Megami Tensei Wiki

Indra is a demon in the series.


Indra is the Hindu god of war, weather, lightning, thunder, rain and river flows, along with being the King of the gods or Devas and Lord of Svargaloka (Heaven) in Hinduism. He was the most important god in the Vedic religion and he later became a major figure in Hinduism and an important deity in Buddhism.

Indra is bestowed with a heroic and almost brash and amorous character. The formidable thunderbolt-wielding Indra strikes an imposing figure but as king of the gods he is generally benevolent, being generous to his worshipers, guaranteeing peace and prosperity and delivering beneficial rainstorms to end droughts. He can also be called upon in times of war to give support with his divine weapons and favorable intervention.

Mentioned first as the chief deity in the sacred Hindu text of Rig Veda, Indra is bestowed with a heroic and almost brash and amorous character. His signature weapon is Vajra. His favorite drink is the divine drink Soma which grants immortality. He was also in trinity with Varuna and Mitra. While his epithet Verethragna is a God of Victory and the two are identified as separate aspects. Indra's arch-nemesis is either the dragon Vritra or the figure Indrajit.

He has always remained significant in Indian mythology, from Vedic to Puranic times, as the primary ruler of all devas, even as his reputation and role diminished in later Hinduism with the rise of the Trimurti. In Zoroastrianism, Indra is the name of an archdemon servant of Angra Mainyu whose eternal opponent is Asha. In Buddhism, he is the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings and is known as Sakra, or Taishakuten in Japan.



Shin Megami Tensei[]

"Origin: India. The Hindu god of rain and thunderstorms. He is known as a war god who wields a thunderbolt known as Vajra. He rides the white elephant Airavata and defeated Vritra, who was causing a drought. He was later embraced by Buddhism and became Sakra, leader of the four Devas."
Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS Dictionary

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

Indra acts as one of the five demons that controls the Pentalpha system. Players can align with him to fight against mobs representing the other demons within the system. Those fighting against him will face waves of demons belonging to the Goddess, Yoma, and Avian races.

By acquiring enough power for him, players can obtain the ability to fuse him in a special fusion of Ganesha and Zouchouten.

Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

Indra can only be created by using the Tora Stomachband Totem when fusing the Spell Cards from Hannya and Girimekhala.

Devil Children Red/Black[]

Indra is the leader of the Deva and leads them in their competition to see who will be the Maou of Marble Land. Indra is against the Rasetsu and Shura tribes taking over. He is the last ruler to battle Setsuna or Mirai and to be against them abdicating their rule of Marble Land. He is one of the three choices for becoming the new Maou.

DemiKids Light & Dark[]

"A cool and level-headed demon known for its quick and precise attacks."

Indra can perform the Light Combo Holy Attack with Midion, which deals damage to all foes for 25 MP. Indra can perform the Thunder combo Angry Skies with Makara and Trinos, which damages all foes and inflicts shock for 15 MP.

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2[]

Indra appears as the Atma Avatar of Roland. His signature weapon Vajra completely merges with his right arm but it is only used to attack while dealing critical damage, otherwise he simply extends the 2 chakras from his left hand for attack. The top half of his head is diminished into a concave shape which looks like a bowl. The blue diamond-shaped speckles dotting his body and converging on the lowest parts of his torso, legs and arms probably represent rainfall, referencing Indra's status as a god of storms.

Indra's arch-nemesis, Meganada appears in the story as well and instinctively hunts for Indra, causing Roland to flee.

In the novel adaptation Quantum Devil Saga, Indra doesn't exist, as Roland does not have an Atma.


Shin Megami Tensei[]

Indra SMT
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Deity Light-Law 72 840 999
53 2-3 163 30 76 23 16 15
St 35
In 13
Ma 14
Vi 20
Ag 21
Lu 14
Resistances Resists all magic Drop None
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Chg Dex Ndl Alm
- 48 68 68 48 78 28 28 Nu 28 28 68 - 48 -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Zionga 9 MP Strong lightning strikes one enemy, shocking it.
Mazionga 12 MP Strikes multiple enemies with strong lightning.
Tetraja 5 MP Blocks Energy Drain attacks from all enemies.

