Megami Tensei Wiki
Ken Amada
Japanese Name 天田 乾
Romaji Amada Ken
First Appearance Persona 3
Weapon Spears
Persona Nemesis, Kala-Nemi
Affiliation S.E.E.S
Japanese VA Megumi Ogata
English VA Mona Marshall

Ken Amada is a playable character from Persona 3. He is the youngest human member of SEES, and one of the two who don't attend Gekkoukan High School.



Persona 3

He is mature, but sometimes he is too precocious for his own good. He uses long spears to make up for his short stature. His Personae are equally as large (being the largest of the personae) to contrast his short stature, and can be used for healing, or to cast Light-based spells that occasionally instantly kill the enemy. He can also use single target Electricity spells.

Ikutsuki invites Ken to live in the SEES dorm because he is an orphan with no home to return to. He is revealed to have the potential to wield Persona and is asked to join the organization. Initially, the Main Character and his friends believe that Ken joined SEES out of altruism, but his true intentions are far darker. Ken's mother was accidentally killed by Shinjiro during a SEES mission, and Ken infiltrates SEES in order to kill him.

During Ken's inevitable confrontation with Shinjiro, Takaya intervenes and reveals that Ken has been planning to commit suicide after slaying his nemesis. He also reveals that Strega has been supplying Shinjiro with special drugs to control his Persona, and that the drugs will soon kill him. This completely shatters Ken’s hopes of revenge. After a brief fight between Shinjiro and Takaya, the Strega leader takes a shot at Ken. Shinjiro jumps in front of the bullet. Dying, he reminds Ken that he is still a child with a whole life ahead of him and a future that can be about more than vengeance. Shinjiro's last words inspire Ken to fight for the future his mother would have wanted for him.

In FES, it's revealed Ken drinks milk often in his free time when he's training his spear skills. He chose the Spear as his weapon to make up his lack of height, but is constantly drinking milk to get taller, to the point it makes him sick due to his dislike of being so short. He is also secretly a fan of the show Featherman R that is occasionally on TV in the Lounge, and collects the figurines fanatically.

Persona 3: FES

  • Initial Persona: Kala-Nemi

At the start of "The Answer", Ken is one of the few Sees members still staying in the dorm. Early on, he gets attacked by Metis because of a misunderstanding. During the debate to determine what to do with the keys, Ken sides with Akihiko, feeling the past shouldn't be tampered with. He believed that the Protagonist died because he used all his powers to protect everyone, and by tampering with the past, it would be disrespectful to his sacrifice.

Persona 3 Portable

Ken is now a Social Link of a currently unknown Arcana. His events take place at night.


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