami had given birth to the various other kami of the sea, rivers and mountains. In his Kojikiden, Motoori Norinaga interpreted kuku to mean "stalk," and chi as a male honorific. Together with Toyoukehime, this kami is referred to as one of the yafunegami ("kami of houses"), and continues to be worshiped today on the occasion of roof raising ceremonies and the blessing of new houses.
Kukunochi can teach Nanashi the Tetrakarn, Makakaja and Energy Drain skills through his Demon Whisper. He benefits from learning support and Gun skills.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers[]
"The god of trees in Japanese lore. Also pronounced Kugunochi. Along with Toyouke-Hime, Kukunochi was a guardian of houses and is worshiped in house-raising events."