Shin Megami Tensei II[]

Indra SMT II
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Deity Light-Neutral 27 253 39
74 1-2 82 57 68 55 5 6
St 14
In 5
Ma 4
Vi 7
Ag 12
Lu 7
Inherit Elec
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Rsh Hnd Leg Fly Alm
- - - - Rf - - 28 - - - - - - - -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Zionga 9 MP Medium electrical damage to a single foe.
Mazionga 12 MP Medium electrical damage to a group of foes.
Dekaja 10 MP Removes all buffs, all foes.
Paraladi 6 MP Removes Paralysis ailment, one ally.
Recarm 12 MP Revives with 1/4 HP, one ally.
Panic Voice 2 MP Inflicts Panic ailment to all foes. (Bind-type)

Shin Megami Tensei: if...[]

Indra if
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Deity Light-Neutral 57 711 185
86 1-2 168 113 144 109 12 10
St 27
In 8
Ma 10
Vi 15
Ag 19
Lu 12
Inherit Elec
Resistances Drains Elec.
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Rsh Hnd Leg Fly Alm
- - - - ½Dr - - 28 - - - - - - - -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Ziodyne 18 MP Heavy Electric damage to a single foe.
Dekaja 10 MP Removes all buffs, all foes.
Panic Voice 2 MP Inflicts Panic ailment to all foes. (Bind-type)
Raijin Attack 10% HP Light Punch damage to all foes. Inflicts Shock.

Shin Megami Tensei NINE[]

DDS9 Indra
Race Alignment Level
Deity Light-Neutral 44
HP MP CP Capacity Build Speed Dest. Speed
408 164
- - - - - - -
St 23
In 7
Ma 8
Vi 13
Ag 16
Lu 10
Resistance Levels
St Sl Te Gu Th Fi Ic El Fo Ex De Mi Ne Al He
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +5dr +1 +7 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
List of Skills
Rampage Duel Double Thrust
Thunderbolt Dekaja Heavenly Mandate

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP Growth Inherit St Ma Vi In Sp Lu
Deity Law 67 826 300 Master Nauthiz Electric 57 75 46 79 74 30
Force Slot Close Long Spell Support P.Def M.Def Critical Crt.Def
4 69 80 58 64 29 29 50 30
Features Electricity Boost, Dragon Killer, The Greatest Fruit, Ferocious Stance (Mitama:Sakra) See also [1]
Default Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Thrust - A basic attack dealing charge damage to a single target.
Rage 11% HP Deals charge damage to all enemies in front of user.
Lightning Thrust 6% HP Deals electric damage to a single target and inflicts electric shock ailment (70%).
Counter - User enters a counter stance, responding to the next
enemy attack or rush move with a counterattack.
Gale 1 MP User enters a dodge stance, negating the next enemy shot or rapid move.
Panic Voice 12 MP A mind skill that inflicts panic (85%) on all enemies in range.
Mazio 11 MP Deals electric damage to all enemies in range and inflicts electric shock ailment (70%).
Rakukaja 3 MP Temporarily increases a single ally's physical defense by 5.
Can be stacked up to four times.
Learned Skills
Level Skill Cost Effect
68 Anti-Demon Stance 2 MP User enters a guard stance, decreasing damage taken from attack
and spin moves. Slows enemy's recovery from attacks.
70 Diarama 10 MP Recovers a medium amount of a single ally's HP.
73 Electrical Discharge 13% HP Deals electric damage to all enemies around user
and inflicts electric shock ailment (70%).
75 Manma 20 MP Deals expel damage to all enemies in range.
77 Fierce Counter - User enters a counter stance, responding to the next enemy
attack or rush move with a counterattack.
79 Dekaja 10 MP Removes all -kaja buffs from a single enemy.
80 Zionga 18 MP Deals electric damage to a single target and inflicts electric shock ailment (70%).
83 Mamakakaja 10 MP Temporarily increases surrounding allies spell and support by 8.
Can be stacked up to four times.
85 Deathbound 11% HP Deals slash damage to enemies in a straight line.
87 Tetrakarn 10 MP Reflects the next physical attack the user receives.
89 Mediarahan 26 MP Recovers a large amount of surrounding allies HP.
90 Electric Booster Passive Increases electric damage by 25%.
93 Hamaon 30 MP, 12 Mag Deals expel damage to a single target with a chance of instant death (10%).
95 Maziodyne 32 MP, 20 Mag Deals electric damage to all enemies in range and inflicts electric shock ailment (70%).

Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]

Race Level HP MP Mv Range Mv Type Atk Range MAG
Deity 56 347 120 7 Walk 1 -
St Ma In Ag Lu Atk P.Def M.Atk M.Def Hit Eva Crt
30 27 29 13 13 160 28 108 121 101 18 16
List of Skills
Skill Power Range Cost Target Effect
Mazionga 68 2 73 MP Multi 2x damage to Birds, Aerials, and Machines
Hellfire 100% 2 P. Extra Multi Fire based attack

Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

MIP Indra
Arcana Type Subtype Level SP cost Totem Returns °
Hierophant Light Electric 89 62 Tora Stomachband Holy Writ Tablet
MAtk MDef
Strength 45
Vitality 83
Dexterity 73
Agility 40
Luck 58
233 233
Affinity Nanjo
1h 2h Sp Ax Wp Th Ar Fs HG MG SG Ri Te Ru
- - - - - - - - - 1.5× - - - -
Fi Ic Wi Er El Nc Bl Gr Ex Mi De Cu Nr ???
24 24 ½Dr 24 Dr 1.25× 24 24 Dr Nu 1.75× 34 Nu
Special fusion Hannya x Girimekhala
List of Skills
Rank Skill Effect
1 Mahama Expel damage/Instant Grave kill (all foes)
4 Burning Spear Heavy Spear damage (1 foe)
5 Sanraigeki Medium Elec damage+Shock (area)
7 Dekaja Removes stat bonuses (all foes)
8 Maziodyne Heavy Elec damage+Shock (all foes)

Persona 2: Innocent Sin[]

Indra IS
I'm Indra... King of the army of thunderous storms. My other self, I will ever be with you.
Arcana Type Level SP cost Bonus Returns °
Emperor Wind 50 33 Dx +1 Soma x3
Traits Wise Ptalk Taksaka
Hindu god of war and lightning. Called Sakra in Buddhism.
Atk Def Matk Mdef
Strength 47
Vitality 38
Dexterity 39
Agility 45
Luck 38
194 176 118 116
Sw Rn Sk Th Hv Fi Wt Wi Er Ic El Nc Li Dk Al Nr Mn
- - - - - - - Nu - Rf - 24 24 - 24 24
Summon Information
Tarot Cards 150 Tarot Card Symbol 2 Emperor Cards
Mutates Into Indra mutates into Arthur
List of Skills
Rank Skill Effect
1 Blade of Fury Deal medium Sword damage to all enemies.
3 Zionga Deal medium Elec damage to one enemy. May shock. (30% chance)
4 Thunderous Fury Deal low Sword + Elec damage to all enemies.
5 Magarudyne Deal high Wind damage to an enemy group.
7 Rakukaja Increase one ally's physical defense.
8 Ziodyne Deal high Elec damage to one enemy. May shock. (30% chance)
Mutation Thunder Baptism Deal medium Elec damage to all enemies. May shock. (50% chance)
Unique Fusion Spells
Skill Effect Order/Skill/Persona
4 Shura Slash Four Personas attack in all directions
to deal large Sword damage to all enemies.
1. Thunderous Fury - Indra
2. Spinning Shot - Varuna
3. Blade of Fury - Bishamonten
4. Blade of Fury - Yama

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment[]

I am Indra... The lord of the army who leads the roar of thunder...
My comrade, I am always with you...
Arcana Type Level SP cost Bonus Returns °
Emperor Wind 52 33 TEC +1 Soma x 10
Traits Bluff, Wise Ptalk Kabandha, Takshaka
Lightning god who protects the eastern skies.
Atk Def Matk Mdef
Strength 49
Vitality 42
Technique 45
Agility 43
Luck 40
199 178 131 133
Sw Sh Sk Th Ak Fi Wt Wi Er Ic Ln Nc Ho Dk Al Nr Mn
- - - - - - - Nu - Rf - 24 24 - 24 24
Summon Information
Tarot Cards 156 Tarot Card Symbol 2 Emperor Cards
Mutates Into Mutates into Bacchus.
List of Skills
Rank Skill Effect
1 Blade of Fury Inflicts small Sword damage to a group of enemies.
2 Zionga Medium Lightning damage + Electrified effect to an enemy. (50% chance)
4 Wall of Air Nullifies Wind type attacks targeted toward the entire party. (Until battle ends)
5 Maha Garudyne Inflicts large Wind damage to a group of enemies.
6 Raku Kaja Enhances a character's Df.
8 Ziodyne Large Lightning damage + Electrified effect to an enemy. (50% chance)
Mutation Baptism by Thunder Large Lightning damage + Electrified effect to a group of enemies. (30% chance)
Unique Fusion Spells
Skill Effect Order/Skill/Persona
Quadra-Termination Inflicts huge Sword damage to all enemies. 1. Blade of Fury - Indra
2. Spiral Shot - Varuna
3. Blade of Fury - Bishamonten
4. Blade of Fury - Yama
Unknown Power
Attack Type Deals 500 or 250 non-elemental damage to all enemies.

