Kinmamon, also known as "the God from Beyond the Sea, Marebito," it is an enigmatic god from Japanese lore. It is related to Amaterasu, which is implied from the few known sources of Kinmamon. Kinmamon is an enigmatic and mysterious deity of Ryukyu Shinto, which is practiced on the Ryukyu Islands. Its connections with sea travel and suggestion that it brought life to the Ryukyu Islands imply that it was a deity introduced from across the sea. Kinmamon's name means "The True One," which is believed to be a title for shrine maidens, leading to the belief that Kinmamon is the deity of shrine maidens.
"The highest god of Ryukyu Shinto. He comes from the eternal kingdom of Nirai Kanai and has protected the Ryukyu Islands. There is a Yin and a Yang side to this deity; the one that came from the sky is Kiraikanaino Kinmamon, and the one that came from the sea is Ohokakerakuno Kinmamon. He is also a god who brings gifts of wisdom, and appears before people through women."
"The highest god of Ryukyu Shinto. He hails from the eternal kingdom of Nirai Kanai and has protected the Ryukyu Islands. There is a Yin and a Yang duality to this deity. The one that came from the sky is Kiraikanaino Kinmamon, and the one that came from the sea is Ohokakerakuno Kinmamon. He is also a god who brings gifts of wisdom, and appears before people through women."
—Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers 3DS compendium
Soul Hackers 2[]
"The highest god of Ryukyu Shinto, he hails from the eternal kingdom Nirai Kanai and has protected the Ryukyu Islands throughout the ages. There is a Yin and Yang duality to this deity, however, as the one that came from the sky is Kiraikanaino Kinmamon, and the one that came from the sea is Ohokakerakuno Kinmamon. He is also known for granting the gift of wisdom, and typically appears before people through women."
—Soul Hackers 2 demon info
Kinmamon is a demon of the Megami race and can be fused at the Cirque du Goumaden once Ringo is Level 34.
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]
"The head god of Ryuku Shintoism. He comes from the eternal kigdom Nirai Kanai and has protected the Ryukyu Islands. There is a Yin and Yang side to this deity; the part that came from the seas is Ohokakerakuno Kinmamon. He is also known to appear before people by possessing women."