Kazbiel, also known as Kazbeel and Kazbel, is a sinful angel given the responsibility of two oaths, named in the second section of the Book of Enoch, the book of "Parables." His name means "he who lies to God" and he was known as the "angel of the oath." He was sometimes treated as a fallen angel.
The first oath was Biqa, meaning "good person," a secret word that he asked the archangelMichael the pronunciation of. This oath revealed the angels in the Grigori that was to fall, that showed all the secrets of the heavens to man. The second oath was Akae. This oath revealed the secrets of the cycles of earth.
Kazbiel attempted to coerce Michael to tell him the hidden sacred name of God, but he was denied. He was compared and equaled with the fallen angels Asbeel and Kasdaye.
He is also referred by the name of "Kazfiel," which appears to be derived from Kafziel.
"Origin: Israel. The angel that rules over the south. Sent by God, he took control of the mass media to lead people to the path of God."
—Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary
Kazfiel disguised himself as a Messian in Tokyo Tower, which was converted into a location to broadcast news and prayers by the Order of Messiah to the people of Japan after the Great Cataclysm. He is also the director of the broadcasts as well. After the Echidna/Aniel incident, the director will ask if humans need God's help. If the protagonist says no while on the Neutral or Chaos path, the Messian will reveal himself as Kazfiel and attack.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey[]
"The sinful 'angel of the oath'. His original name was Biqa, meaning 'good person'. He attempted to coerce Michael to tell him the sacred name of God, but was denied. After the Fall, he was given the name Kazbiel, 'he who lies to God'."
—Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey compendium
Kazfiel appears as a summonable demon and an optional sub-boss in Sector Eridanus 3F. Once he has been defeated, both alone and fighting in tandem with Aniel, they will scan the protagonist's soul. If they find it to their liking (Law Path) they will unlock the door sealing Mother Harlot, the most powerful of the Fiends, and beg the protagonist to slay her and her dragons. Depending on the protagonist's choices, she can flee the battlefield after her defeat or be devoured by her beasts. Aniel and Kazfiel will both praise the protagonist and reward him with the most powerful Law-aligned sword in the game.
Shin Megami Tensei IV[]
Kazfiel appears in the Challenge Quest "Escorting Your Comrade." He appears in Naraku before Flynn can reach the Sky Terminal with Navarre, stating that it is the Lord's will that Navarre be slain as he is unworthy. Kazfiel must be defeated before Navarre can be lead to safety. He is later encountered on the Chaos and Neutral routes in Purgatorium - 1st Crown, where he repeats the exact same sentence as other bosses there.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]
"The sinful "angel of the oath." His original name was Biqa, meaning "good person." He attempted to coerce Michael to tell him the sacred name of God, but was denied. After the Fall, he was given the name Kazbiel, "he who lies to God.""
"The sinful "angel of the oath". His original name was Biqa meaning "good person". He attempted to coerce Michael into telling him the sacred name of God, but was denied. After the Fall, he was given the name Kazbiel, "he who lies to God"."