Devil Children Black/Red/White Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Sun Boss 19 410 156 -
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
- - - - - -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Zionga Heavy damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock.
Saint Attack Heavy damage to one foe.
Lightning Thrust Light damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock.

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Sun Boss 19 205 78 200
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
18 16 17 15 14 15
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Zionga Metal 10 MP Heavy damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock.
Saint Attack Sun 35 HP Heavy damage to one foe.
Lightning Thrust Metal 15 HP Light damage to one foe. Inflicts Shock.
Makakaja Sun 6 MP Increases Magic for all allies.
Media Sun 12 MP Light HP recovery for all allies.
Mazio Metal 18 MP Light damage to all foes. Inflicts Shock.

DemiKids Light & Dark[]

Class Element Type Level HP MP Exp
King Thunder Good 17 182 69 135
17 16 16 15 14 15
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Shockburst Thunder 10 MP Medium dmg. 1 Foe
Doom Flash Light 35 HP Large dmg. 1 Foe
Shock Stab Thunder 15 HP Small dmg +Shock. 1 Foe
Spellboost Light 6 MP MGC Up. Party
Heal All Light 12 MP Minor HP recovery. Party
Shockdeus Thunder 8 MP Small dmg. 2 Foes
Combo Element Cost Effect Partner
Angry Skies Thunder 15 MP Dmg + Shock. Foes Makara / Trinos
Holy Attack Light 25 MP Dmg. Foes Midion

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
King Thunder God 17 182 69 135
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
17 16 16 15 14 15
List of Skills
Zionga Saint Attack Lightning Thrust
Makakaja Media Mazio

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Dx2 Indra Icon
Race Rarity Grade HP
6★ Stats
Strength 204
Magic 79
Vitality 181
Agility 190
Luck 159
Deity ★★★★★ 87 1220
Phys ATK Phys DEF Mag ATK Mag DEF See Also
758 631 495 568 [2]
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
Null - Weak Null - - -
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Archetype
Epitome of Interception Auto +15% to Phys hit rate, +20% to max HP. Innate
Thunder God's Fighting Spirit Auto Adds Phys Pierce. +20% to own effect on Battle Speed.
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: While in a state of Zenith, +15% to damage dealt, and -30% to Phys/Elec damage received.

At start of own turn: Puts self in a state of Charge, and places the party into a state of Zenith. (1 turn)

When an ally uses a Physical attack, Magical attack, or deals Fractional damage while user in in state of Charge: Inflict Phys damage (Physical, Power: 150) with a 50% Critical hit rate on a single enemy.

Indra 5 MP Inflicts Phys damage (Physical, Power: 150) with a 50% Critical hit rate on a single enemy. Damage inflicted by this skill will ignore Counter effects and all death prevention skills.

If attack is successful: Inflicts Phys damage (Physical, Power: 150) with a 50% Critical hit rate on a single enemy.

Vorpal Blade 7 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 140 power on All Enemies. Aragami
Phys Accele Auto +15% to Phys damage. +20% to own affect on Battle Speed. Aragami
Null Mute-Curse Auto Adds Null Mute and Null Curse Protector
Epitome of Martial Arts Auto +15% to hit rate. +10% to Phys damage. Protector
Phys Amp Auto +25% to Phys damage. Psychic
Epitome of Carnage Auto +20% to Critical hit rate, +15% to Phys damage. Psychic
Null Ice Auto Adds Ice Null. Elementalist
Phys Survivor Auto +15% to Phys damage and HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. Elementalist



  • The blue diamond-shaped speckles dotting Indra's body in Digital Devil Saga may be an allusion to the curse Gautama placed on him as punishment for seducing his wife, which resulted in a thousand vulvas appearing on his body and later turning into eyes after bathing in the Gautami river.

Deity Loki - Freyr - Arahabaki - Odin - Baal - Fudou Myouou - Brahman - Indra - Vishnu
Megami Ame no Uzume - Skuld - Kushinada - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Urd - Kikuri-Hime - Lakshmi
Tenma Agni - Ravana - Yama - Indrajit - Wu Kong - Mahakala - Shiva
Kishin Hitokotonusi - Kotosironusi - Oumononushi - Minakata - Nagasunehiko - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Kagutsuchii - Mikazuchi - Niou - Bishamonten
Vile Mishaguji - Tezcatlipoca - Orcus - Seth - Taotie
Femme Lamia - Taraka - Gorgon - Dakini - Scylla - Rangda - Hel - Hariti - Kali
Tyrant Dagon - Mephisto - Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodeus - Mara - Arioch - Surt - Astaroth - Satanachia - Beelzebub
Yoma Kimnari - Apsaras - Isora - Watcher - Loa - Onkot - Choronzon - Tengu - Kinnara - Ifrit - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Imp - Cyak - Nightmare - Lilim - Celuluk - Calon Arang - Incubus - Succubus - Vampire
Fairy Pixie - Goblin - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Dryad - Cait Sith - Gandharva - Rusalka - Kelpie - Elf - Banshee - Hobgoblin - Senri - Troll - Tam Lin - Dullahan - Cu Chulainn - Senko - Oberon
Seraph Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel
Divine Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Andras - Gamigin - Forneus - Berith - Sytry - Orobas - Leonard - Decarabia - Ose - Marchosias - Samael - Abaddon - Fleurety - Flauros - Sargatanas
Dragon Coatlicue - Ganga - Vritra - Baek Yong - Maya - Tiamat - Ananta
Snake Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Quetzalcoatl - Itzamna - Orochi - Pendragon
Drake Worm - Cockatrice - Wyrm - Wyvern - Basilisk - Serpent - Midgardsomr - Fafnir
Avian Feng Huang - Jatayu - Takuhi - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Badb Catha - Siren
Raptor Fuxi - Furiae - Gurr - Hresvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Bastet - Pegasus - Narasimha - Sphinx - Chimera - Barong
Holy Unicorn - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Qilin - Gui Xian
Beast Shanhui - Cu Sith - Tan-Ki - Nekomata - Stonka - Tammuz - Orthrus - Rakcharango - Cerberus - Pascal (first form) - Griffon - Pascal (second form)
Wilder Nue - Souyou - Tamamo - Manticore - Kraken - Fenrir
Touki Spartoi - Yaksini - Gozuki - Mezuki - Nezha - Minotaur - Yaksa - Talos
Brute Azumi - Bogle - Momunofu - Purski - Ibaraki Doji - Turdak - Shuten Doji
Jirae Brownie - Knocker - Kobold - Fachan - Tsuchigumo - Bugaboo - Dwarf - Kwancha - Sarutahiko - Giant - Atlas
Jaki Gremlin - Tun Kou - Orc - Wendigo - Lakhe - Barbegazi - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Girimekhala
Evil Spirit
Ghost Preta - Oshichi - Ghoul - Man Eater - Baykok - Sawo Bhaku - Sanni Yaka - Vetala - Lich
Spirit Ghost - Shade - Lemur - Pisaca - Larvae - Phantom - Legion
Undead Zombie - Zombie Lady - Obattarion - Zombie Cop - Bodyconian - Army Zombie - Corpse
Foul Hoodlum - Yakuza - Mou-Ryo - Slime - Black Ooze - Backbeard
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Therian Weredog - Werecat - Werewolf
Messian Cult Fanatic - Holy Knight - Magus - Scanner
Gaean Suicide Unit - Death Rider - Fallen Monk - Oni Jorou - Dark Priest - Assassin
Dog Pascal
Enemy Only
Machine Kugutsu - Bigfoot - Bit Ball - T93G - T95C/P - T95D
Fiend Daisoujou - Pale Rider - David
Deity Indra - Thor - Horus - Ashtar - Odin - Atavaka - Baal - Kalki - Virocana - Ardha
Megami Ame-no-Uzume - Skuld - Arianrhod - Kushinada-Hime - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Freyja - Parvati - Urd - Lakshmi
Amatsukami Ameno Torifune - Tajikarao - Omoikane - Hinokagutsuchi - Takemikazuchi - Tsukuyomi - Amaterasu
Fury Ares - Chernobog - Seiten Taisei - Susano-o - Shiva
Lady Ta-weret - Hariti - Kikuri-hime - Durga - Ishtar - Kali
Kunitsukami O-Yamatsumi - Sukunahikona - Hitokotonushi - Sarutahiko - Kotoshironushi - O-namuchi - Takeminakata - Arahabaki
Vile Naragiri - Tezcatlipoca - Nyarlathotep - Amon - Pazuzu - Cthulhu
Yoma Mercurius - Apsaras - Haokah - Tengu - Djinn - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Alp - Empusa - Nightmare - Lilim - Vampire - Nyx
Fairy High Pixie - Jack Frost - Jack O'Lantern - Dark Elf - Banshee - Elf - Nadja - Cu Chulain - Oberon - Titania - Dullahan
Tyrant Hecate - Loki - Astaroth - Bael - Mara - Beelzebub - Mephisto - Asmodeus - Satanachia - Lucifer
Herald Remiel - Tzaphkiel - Haniel - Raguel - Ophanim - Kushiel - Sariel - Kamael - Metatron - Satan
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion
Fallen Ukobach - Gagyson - Betelgeuse - Eligor - Baphomet - Berith - Gaap - Agares - Sargatanas
Dragon Maya - Pek Young - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Itzamna - Rahabh - Ananta
Snake Nozuchi - Naga - Mizuchi - Oto-hime - Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Vritra - Yamata-no-Orochi
Drake Worm - Wyvern - Tarasque - Nidhoggr - Kingu - Tiamat - Midgardsomr
Avian Suparna - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Suzaku - Garuda - Takuhi
Flight Bennu - Ocypete - Kelaino - Aello - Nemhain - Macha - Morrigan
Raptor Chon Chon - Furiae - Gurr - Anzu - Hraesvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Sphinx - Narasinha - Anubis - Genbu - Barong
Holy Heqet - Unicorn - Apis - Bastet - Pabilsag - Byakko
Beast Cait Sith - Cu Sith - Nekomata - Orthrus - Selket - Gdon - Kerberos - Pascal I - Pascal II
Wilder Garm - Bicorn - Nue - Gyu-Ki - Black Widow - Scylla - Manticore - Behemoth
Jirae Knocker - Sudama - Dverger - Tsuchigumo - Ubelluris - Titan
Brute Ihika - Azumi - Hannya - Turdak - Yakshini - Ibaraki Doji - Shuten-Doji - Yaksha
Femme Hag - Lamia - Arachne - Cailleach Bheare - Gorgon - Volvo - Rangda
Jaki Gremlin - Wendigo - Ogre - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Ekimmu - Girimekra - Hecatonchires
Evil Spirits
Undead Zombie Dog - Zombie - Bodyconian - Workaholic - Zombie Priest - Corpse
Haunt Gaki - Ghoul - Ghoulette - Man Eater - Yaka - Vetara
Spirit Poltergeist - Hanged Man - Depth - Inferno - Legion
Foul Slime - Jack the Ripper - Chris the Car - Black Ooze - Doppelganger - Old One
Demonoid Spartan - Oracles - Slave - Heracles - Demi-Nandi - Frankie
Messian Butcher - Neophyte - Executioner - Temple Knight - Gyrator - Terminator - Adept
Gaean Kugutsushi - Jiraiya - Onmyoji - Ashura - Kamen-Hijiri
Element Earthies - Aeros - Aquans - Flamies - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Wood Audrey - Mandrake - Alraune - Yggdrasil
Enemy-exclusive Races
Machine Crazy Dummy - Iron Maiden - Junk - Golem - Rabbi - Medusa
Vaccine Jaws - Police
Virus Moebius - Spider - Andromeda
Fiend Ghost Q - Alice - Hell's Angel - Matador - Sage of Time
Deity Vishnu - Baal - Odin - Horus - Thor - Indra - Thoth
Megami Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Freya - Scathach - Hathor - Ameno-Uzume
Amatsukami Amaterasu - Tsukuyomi - Take-Minakata - Hinokagutsuchi - Omoikane - Tajikarao
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Kartikeya - Indrajit - Ares
Lady Kali - Anat - Isis - Artemis - Parvati - Kikuri-Hime - Kushinada-Hime
Kunitsukami Arahabaki - Take-Mikazuchi - O-namuchi - Sarutahiko - Sukuna-Hikona
Vile Seth - Abraxas - Nyarlathotep - Tezcatlipoca - Baphomet
Reaper Mot - Guedhe - Chernobog - Persephone - Hel
Yoma Hanuman - Ganesha - Valkyrie - Ifrit - Jinn - Isora - Apsaras - Kinnari
Fairy Titania - Oberon - Cu Chulainn - Elf - Gandharva - Jack Lantern - Jack Frost - Pixie
Night Succubus - Incubus - Lilim - Empusa - Alp
Tyrant Astaroth - Lucifuge - Surtr - Loki - Moloch - Hecate
Divine Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Gomory - Berith - Decarabia - Forneus - Eligor
Dragon Ananta - Ganga - Seiryu - Quetzalcoatl - Coatlicue
Snake Yamata no Orochi - Raja Naga - Mizuchi - Naga - Nozuchi
Drake Nidhoggr - Basilisk - Kingu - Typhon - Tarasque
Avian Garuda - Suzaku - Phoenix - Feng Huang
Flight Morrigan - Jatayu - Aello - Celaeno - Ocypete - Harpy
Raptor Hresvelgr - Zhen - Anzu - Furiae - Cockatrice
Avatar Barong - Genbu - Anubis - Nandi - Bai Ze
Holy Sleipnir - Byakko - Qi Lin - Sphinx - Unicorn
Beast Cerberus - Gryphon - Orthrus - Nekomata - Cu Sith - Cait Sith
Wilder Fenrir - Catoblepas - Nue - Bicorn -Garm
Jirae Titan - Ubelluris - Dwarf - Sudama - Knocker
Brute Rangda - Yaksa - Yaksini - Turdak- Azumi
Jaki Hecatoncheir - Girimehkala - Edimmu - Cyclops - Rakshasa - Ogre
Element Flamies - Aquans - Aeros - Earthies
Fiend Yoshitsune - Alice - Jeanne D'Arc
Spirit Vetala - Legion - Yaka - Preta - Poltergeist
Foul Slime
Enemy/Bosses only
Human Samejima - Miura - Wakazou - Gyaru - Yojinbo - Baraki and Sumire - Mubiora and Miranda
Ranger Green Bear - Maximan - Herunaasu - Feji Adonis - Bucchi
Gaean Gaian Believer - Seri - Hayashi
Herald Raguel
Messian Tsuzumi
Cyber Idea Angel
Kou Sojin Maria
Devil Lucifer
Unknown Abaddon - Adam - Eve - Yaldabaoth
Fool Arcana Tenjiku Tokubei - Narukami - Kamakura Gongoro
Magician Arcana Houri - Urvashi - Cu Chulainn - Hermod - Varuna - Frey - Hanuman - Ildanach
Priestess Arcana Maso - Ame no Uzume - Sati - Hathor - Urdr - Tensen Nyannyan - Usas - Verdandi - Laksmi - Skuld
Empress Arcana Vesta - Mokosh - Arianrhod - Brigid - Seioubo - Durga - Ishtar - Kali
Emperor Arcana Seimen Kongou - Airgetlam - Brahma - Marduk - Odin - Baal - Amen Ra - Vishnu
Hierophant Arcana Yama - Aizen Myouou - Shouki - Ogma - Take-Mikazuchi - Thor - Fuhedi Mergane - Indra
Lovers Arcana Pixie - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack
Chariot Arcana Ogun - Gozu-Tennou - Hokuto Seikun - Seiten Taisei - Susano-o - Shiva
Strength Arcana Otohime
Hermit Arcana Fuutai - Aonbarr - Byakko
Fortune Arcana Cerberus
Justice Arcana Nemhain - Triglav - Macha - Verethragna - Morrigan - Tyr - Bishamonten - Pallas Athena
Hanged Man Arcana Barbatos
Death Arcana Hel - Ankou - Mot
Temperance Arcana Anubis - Genbu
Devil Arcana Bres - Loki - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Tower Arcana Nyarlathotep - Amatsu Mikaboshi
Star Arcana Janus
Moon Arcana Lilim - Succubus
Sun Arcana Bennu - Vidofnir - Yatagarasu - Suzaku - Garuda
Judgement Arcana Nike - Phaleg - Azrael - Armaiti - Yamaoka - Michael - Satan - Vohu Manah
World Arcana Quetzalcoatl - Illuyanka - Seiryuu - Mucalinda - Shokuin
Major Arcana
Fool Sarutobi Sasuke - Tenjiku Tokubei - Tobi Katou - Fuuma Kotarou
Magician Tengu - Agrippa - Abe no Seimei - Manannan - Isis
Priestess Tensen Nyannyan - Sif - Parvati - Izanami - Hathor - Lakshmi
Empress Vesta - Arianrhod - Nemesis - Seioubo - Durga - Kali - Gaia
Emperor Airgetlam - Marduk - Baal - Huracan - Indra - Odin - Vishnu
Hierophant Xuanzang - Umayadono-Ouji - Sakya - Yama - Mithra - Varuna - Brahma
Lovers Eros - Pixie - Robin Goodfellow - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Eros Prime - Vivian - Venus
Chariot Minotaur - Taranis - Seiten Taisei - Susano-O - Ares - Mahakala - Shiva
Strength Longma - Otohime - Culebre - Taksaka - Vritra
Hermit Nekomata - Marshal Tianpeng - Gullinbursti - Byakko - Genbu - Kinich Ahau
Fortune Hermes - Cerberus - Chronos - Urd - Verdandi - Skuld - Fenrir
Justice Mars - Nezha - Kundali Vidyaraja - Skanda - Bishamonten - Pallas Athena
Hanged Man Shax - Kabandha - Barbatos - Adramelech
Death Rhadamanthus - Hel - Rhadamanthus Prime - Ankou - Charon - Hades - Mot
Temperance Harpy - Fjalar - Stymphalides - Phoenix - Suzaku
Devil Poltergeist - Surt - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Tower Kanaloa - Loki - Aeshma - Seker - Seth
Star Kinnara - Iris - Gandharva - Juanlian Dajiang - Hoenir - Valkyrie - Hanuman
Moon Maia - Pairika - Maia Prime - Succubus - Artemis - Tsukuyomi - Nanna
Sun Vulcanus - Surya - Kinich Kakmo - Vulcanus Prime - Heimdall - Ildanach - Apollo - Virochana
Judgement Phaleg - Angel - Principality - Melchizedek - Armaiti - Throne - Ameretat - Michael - Satan
World Demeter - Njord - Hunab Ku - Mucalinda - Seiryu - Ouroboros
Minor Arcana
Coin Fukurokuju - Ebisu - Sarasvati
Cups Galahad - Bacchus - Dagda
Sword Cu Chulainn - Arthur - Futsuno Mitama
Wand Budai - Shou Shen - Quetzalcoatl
Major Arcana
Fool Sarutobi Sasuke - Tenjiku Tokubei - Tobi Katou - Junnosuke Kuroda - Fuuma Kotarou
Magician Tengu - Agrippa - Abe no Seimei - Manannan - Isis - Rangda
Priestess Tensen Nyannyan - Sif - Parvati - Izanami - Hathor - Scathach - Lakshmi
Empress Arianrhod - Nemesis - Seioubo - Rinok - Kali - Gaia
Emperor Airget Lam - Marduk - Baal - Hurakan - Indra - Odin - Lugh - Vishnu
Hierophant Genjo - Aizen Myouou - Umayado no Ouji - Shaka - Yama - Mithra - Varuna - Alfred - Brahma
Lovers Pixie - Robin Goodfellow - Jack Frost - Jack O' Lantern - Vivian - Alice
Chariot Minotaur - Taranis - Seiten Taisei - Susano-O - Ares - Mahakala - Siva
Justice Helios - Mars - Nata - Gundari Myouou - Skanda - Bishamonten - Hyperion - Pallas Athena
Hermit Nekomata - Tenhou Gensui - Grinbulsti - Byakko - Genbu - Kinich Ahau - Tishtoriya
Fortune Cerberus - Urd - Verdandi - Skuld - Fenrir - Gyokukou Joutei
Strength Ryume - Otohime - Kerepres - Takshaka - Vritra - Wong Long
Hanged Man Odysseus - Shax - Kabandha - Barbatos - Adramelech - Prometheus - Azazel
Death Hel - Ankou - Charon - Mot
Temperance Harpie - Fearal - Stuparideth - Phoenix - Suzaku
Devil Poltergeist - Surt - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Tower Kanaloa - Loki - Aeshma - Seker - Hastur - Seth
Star Callisto - Kimnara - Iris - Gandharva - Kenren Taishou - Heinir - Valkyrie - Astria - Hanuman - Fariedone
Moon Maia - Pariker - Maia Custom - Succubus - Tsukuyomi - Maihime Amano - Artemis - Nanna
Sun Surya - Kinich Kakmo - Heimdal - Il-Dana - Tatsunoshin Suou - Apollo - Virochana
Judgement Phaleg - Nike - Melchisedec - Armati - Amurtart - Gabriel - Michael - Satan
World Demeter - Njord - Hunab Ku - Mucalinda - Seiryu - Uroboros - Shokuin
Minor Arcana
Rod Hotei - Nankyoku Roujin - Nodens - Quetzalcoatl
Cups Matsuo-sama - Galahad - Bacchus - Dagda
Sword Kanshou - Chu Chulainn - Arthur - Futsuno Mitama
Pentacle Fukurokuju - Yebisu - Peri - Sarasvati